Chapter 993

Qin Yun’s heart is filled with happiness as he left the secret room and arrived at the 1st floor of the pagoda.

Granny Star walked over and said : “Xiao Yun, city master Murong came to find you twice. Since you were cultivating, I did not disturb you. He said that as soon as you are out of seclusion, you should immediately go find him. He has some urgent matters to discuss with you.”

Qin Yun nodded and immediately left Star Traveling Pagoda for Murong Manor. Murong Manor is bustling with activity. It is all because city master Murong has the Mysterious Penetration Dao Talisman. Since it can extract the Regent Origin Stones inside Ghost Beast Emperor’s essence stone, people are gathering at Murong Manor. These days even powerful Half Immortals are hunting Ghost Beast Emperors, they are doing this to accumulate resources for their younger generations. Naturally many Martial Emperors have died inside but just to obtain resources, many people are risking dangers. After arriving at the Murong Manor, Qin Yun entered through a backdoor. He has a jade token that allows him to directly meet city master Murong at his residence. City master Murong was receiving guests outside, as soon as he heard that Qin Yun has arrived, he hastily came over.

“Brother Yun, you have finally came out of seclusion, very good!” city master Murong said : “I have already collected 10 best quality Regent Origin Stones, old Feitian has also finished collecting.”

“Alright.” Qin Yun nodded with smile.

“Oh that’s right, I have heard some news, Ordinary Realm people has arrived!” city master Murong said : “You are from Ordinary Realm, this should concern you, right?”

“How many have come? What kind of people are they?” Qin Yun hastily asked.

“Brother Yu has gone to inquire, we will know very soon.” city master Murong said with smile : “I heard that these group of people are rushing towards Dragon Sect!”

After hearing, Qin Yun rather happily asked : “After approximately how much time can brother Yu return?”

“Wait a moment, I will ask.” city master Murong took out a sound transmission magic tool and contacted Ying Chengyu.

After a while, he said : “Brother Yu said that those people are on road between Ordinary Realm and Xuan Domain, brother Yu is trying to catch up to them. Brother Yun, do you know these people?”

Qin Yun shook his head and said : “I am still not certain whether or not I know them, I have to first get the news from brother Yu.”

City master Murong took out 3 best quality Regent Origin Stones and said with smile : “Brother Yun, do you have a Nine Condensation Dao Talisman? I want to buy one.”

“I do.” Qin Yun took out a talisman and handed it over.

City master Murong very happily laughed and said : “One of my younger generations will become Martial Emperor very soon! Many thanks brother Yun!”

Qin Yun laughed : “You are welcome, I will go find old Feitian.”

Before leaving he handed over 10 Mysterious Penetration Dao Talismans to city master Murong and then left for old Feitian’s Tian Family Manor. Old Feitian gave him 10 best quality Regent Origin Stones and then again another 3 best quality to buy a Nine Condensation Dao Talisman. Qin Yun just walked around and obtained 26 best quality Regent Origin Stones!

What is even more amazing is that the Regent Stone Mothers have also produced Regent Origin Stones but their quality is still rather low, Qin Yun has to wait for a period of time for their quality to go higher. For many months, these Regent Stone Mothers have incessantly absorbed the energy of two Immortal Origins and finally produced Regent Origin Stones.

After leaving old Feitian’s home, Qin Yun returned to Star Traveling Pagoda. For a long time, Jian family of Ordinary Realm wanted to unify all the sects and attack Xuan Domain. Now they have unified, they are coming to attack Dragon Sect. Dragon Sect had always been trying to suppress Jian family, not only they failed to do so, they even pissed off Jian family. Now Jian family is coming to settle the debt.

Jus as he returned, Qin Yun saw Hong Mengshu is sitting in the reception hall of Star Traveling Pagoda. Hong Mengshu hastily stood up as she saw Qin Yun, her expression is filled with worry and anxiety.

“Mengshu. what’s going on?” Qin Yun asked.

“Xiao Tian and others are gone! After I returned to Ancient Star Pagoda, I found out that more than 100 people have been missing.. I asked an elder and he said they were all sent outside to gain experience!” Hong Mengshu said.

“Where were they sent? Ancient Star Pagoda people are not fighting type, why would they be sent outside?” Qin Yun said with frown : “Then what about Yanyan and sister Kang? Are they in Ancient Star Pagoda?”

“They are also missing! Among the hundred people half are young and other half are old, there are Martial Emperors and Half Immortals among them! This matter is not at all normal because there are many old elders among them who never get out, yet now they are also gone!” Hong Mengshu said.

Qin Yun originally wanted to go find Yu Shutian to ask if she made any progress but now this kind of thing happened. He walked back and forth a few times and then asked : “Did you send sound transmission to Xiao Tian?”

Hong Mengshu said : “I did but she did not respond!”

Qin Yun took out a Spirit Chasing Talisman, Yu Shutian’s aura and Soul Power have been stored inside it, so it can track her position. But the talisman failed to detect her position. Qin Yun’s expression immediately became grave, he is now sure that this matter is not at all simple.

“Unable to track Xiao Tian’s position, this means she is in an environment where space power has been isolated!” Qin Yun tightly pinched that talisman and asked : “Did you manage to meet the pagoda master of Ancient Star Pagoda?”

“Pagoda master has brought along people to go investigate the Ghost Beast situation. The matters of pagoda are now being held by senior elder. Senior elder also said that those hundred people were sent out to gain experience, however he did not tell me anything specific. I keep feeling that they are hiding something.” Hong Mengshu spoke while anxiously walking back and forth.

At this time Granny Star arrived. Qin Yun told her what Hong Mengshu said.

After hearing, Granny Star said : “Ancient Star Pagoda’s senior elder can not be trusted, he is colluding with 1st pagoda. I will immediately go there and try to find out what is going on. I know many elders of Ancient Star Pagoda.”

Qin Yun is worried that Hong Mengshu would also have an accident and did not let her go. After they waited for several hours, Granny Star returned.

“Ancient Star Pagoda has changed...” Granny Star said solemnly.

“Granny Star, what exactly is going on in Ancient Star Pagoda?” Hong Mengshu very anxiously asked.

“I also don’t know, those guys are trying very hard to conceal something! About 500 people are missing from the Ancient Star Pagoda, most of them are elites in the study of stars and starry sky! Those guys never go out, at most they go to the pagoda roof to look at the stars!” Granny Star also feels that something odd is going on.

Qin Yun suddenly thought of something. Researching stars, it must have something to do with Ancient Domain because Ancient Domain is in the starry sky. Someone must have taken away all of these people.

“What did the elders of the Ancient Star Pagoda said?” Qin Yun asked.

“All the people I know in Ancient Star Pagoda have disappeared! I can’t even reach them with sound transmission tool!” Granny Star said in low voice : “What are those guys in Ancient Star Pagoda doing?”

“1st pagoda’s Yang Chongtian definitely knows something!” Qin Yun’s eyes narrowed as he spoke.

“Even if Yang Chongtian knows, he won’t tell us anything!” Granny Star now also realizes that the situation is grave.

Qin Yun must find Yu Shutian because he is the key to entering Ancient Domain. He said : “I will go to Ancient Star Pagoda immediately!”

“I will also go with you.” Granny Star hastily said and began walking.

Just as they arrived to the door, they saw an old man walking over. This old man is someone from Ancient Star Pagoda.

Granny Star is somewhat amazed as she said : “Old Zhao, what matter have you come here for?”

Old Zhao’s expression is filled with sadness as he said with sigh : “Our Ancient Star Pagoda’s pagoda master has been killed by Ghost Beast Overlord! Our Ancient Star Pagoda is convening the pagoda masters of all pagoda to discuss how to deal with the Ghost Beast Overlord. Please come to Ancient Star Pagoda tomorrow.”

“I understand, our Star Traveling Pagoda’s pagoda master will also be there!” Granny Star let out a long sigh and said : “My condolences.”

Old Zhao nodded and left. Qin Yun and Granny Star looked at each other, apparently they both thought of same thing.

“Ancient Star Pagoda’s pagoda master was not killed by Ghost Beast Overlord at all!” Qin Yun said.

“I also feel this way!” Granny Star said with frown : “Several hundred people from Ancient Star Pagoda suddenly disappeared and then their pagoda master was killed outside, this is no coincidence!”

“What the hell is going on in Ancient Star Pagoda?” Hong Mengshu said very anxiously : “Xiao Tian must not have any accident!”

“We will go to the Ancient Star Pagoda tomorrow! Granny Star, we will go together!” Qin Yun said.

Very late at night, Qin Yun and Granny Star left for Ancient Star Pagoda. Ancient Star Pagoda is very tall and very large, it also looks quite ancient but still very sturdy. After arriving, Granny Star brought Qin Yun inside the pagoda and then led him into a bright and wide lounge. There are many tables and chairs in this lounge. Qin Yun and Granny Star are the first to arrive, there are no one else present.

At daybreak, many people began arriving. All the pagoda masters arrived along with their pagoda’s elders. All of them are Half Immortals. No long after, Qin Yun saw Yang Chongtian and Zhang Rong arrive. These guys lost miserably last time but now it seems like they are very happy. It seems like they are in great mood. Seeing them appear, many pagoda masters hastily got up and rushed over to greet these two people while trying to outdo each other in showing respect.

There only a very few people who are just sitting on their seats without moving. Among them there are two old men from Divine Sword Pagoda. They are the pagoda master and elder of Divine Sword Pagoda. They are very tall and thin, they look exactly the same, they are twin brothers. Their strength is very dreadful, it is said that they are the ranked 1st and 2nd in strength among 6th tribulation Half Immortals in Hundred Pagoda Sect. These two old men have very detached, aloof and proud appearance. Even if someone went over to greet them, they did not pay attention to them, they are just sitting there with cold expression.

After Yang Chongtian arrived, he saw Qin Yun is here, he immediately said with sneer : “Granny Star, how can this little thing attend this kind of meeting? Quickly tell him to get out or else he will just talk rubbish!”

Everyone knows that Qin Yun and Yang Chongtian has great enmity. It especially escalated after the incident with Ghost Beast Emperor. If these pagoda masters did not want to offend Yang Chongtian, they would have already come over to greet Qin Yun and try to buy Mysterious Penetration Dao Talisman.

Zhang Rong said with sneer : “Apart from Qin Yun everyone here is a Half Immortal, what is his business here? Moreover we will be discussing top secret negotiations, this guy Qin Yun has unknown origin and uses fake identity, we will not feel relieved with him here!”

Qin Yun immediately stood up and shouted : “Yang Chongtian, Zhang Rong, you two sniveling dogs! You two swindled your own disciples and still have the nerve to talk in front of me! Also don’t forget who it is that drove away Dragon Sect! If it were not for me, all of you would have been hungry in cold winter, you actually dare to question my qualification!”

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