Nuclear Dragon

Chapter 59: A Race that Rivals the Gods!

Chapter 59: A Race that Rivals the Gods!

”Uncle Orom!” Shillong yelled obediently.

”Child…you…” Orom’s expression at this time was wonderful. He felt an absurd feeling coursing through his body

Was he just called uncle by a dragon that could be his father or grandfather?.

When the other dragons heard the dialogue between the two dragons, they looked at each other with wide eyes.

Even the chatterbox-like dragon Orom couldn’t speak for a while.

”This is a good thing!” Kama said to the silent dragons.

”Shillong is a legend of our metal dragon clan. His growth will never be weaker than that of the legendary dragons. Most importantly, he has the righteous heart of the metal dragon clan!”

”Legendary dragon!”

When the group of dragons heard Kama’s words, they showed respect to Shillong one after the other.

In the entire multiverse, a legendary dragon is a very great and rare miraculous creature!

The legendary dragon here isn’t a class or rank, but a race. A terrifying and powerful race.

In the eyes of humans, orcs, elves, and other humanoid creatures, whether it is a five-color evil dragon or a metal dragon, they are a legendary miracle life.

They have a life span of as high as 4000 years and as low as 2000 years.

As long as they live to 600 to 700 years, most dragons can reach the legendary level. A level that most creatures can’t even dream of reaching.

What an enviable talent is this?

They are simply the darling of the god of creation!

However, despite being a privileged golden race, there are still some creatures beyond their reach!

Those are the legendary dragons!

A legend amongst the dragon clan!

They can easily reach the legendary level in their youth, and once they grow to a certain level, they will have the power to rival the gods!

The black-gold dragon in front of me, is Shillong also such a great miraculous creature?

These dragons don’t know, but Kama Dom is known as the golden wisdom. He is very prestigious in the dragon clan, hence his words hold great weight.

Therefore, the dragons unconsciously considered Shillong a god-level dragon from now on!

This kind of dragon, even if it’s the god of good dragons, the supreme ruler of the metal dragon clan Bahamut, will respect him, hence as his faithful believers, these dragons dare not neglect Shillong.

”Child! You are the pride of Viola and our Dragon Island!” Orom said excitedly.

Shillong just smiled shyly.

The other legendary dragons looked at Shillong and chatted happily, just like seeing their idol.

After a long time, Kama reminded the dragons,

”Okay! Let’s not talk about Shillong for now! The first thing we need to discuss is how to deal with these benthic devil fish!”

”Yeah! we haven’t dealt with these nasty bastards yet!”

The dragons woke up and looked at a dozen devil fish with anger.

At this moment, these devilfish felt like they were under the light of a 24K watt light bulb.

It’s too dazzling and too hot!

However, they hadn’t had the slightest fear in their eyes. They stared fiercely at the dragons with their three eyes.

”Damn thing! I’m going to destroy their eyeballs! How dare they be so arrogant whilst in our hands!” A dragon said with a look of anger.

”Wouldn’t that be bidding to their wish? We haven’t tortured them yet!” Another dragon stopped the previous one.

”Torture? How to torture? Haven’t we tried it a few times before? Whether we put it in the sun to dry or bury it in a pit alive! These guys are not afraid! They still come back to retaliate against us!”

”Then think about new ways of torture! We can skin them and cut off their tails!”

”I want to burst their eyes!”

”I want to make them into meatloaf for the beasts outside to eat!”

A group of dragons discussed fiercely. However, the devil fishes weren’t afraid at all. They looked at the group of dragons with contemptuous and disdainful eyes.

”Damn it! What is that look? Are you underestimating us?” A dragon shouted with wide eyes.

”No way! Is our torture still too light?”

”Then throw them into the dragon dung! Let them swim in it!” Shillong said suddenly.

After thinking of the immortality and eternal life of these guys, Shillong decided that mental torment is much better than physical torture.

Through their previous interaction, Shillong determined that these guys were all arrogant creatures! For this arrogant lifeform, humiliation and mental shock should be the best way to deal with them.

The eyes of the dragons brightened upon hearing Shillong’s suggestion. One of them quickly said.

”This is not bad! But I think we should collect the dung of the dog heads, their dung is even more stinky!”

”Dog head’s poop? Do you mean the kobolds? Good suggestion! Then you go collect it!”

”Forget it! Let’s use dragon dung!”

”I want to cut off their tails, put them in a can and soak them in acid water!”

”Why use acid water? Urine should be better!”

”Your proposal is good!”

The words of Shillong opened the door to a new world for them. They are not stupid. In fact, they are very smart. They just seldom use their brain since they can solve most things with their brawn.

They understood Shillong’s meaning in an instant, and soon thought of other methods!

The dozens of benthic devil fish on the ground were terrified upon hearing that. How can these guys think about soaking them in feces and urine? They are so vicious!

How could the sea overlord be subject to such an insult? They will not have the face to see other sea creatures in the future!

The skin of the benthic devilfish on the ground became greener!

Kama has been watching these magic fishes and seeing them change color, he was delighted. He hurriedly said.

”Just soak them in dung! Don’t they want to destroy our Dragon Island? After soaking them in dung, They will never have the face to see us! These damn dung fishes!”

After hearing Karma’s decision, all dragons agreed.

Then, under the desperate eyes of the benthic devil fish, they were transported to a remote mountain.

There is a pothole there, filled with yellow and brown dung. Because it is on the mountain, it has not been washed by the sea, hence it is still preserved and intact at this moment.

A legendary-level dragon threw the devilfish in his hand into the dung pit with a grin on his face.

”Splash! Splash!”

Several splashes appeared on the disgusting dung.

The other benthic devil fish screamed in horror. They wanted to struggle but couldn’t move. Their mind was filled with horror and disgust as they waited for the inevitable.

These devilfish were thrown in like dumplings.

Shillong still admired the expressions of these devil fishes outside, it’s really shameful.

The despair in their three eyes is almost overflowing! One by one felt like they had no future!

They never hated their immortality until this moment. In such a situation, they hoped for nothing more than death.

’Life……… is so difficult!’

After this incident, the dragons of Dragon Island began to work hard to repair the Island. It took more than a year to initially repair the island.

The days continued to flow like before, but occasionally, some dragons went to the dung pit to see the benthic devil fish.

Shillong continued to learn arcane magic from Kama

However, as mentioned before, his arcane talent is not outstanding, and the progress has been very slow.

This study lasted for three or four years, Arma’s dragon sleep came up again, and Shillong’s patience ran out.

He directly put forward his idea of remaking games to Kama Dorn, but the answer was no.

With Kama Dom’s legendary level of arcane, he still couldn’t make what Shillong wanted.

But there is also good news.

If he finds a monster called Soul Demon and uses it as an alchemy item, he might be able to make a game.

This soul demon is an extremely rare monster in the abyss.

They have no entities, only souls. Their souls can be freely transformed into any object and can be attached to any dead object. They can even attach a living creature to any dead object as long as the strength of the living creature is below the user.

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