Chapter 4231: The Other Side 200

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Alice squatted down in front of him and said gently, “I’ve discovered something fishy in the past few days. Do you remember the time Gong Fan was hypnotized by Natalia?”

Youyou was not impressed when he heard this. “That was just a coincidence, wasn’t it! There’s no proof that Natalia hypnotized Gong Fan.”

“But don’t you think it’s too much of a coincidence? The moment the two of them made contact, something went wrong with Gong Fan. I suspect Natalia’s alter ego, Natalisa, might know hypnosis.”

“How could she know hypnosis?”

It was incredible that such a young child had knowledge of such a powerful hypnosis method. The boy found that hard to believe. Even a hypnotist like Alice had only completed her apprenticeship a few years ago.

“Other than Gong Fan, you haven’t had direct contact with Natalia either. There are too many unknown possibilities. You can’t be certain, and I am not confident in making an accurate judgment.”

The boy nodded slightly at that. “I see. You want me to be cautious.”

Alice earnestly explained some of the usual techniques of hypnosis. “Do you know about lucid hypnosis?”

The boy shook his head. Hypnosis was not something he was familiar with.

“Do you remember being hypnotized by me?”

“Yes, I remember that.”

“Yes, that was trance hypnosis.”

“Trance hypnosis?” The boy was confused. “Is there a difference between the two?”

“There’s a big difference.”

When one is awake, asleep, dreaming, and feeling pleasure, the brain works at different frequencies, releasing different chemicals. When the brain works at different frequencies, it may cause different physical sensations, such as fatigue or relaxation. And hypnosis interferes with this frequency. Meaning, it interferes with brain waves.

In trance hypnosis, the hypnotist achieves the goal of hypnosis by interfering with the brain waves, when the person is tired, or asleep or in a trance. However, lucid hypnosis is the highest form of hypnosis. And lucid hypnosis is not something that just any hypnotist could perform. This form of hypnosis is a test of a hypnotist’s talent. Which means that age has nothing to do with it.

In reality, there are many classic examples of lucid hypnosis. For example, when people see red, the first thing they think of is the national flag or donating blood. When they see yellow, they think of sunflowers. Then, when red and yellow come together, they think of McDonald’s. This is lucid hypnosis used in commercial advertising. The general public quite commonly accepts such hints of lucid hypnosis.

Alice suspected that Natasha had hypnotized Gong Fan. However, she was not present at the time, so she did not know what circumstances were.

“But Gong Fan saw Alice once and he never returned to this body, right?”

The boy nodded. “Uh huh.” After this was said, he too began to feel a little suspicious. “And… What exactly was her motive?” The boy threw out a question that stumped Alice.

Even she had no way of concluding why Natalisa had done what she had done, or how she had applied lucid hypnosis. She had thought of many possibilities, but none of them had held up.

However, her sixth sense told her that there must be some link that she had missed.

“But I don’t understand. What would Natalisa gain by hypnotizing Gong Fan?”

“I don’t know…”

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