Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 28: The Forbidden Industry

Chapter 28: The Forbidden Industry

Blue veins protruded on Orom’s face, showing how angry he was.

”Idiot! Shut your stinky mouth up!”

The tentacles binding him suddenly drilled into Norman’s mouth, shutting him up. The rest of the tentacles bound him into a very big dumpling.

Shillong and Arman underneath watched this scene with a dumbfounded look on their faces.

The young dragons and Viola shook their heads helplessly.

”Okay! Children! Let’s continue the Registration, let me scan your physical state first. Don’t be nervous, relax your bodies, and don’t resist the light.”

After Orom finished speaking, seeing the two dragons relaxing, he used a detection spell. Two golden lights flew into Shillong and Arman’s respectively.

Afterward, Shillong saw Orom’s pupils shining brightly, after which a stream of data passed through them.

After a few moments, Orom nodded in approval.

He suddenly stretched his claws, using a simple gravity speed to grab the thick book and ink cartridges on the ground.

The thick book opened on its own and turned to a blank page. Orom stretched out a paw and dipped the tip of his claw in the ink, then wrote on the thick book.

Name: Arman Soderberg

Age: 20

Mother: Viola Soderberg

Father: Richard Boley

Body: Healthy, in good condition

Dragon species: Silver Dragon.

Name: Shillong Soderberg

Age: 20


Body: Healthy, in good condition

Dragon species: unknown.


Reaching the end of the inspection, Orom’s claws froze as he looked at Shillong with a look of surprise.

At the beginning, he felt that it’s very strange that this child keeps his human form instead of dragon form.

Through his detection spell, this child’s father and mother are indeed Viola and Richard.

His dragon species is unknown, is it due to mutation?

It’s a rare situation. Metal dragons rarely have racial mutations.

However, the five-color evil dragons have recently produced a lot of mutated dragons. These mutated dragons are lawless and inherently chaotic. Moreover, they are usually much stronger than their ordinary counterpart.

The most powerful amongst these mutant dragons even dares to curse their dragon god and ancestor, Tiamat!

To be honest, Orom actually likes these mutated dragons. The reason? It’s because of the shame and chaos they brought to Tiamat, the evil dragon god. She deserves it!

However, now that a mutated dragon appeared on their side, he doesn’t dare to think so anymore. If he goes on to curse and bring chaos to Lord Bahamut…

However, Orom felt that this child is very polite and kind, he has a very good impression of him.

’Hmm, I’ll ask Viola about the child’s situation later on.’

Thinking about this, Orom didn’t dwell over it anymore, he just gave a cursory glance at Viola.

Viola smiled and nodded.

Orom also nodded, he put down the thick book and ink cartridges in his hands, then indicated to the dragons in his cave to leave.

”Okay, the registration is complete, Albert, take Shillong and Arman to a cave in this area to leave. After that, you’re free to act.”

”Viola, Norman, and I still have something to discuss.. “

”Yes!” The Bronze dragon Albert suddenly straightened, his limbs closed together and his head straightened as he said with a serious look.

”I will definitely complete master Orom’s order!”

”Relax… Take it easy… Albert, you don’t need to act like this…” Orom looked a bit embarrassed.

”Yes!” Albert straightened as he shouted again.


”Go.” Orom sighed helplessly.

”Yes!” Albert turned and left with the other young dragons.

Orom glanced at Noram, who is still hung on the ceiling, and flicked his claws lightly. A transparent barrier around him and Viola, completely isolating Norma and preventing him from hearing their conversation.

”This is an enchantment with a sound isolation effect,” Orom said to Viola.

”Your child Shillong…”

”Yes! He is a mutant dragon.” Viola said bluntly.

”How is his personality?”

”He is a polite and good boy. He knows etiquette, and can distinguish good from evil.”

Viola calmly continued.

”We will live on Dragon Island for about ten to twenty years. You have enough time to observe him.”

”That’s good……”

The two dragons quickly ended their dialogue, Orom withdrew the soundproof barrier, then waved his claws, releasing Norman.

The three dragons started to recount the past nostalgically

Albert, who had already left, took Shillong and Arman and allocated them to an empty cave, then returned to patrolling the skies.

Before leaving, he told the two young dragons that Dragon Island is very big. Don’t fly too far if there isn’t the need to, they’re likely to get lost.

Arman and Shillong nodded in understanding.

The two young dragons watched Albert and the other three young dragons leave, then started wandering in the nearby area.

Soon after, they found a group of dragons behind a mountain.

Among these dragons, the largest is a golden dragon with a body height of about 15 or 16 meters. The other dragons are about eight or nine meters in height.

All of these dragons are facing the mountain with hunched heads and waving tails. Their tail often slaps the ground, showcasing their inner excitement.

Shillong looked curiously at them before mentioning to Arman to go and see what they are doing.

Just as he approached, the golden dragon raised his head and glanced at the two of them with a surprised look, after which a wide smile appeared on his face.

When Shillong and Arman fell reached them, the teen dragons glanced at them, then continued looking at the mountain with excited looks.

They have no interest in the two young dragons!

The golden dragon immediately walked to them and said.

”These two young brothers, you arrived at just the right tiùe! We are studying the origin of mankind here. Are you interested in studying together?”

”The origin of humanity?” Arman’s eyes shone brightly.

It feels so amazing!

My mother said that human beings are very powerful. They are the ones that rule the main continent. If he can study their origins, he will definitely be able to deal with them effectively!

Thinking about this, Arman hurriedly nodded.

Shillong also expressed interest.

The golden dragon led the two young dragons into the queue along with the rest of the teen dragons. At the moment they joined the queue, the two of them felt like they entered an enchantment.

The noise and sound from inside suddenly increased.

Shillong heard some strange sounds that he is very familiar with. These sounds are ones that he often heard back in the Blue Planet.

”Isn’t this…” Shillong muttered indistinctly.

He also heard the heated discussion of the young dragons.

”Look at that woman, she has such a big butt! Do humans like women with such a big butt?”

”No! Humans like big breasts!”

”Human beings are too vulgar! The most attractive thing is naturally the bright and shiny scales…Cough! I mean skin!”

”Look at their distorted expressions, they seem to be really happy…So disgusting.”

After hearing their conversation, Shillong had a bad feeling. He always felt that he is about to see some bad things.

Arman is naturally interested in the “origin of human life” that the golden dragon mentioned, so he also walked forward and gathered together with the young dragons…

Shillong’s vague premonition was fulfilled/

The things that all the teen dragons clustered around is a rectangular black stone about 2 meters high and 1 meter wide.

On the black stone, a video is being shown at this moment!

Seeing this, Shillong was shocked and speechless, isn’t this the Adult Video that was so popular back in the Blue Planet?

The things happening in it can only be described as “American blockbuster” in general!

The strange sounds also came from this stone!


Shillong didn’t know what to say, How can there be recorded adult videos in another magical world.

’Could it be that as long as there are males full of desire in any world, such a video will emerge?’

’Is it really due to the desire of male creatures?’

’No matter which world it is, this industry will eventually appear…Right?’

Shillong felt his worldview shatter.

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