Chapter 126: The Emperor

Olivia immediately shook her head, trying to maintain a casual tone. "No, Mother. I was just curious to know if anyone else got knocked out like I did."

Nadia's azure eyes, continued to study her daughter. Olivia felt like she was being pierced by those eyes, trying to unravel the very threads of her soul.

She was intensely aware of the need to maintain her facade, keeping the secret of the enigmatic man and the intimate connection they had shared.

If her parents or anybody else knew that she lost her virginity to a stranger before even getting married, she would be in deep seated trouble and her parents might also suffer because of it.

Yet, the fact that the man left her just like that continued to gnaw at her.

Her heart ached at the realization that perhaps he didn't really care about her as she had thought.

Fortunately, to her relief, Nadia let out a sigh, the weight of relief and lingering concern evident in that exhale, "I'm just glad you're safe now. But, Olivia," she began, with a tone that indicated a mix of love and warning, "I don't want to bring this up, especially not now that you seem to be recovering, but our special guest, the Emperor, is about to reach our palace. They arrived a bit late, and that's fortunate. We would've been in an embarrassing situation and lost face had you not returned in time."

Olivia's face turned a shade pinker in guilt. She lowered her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Mother. I promise, I'll get ready quickly and go greet our guest. Please give me a few moments."

Nadia's face softened as she walked over to her daughter, placing a gentle hand on her cheek. "My dear Olivia," she whispered, pressing a loving kiss on Olivia's forehead, "you know I will always love you, no matter what. But you need to understand the weight of your responsibilities. I may not be so understanding the next time. And your father won't also spoil you. You are a grown up woman now."

Olivia nodded, the gravity of her mother's words settling in.

As her mother left the room, the young princess couldn't help but let her thoughts drift back to the mysterious man. A throbbing ache to at least see and talk to him once again.

Else how was she supposed to deal with all these feelings storming inside her?

Olivia found her hand caressing her lower belly. Even if she was in a half-conscious state at that time, she still remembered how deep his…hot meatrod went inside her and made her experience a multitude of things she was struggling to remember now.

But she then slapped her cheeks and decided to not get lost in these feelings and deal with them after she greets the special guest. She knew how important this was, especially to her father.


The air was thick with anticipation as a grand procession made its way through the city streets, the sound of drums echoing with a rhythmic cadence that seemed to make the very earth tremble. The city folk lined the streets, trying to catch a glimpse of the illustrious visitor, their chatter a soft murmur against the booming of the drums.

A colossal chariot, drawn by eight majestic white steeds, was the centerpiece of the procession. Intricately carved and overlaid with gold, the chariot glittered in the moonlight, its wheels thundering against the cobblestones.

Flanking it were rows of armored guards, their armor polished to a mirror finish, marching in impeccable formation. Behind them, a troupe of musicians played a epic melody, adding to the atmosphere of grandeur and solemnity.

At the main entrance of the royal palace, Yiman stood, his posture upright, though anyone who knew him could detect the subtle rigidity in his shoulders.

Nadia, ever perceptive, noticed the slight tension in his jaw, the way his fingers twitched at his side. She reached out, her fingers intertwining with his, offering silent support.

"Forget everything for a moment, my love," she whispered, her voice soft yet firm, "Today is a good day. Everything will be alright."

Yiman turned to her, the depths of his gray eyes revealing a whirlwind of emotions. "Thank you, Nadia," he replied, bringing her hand to his lips and planting a gentle kiss on her knuckles.

Olivia watched the scene with bated breath, her heart thudding loudly in her chest. The looming presence of the chariot, the mysterious aura surrounding it, and knowing that the most powerful person in the world was sitting inside made her feel a bit anxious.

As the chariot drew to a halt, a hush descended upon the gathered crowd. The door of the chariot creaked slowly open, revealing a hint of red fabric and the glint of golden embroidery.

The assembled nobles and officials shifted uneasily, their collective breaths held in suspense.

The crier, a tall man dressed in ceremonial armor, stepped forward with an air of importance. With a deep inhalation, he boomed, "The Emperor descends!"

As the proclamation echoed through the palace grounds, a delicate, jade-colored shoe, embroidered with phoenix motifs, made its first appearance. It touched the ground softly, but its impact was profound. All who witnessed the moment fell to one knee, heads bowed in reverence, and the air became thick with a silent tension.

Yiman, Nadia, and Olivia remained upright, but lowered their heads in a deep bow, a gesture of profound respect reserved only for the highest of dignitaries. The quiet was palpable, interrupted only by the faint rustling of fabrics and the gentle jingling of jewelry.

"Rise," came the soft command, its cadence gentle, yet authoritative.

As Yiman lifted his head, his eyes met the sight of the Emperor, and he found himself momentarily breathless.

The Emperor, or Empress Xinmei, was a vision to behold. Her skin was porcelain, unblemished and smooth, contrasting starkly against the rich crimson of her silken robes.

Intricate golden patterns adorned her attire, accentuating the graceful curve of her waist and the fullness of her well-endowed bosom. Her raven-black hair, cascading like a waterfall, was pinned up elegantly with hairpins encrusted with precious gems, while a few tendrils framed her ethereal face.

Her silver eyes, deep and enigmatic, shimmered like the moon, exuding an air of mystery. A faint blush adorned her high cheekbones, adding to the allure of her plump, rose-hued lips. Every aspect of her, from the delicate arch of her eyebrows to the refined slope of her nose, was perfection personified.

Yiman was at a loss of words. She hadn't aged a day or…it seemed as if she had only grown more beautiful compared to the last time he saw her.

As Empress Xinmei moved gracefully forward, the soft rustle of her robes complemented the clinking sound of the tiny golden bells sewn along the hem. Every step she took was deliberate and controlled, exemplifying her immense power and stature.

Nadia slightly furrowed her brows and could see why this woman was the only one that could make even Yiman anxious in many ways.

Olivia was awed by the beauty of the Empress and felt that her mother finally had a rival in beauty. Even her huge bosom matched the size of her pregnant mother.

Drawing closer, she stopped a mere few feet away from Yiman, her piercing gaze landing on him and making him come out of his daze.

And then, in a voice that was both cold and melodic, she addressed him.

"King Yiman," she began, her voice dripping with a controlled charisma, "It has been many seasons since our paths last crossed."

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