Whoo! Best to keep the momentum going, eh? XD

"Good evening. On behalf of the Vatican and the Christian body, allow me first to extend our gratitude for you to give us another chance of civil conversation… And our deepest regrets for the events that transpired."

Valper Galilei greeted the youth across him with his signature 'negotiation' tone.

It was the next morning where Issei, Rias and Akeno met up with Valper Galilei at the hotel where the latter was staying at, for another negotiation.

Accompanying Valper Galilei was Irina - clad in her combat suit covered with a simple white hooded cloak. The expression on Irina's face kind of reminded Issei of the girls that once served Diodora Astaroth.

There was another escort on Valper Galilei's other side.

He was an angel, white wings of eight illuminating the already bright room. He has fiery golden hair, eyes of bright blue burning into Issei's glancing gaze. The armor was the paladin set of the angels, only more decorated for those above a certain rank. Still, that angel was probably the most intense non-fallen he had ever seen.

He could feel the animosity burning behind those blue eyes.

"In the light of events that we have relayed to Lady Sitri, Sister Quarta is currently unavailable and the Vatican has assigned this gentleman as her substitute. May I introduce you to Sir Malkuth of The Isshim."

The said angel did not even nod as he merely scanned over Issei, Rias and Akeno with a calculating look. Though Issei felt that he was appraising him even more.

"We are also thankful that the Vatican is willing to open another negotiation," Rias replied with a practiced, professional air.

"Oh ho, ho. Yes, yes. My associate is also honored to meet the Son of the Strongest Man." Valper gestured to Malkuth.

Rias and Akeno quirked a brow, breaking their masks for a second, stealing a glance at Issei for a moment.

"...Well, at least I have another title other than the Red Dragon Emperor." Issei was not sure whether he should stick with it. It sounds kind of cool but… Well, the Red Dragon Emperor belonged to Ddraig more than him, if he thought about it.

"I believe we have dawdled long enough with the pleasantries." Malkuth interjected.

His voice sounded a bit too serious. Issei could feel the discomfort and hostility in his tone. He could tell that Malkuth was not the one that liked to hide his intentions.

Not only that, the way Valper did not break that fake smile irked Issei very much. Issei did not bother to hide his face of revulsion as he stared at the fat old fart with criticism. It was his first time dealing with a slimy politician, and he never liked it - mostly because he could not punch their faces in without annoying backlash.

"May we ask what you want with Xenovia Quarta?" Akeno inquired with a professional tone. Issei glanced at her, seeing that she was also sporting a plastic smile, although one out of necessity this time.

"Very well, my dear. In the crux of this topic, our demands are simple. The Church wishes you to simply hand young Xenovia over to us where we will send her off to be… Judged."

"And you think we have Xenovia because...?" Issei quirked a brow.

Xenovia teleported to their location using Binbougami's OP warp ability. There was no way that they would have known that she appeared in his home exactly since the hard evidence wasn't there.

"We still haven't determined how she had escaped. However, we have speculated that Xenovia will most likely seek aid from you." Valper replied.

"You have any proof?" Issei shot back. "I mean, you do have proof, right? Otherwise, speculating like this is kind of intrusive on your part. Is this how that works?" Issei turned to Rias.

The corner of Valper's lip twitched. Issei did not miss that.

"I'm not sure, Ise. People from the Church tend to do whatever they pleased for their cause, sometimes." Rias replied with a somewhat cynical tone.

"...Unfortunately, we do not have the proof you require." Valper stated.

"Do you have proof that anyone broke in and rescued her?" Issei asked with a growing smile. "I mean, she is human. Does she even have a magic trick?"

The corner of Valper's lips twitched again.

"No… no, she did not. However, we do suspect that she might still be alive. There is no corpse or blood present."

"Then how are we supposed to hand over someone that isn't here?" Issei continued. He was starting to find enjoyment in this.

"I suppose you hold a point." Valper then replied after taking a deep breath to calm himself down. "If you cannot, for one reason or another, give into our demands to return Xenovia Quarta, then we must ask you to take an oath of neutrality; allowing us to finish our task unhindered."

So that was how they were going to play.

"Yeah, I don't think so. We don't owe you shit." Issei replied while raising his chin up, "This is our town, our home. I don't think I will let you make an excuse to force us out like last time. Assuming you do know the Strongest Man."

Malkuth's gaze was starting to grow more intense. Issei could feel it from his eyes.

"I suggest you think before you speak, child." Malkuth spoke for the first time in the conversation, "Whatever power or leverage you think you hold over us, will not stop us from levelling this whole town if we have to, for the sake of our duty."

"I can guess that you took my dad's fist to your face." Issei shot back. "Or was it Golden? You know, the guy that blitzed the one that defeated Kokabiel back in World War II? Oh, and how's Michael's face by the way? Heard dad dug a valley with that guy's body with just one punch."

"Um, Ise? Maybe you should tone it down." Rias addressed him, and Issei noticed that the two devils were looking uncomfortable.

The cause was the holy aura flaring from Malkuth as he was growing angrier by seconds from hearing Issei's jabs. The golden aura permeating the room that Rias and Akeno felt they were put inside a sauna.

"...Right." Issei nodded and shifted his sitting position, "Less piss-talking, more discussing. So, where were we again?"

"You will not interfere with our task to capture Xenovia Quarta and bring her to face justice." Valper reiterated. "However, even a miniscule amount of assistance will be… appreciated."

"How about a counter-offer?" Issei quirked a brow. "You let us handle Xenovia our own way and see if she is a traitor in a way that satisfies both parties. With Griselda as a witness... Which reminds me, where is Griselda being held anyways?"

"The hospital will be the first place we should look at."

Ravel spoke as she was huddling with the rest of her team just outside of the diner where Issei's 'peerage' was working. Hide a tree in a forest - was their strategy to conceal Xenovia while moving, the girl had put on a mild disguise: a set of casual clothes over her combat suit, consisted of a plain white T-shirt, a pair of shorts, sneakers, complete with a beige hat and fake glasses to conceal her face.

"We heard that Sister Griselda is still alive, so it's safe to assume that they will put the sister at the place where she could remain stable, but there will definitely be guards around." Ravel reasoned, "At the same time, however, there's also a possibility that Sister Griselda might be held somewhere else… Which could be anywhere."

"...What I wouldn't give to have Rover right now." Yuuto muttered with regret.

"No, please don't give anything." Koneko retorted with a scowl on her face.

"I mean… how else can we track her? I mean… Oh." Yuuto quirked a brow. "I kind of feel very stupid right now."

"Why?" Ravel asked.

"I have a Sacred Gear that can make ANY kind of demon sword… back in training camp, Black used to nitpick me on my creativity. He told me to play a lot of video games and watch a lot of anime just to give me ideas. I've never tried this before, but…" Yuuto grimaced as he closed his eyes and focused.

"...Do you have anything that belongs to Ms. Griselda?" Yuuto asked.

Xenovia blinked before she began searching herself, patting the pockets on her clothes to see if there was anything.

She then reached around her chest and took out a silver cross. "This used to be hers before she gave it to me when I managed to become a full-fledged exorcist. It's not really mine for that long. Does this count?"

"Perfect." A sword appeared in Yuuto's hand.

The design reminded the rest of the demon dog, wild bristles of pitch-black running along the edges of the sword with three ruby gems vertically lined on the pommel.

"It will be most likely inferior compared to Rover's sense of smell, but if I got the ability right…" Yuuto muttered as he tapped the strange weapon on the silver cross.

The three gems then glowed, with the blade somehow emitting a soft humming sound. Then, the blade suddenly jerked towards a random direction.

"...This way." Yuuto then moved, beckoning the others to follow.

"Not that I have any right to complaint now, but… Are you sure?" Xenovia asked as she paced behind the Knight.

"As sure as I can be." Yuuto shrugged while running, the bristle sword vibrating and jerking in Yuuto's hand like an unstable compass. "Like I said, this is my first time doing this, so… There is only one way to find out…. Whoa!"

The Knight nearly lost his balance when the blade suddenly jerked towards an entirely different trajectory. The three girls watched Yuuto walking… no, the sword was pulling him away.

"I-I think this is working-agh!" Yuuto fell down on the concrete.

Even in his prone position, they watched the sword dragging Yuuto towards a random direction, his body sliding across the ground. The bristles of the sword were brushing the concrete as if trying to find Griselda's tracks like a dog.

"This looks… amusing for some reason." Ravel commented as she watched the sword pull Yuuto to his feet and towards another direction down the street.

"No, it's not!" Yuuto shouted as he stumbled behind the sword, trying to maintain his balance but kept tripping forward.

"Less talking, more tracking!" Xenovia simply retorted.

The sword compass yanked Yuuto left and right in each crossroad in the streets, pulling him to the ground to 'sniff' the trail and then pulling him back up towards another direction.

"Wait! Stop! Heel!" Yuuto tried to command the bristle sword as it jerked his arm left and right as if sniffing the air. The thing wasn't responding as it continued dragging Yuuto towards the direction.

"A sword that doesn't obey…" Xenovia muttered as they watched the sword pull Yuuto down. It was very funny how it dragged him across the abrasive concrete like pulling a dead body through the floor.

Eventually, the sword stopped, the rubies on the pommel dimming as it fell lifelessly in Yuuto's hand.

Yuuto was panting, rubbing his face as he picked himself up, brushing the pebbles off his shirt.

"D-Did it do it?" Yuuto asked as he rubbed the little pebbles off his face.

"St. Adonai…?" Xenovia murmured as she and everyone else took in the sight of the dilapidated church.

Yuuto looked up, seeing the chapel in front of them.

"...Do you know this place?"

It was Yuuto's first time seeing this church.

"It's… one of the church's failed attempts to spread The Lord's teachings in this town, according to what we learned during our apprenticeship." Xenovia replied.

Yuuto and Koneko, however, suppressed their frowns as they connected the story that Issei had told them the other day.

Ravel then scanned the area around before commenting, "This is actually one of the places I have in mind. I guess here is the best place to start."

Koneko's ears twitched as she heard something in the air. She widened her eyes as every cell of her Devil body felt a familiar ominous chill.

"Watch out!"

Koneko immediately tackled the startled Ravel just in time to avoid several spears of light piercing the ground where they stood earlier. Yuuto leapt back, followed by Xenovia as they drew out their swords.

Emerging from hiding on the prismatic rooftops of the chapel, they saw the familiar black wings casting a shadow from the setting sun of dusk.

Emerging from the chapel or behind the building, the team saw several humans garbed in black exorcist attire.

They were all brandishing the same silver-blessed weapons, some holding light pistols and light swords as well.

"To think Malkuth's prediction would hit the spot." One of the Fallen Angels called out.

Yuuto and the rest turned around, seeing more Fallen Angels landing behind them, cutting off their escape route.

Yuuto grimaced as he banished the tracking sword and placed his hand on Muramasa, ready to draw the sword.

"Who are you?! Identify yourselves, Grigori!" Xenovia shouted as she brandished her demon greatsword.

"Grigori?" One of the fallen angels tilted his head. "Not every angel with blackened wings is with Azazel. We fell after the Great War."

Some of the Fallen Angels wore a similar attire like the exorcists. Black fedora and long black trench-coat covering their bodies. Others pulled off their coats to reveal the paladin armor underneath, only this time the armor is dark in color.

Swords and spears of lights formed in hands and around each of the Fallen Angels. The human exorcists surrounded the Devils, their holy and baptized weapons eliciting shivers from them.

One of the fallen angels floated forward; his cold eyes scanning over the devils plus one human.

"...I will say this once. Put down your arms, surrender yourselves, and I promise that you will be treated fairly."

In response, the devils remained silent with their glares while Xenovia stepped forward, "Where's Sister Griselda?! What have you done to her!?"

The fallen angel's gaze then moved towards Xenovia..

"Hm, you. I believe the others want you for their schemes. By the name of our God, I suggest you lay your weapon low if you wish to see the exorcist alive. Our forces greatly surpass yours."

The devils and Xenovia grimaced.

There were some loading bolts into their crossbows. There was one with two chakrams of baptized silver while another was cracking a chain whip.

"What should we do?" Yuuto asked. As much as he wanted to test the demon sword's prowess against the Fallen, they held great numbers. Yuuto made sure that he noted every single movement within his line of sight, as the grip on his sword tightened.

Ravel bit her thumbnail as she wrecked her mind to find any possible solution to escape their current conundrum. It was possible for them to overpower the angels and defeat the human exorcists, but they would not emerge unscathed - and that did not account for the possibility of reinforcements.

"They knew we were here. I did not expect there to be fallen angels." Ravel grimaced.

"Have you ever fought an angel?" Koneko asked.

The young noble did not answer.

"Should we fight our way out? Or fight our way in?" Yuuto asked.

Ravel looked at the structure.

"I don't think we should." Ravel pointed out. "I heard Rias' and Sona's testimony. They might have traps in that chapel that will strip us of our powers and strength for capture and torture. We must retreat." Ravel gave her insight.

"Retreat?" Xenovia's tone clearly showed her disagreement, "But we have to-"

"If all of us are taken out, nobody will be able to save your Mentor." Ravel pressed on. "And considering the enemy's firepower, running together like this will only give them an easier time to take us out in one swoop. We might have to split-"

However, a crossbow bolt flew past her cheek. Ravel hissed as she felt the pain of silver for the first time.

She touched her cheek, feeling the nick on her skin not healing instantly.

"Hooooh, is that a Phenex clansman?" One of the exorcists remarked at the sight of the fire burning her wound away, albeit slowly.

"Aren't they worth a fortune on the Black Market?"

"I think we can make an arrangement with the Dark Hand. Phoenix Tears are gonna run dry in the second Great War!"

The devils grimaced at them who treated Ravel like a commodity to be sold.

"Mongrels..." The Fallen Angel leader with six wings rolled his eyes at the humans' attitude. "But securing us some Phoenix Tears is a fair point. Gentlemen, the lady with the yellow hair is now an additional priority. Take flight and get into position."

The fallen angels ascended to the air as instructed, all forming spears of light in their hands as they took aim at the four.

"Alright, we will split up." Yuuto conceded to Ravel. "We can always find Griselda again. But now we need to go. Where should we rendezvous?"

"...At school. Not only that Lady Sitri can protect us there, considering that both our and their sides are negotiating, I don't think these people will be brazen enough to attack a place full of civilians."

"...Alright, everyone ready?" Yuuto asked everyone, who nodded and ready to move at any moment's notice.


At the same time, the fallen angel in charge had raised his hand.

The Fallen Angels and exorcist readied their weapons, pistols, crossbows, and light spears reared back and ready to be thrown.

However, Ravel swiftly conjured a sphere of brilliant flame and threw it heavenward.

"Now!" Ravel cried as it exploded in a radiant flash.

"Agh!?" The humans covered their eyes, but the angels were better adapted.

"Fire!" The leader shouted.

"Go, go!" Yuuto shouted as they ran while under heavenly rain of spears showering onto them.

"Fire! Fire!" The leader exorcist shouted as the blinded men fired their weapons without accuracy.

The Knight alone ran deeper into the trees, parrying and dodging several spears of light coming his way while avoiding the stray shots of the blinded exorcists.

Xenovia, Ravel and Koneko ran towards the town, with the former gradually separating herself away from the latter two.

The angels watched the devils retreating, and the one in charge shouted at the ground forces, "Take two groups and charge after the women in the town! The rest follow us!"

"Ack, bloody noble! Alright you curs, ready your bolas and capture the Phenex and the blue one! The others you can shoot and kill!" The leader and his men rubbed the blindness out of their eyes before they ran after them into town.

Light bullets and crossbow bolts flew from their weapons and towards the devils, the men splitting into two groups, chasing down the Devils and the lone exiled exorcist.

Back at the hotel, the two parties had decided to call for a small break before continuing their negotiation.

Valper Galilei was standing inside his suite, sipping on a glass of brandy while Irina standing dutifully behind him. His expression was neutral, but if one were to look closer, there was unbridled fury and frustration burning in his bespectacled eyes.

Despite the contingencies he had prepared in hand, the entire farce turned out to be much more tedious than he expected. Losing Xenovia was bad enough, as she could become a severe liability for the entire operation. Then, the devils and the Red Dragon Emperor - Son of The Strongest Man, came up with their bluff about unleashing those abominations. To add more to his mounting frustrations, the bluff happened to be a threat as well, as the aforementioned abominations were akin to a force of nature that did not distinguish friend or foe, that could wash all of his work down to the drain.

Suddenly, he turned and smashed the half-empty glass right on Irina's temple. The glass' impact caused her head to jerk aside and its shards severing the scrunchy that tied one of her twin-tails.

Valper glared at Irina - his breathing was heavy for a second before he quickly recompose himself. He took a quick look over his prized pawn, and much to his small relief, the tinkering he had done on her was still doing its job, as Irina did not appear to suffer any lasting injuries despite the initial abuse he inflicted on her.

Still, he had to be on a clear mind by the time he continued the 'negotiation' with the damnable devils and Red Dragon Emperor. Fortunately, his solution to vent the frustration out of his mind was standing right before him.

Grinning from ear to ear, Valper snapped his finger. Then, on cue, Irina unclasped her cloak, letting the heavy fabric to fall to the floor and she proceeded to unzip her combat-suit, slowly revealing the bare skin beneath for the Archbishop to behold.


In the other suite, Issei wanted to use the break time to confront Irina, but the girl never left Valper's side, much to his chagrin.

"So? What do you think?" He then turned to ask Rias. "Did you pick up anything from Iri?"

The trio were sitting on a small round table with some tea provided.

"More or less." The Gremory replied, "Whatever Galilei did to Irina, it was a mix of conventional magic with… Something else. Possibly something more scientific in nature."

"Like what? Are we talking full blown mind programming? Can it actually be done?" Issei asked.

"I'm afraid so." Akeno followed, "There's an old saying that magic and science are two sides of the same coin, after all. The combination of the two could be difficult to decipher, even for the supernatural like us."

"Are you sure that's how it works because I call bullshit," Issei grimaced. "And please tell me you have something for that because I don't think I can punch brainwashing to death."

[You really should consider your 'ill-gotten loot' into consideration.]

"Not sure if the Urn can, considering that it can't remove the debt mark."

Issei rolled his eyes at the remark. There were two levels of magical effects and intensity that Issei categorized. The level that could be banished or undone easily, like Boost and Divide, and the level that simple conventional magic or supernatural power cannot undo like Sacred Gears and, apparently, a Divine Pact.

"Well… that is beyond my field of expertise." Rias sadly shook her head.

"...In any case, I still have to try talking to Irina first." Issei said, "Need to see if she's still in there somewhere."

Issei dug his hand into his pocket… he felt something in it. It felt very uncomfortable and leathery.

He stared at them.

"Ise...?" Rias asked as Issei pulled something out of his pocket.

"...Are you fucking shitting me?" Issei cursed again as he saw the fucking corpse hand. AGAIN. It came back to him, AGAIN.

"What the-!?" Rias nearly shouted in shock before she quickly composed herself, looking around briefly to make sure that her brief outburst did not attract attention. "How is this possible?! My seal should've kept it at my house!"

"I don't think this thing belongs in the category where conventional magic can contain." Issei uttered with complete disbelief. "And it fucking came in my pocket. Oh, gods, this thing is going to kill me."

Akeno and Rias stared at the thing dumbfounded, the thing that shamed Rias' prowess and confidence as a refined magician.

"What are you going to do?" Akeno asked, eyeing the hand with newfound fear.

"Like what am I going to do?! I can't wish… ahem, forget the 'W' word." Issei coughed. "I mean, it's not going to leave me until I make all the wishes. I don't want to make more wishes. It fuckin wants to kill me!"

Issei exasperated and started panting, ranting all of his frustrations in one breath.

"...Issei." Akeno looked at him.

"I know, I know. Just… uuuughhhh. I really, really don't want a fuckin' legend after my life like this." Issei exhaled out all of his stress.

[You could always use that thing as a last resort.]

Ddraig chimed; everyone in the room stared at the left hand where the dragon resided.

[What? I mean, you have four wishes left. You just have to word it out in a way that sounds direct and without any vagueness in it. Believe it, one of my previous hosts got into trouble with a pact he made with another god, and he didn't read the fine print.]

Ddraig informed.

"That is the dumbest, stupidest, and riskiest idea I have ever heard. And what? How am I supposed to word it out in a way that it doesn't screw me over? Hm?" Issei asked dryly and with a hint of animosity towards Ddraig for even suggesting it.

[Well, for example, don't wish something like 'wish someone from the dead.' It leaves a lot of holes. Wishing for your friend's freedom could leave room for interpretation, like freedom by death, so you might have to be clever with the details. And I don't think throwing in needless details along the way would work as well.]

"You want me to be short and concise with a thing that wants my life?" Issei uttered completely dumbfounded.

[The old thing that got promoted managed to use it somehow. The window of chance for it to work out is still there if it did so for that guy.]

The dragon's words left the three in the room pause in thought. Issei looked at the corpse's hand for a moment as he pondered what Binbougami did with the thing. He most likely used it to get to where he was, a huge gamble, yes, but very impressive.

"Alright… you have a point… an annoying point but a point in the end." The risks were still there and this was dangerous territory that would leave many in ruin. Not only that, this was something that Issei had never done before. "I might need some time to think of something for the blasted corpse hand, but first, I want to try out the Urn on Irina to see if it can remove Valper's whammy…. And I still need her to be alone when I try that."

Else everything would crumble into a warzone.

"That might be a problem since that is probably what Valper would anticipate the most." Rias commented.

[...Why don't you just try asking her that you want to talk to her in private? You and the girl had a history, right?]

Everyone stared at Issei's left hand where Ddraig just voiced his opinion from.

Issei then glanced up at Rias and Akeno, who only stared at him. A second later, Issei sighed in embarrassment as he ran his hand on his face - the whole mess with the Monkey's Paw had made him forget about obvious things.

Later, Issei stepped out from the quarter he shared with Rias and Akeno, heading towards where Valper and his cohorts were supposed to be. A few minutes of walking later, Issei then found Valper and Irina just got out of the room.

There were, however, there were some details that made Issei paused.

One - Valper was looking strangely refreshed while Irina's appearance was rather disheveled. One of her twin-tails was missing, which made her hair looked like some messy side ponytail, with the majority of her hair covering her face.

Two - the archbishop's arm was wrapped around her shoulder, and when their eyes met, Valper looked startled and immediately unwrapped his arm off Irina, straightening himself up.

"Oh, Son of the Strongest man." The priest greeted after straightening himself up, "To what do I owe you the pleasure of visiting?"

"...I would like to speak with Irina alone for a moment." Issei asked.

The eyes behind the glasses narrowed ever so slightly as Valper took in Issei's request. He glanced at the girl next to him before returning to Issei, "I'm afraid the time for us to continue our conversation will arrive soon. Surely you can talk to her later?"

"Now." Issei narrowed his eyes on the old man. "Delay the talks if you must, she needs this as much as I do. I want to talk to her about Xenovia and Griselda. And we need privacy."

Valper did not break eyes off of Issei's glare.

"Our negotiation is not so trivial that either of us can delay as we like."

"I doubt it. I've seen Azazel take more than a half-hour break on a similar note."

That was a lie, though, but Valper seemed very affected by his bluff.

"...Two minutes. That is all we can spare for you."

"I sincerely call bullshit."

"Then you clearly don't know the gravity of the situation, young man."

"I do know this. If the next words that leave your slimy lips are not what I want to hear, I am going to tear off the one place you cherish between your legs. I don't care who is going to see. Iri and I have been through hell to get us all this far, and if I don't hear what she has to say about this, you're going to see what I can be like when I'm angry. Got it?"

Valper glared at Issei in the eyes in return, friction sparking between them, ending with the former backing off in response.

"...Five minutes. That is all you will have. End of discussion."

Valper walked away, leaving Issei and Irina alone in the corridor. Issei clicked his tongue, his nails digging into his palm for a second, livid that he ran away.

Releasing his tension, Issei turned to Irina as he approached his childhood friend. He inhaled and exhaled all of his tension, relaxing his muscles as he smiled.

"Hi, Irina. What's up."

Much not to his surprise, Irina remained stoic while facing him. When Issei approached closer, however, his nose picked up a peculiar scent emitting from Irina's body. In addition, when he took a closer look - some spots on her skin, those that are not entirely covered by the edge of her black combat suit, had some red markings; and the area around her nether region looked…. Moist for some reason, causing his frown to return two-fold.

"What has he done to you…?" Issei asked with growing mortification as he reached up to brush the hair that was covering a part of Irina's face.

Cold rage slowly replaced the mortification when his hand wiped some more of her locks off her face, Issei spotted faint bruises on her face and neck, as if someone had beaten her and grabbed her harshly by her neck from behind.

Issei swore to repay Valper back once this was over as he took a deep inhale, breathing out his anger.

"...Alright, magic box. Do your work." Issei said as he aimed the wooden prism at Irina, the compartment opening as a cone of blue spread out over Irina. Issei watched some white wisps of energy flowing out of Irina, though looking at it closely, Issei noted that it came mostly from Irina's clothes and the cross on her neck. There was something black wriggling around her head, but it seemed stuck.

It did not look like the urn could peel it off, making him click his tongue.

Issei closed the urn and returned it to his sacred gear's inventory.

"So… how are you feeling now?" Issei asked, carefully watching if there was any change in Irina's features.

Irina's face twitched; her stoic expression remained but there was some life in her.

"...Do I really have to use this thing?" Issei drooped his head as he exhaled a very, very heavy sigh. "Fuck, fuck this thing. Fuck Valper. Fuck the Church. Fuck… damn it. I should swear off the swear jar for a while." Issei slid his hand over his face.

However, before Issei could have made up his mind, a voice was heard.

"It is time."

Issei blinked to see Malkuth - with Valper by his side, just called out to them from the door of the meeting room.

"...Fuckin God." Issei cursed again; how did five minutes pass so damned quickly?

Issei sent another glance at the still-stoic Irina, inwardly promising that he would free her from whatever twisted influence Valper had placed on her, before he walked away, "...I'll talk to you again, Iri. Wait for me."

Just when he had walked some distance away, Issei's ears caught it.


The boy blinked and turned towards Irina, whose lifeless eyes just shed a single tear before she returned to silence, as Valper ushered her to follow him.

With a new determination appearing on his face, Issei picked up his pace to return to Rias and Akeno.

Light bullets and spears pelted the concrete walls and floors around Yuuto and the round barrier of his shield sword as he ran. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to deflect all sorts of projectiles in his escape, he had to create a new sword on the fly, a sword that can create light-resistant barriers. He didn't know that he could do that but he was glad that Black forced him to binge on all forms of anime for creative ideas.

It was just a standard sword with a ridiculously round pommel. Yuuto simply has to have the gem of the pommel face a certain direction to conjure the light resistant barrier, a square wall of yellow hard-light covering his entire back and head, meaning he had to aim it behind him, sling it over his shoulder while running.

"School road, school road, school road..." Yuuto muttered to himself as he tried to maintain his sense of direction. He was not in a familiar area. He could fly but that would give away his position to the other Fallen Angels, and that would also risk him being surrounded from all sides.


Yuuto blinked before recognizing the voice in his head.

[Keep a sound mind. The enemies know the layout of this town better than you do.]

"What are you talking about?"

[Think for a moment, where do you think you're heading?]

The Knight looked around, and he recognized the place - the old factory where he first encountered Rover.


He was getting further away from school.

Black wings descended behind him, three angels staring at him while the humans joined them, all aiming their weapons at Yuuto.

"Nowhere to run. We memorized this town a month ago, so we know where to trap you." The Fallen angel at the forefront boasted to Yuuto before they started marching.

Yuuto backed away into the factory, conjuring another Demon sword in his hand, one meant to shoot dark energy that should harm angels. This one was more meant for the long range shooters than the angels, though, a gun-like sword in function.

Two more fallen landed behind Yuuto, both brandishing swords, actual metal swords of enchanted steel.

"Damn it…" Their swords were even holy swords, not the legendary kind like Excalibur's fragments.

Yuuto abandoned his shield-sword. He would have to draw Muramasa at the right time since the angels would be sensitive to her power and be too cautious.

"Take him down!" The four-winged angel pointed at Yuuto as the other Fallen and exorcists unleashed their battle cry, light swords, swords of heavenly light, light pistols, crossbows, and silver stakes drawn as they charged.

"Well, time to make the coach proud." Yuuto muttered as he envisioned this as another one of Black's torture training sessions. If now wasn't the best time to improve his techniques, then what is?

Yuuto grinned as he formed another sword in his hand. He never bothered to use it against Riser or Freed since Riser would just ignore the damage and Freed was way too fast, but he made it specifically against Black just in case.

He threw the sword at the first fallen angel that came within his line of sight. The angel raised his guard, but paused when the spinning blade was already audibly cracking apart, demonic energy spilling from the weapon.

The vanguard took the brunt of the damage when the sword exploded, or more like the angel and those around him screamed when it did. Those around the angel were knocked back.

But the angel himself was covered in demonic fire, screaming as he struggled to put out the unholy flames.

The result made Yuuto purse his lips.

The downside of this sword was that it requires more energy from him than usual as an explosive material. Not only that, the radius was not large enough, meaning it was a failed prototype.

At least it made the exorcists and angels stop in their tracks as they watched the angel screaming in unholy pain.

"Someone douse the fire!" Another angel shouted as an exorcist threw a bottle of holy water over the burning angel. The unholy flames sizzled as it doused down, but the damage was done. Most of the victim's feathers were burned off, leaving leathery shapes of the wings' bone structures while his entire face was disfigured by the fire, scarred red and pink over his white skin.

The angel himself could only twitch from the sheer pain coursing through his entire body. The one in charge gritted his teeth after examining his dying comrade.

"Criel! Damn it - everyone, kill the-" The leader fallen held his tongue upon seeing the Devil striding towards him, bat wings unfurled from behind. When his katana partially unsheathed, the leader felt a chill as he flapped his wings in ascent on instinct.

However, the Devil did not aim for him, he aimed for his subordinates around him as he watched the Knight slice the stomach and throats of his brethren, his blade leaving the sheathe in a blur as blood and screams flew in the air, blackened scars remained on the forms of the fallen soldiers of heavens before the devil danced around the exorcists as he blade drew the blood of each he passed through until he was a distance away behind the back of the vanguard.




Both angels and men screamed in agony, a voice that the leader never heard before in years from the throats of his hardened subordinates.

The fallen angel leader then turned to regard the Knight, or to be precise, the demonic sword that was coated in his brethren's blood.

"That demon sword… they did not inform us of anything about that." the fallen remarked.

"Yeah, I didn't really expect myself to receive this either." Yuuto replied with an ironic smile.

The fallen angel then looked at his allies, who were mostly on the ground, drowning in their own pool of blood. His mind told him that something was off; he knew how much pain one could experience in a death battle situation, but he knew that his allies - his brethren especially, should have not been in such agony from a cut, even if it was from a demon sword.

After all, it was not their first time encountering one.

His eyes then trailed to the demonic blade that was oozing something sinister.

"I do not recall there being a demon sword katana." The angel mentioned.

"There is one." Yuuto smiled as he sheathed Muramasa. "I doubt your kind has tasted this sword before. Like a friend of mine said, the world is big, bigger than we think."

"I cannot find fault in your statement." The fallen agreed.

Their conversation apparently gave enough time for the rest to recover their ground. Soon, two fallen angels and a few exorcists he failed to cut down.

He reentered his iai stance.

"Come at me!" Yuuto shouted.

"Take his head! His sword shall be a great prize!" The exorcist leader shouted as they roared their battle cry.

Footsteps filled the maze of alleys and once-quiet streets of Kuoh Town, many chasing after one like a pack of wolves to a stray deer.

Xenovia grimaced at the sheathed demon sword she carried. The sword was made for her, but unlike Yuuto, she could barely draw out a tenth of its power. Her affinity was best with the holy element, not the darkness.

Not only that, she wasn't fully familiar with the entire town. She did come to St. Adonai with Issei and Irina before. However, she had never used her current route.

She originally wanted to use the same route she once used with Issei and Irina; however, the rush of adrenaline, the flight or fight response she construed in the moment led her to a foreign zone.

A few pedestrians were present, a safe sign that she was closer to the main district. They were all either elderlies, hoodlums and other low-class civilians who stray exorcists could simply kill to limit the number of witnesses.

Xenovia cursed under her breath - should she use her trump card?

No, that's out of the question - Xenovia immediately dismissed the idea considering her location. Despite her own predicament, she would not shame her morals and code, even if she was utterly betrayed in the worst way possible.

Her only option was to seek refuge and shelter to hide and elude her pursuers.

She hoped the doors of the buildings she picked were not locked.

There was a building with an open garage - several people were loading and unloading some crates and cardboard boxes into and from the massive delivery trucks.

However, when she paused to ponder her course of action, the closest exorcist caught up with her and fired his pistol. His aim was off, but the bullet grazed her hand, the one gripping her borrowed demon sword.

"Ugh, damn it all!"

She shouted in indignation as she was forced to release the only weapon she had, forced to rush inside the building while ignoring the civilian workers shouting at her unauthorized entry.

She toppled and threw down every furniture, boxes, anything that could obstruct her pursuers and buy her some time.

After running up a short flight of stairs, Xenovia began to explore the second floor as she ran. It appeared she had entered some sort of an antique shop - old, ornate mirrors and furniture surrounded her.

She then stopped on her tracks when her eyes spotted a section where vintage firearms and guns were placed on shelves and display-cases, like the flintlock pistols or the old rifles where the shooter had to light the ropes to ignite the gunpowder.

Her mind quickly looked back at what she had learned of the enemy.

From the Devils' testimony, the stray exorcists relied on conventional weapons and firearms in contrast to her usual exorcism weapons that utilized light elements, although it appeared that some of them were armed with modern weapons.

There must be more than one exorcist group here.

Considering her current situation, Xenovia quickly went over the firearms collection for a weapon. Despite being a swordswoman, she had received basic fire-arms lessons before she was given the choice to wield a holy sword.

Inside one display case was an ornate vintage revolver.

"…This will do." Xenovia ran and tried to open the lid, it was locked shut. Then she smashed the glass case with her elbow.

Picking up the revolver she had eyed earlier, she gave a quick inspection. The condition was good, nothing seemed broken… except that the ammunition was missing.

She had to suppress a groan when she realized that the bullets themselves were placed on a different display - one that was at least open.

However, she ran into another problem - she knew little to nothing when it came to firearms, and there were at least ten different bullets before her.

She took another look at the size of the revolver's bullet chamber, and she simply grabbed a fistful of bullets that looked size-compatible.

She crouched low on the floor behind the display-cases while trying to load her looted gun, and her patience was tested once again when she found that none of the bullets could fit into the chamber.

"Search every corner! She must be still in this room!"

Xenovia was just in time to grab another fistful of bullets when the stray exorcists entered the room. Peeking from behind her cover, she saw the figures of the pursuers running past the door frame, but none entered the room.

She prayed with all her heart that she had picked the right ammunition.

Much to her relief, her prayer was immediately answered when the first bullet slid through the chamber, followed with the second, third, until she finished loading all six rounds.

Having armed herself, she took a deep breath, hardening her resolve to make it out alive, even if she might have to take another human life in the process.

A grunt wielding a crossbow had strayed from the rest of his comrades as he entered her room, searching with his weapon poised, eye behind the target sight with extreme vigilance.

She tightened the grip on her gun as she dug deep to tug at the basics of shooting.

Calm down, hold the gun firmly, point the nozzle at the target, aim and squeeze the trigger.

She repeated the sentence for a few times before she took one last breath and stood up from her hiding spot, aiming her gun at the lone target, who only realized when Xenovia squeezed the trigger.


"Oh, are you kidding me?!"

As if luck spat her in the face, the nozzle of her gun literally exploded, the barrel looking like flower-shaped scrap with the cylinder popped off the main body.


The stray exorcist sighed in relief for a second before he alerted his comrades and aimed his crossbow at the girl. However, the girl quickly improvised and threw her ruined gun with all her might right at the rogue priest.

Thanks to her frequent use of Excalibur Destruction, which was nearly twice her size, Xenovia had developed sturdy muscles on her arms, granting her strength that was far above the average girls of her age.

Meaning the force behind her throw knocked the exorcist to the unforgiving floor upon impact with a bleeding nose.

"Agh! Bitch!"

However, Xenovia followed up by running up to him and dropped onto him, slamming her elbow into his face with all of her weight behind it.

She immediately wrenched the crossbow off his hand, footsteps arriving at the door, and aimed the weapon at the new arrivals and pulled the trigger repeatedly.

She was glad that it was a repeating crossbow.

She watched as bolts of baptized silver pierced the men that entered, cries of pain echoing the room. Once the repeater crossbow clicked out of ammo, she tossed it aside and threw herself to her feet and tackled the priests with a cry of courage.

She went for the gun of the closest exorcist, tackling him back into stumbling into his wounded comrades in the narrow doorway, pulling the light pistol from his hand and aimed at them, unloading as much holy energy into the exorcists with the sound of adrenaline pumping in her ears as the noise of the world drowned off, the only sounds she could hear was the light pistol firing at the priests that kept entering the room one by one.

Xenovia kept firing, the light bullets flying out the door ad infinitum until she no longer saw any more men trying to go in for her.

"Hah, hah, hah, hah…." Xenovia heaved tired breaths as she looked back at the priest she stole the crossbow from, seeing him getting back up. She immediately aimed for him and shot him in the head, burning a hole in his skull, the life escaping through the hole as the light in his eyes faded in a second.

Xenovia looked at the man she killed for a second.

It was her… she did not know how to say it. She recalled taking the lives of stray devils before, but… these were her first human kills.

Xenovia lowered her gun, grimacing at her actions for a second before she shook her head and quelled her emotions, taking off and discarding her fake glasses so she could run a hand on her face.

She knew this would happen when Valper betrayed her. Breaking down in the middle of battle would do nothing but shame everyone that fought for her.

She turned around, seeing the glimmer of sharp silver diving at her.


Xenovia raised her pistol and blocked the arm holding the weapon, yet the silver stake was so close to scratching her eyes.

"You're gonna die for that, bitch!"

Xenovia grunted as the man pressed his weight forward, forcing her to step back.

"Ah, damn it all!" Xenovia shouted as she side-stepped, grabbed his forearm, and rammed his own weapon into his stomach, wrenching a dying gasp and blood-filled gurgles from the man as Xenovia ripped the silver stake from his hands and impaled his head, right through the ears.

She watched as his eyes instantly lost focus, the death faster than instant as she pushed him down, panting as she watched the blood pool onto the floor.

Some of his blood was on her hand, staining the peerless silver in her grip. It looked as if the color of the man's sin had latched onto her, blotching the last remnant of innocence in her.

She then closed her eyes, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself down.

Hold it for ten seconds, then release. Repeat for ten seconds each.

However, a few seconds later, something inside Xenovia lurched as she stumbled to the corner of the room and she puked her lunch to the dusty floor.

Once her stomach was empty, she proceeded to tear her bloody top off her and discard them in disgust, leaving her in her black tight combat suit. After taking more deep breaths, she spent some more minutes before finally forcing herself to leave.

With a steady pace through the city blocks, passing several pedestrians in their entry to the shopping district, the two remaining devils managed to run ahead of their pursuers.

With a swift glance, Koneko noted several stray exorcists among the civilians.

The presence of civilians did work in their favor, even exorcists of their ilk could not afford to draw unwanted attention from the public - the public knowledge of the supernatural being a critical bane to all parties involved.

Combined with Koneko and Ravel's short height, their pursuers could not discern them within the crowd.

However, the presence of normal people also tied their hands as well, unable to perform anything suspicious like drastic magic or casting a bounded field.

Both girls stopped for a few seconds when they saw a couple more stray exorcists coming from their front, forcing them to take a turn at the nearby intersection.

"They're trying to herd us to a destination. They most likely have familiarized themselves with the land's layout. We can't keep this up forever." Ravel whispered.

"We need to shake them off our tail somehow." Koneko replied.

They were still in the shopping district, but as Ravel had implied, they needed a way to buy themselves time and a chance.

Koneko then found something as she tugged Ravel to follow her, "This way."

The girls made their way inside a medium department store.

"This building has two main entrances on opposite ends. We can go to the next street through here." Koneko reasoned.

"...And probably use the building's contents and interior to elude our pursuers. Not bad." Ravel nodded in approval.

They went through several shops and aisles, with a group of stray exorcists pursuing their trail. However, a few minutes of walking later, the stray exorcists suddenly stopped.

The building the two girls entered was a lingerie section for women, a place that would definitely draw attention to them should they enter en masse.

Koneko and Ravel took a peek from a shelf and saw their pursuers' reluctant expressions, confirming that they had bought themselves some time.

"Any idea where to go next? I assume you know this place better than I do." Ravel asked her partner.

"Simple enough. You got money with you?"

"I have my credit card, but why are you asking…" She trailed off and realised where they were at. "...I see, but are you sure our disguise can fool the eyes of trained exorcists? They might have items that could unveil our devil heritage."

"...Only one way to find out." Koneko shrugged as she and Ravel left the lingerie section through one of the unblocked exits.

They immediately went inside another store making sure that they were going deep enough for the exorcists to have it hard to track them.

"Pick something quick, don't bother about measuring the size." Koneko instructed.

Ravel nodded and the two immediately looked through the selection of clothes, eyewears, shoes, etc.

The two then split up in the fitting room section.

"Don't take too long." Koneko said as she went into a booth, with Ravel went inside the one next to Koneko.

Not even a minute later, Koneko had already gotten out - her school uniform had been replaced by a soccer T-shirt, long jeans, a pair of sneakers, and her white-locks were covered in a hat worn in reverse, giving her a tomboyish look.

She was about to check on Ravel when the girl in question came out from the fitting room. At the sight of the Phenex, Koneko could only blink and look in dumbfoundment.

Ravel was wearing what appeared to be a cheap knock-off version of their school uniform. The tie around her collar was loose, with her unclasping the top button of her white shirt. Her square-pattern brown skirt had a brown sweater tied around her waist.

However, what really caught Koneko off-guard was the amount of accessories Ravel wore on her person - bracelets, heart-shaped necklace, rabbit-theme earrings, and her blonde hair had been done in a high ponytail with several clips of various colours. Not only that, she also strapped several flower and animal-shaped badges on her shirt.

Overall, Koneko felt like she was looking at a gyaru.

"What the hell are you wearing?!" Koneko whispered in an aggravated tone at Ravel, who only looked confused in return.

"My disguise…?"

"You call that a disguise?"

"Why, yes! This get-up blends into the crowd! This is what modern human girls wear nowadays, isn't it?"

Koneko had so many words to tell Ravel that not all 'modern' girls wore what she wore. However, several noises approaching their location prevented her from wasting any more time.

"We need to go now." Koneko urged the blonde devil that was still utterly oblivious of the point of her attire.


The two went to the cashier, paid their fees, and approached the exit with caution.

Outside the glass windows they could see the exorcists holding caskets of holy water in their hands. They ignored the ones that did not bear the size of a small child, standing beside as inconspicuous as possible.

However, when they came across teenage girls, they would chant a few prayers while spilling several drops on those girls. The girls either just ran away, or even confronted them of what they were doing.

The stray exorcists simply put on polite faces, apologizing for the inconveniences under the pretext of 'blessing them for luck'.

"We can't get out with them standing like that. As soon as those waters touch us, our covers will be blown." Ravel said.

"Wait, I have an idea." Koneko had a spark of inspiration. She immediately took out her phone and started dialing a number.

"What are you doing?" Ravel asked.

"We are in the public space. Look, there are people out there on phones. Meaning we can call for someone to take them away," Koneko pointed out.

"Who? I am pretty sure that it will take time to alert the others." Ravel reminded.

"I don't need to. I know someone that even those exorcists cannot fight against without facing the wrath of millions."

"And what is that?" Ravel asked.

Koneko dialed a number and grinned. She waited for a moment before the line picked up.

"Hello? Local police? I am outside a clothing store, and there are weird men outside spraying water on and molesting girls. Yes, I can take a picture and send it to you. My location is-"

Ravel quirked a brow as she watched Koneko take a picture with her phone, snapshotting the men outside lathering water on teenage girls.

A few minutes after Koneko had shut her phone off, the girls then watched as several policemen arrived and began handling the exorcists, who appeared startled at the unexpected intervention.

"Excuse me, sirs. May we ask what you are doing here?" one of the officers approached the stray.

"Huh? I - w-we're just doing local community services by blessing this place and its customers." The stray exorcist managed to reply.

"Is that so? But our reports told us that your 'blessings' have been aimed at teenage girls specifically, and you've been causing some public unrest. Besides, do you have a permit?" The policeman asked with a skeptical tone.

"W...What permit?"

The officers sharpened their glares.

"You're coming with us for questioning. Search them for contraband."

"What- Wait! We can explain!" The stray exorcist blurted out as he and his comrades were being apprehended by the policemen, who had begun to prepare their cuffs.

"Let's go. Do not run, just walk like normal." Koneko signaled Ravel.

The girls walked out of the store in the midst of chaos, as the strays were still busy trying to fend off against the police officers.

However, one of the stray exorcists happened to spot both of them, and looked oddly at their get-ups, or in particular, Ravel's appearance that stood out compared to others. Then he found his hands being cuffed by the officer.

"And what do we have here? What is a priest doing with a dagger?" One officer called out, holding the silver stake.

"N-no, you don't understand! We have to-...!" The stray exorcist trailed off when his eyes spotted the two girls - one of them with blonde drill-hair really stood out compared to others.

That moment, Ravel blundered - due to mild nervousness, she glanced back and her eyes met with the stray exorcist that spotted them, and the eye-contact lasted for a good few seconds.

It was enough for the stray to immediately learn what Koneko and Ravel had been up to.

"It's them! There they are!" The stray exorcist shouted, pointing at them, the others turning to see the two disguised devils.

"Stay where you are!" The officers took out their guns and aimed them at the exorcists.

"Out of our way!" The stray exorcists had also brandished their weapons.

Soon, panic descended upon the crowd as a gunfight erupted between the stray exorcists and the local authorities.

"You two, with me! We'll deal with these peasants!" the stray exorcist in charge barked orders, "The rest of you, go after the target! Remember, we need the blonde one alive!"

Meanwhile, Koneko and Ravel noticed that their cover had been blown.

"You grilled chicken brain! What did you do!?" Koneko shouted.

"Sorry! I was too nervous!" Ravel simply had a little to no excuse.

Not having time to argue, the two girls could only run with a squad of stray exorcists hot on their trail… Again.

The skies above the sacred land of the Vatican were clear, the blue sky unrolled past the horizon without a besmirching cloud in sight. Yet the golden gates of the Vatican were covered by a heavy tension, many angels flying above the gates while exorcists stood on guard, all armed to the teeth in preparation for the arrival of the one man they did not wish to meet again.

At the front of the gates was Vasco Strada, his old, yet bulky form more that of a massive brute's than a holy man, garbed in battle priest attire with most of his muscles shown to the world. At his side was Elwald Cristaldi, swordmaster of the Church.

"This is my first time meeting the Strongest Man in person."

Another man spoke out, a young man with long, blonde hair and green eyes, the left side of his hair combed down while the right was groomed in the shape of a flower, one with long thin petals. His name was Dulio Gesualdo, a prodigy of the church.

"I can sense the curiosity brimming in you." Vasco noted with a calm tone.

"Anyone that has heard of the Strongest Man's visit would be curious, especially one of his age." Elwald commented with delight.

"I am more curious on how he obtained the title." Dulio mentioned. "When one receives the title like the Red Dragon Emperor or the White Dragon Emperor, that does not mean that he or she is actually an emperor of the red dragons. The one known as Great Red is more worthy of the Red Emperor title, if I am honest."

"That is true." Vasco agreed.

"I want to ask. Is the guest actually the Strongest Man in the literal sense, as in the strongest of us all, or just the Strongest amongst humans?" Dulio questioned.

The two elders remained silent. The ones in eavesdropping range looked indifferent, but their ears were focused on their conversation mostly to pass the time.

"We call him the strongest man because he demonstrated the might that belonged to one worthy of that title." Elwald answered as he stroked his chin in thought. "But whether he is the strongest amongst all of those that live on this world, that we have yet to see. Such a battle would usually result in an apocalyptic event that might transcend the scale of destruction the two Dragon Emperors wrought when they were still flesh and blood. However, so far he earns that title, mostly because he has done an impossible task that would usually warrant the need of a powerful Longinus."

Dulio remained silent as he looked forward.

"Was your question out of pure curiosity, or was it from a sinful desire for pleasure?" Vasco queried.

"...I have no idea what you mean." Dulio responded.

"I can see the fire of youth burning in you. You want to challenge him." Vasco pointed out.

Dulio did not answer. His silence was enough for Vasco not to press further.

"They have arrived." Elwald notified.

A black limo was approaching them from the road.

Many exorcists stiffened their posture at the sight. Many of them witnessed the devastation of the Strongest Man when he arrived at their fortress with two more at his side, laying waste and destruction as if he was the avatar of the end times himself hiding behind the visage of a harmless man.

The limo drove up and slowed before the army of exorcists. Some placed their hands on their weapons, their arms were shaking, legs trembling.

Dulio turned to Vasco.

It was the first time he saw the veteran of World War II looking as anxious as the others. Dulio noted that the roof of the vehicle was more elevated than he knew.

It looked like it was designed to fit ogres inside.

The doors of the vehicle opened. They held their breath as the first passenger stepped out.

Vasco was the first one to suck in his breath when he saw a familiar tentacle sticking up the limo door - albeit one of platinum color.

"...So he's here." Vasco muttered.

The door was slammed shut, revealing the first passenger.

His figure reminded Vasco so much of the one he fought before, only that one was golden in color.

"Well, well, well, been so long since I was here…. And you, muscly, older non-darkshine. How have you been since the beatings I gave you? I remember you being taller… And if it isn't the other guy whose name I've already forgotten."

The large platinum figure called out to Vasco as he stood up, taller than Vasco remembered. The exorcists remembered this one, many swallowing the lumps in their throats, some even clenching the holy crosses hanging from their necks in silent prayer.

"It has indeed been a while… Golden One."

"I got a promotion since then. You're looking at my Platinum-self now. One with years of training." Platinum Sperm approached as another door of the limo opened.

"Please, Gold- Platinum. We are not here to aggravate them, or rekindle any trauma you might have left since your last destructive visit."

It was a man in his 20s, with handsome features adorning his face. He had purple eyes, silver-white hair that was covered with a purple beret, complete with purple trench-coat, black vest, white pants and black boots.

"Oh, please, it was the first time I fought angels before. Beating fabled holy men near-death with my fists has never felt so, so satisfying." The muscly thing with the white, heavily chiseled face and a metallic sheen walked over to them.

Many of the exorcists felt fear, and a hint of emasculation, at the sight of the perfect male figure. Dulio wasn't one of them, though he had to crane his head up to look at the… thing's face. Dulio wasn't sure what that thing was. He assumed it was a Devil or a chimera but the way he approached the gates was suspicious since they did not drop the anti-devil wards around the headquarters.

"Just… Behave, please. It's getting harder and harder to tell your family what sorts of trouble you've been stirring up lately." The man asked.

In return, the Platinum Sperm simply clicked his tongue, but did not argue further.

"Alright, you hypocrites. I will say this once if you want to keep your bones intact. Even you, old timers. Don't bother trying to fight me, I'm pretty sure I can crush your winged head honcho mano a mano. Don't look down on me. Or any of me. Or you will regret it."

All of the priests and exorcists felt like he was looking down on them instead.

Once Platinum had done talking, Vasco then stepped forward to address the other visitor, who he shared smiles of recognition.

"Please forgive his behaviour, on behalf of Grigori, it is an honour to meet you, Your Eminence Strada." The man said as he shook hands with the older-looking human.

"Likewise, Lord Shemhazai." Vasco returned the greeting. "May I dare ask where Mr. Saitama is?"

"I believe you should know the situation considering we sent his cohort here." The Fallen Angel shook his head.


Dulio could understand. This was an intimidation tactic, though he was lost in some parts.

"Excuse me, Sir Platinum." Dulio greeted with a warm smile.

Platinum looked down on Dulio with a quirked brow.

"Who're you, pretty boy? You part of a boy band choir?"

Dulio also noted his abrasive behavior.

"Dulio Gesualdo, at your service. I… am just a curious youth. I wanted to ask since I see you, what are you? Is that a costume?" Dulio inquired.

"Ahahahaha! A costume?! No, I am your worst nightmare if any of you idiots fuck this up." Platinum scoffed.

"Please, be more courteous. He is not a Devil or a Chimera." Elwald interjected.

"Oh, yeah. And you retards thought throwing useless things at me works so well." Platinum looked around, scanning the surroundings. "You gonna let us in or do I have to do this all over again? I'm not here to waste time, so spare me all the bullshit you're preparing. I have questions and I want answers, so which one of you has the balls to give them to me?"

The exorcists gave each other silent glances. Dulio rubbed his chin in thought on how to deal with this one, he seemed as strong as he looked but he wasn't sure how strong.

"We welcome you in the house of the Lord, sir Platinum. Please, come in. We can discuss the matters inside." Vasco greeted.

"Heh. And your flying friends? So many pigeons waiting for me to pluck their wings, I'm flattered. Is Michael up there or is he too chicken to come out?"

Dulio found his remarks crossing a line. He glanced at the exorcists, seeing some clenching the holy crosses on their necks tighter, but they were still trembling in fear.

"There is no need for impatience." Elwald suggested.

"Oh, I think the word you're looking for is 'pressed for time.' I have many things to say, and we're out here burning daylight on pleasantries. I want to see the gates open before me right now or I will tear the wings off of your pigeons and turn your fanatics into bawling babies," Platinum demanded.

Vasco looked at the priests behind the gate. He gave them a nod, the doors of the Vatican opening.

Dulio decided to stick around the non-human to see if he could read him, but when his gaze shifted back at him, the creature was gone.

"...And you, pretty boy."

Dulio heard Platinum's voice behind him, the latter's pale white was hovering next to Elwald.

"I am praying for whatever purity you have. I heard the old men here likes to rape young boys."

Dulio turned around, already seeing Platinum heading into the gate. Dulio stared at the fading figure of the masculine creature.

"He always likes to do that to intimidate others. Also, just in case, check your pockets."

Dulio shifted his focus to Shemhazai walking up to him. Without questioning it, Dulio searched his pockets… he widened his eyes. His spare weapons - light pistol and light sword were gone.

Even though his guard was up, that thing walked past it like it was an ant's hill.

"...I see why he is called the Strongest Man." Dulio muttered.

"Hm? Oh, you believe that he is the strongest man?" Vasco asked.

"What?" Dulio turned to Vasco.

"I admit, he is frighteningly more powerful than I imagined since the last time, but he is not the strongest man." Elwald shook his head.

"...Then who is he?" Dulio asked.

"A companion of the Strongest Man. The one that defeated us two in combat, the one who changed his name from Gold to Platinum. Let this be a lesson to you on the vastness of the world God has graced, that the unexpected will always thrive in the face of the expected."

Dulio took his elder's words into heart as he and everyone else went inside the grand cathedral.

LORD HAVE MERCY; can't believe I pulled it off myself.

Next chapter 27: Storm - available in your-know-where site. Reviews, please! ;D

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