Omega Summoner

Chapter 1953 The New Farm Help

Chapter 1953 The New Farm Help

"Elder Pann, I am here as I accepted your notice for help." One of the players that resides in Avalon stated as he was usually the first that accepts the quest to help the farm.

"Hurry up and feed the Capricorns then." The Old Man Pann stated.

"Huh? There was someone earlier than me? Is he new here, elder? I do not recognize him." The player asked.

"Ah! I forgot to tell you, but that brat will be my new farm hand. He will be dealing with the crops here so you should ask him where the feed for the Capricorns is." The Old Man Pann stated.

"Oh! I guess he would be second in command in this place then. What is his name so that I can greet him?" The player asked.

"You can just call him, Vince. That brat is very foul mouthed so do not let his foul mouth discourage you." Old Man Pann stated as he went to look after the other farm monsters.


"I am going to die!!!" Farmer Vincent stated as he cried out loud which irritated Adrian.

"If you do not shut up and stop crying then I will make sure that you really die. If you want to die in the vacuum of space, then make more noise." Adrian stated as he was thinking about a plan to help the farmer that he changed the future for.

"Future?! Why did I not think about that? Maybe it would be feasible!" Adrian suddenly shouted as if he suddenly got a bright idea.

"Did you think of something? Am I not going to die?" Farmer Vincent asked.

"I have thought of something, but I do not know if you would survive the trip." Adrian stated.

"So… I am still going to die. Wahhhh!" Farmer Vincent cried out loud.

"Dodu, can you shut him up?" Adrian stated as Dodu jiggled and wrapped Farmer Vincent's mouth with a small copy of itself which prevented him from speaking.

"As I said, I am from your future. The only way to help you not die is to send you to the present with me. If I leave you here in the past, the Time Wraiths will find you and kill you. Nod if you can understand." Adrian stated as Farmer Vincent nodded even though he cannot still wrap his head around the idea of him living in the past.

"Paradox, prepare the temporal portal. Make sure to increase the output as we have someone with us." Adrian stated.

"Affirmative, master. There will be a 10% chance that Farmer Vincent will get lost in the time stream but there no more other than that." Paradox stated as a portal suddenly appeared in front of them which amazed Farmer Vincent.

"Make sure to cling to me as hard as you can. You might die if you do not." Adrian stated and Farmer Vincent clung to him like a koala.

"Let's go!" Adrian stated as he jumped into the temporal portal, and it closed.

"Huh?! I think I just missed it. I sensed that Temporal Anomaly here but it suddenly vanished." Elder Koronn stated as he arrived at the location where Adrian and Farmer Vincent were a few second after they entered the temporal portal.


"This ride will be rough." Adrian stated as he clutched Farmer Vincent since the human mortal passed out when they entered the time stream.

Adrian expected that there might be Time Wraiths suddenly popping out and trying to kill them, but he was shocked that there were none. Since no danger was present in the time steam, Adrian managed to reach the present without anomalies. Well, he was already carrying a time anomaly to begin with, but he was hoping that would change.

[You have arrived at the present.]

[You have created a time anomaly known as Farmer Vincent.]

[Calculating the effect on the timeline should Farmer Vincent live…]

[Detected no major changes or minor changes in the timeline should Farmer Vincent live in the present time.]

[The Time Wraiths will no longer look for the Time Anomaly known as Farmer Vincent.]

[You have achieved something great and achieved the title, 'I brought a Time Anomaly'. Mastery over temporal magic has increased slightly.]

"I did not think that it would actually work!" Adrian stated as he looked at Farmer Vincent.

"Blegh!" Farmer Vincent reacted by puking all of the things that he ate.

Adrian was about to say something, but he suddenly had a flood of memories enter his mind. It was not his memory but the memory that he erased when he brought Farmer Vincent from the present. It was the memory of the world about what truly happened to Farmer Vincent.

Just like what happened earlier, Farmer Vincent ran towards the forest, but it was his other blessing that helped him avoid the paladins and not Sirius. He still fell off the cliff as he did not know that the woman that was cursed was a witch. Just as he was about to die, he managed to activate all of his nature blessing, but he was still destined to die.

Instead of dying physically, Farmer Vincent offered his life to nature. He became part of nature's energy as his body turned into particles of light. Farmer Vincent of the past did die but he did not die from falling which is why Adrian could not find his body even with a death ritual.

"No wonder the book of the dead did not have his name. Even his soul was given to nature itself." Adrian muttered.

"Are we in the future?!" Farmer Vincent asked.

"No… this is the present. Anyways, do not ask for the details as you would just get a headache." Adrian stated.

"I already have a headache when I arrived here." Farmer Vincent stated.

"Anyways, you need a place to stay, and this is my territory. I have just the person to hire you as you would not get a job here without any credentials after all. Follow me to the farm of Old Man Pann." Adrian stated.

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