Chapter 23: Pirates

After what seemed like a long time, Jones felt that Shillong had finally stopped.

Still seeing the blue sea from the cracks between his claws, Jones asked curiously “Your Excellency Shillong, is there anything bothering you?”

”No.” Shillong replied, “I saw something interesting. It’s perfect as a farewell gift.”

After speaking, Shillong turned around and dived towards the sea


On the blue sea, a 30 to 40 meters long ship was slowly sailing on the ocean.

Many people gathered near the bow.

Five burly men in wild clothes were standing on the bow and two men were hanged on the sail poles.

These five wildly dressed men are very different in terms of age, the oldest is more than 40 years old and the youngest is only 20 years old.

At this moment, these wild men were sitting on the ground without paying attention to their images. They looked at the two tied up men with a disdainful and joking look while taking a sip from the ale in their hands from time to time.

In front of them, the two men who were tied up were both middle-aged. Their clothes were already in tatters, with pieces of flesh, skin, and blood seeping from them. The two men hung their heads feebly, their eyes were filled with despair and numbness.

One of the wild men was hitting them hard with a whip, laughing with excitement every time he struck them;

The rest of the men watched this scene with an interested look on their faces, just like watching a play.

After a long time, the two men finally stopped responding, lying motionlessly on the ground, dead.

A young man watching the show looked a little unhappy. He said with a look of annoyance.

”Huh! Are these two guys already dead? No reaction at all? What an annoying job! The guys inside are playing with women, but we can only do such a boring thing here! Fuck! I want to play with women too! I want beautiful women!”

”Pooh~ Where can you find beautiful women in the sea? Even if we find them, they can only be enjoyed by the captain and the other team leaders. Kid! You’re still new to this industry, full of unreal fantasies!” one of the oldest men said disdainfully.

”Tch! Why are we always listening to them? Every time a merchant ship is ransacked, the treasures and women are all taken by the team leaders, we don’t get anything!!” The young man said angrily, he had an agitated look on his face.


The middle-aged pirate sitting on the side slapped the young man’s head.

”Shut up, you bastard! It doesn’t matter if it’s just us who hear it. But if the people inside hear it, then you’ll die. You’ll even drag us with you;”

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he sneakily looked at the door of the cabin.

The name of this pirate group is the Soria pirates.

They are the malignant tumors of this sea area, they are like hyenas on the sea, their sense of smell is extremely sensitive!

Each and every time, they manage to avoid the marine force of the nearby kingdoms and their peers, plundering just the weak and vulnerable.

They have a very strict status class.

The higher the strength and contribution, the higher the status; Only people of high status can enjoy the plundered beautiful women and treasures.

And these five people on the bow are the ones with the lowest status in the entire pirate group.

They are either the latest to join the pirate group, or have very low combat effectiveness and don’t have the slightest talent. They are the lowest and scummiest bunch of all.

After each plunder, they can’t get any treasures. Even if they manage to get a woman, they can only share it between themselves, and they are mostly the ones that others finished playing with or the old or ugly ones.

However, they can’t get rid of this predicament. They are all villains who committed atrocious crimes in their original homeland. They can only protect themselves by joining the Soria Pirates.

All of the people in this pirate group are villains, none of them are good people!

They are eager to plunder! Steal other people’s hard work! Take other people’s wives and daughters, and kidnap and sell their children. They are the lowest of the low, some of the scummiest people in the world and they are proud of it.


”I know!” The young pirate rubbed his swollen head and said with a frustrated look on his face.

”I’m just a little unhappy! We do dirty work for them every day! Our only way of entertainment is torturing these two idiots! Look at them! They are already dead! When I was still living in my old hometown, I used to feast on beautiful and youthful 17 or 18 years old girls!”

”Tch, where can these brats be compared to mature women! Let me tell you, In my days, I went to some of the most upscale brothels, the prostitutes there are not only beautiful and bumpy, but their techniques are also extremely good!”

The middle-aged pirate looked at the young pirate with contempt, then started recounting his old deeds with a look of nostalgia.

The other pirates heard the conversation between the two and immediately joined, each telling about their own criminal experiences.

Some raped and murdered, some betrayed, and some kidnapped. They were all forced to flee and became pirates due to different experiences.

These heinous crimes that can make any normal person sick, turned into accomplishment to be bragged about and to be proud of.

While the five pirates were chatting vigorously.


Suddenly, a huge black shadow fell into the sea like a meteorite.

The sea surface exploded, creating a lot of giant waves.

The pirates chatting onboard were shocked. Their entire ship shook heavily due to the shockwaves, almost overturning. Several pirates suddenly collided with the ground. One hit the hull of the ship, cracking his head and causing him to become unconscious.

One was thrown off the hull of the pirate ship.

Another pirate flew into the air, then flew back onto the ground and broke his hand, wailing in pain.

However, what appeared next caused the pirates to hold their cries.

A tsunami, tens of meters high rushed towards the hull!

The few who are still awake tightly hugged and pulled on fixed objects on the ship.

The man who broke his arm struggled to stand up, then tried to run towards the cabin.

However…death arrived in the next moment.


The huge tsunami collided heavily with their ship.

The tsunami was like a hammer, destroying a part of the ship’s hull and flushing a lot of the pirates that were holding things back into the sea.


The entire ship was almost overturned by the tsunami, and a lot of seawater poured into the hull through the cabin!

After a while, the ship finally returned to, and a bearded pirate with water stains on his underwear rushed out.

The bearded pirate’s face was full of anger. As soon as he walked out of the cabin, he roared loudly.

”Poly! Sith! You two bastards! What’s going on here?”

”Ha…Captain Harry…Puff~ah~” a pirate who was firmly grasping the hull spat out the water in his wanter and exclaimed.

But before he could finish speaking, he spat out a mouthful of blood, his expression filled with pain.

Spotting this pirate, Harry quickly ran over, grabbed his collar, and said fiercely: “Bitch! Tell me what happened? If you don’t explain clearly! I’ll chop you up to feed the sharks!”

”I… we… also… don’t know… ooh~” the pirate struggled to breathe while saying.


After not getting the answer he wanted, Harry directly twisted the neck of the man, then started looking around, trying to see what happened.

The team leaders and senior pirates also walked out of the cabin one after the other, either holding a machete or a musket in their hands, their faces full of anger.

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