One-Punch DxD: NEO

Chapter 31: Subjugation

Surprise, surprise! Hell, even i4md347h and I didn't expect to update this soon. XD Welcome to the climax of 'Excalibur of The Moonlit School Yard' - NEO version!

In the outskirts of the town, just outside of the Bounded Field erected by Kokabiel, an eight-winged fallen descended beside Baraqiel, crouching on one knee with his head bowed down in respect.

"Lord Baraqiel, the troops have been stationed and ready to move at your command. What are your orders?"

"Have them remain on standby. Do not move until I give the order." Baraqiel glanced at his subordinate with a small nod of acknowledgement.

The subjugation army deployed by Azazel had been stationed at the outskirts of Kuoh Town, but was unable to immediately enter due to the barrier erected by Kokabiel, not to mention the threat about the so-called 'magic bomb'.

It was most likely the threat was a bluff, but one could never be too careful.

They arrived not long after Genos entered the bounded field to engage the traitor seraph in combat. They were waiting for Genos, the latter being the scout, for his report.

However, a terrible miracle alerted every sense of the Fallen angels present.

Within the bounded field, the one Genos established within Kokabiel's field, was something they had never felt ever since the great war.

They could sense the Light of God… or something close to it, and it belonged to the traitorous angel.

How Kokabiel gained God's Light or somehow achieved it with his own means, Baraqiel did not know.

He could only let the cyborg hero do battle with the ascended Fallen in combat, watching the display of exploding lights and flickering cursed flames dance across the sky.

Now, their current purpose was quarantine - to prevent any attempt of Kokabiel's escape and to isolate the damage within the borders.

"...What is the status of the refugees?"

The Hyoudou matriarch and Asia were the first to greet them alongside Ravel. They gathered as many Blacks as they could with them before the fight.

Then Kuroka, the SS-class Stray Devil arrived… with the wounded transported by her vines.

"Some of them have suffered life-threatening injuries, but thanks to the SS-Class Stray Devil Kuroka's first aid treatment, combined with Asia Argento's Twilight Healing, and our own paramedics team, we are able to stabilize all of them. However, some of them lost their limbs in battle, one without a leg, another without her hands…" Baraqiel's adjutant replied; albeit Baraqiel sensed that the answer had not been completed yet.

"...And considering your daughter has stopped breathing for some time - while she has been resuscitated, I am afraid it might take some more time for her to regain her consciousness. We are preparing a neck cone for her… condition."

Suddenly, indescribable pressure descended upon them - particularly the fallen angel adjutant who was still kneeling. Disciplines trained through millenia allowed him to remain composed, although he spotted some sparks appearing around Baraqiel's frame from the corner of his eyes.

The pressuring atmosphere only lasted barely more than a second until Baraqiel released a soft sigh, calming himself down. "...Are Lady Gremory and Sitri in condition to talk?"

"They are still resting in their assigned quarters, but I believe they can receive visitors." The adjutant replied.

"Very well, you may return to your station." Baraqiel nodded.


The adjutant then raised with one more salute before he left, allowing Baraqiel to make his way towards his army's encampment.

It took a few minutes until Baraqiel arrived in one of the medical tents.

Rias and Sona were in their beds. Their respective peerages joined them, albeit in more bandages than their Kings due to their brawl with a Seraph Class angel, and not all of them were conscious.

Yuuto smiled slightly at Baraqiel. His hand was reattached, Muramasa was sheathed, placed next to his bed, as if watching him close-by.

"Lord Baraqiel." Rias greeted the cadre with a polite tone, with Sona nodding at him. The others that were awake greeted with a slight bow of their heads.

"At ease, all of you deserve rest after everything you have gone through." The Lightning of God raised his hand in a placating manner, as his eyes scanned around the room. His eyes lingered on the form of his sleeping daughter a second longer, before he set to address Rias and Sona.

"The Gremory and Sitri clan of 72 Pillars are in your debt, Lord Baraqiel." Rias offered her thanks.

"It is of no concern, Ms. Gremory, considering this my own token of gratitude for looking after my daughter."

The peerage members glanced at Akeno's sleeping form - the Priestess of Thunder's lineage had been revealed during the Rating Game between Rias and Riser, and suffice to say, the devils from Sona Sitri's peerage were coloured shock; thankfully the surprise did not last long and they accepted the revelation easily enough.

"Forgive my sudden rudeness, but…" Sona then interjected, "Even if this incident involves your daughter, can you truly afford aiding your enemies like this?"

Rias sent her childhood friend a glare for her improper remarks, which the latter ignored.

In return, Baraqiel's lips twitched upward ever so slightly.

"Indeed. In fact, you can consider it one of Azazel's priorities."

"Priorities? What could lead the Governor of the Grigori to consider our safety a precedent?" Rias asked.

"It is better if you hear from his lips. It will add weight to the surprise." Baraqiel replied without missing a beat.

"Speaking of your Governor's plans…" Sona asked as her eyes stared through the opening of the tent outside, "Your army is ready for combat, yet you're here, checking up on your daughter and not in the frontlines. Why not charge forth to subdue Kokabiel now?"

Baraqiel's features twitched, his eyes looking down as a deep hum left his throat.

"The situation has become more complicated than expected. Sending in troops will likely result in waste of lives and manpower. I am sure all of you felt that devastating holy aura. Especially you."

Baraqiel turned to Yuuto.

The Knight did not answer, only looked down on himself as the weight of helplessness returned in his heart.

"Yes, we did; My Knight… informed me in detail of this revelation." Rias - and everyone else grimaced as she glanced at the said Knight, who slightly nodded in confirmation, "Have you ever heard about this…. 'Ascension', Lord Baraqiel?"

"In the past, Azazel once mentioned the possibility for a fallen angel to regain the Lord's Grace, but…. He was inebriated at the time, so we disregarded it as one of his mad, alcoholic rants." Baraqiel replied with an uneasy expression on his face, "...To think Kokabiel touched that realm. This opens entirely new frontiers of possibilities for angels and fallen ones alike. Regardless, we can learn more about such phenomena later once Kokabiel is dealt with… Assuming Genos can subdue him alive."

"Yes, in that regard, who, or rather, what is this… Genos fellow? Rias and I were rescued by him, and later Kiba caught Issei addressing him as 'uncle'." Sona asked this time.

"I believe you have heard this, but Ise's family has been involved with us Grigori ever since they were exposed to the supernatural. Suffice to say, Genos - Ise's uncle and godfather, is one of Grigori's most capable agents."

"...But that did not answer our question." Sona pursed her lips.

"What is he? He looks… I don't know, is he human? Or is he something like Black?" Rias pointed out.

It would be very awkward to have another Rover and Black scenario.

Baraqiel gave a light snort of amusement before replying, "Genos is - as humans in modern era call - a cyborg, a man and machine in one person."

"...Huh, alright." Tsubasa nodded dumbly.

Issei had mentioned about having a cyborg uncle for a few times, but everyone had been dismissing his words as recurring jokes. Who would have thought? Even Tsubasa, who had met Genos a few times, thought those bulging, metallic arms were some sort of cosplay.

If what Issei said about Genos had been true all along, did that mean his story about his father was true as well?

"But I thought cyborg technology is… Well, fiction." One of Sona's Bishops, Reya Kusaka, spoke out.

"Speaking of which, are we going to see some mecha-angels among you?" Tsubasa asked. "It will be dope as hell, not gonna lie."

This time, an expression actually appeared on Baraqiel's stoic face that was born from eons of discipline, "Please don't ever bring that idea up. It was even…. A miracle that we managed to get Azazel out of that kind of madness."

"Why not? He's owning your traitor angel if what I heard from them is right." Tsubasa pointed at the sword wielders. "Why not add that to your fallen angel army?"

"One… We don't have the resources for such mass production. Something of Genos' caliber is more… customized. We did not develop the cybernetic technology as well, so we are completely inept in the field. Plus, our biology is different. None of us want to undergo the risk of reaching such extremities like Genos."

"Moving on." Rias decided to stop the conversation about cyborgs, as her face contorted in worry. "How is Ise?"

Baraqiel's face calmed down as he nodded, "I am planning to check on him afterwards. While Ise's body was…. intact, he actually suffered several internal hemorrhaging and organ ruptures, which… will further delay his recovery. It's a miracle he managed to salvage himself from where most humans would expire. Not only that, your only two Phoenix Tears are depleted on your… Young Nekoshou friend and my daughter. The Phenex girl is working tirelessly extracting her own lifeblood for his recovery."

"I see…" Rias looked down, "Speaking of, where is Kuroka?"

"Her injuries are nowhere nearly as extensive as the rest of you, so her treatment is swift. She is in another tent, recovering… She wishes to see her sister very adamantly." Baraqiel replied.

"Forgive me once again for this sudden request, but… Is it possible for you to hand Kuroka over to us once this incident is concluded?" Sona then asked, "She is a high-profile fugitive in the Underworld and is due for trial for her crimes against 72 Pillars."

"...I'm afraid we can't do that." Baraquiel rejected. "As a matter of fact, she has approached us in the past, claiming that she had cut all ties with the 72 Pillars and requested asylum in exchange for her service and skills. As of now, she is an official agent of the Grigori. I am aware of her crimes of homicide, but regardless, she is under our protection. However, if you want, you can approach her tent and inquire about her personal testimony of the event. If I may be rude myself, your criminal justice system will never consider the crimes of the master or offer true impartial judgement when it involves the noble devils."

A small tension ignited between Baraquiel and the two heiresses when he subtly referred to their kind's disregard for one particular devil.

"It does sound rather rude, coming from you, but…. You are not completely wrong there… considering our encounter with such a Noble Devil." Sona replied with a sigh. "Very well, we shall settle with questioning her for testimonies. Thank you for listening to our request."

Baraqiel hummed with nod, "Now, I would like to check on Ise-"

However, the sound of commotion outside cut the Cadre short as he paused and turned towards the entrance of the tent.

Baraquiel's features scrunched as he stomped towards the tent, opening the flap.

He widened his eyes when he saw his men attempting to stop the man in question… all of them were holding onto Issei and each other, all attempting to stop the boy in bandages and patient gown from heading towards the direction of the battle, dragging them with him.

"Lord Baraqiel! Issei Hyoudou is… we can't stop him!" One of the fallen shouted as Issei was slowly gaining inch by inch of territory with each step.

Letting out a silent groan, Baraqiel made his way towards Issei - who despite his injuries, easily overpowered the fallen angels who tried to stop him.

"Ise." Baraqiel said with a stern tone while standing in Issei's path, holding onto his shoulder. "That is enough. Return to your tent."

"Baraqiel… Sorry, but can you move, please? I…" Issei paused as his throat slightly hurt and parched, before he took a deep breath, "I need to go back. I can't stay while-"

"Your uncle is handling this." Baraqiel denied. "He is Kokabiel's opponent now. I can understand the frustration stemming from your sense of powerlessness, Ise. I have been there before. So I can say this with confidence - It is time for you to lay your trust in your family."

Issei gritted his teeth in frustration, "But I-!"

However, someone suddenly approached, out of everyone's notice, until Issei saw from the corner of his eyes that something was careening to his face.

Everyone - including the devils who managed to peek from the entrance of the medical tent, witnessed as Haruka slammed her palm right on Issei's cheek, knocking him to his rear.

Issei stared at his mother… who was glaring at him with the most disciplining, angriest face he had ever seen before.

Everything became silent at the spectacle of mother and son staring at each other, with only the few echoes of rumbling and battle between Kokabiel and Genos filling the air around them.

"...Issei. Don't be a fool like your father." She warned.

Issei remained stunned. He was about to retort but she held her hand up.

"Don't you dare try to talk back. You are not your father. You have people who care about you. Who worries for you. He… didn't have any back then… so that doesn't mean you can pretend we don't exist just so you can live his lonely life. Do you want to see your friends and family hurt because of your selfish actions?"

Issei only stared at his mother for a few moments that felt like forever, until eventually, Issei sighed and relaxed his posture.

Knowing that her son had calmed down, Haruka smiled as she embraced Issei, who did not resist in the slightest.

"Dammit…" Issei cursed in his whisper.

"There, there…" Haruka said lovingly as she ran her hand through Issei's locks. "You've done wonderfully. For now, just rest and focus on getting better, okay?"

The two remained in that position as the paramedics, along with Asia, came over them. The Fallen Angels that tried to drag Issei back let go, like a toppling sand castle as they sighed in relief that the patient would finally return to bed.

However, their peace was disrupted when a shining light in the distance stole their attention.

Everyone looked in the distance to see a giant pillar of light descending from the skies.

They stared at it. The sheer size and magnitude of it was… ridiculous. It was as if God himself was pissed and decided to come down to earth and smite whatever poor bastard that caught his gaze.

When smiting light finally disappeared, they could see a very large hole in the earth, burned by heaven's light.

However, in response, streams of crimson fire shot from the Earth, trying to catch the moving starlight dot in the distance, although it was hard to keep it in their sight, like trying to keep an annoying fly in their sights that kept escaping their vision.

The battle between the two was starting to escalate to a ridiculous degree.

One of the drones flew at him like a thrown dagger, forcing Kokabiel to throw his head aside, but the flying forearm-sized drone caromed and nearly impaled his nape, almost biting off his left ear.

During their entire exchange, despite his newly acquired heights that could elevate him past The Lord himself, the cyborg was completely dominating the flow.

"This is outrageous! How in the world are you able to overwhelm me?!"

They were somewhat even until Genos decided to include the drones. Kokabiel had completely underestimated the fliers.

They kept hovering around him like flies around a corpse, extremely unpredictable and very hard to keep track of, always waiting in his blind spots, shooting anti-angel lasers or trying to impale him like a self-propelling arrow. They wouldn't even move like standard projectiles, one even spinning like a frisbee before it stopped just to orbit around him and shoot more lasers at him.

Not only that, Genos' weapon…

That lance-shield-umbrella was starting to antagonize him. The spear form was long range, yet its functionality to unfold like an umbrella, turning it into a shield made it an annoyingly effective weapon that could defend Genos from his starlight barrage that could eradicate all of Kuoh if he wished.

He already glassed the battlefield thrice, the once peaceful ground covered in the green of nature replaced by literal glass and molten earth. Despite the hellish landscape, the land had never been more baptized, the holy radiation enough to kill lesser devils in a matter of seconds.

What was most interesting was how the splash damage never reached outside of Genos' bounded field. Kokabiel learned mid-battle that the field is transferring the energy of each attack into the satellite-like contraction in the epicenter atop of the dome, shooting out the excess energy that is absorbed into the heavens.

But what irked Kokabiel the most was that no matter what he threw at Genos, he would unfold his lance into an umbrella shield and block all of his attacks, and the way he looks completely untouched, served to stab his pride.

High above Genos, Kokabiel swung his hands at the cyborg, throwing stronger and more intense scatters of his light.

Light blinded everything in the dome, no empty space was spared, as the bounded field device absorbed the excess and shot it into the heavens again like a beacon vying to touch the heavens.

No one could ignore it.

Even those at the refugee camp on the outskirts had to hold their hands up to block out the brilliant light.

However, Kokabiel crossed his blades to catch the crystal tip of Genos' absurd lance immediately after his attack detonated. The sight of Genos being unfazed yet again infuriated him more.

"Your biggest mistake is taking your power for granted, Kokabiel." Genos coldly replied as the crystal tip of his weapon hummed.


Kokabiel knocked the weapon up before it fired a crimson beam that sliced through the field until it reached the absorbing border, but Genos unfolded it to its umbrella form and smashed Kokabiel down, thrusters blazing a crimson trail as he pushed Kokabiel into the the molten hole Genos made with his Seraph Incinerator.

Kokabiel roared as Genos dragged his spine down the walls of the pit. He could feel the cursed molten rock biting his spine as he struggled to break free, but Genos' might and pre initiative sealed all openings.

Kokabiel did not know how deep the pit was, but he soon met with the molten bottom, cursed melted rock splashing against his form before Genos dragged him to the other side of the wall. Kokabiel had no means of protecting himself as the umbrella weapon discharged a blast of energy far too strong than it seemed as he flew through the earth, uprooting massive chunks of stone and dirt until he erupted, bringing all of the scattered earth with him.

Bearing cursed scars, Kokabiel grimaced as he flew higher, starlight wings ablaze as he trespassed the bounded field and stealing a swipe at the device, disabling the bounded field instantly as Genos rocketed after him from below.


However, Genos did not anticipate Kokabiel's other powers.

A star has gravity, strong gravity.

Meaning Kokabiel has power over gravity as well as light and fire.

Kokabiel thrusted both hands earthwards.

The weight of the world suddenly magnified in Kokabiel's direction of intent. Genos couldn't defend against the blast of force as he fell like a meteor while the entire area around St. Adonai turned into a massive sinkhole, leaving a seemingly bottomless pit where the light could not reach the bottom.

Not taking the chance, Kokabiel clenched his teeth and drew upon every drop of power he could as he threw his arms into the air.

"I call upon the light of the cosmos to lend me your power! And smite my foe, my nemesis, and burn his arrogance with his form with your sacred light of creation! Taste my Divine Smite, Genos!"

From the heavens, the stars answered his call.

Genos was at the bottom of the pit, looking at what seemed like a falling sun from the sky.

A large pillar of light descended and fell on the cyborg. Kokabiel laughed, a mix of madness and certainty as the light blinded everything in the surroundings.

To others watching the scene, it was like God got mad and decided to smite the first soul he saw, and that person was Genos.

Once the cosmic light finally faded, all that was left was an even larger hole in the earth, more than ten times wider than the hole Genos made with his incinerator, the edges white hot and now murderous to any devil or vampire that dares to cross ground zero.

"Ahahahahahahahahaha! My power for granted?! Perhaps, but look at where this power brought me! I am now more than an angel! This is the power of God's light! No, MY Light! I am closer to God than Michael can ever dream to achieve!"

He could not imagine Genos surviving the ultimate smite, something that only God was ever seen performing against the Heavenly Dragons, bringing them to their knees.

"...I see."

Kokabiel froze.


When Kokabiel turned around, he shuddered when he saw Genos fly towards him. At that moment, Genos' presence magnified, shrouded by the veil of Death as the illusion of his size grew tenfold.

Genos' right fist was different, bulkier than the other, colored scarlet just like the gloves of Saitama. The first thing that Kokabiel's eyes registered was the kanji []embedded on the incoming knuckle.

The next thing that his eyes registered was, ironically, iridescent flashes of light like small stars, that was accompanied by a blinding pain, as Genos' fist smashed Kokabiel right in his face.

It was almost like he was punched by Saitama, the impact sending him flying into the grand hole he made with his divine powers like a spiralling missile.

"Power Fist Mode: Red Death." Genos uttered as he clenched his power fist, modeled after his first impression of Saitama's true power.

A few seconds later, a large splash of melted rock erupted, rising and falling back back into the abyssal chasm.

Kokabiel laid there in the bottom of the pit, still seeing stars from that strike while the white hot liquid earth rained down around him, harmlessly sliding off his body.

He clenched his teeth at the ridiculousness of it all. He should be above them, above Genos even. He should have the power to stand within the top ten of this world, with the might to take down Sirzechs even, yet here he was, lying in a pool of molten white stone and dirt and gazing into the sky through the pinhole of the pit he made.

He wasn't sure how deep the hole was, though he suspected that it might have transcended his father's Divine Smite in terms of sheer power.

Even so, Kokabiel needed an edge. He would lose at this rate if this continued, and there were two weapons that could give him that.

However, before he could move, Genos landed before him.

Kokabiel grimaced as picked himself up, watching Genos unleash two dorsal fin-like blades from his forearms, the edges lined with electric yellow and humming a high pitch tune.

"Surrender, Kokabiel, or face extermination. You are severely outmatched." Genos warned the ascended Fallen.

Kokabiel grit his teeth, clenching his jaw as his star eyes narrowed.

He did not need to know what those blades could do, the sharpness he could hear slicing the air ad infinitum despite them being stationary.

He would need a way to get past Genos… he clenched his gut with preparation.

There was only one way.

This would be a life or death gamble.

He summoned his swords of starlight in defiance, flashing a daring grin.

"So be it." Genos shook his head with disappointment as Kokabiel dashed towards him.

However, Genos appeared behind him, his dorsal blades retracting back into his arms as he sliced Kokabiel more than a thousand times.

Genos closed his eyes, sending a silent prayer for Kokabiel's soul as he powered down his systems, then flicked the golden blood off his dorsal blades with a flick of his arm.

However, he opened his eyes when his sensors detected Kokabiel's life signature skyrocketing, prompting him to look at Kokabiel, seeing him flying away with golden blood falling off his body.

"What?!" Genos uttered, completely baffled.

Kokabiel grinned as he escaped the molten chasm.

The blades were sharper than he expected, so sharp that it passed through him like air, severing him into a thousand pieces.

He should've died there in pieces… but he surpassed himself, and cheated death in the process.

By pushing his healing magic past the limits, he maintained his form, breaking free from Death's grasp as he flew towards the location of the two weapons that could give him the edge, his form slicing the air faster than light towards the congregation of Fallen Angels, Devils, and humans.

He looked back, already seeing Genos catching up to him like a blazing comet of murderous intent.

Back in the fallen angel encampment - in one of the medical tents, Xenovia and Griselda were sitting on their respective beds, having done with their treatment. Their holy swords rested next to their beds, at the corner of the room.

"How are you feeling, Sister?" Xenovia asked, watching her mentor taking a few deep breaths, rolling the reattached arm that Kokabiel severed with Muramasa.

"Not at maximum health, but I do feel much better. Lady Asia Argento is really adept in using her Twilight Healing to this extent…" the older woman replied.

Asia shared her concern regarding the process after she finished reattaching the arm.

All manner of cellular repair were hindered, a cursed power fighting against the power of Twilight Healing. It took her an hour to repair something that should be finished in minutes. Griselda presumed that it was another of Muramasa's hidden power, the Demon Sword of Carnage.

A power that curses the wound to resist all powers of healing and regeneration… it was a dreadful sword truly meant to ensure the kill of the victims.

"Yes… We are further indebted to her." Xenovia looked down, reflecting on how she used to view the once Holy Maiden.

The tent flap lifted, prompting the two to look at the entrance to see Issei entering their station.

"Yo." Issei greeted with a casual wave.

"Mr. Hyoudou." Griselda greeted, "Should you not remain on your bed after the scolding you have received from your mother?"

"Nah. She won't complain as long as I don't march back out there." Issei waved off, "Still, how are you two doing? Was kinda worried since the jackass cut your arm off."

"Your concern is appreciated." Griselda nodded with a small smile, raising the arm that once left her. "May I ask how the others fare after our retreat?"

Issei gave a soft sigh.

"Not great… but they'll all be okay in the end. Akeno managed to survive a broken neck and Koneko her holy impalement thanks to Kuroka's emergency Phoenix Tears she took from Koneko. Yuuto's hand was reattached, thankfully… Tsubaki and Ruruko will need prosthetics. Turns out that asshole Malkuth leveled the whole battlefield while I was gone and burned away their limbs. Luckily, I know a guy that can give them something… better."

"That's…. Good to hear, I suppose." Griselda nodded. "Nonetheless, it was an honour to me to fight and survive alongside them, and I sincerely hope that they will make it through this."

"We all do, Sister. We all do." Issei nodded a couple of times before speaking again, "...Speaking of that asshole, what the hell happened after Kokabiel dragged me away? I could've asked Kiba, but he kinda needs his rest… he's wrung dry like a pickle plum. Even Muramasa had to stay in her sword form so she won't drain him even more."

"Well…" Griselda began with a silent pause to recollect her words and memories. "It was as terrible as it seemed. Our allies were no match for the traitor angel… his power and skill were too much for them. It did not help that his affinity tips the scale further to his favor."

"...How'd you all turn the tables? I got a rough idea after seeing Kiba's new getup."

"It will take too long to spell the details, but basically-"

However, their conversation was interrupted with a sudden commotion happening outside the tent. Sharing glances, Issei took it upon himself to check it out.

When Issei stepped outside the tent, his eyes first registered the fallen angels milling around in panic, then his eyes looked up and saw the exact cause of the commotion, "...Oh, shit!"

"INCOMING!" One of the fallen angels screamed in alarm.

Like a shining meteor, it crashed down in the middle of the camp, right in front of the Exorcists' tent. Issei half-covered his eyes, feeling the familiar glare of silver light and aura as he watched Kokabiel rise from the small crater.

"Kokabiel!" Issei shouted, already entering his martial stance and ready for battle.

"Good to see you again. However, I'm not here for you." Kokabiel quickly greeted before he flicked his hand up.

Issei wanted to retort, but an invisible force suddenly launched him towards the heavens against his will as Kokabiel marched into the tent, shocking Griselda and Xenovia as his eyes scanned the area until they landed on the swords next to their beds.

As soon as their eyes registered Kokabiel, Griselda and Xenovia had already reached out towards their swords. Kokabiel had already had his palm facing the exorcists, when the Star of God suddenly felt a familiar presence flanking him.

He turned around and effortlessly pinched a a sword made of pure lightning, casually holding it still despite the struggle from the wielder.

"...Brother." Kokabiel sneered as he was face to face with the Lightning of God.

"Kokabiel…." Baraqiel growled as he pushed forward, "Your madness ends here!"

"Unfortunately, I have no time to banter with you." Kokabiel blasted Baraqiel away with a flick of his starlight wing, launching him out of the tent with gravitic force as he whipped his hand.

Xenovia and Griselda instantly released their swords when an invisible force smacked them out of their grips, the weapons instantly flying towards Kokabiel's waiting hands.

However, when the swords were still in mid-flight towards Kokabiel's open hands, something crashed through the tent's roof and forcefully knocked the swords away.

Issei, donned in his scale mail, drew his fist, but Kokabiel blocked him.

With his finger.

Issei only had a second to be baffled by the absurd difference in their level.

"Move aside! I have no time for you!" Kokabiel shouted, no longer playful or condescending as he sent Issei flying back through the hole of the tent's roof.

"Whoa!" Issei flailed like a helpless man in zero gravity.

It was a strange feeling, like gravity itself flipped upside down instead of some invisible force dragging him through the air. It felt like he was falling skywards instead of being lifted telekinetically.

With gritted teeth, he somersaulted until he faced the ground with his body straight as an arrow before his Scale Mail's jetpack flared, propelling him against the invisible force trying to send him to the heavens.

[Partner, your current condition is not ready yet to use another Balance Breaker! This one will last for only 2 minutes!]

"That's plenty!" Issei waved off Ddraig's warning as he rocketed straight towards the Ascended Fallen.

With a burst of power, Issei broke free from the invisible force and smashed his fist against Kokabiel's form.

Or so he thought as it faded, revealing to be an afterimage.


Issei froze when he felt Kokabiel's aura suddenly spike.

He turned around, flinching when the tip of Durandal touched the skin of his jugular, ignoring his scale male as if it's thin air.

Issei felt cold sweat upon being held at swordpoint. All of his instincts screamed to not move from that spot or Kokabiel would demonstrate the experience of seeing his own blood pool around his feet.

However, thunder boomed as Kokabiel tilted his body to avoid the slash, a bolt of electricity zigzagging around the tent like a high-speed 3D pinball, attacking Kokabiel from all angles, yet always failed to hit the casual, calm Ascended.

"Even your secret techniques are useless against me, brother!" Kokabiel laughed as he continued dodging Baraqiel's lightning-fast strikes. "After all, pure light surpasses lightning in speed!"

Issei could barely picture Baraqiel's form as he ricocheted around the tent, avoiding Xenovia and Griselda and him as he continued his attempt to strike the Ascended.

Baraqiel looked less like an angel and more like a cluster of electricity bearing his shape, and his speed was something that even Issei would have difficulty achieving with his Scale Mail.

Kokabiel continued dodging the Lightning Angel's omnidirectional attack with no effort, however, he noticed a suspicious glimmer from Baraqiel's hand.

He raised Durandal, blocking Baraqiel's next attack as he inspected that weapon.

"What is this...?"

It was not a sword made of lightning, it was a flamberge in the shape of lightning, the sharp angular blade grinding against Durandal.

It was blue in color, and despite it being metal, it strobed erratically like actual lightning, acting like a handheld high frequency sword and chainsaw simultaneously as it grinded high-pitch sparks against Durandal's edge.

"Another of Azazel's inventions?" Kokabiel clicked his tongue, but smiled later. "How amusing. If Azazel could make such weapons, we should've won the war 2,000 years ago!"

"That is not up to you to decide!" Baraqiel shouted as he pressed forward, attempting to at least budge Kokabiel's arm.

"I beg to differ." Kokabiel repelled Baraqiel, the latter sliding back but ready to re-engage. However, Kokabiel appeared in front of him and rammed Excalibur through his stomach.

"Baraqiel!" Issei shouted in worry as he watched the blood coat and drip from the holy blade.

Kokabiel smirked, but a second later, his smirk was replaced with confusion, before he suddenly found Baraqiel's free hand was grasping the blade jutting out of his stomach, preventing Kokabiel from pulling it free.

"...Are you really willing to throw your life just to best me?" Kokabiel asked as Baraqiel glared into his eyes, holding onto Excalibur tightly as Kokabiel slowly pulled it out of his chest, the blade cutting through his hand.

"Issei!" Baraqiel shouted. "Protect the patients!"

While Kokabiel was still in the middle of pulling the blade free, Baraqiel mustered what remained of his power, as thunder-clouds gathered right above them. Kokabiel perked his head when thunder clapped with roaring applause.


The Lightning of God dropped his sword and raised his hands skywards. He smirked at Kokabiel before he dropped them.

The sky boomed as the largest lightning bolt descended right upon them.

But as the bolt of plasma struck the medical tent, the chaotic dancing plasma converged solely on Kokabiel as if he was the lightning rod.

The tent burned away to ash instantly as Issei jumped to Griselda and Xenovia, blocking the stray electric bolts that jumped from Kokabiel's form, lightning drowning the ascended completely and utterly.

His Scale Mail crumbled from taking the splash as he hissed, his back burned by Baraqiel's attack as the lightning finally dissipated.

Once everyone could see, Kokabiel stood over the downed Baraqiel, completely unharmed. An invisible force surrounded Kokabiel, light faintly distorting around him.

Looking over Issei's shoulders, Xenovia and Griselda held their breaths at the sight.

"Hmph. Your desperation is admirable, brother." Kokabiel flicked Baraqiel's blood off Excalibur as he turned around just when Genos landed before him.

"And as for you, I hope you don't mind an audience this round." Kokabiel spread his arms apart, gesturing to the coterie of Fallen Angels and evacuated civilians and wounded, Humans, Devils, and Fallen Angels alike watching from afar.

Genos glared at Kokabiel as he looked around, seeing civilians and bystanders in the way of his more destructive attacks.

"So I pray that you do not mind us settling this the old way." Kokabiel smirked as he raised Excalibur and Durandal.

Xenovia and Griselda helped Issei back to his feet, each holding him by the shoulder as they watched Kokabiel slam the two Holy Swords together.

Griselda and Xenovia watched as Kokabiel… seemingly fused the two blades together, both basking in holy light that blinded everyone present.

Genos watched as the light faded, revealing Kokabiel standing with a new weapon in hand.

"Are you genuinely shocked, Genos? Of course, I doubt even you are aware that Holy Swords can merge like this."

Kokabiel smirked as he placed one hand behind his back as he showed his new weapon.

The blade was silver white, thin like a fencing saber, the base of the blade surrounded by four curved crescent blades, a small hand-sized semicircular guard hovering over his fingers.

It did not look like much, but the tension intensified when everyone looked at the weapon.

Genos decided to test the waters as his aerial drones emerged from invisibility, each projecting a longsword of light as they rocketed towards Kokabiel, each ready to skewer him.

However, the blades of light stopped just an inch from Kokabiel's skin.

"In case you are wondering, the same tricks won't work on me again. Behold my mastery over Gravity!" Kokabiel's confident smirk swelled as he repelled them with a thought, his aura blasting the aerial drones away to Genos' chagrin.

Then Kokabiel reached into the air and pulled.

Genos suddenly gravitated towards Kokabiel, as if he was falling, towards Kokabiel's blinding thrust, the tip of his newest blade sucking in all color of the air as energy compressed to its hyper-condensed zenith.

Hearts stilled and minds froze when Kokabiel's blade pierced through Genos' neck, a blinding line of silver light shooting out, the light piercing into the horizon as Genos' head instantly left his shoulders.

But Kokabiel didn't stop there.

"Ahahahahahaha!" Kokabiel laughed as his blade continued striking.

Everyone couldn't see his blade, but they could hear the rapid sounds of exploding impacts that sounded like a thousand thunderous roars overlapped in the span of a single second, drawn but brief, before Kokabiel blasted Genos with a Force Blast with his free hand.

They watched as Genos' body fell around Kokabiel, Kokabiel laughing at Genos' disheveled state.

"Ahahahahahaha! Not so condescending and stoic now, are we Genos? Do not worry, you have fought well for a human that surrendered his flesh for power." Kokabiel smiled, his melodic voice tainted with overconfidence and pride as he basked in his victory.

Now there was no one in his way to trigger the third war.

Kokabiel looked around, spreading his senses around the camp. There should be… there, he could see relatives of the current Satans in the back, huddling behindIssei's mother.

Kokabiel grinned as he raised his palm towards them.

"Now, who shall I start with-?!"

Kokabiel felt a stabbing pain behind him. He looked down, seeing one of Genos' severed arms stabbing his midriff with an extended shark-fin like blade.

"You should've aimed for the head - or to be precise, my brain."

Genos' severed head spoke calmly.

The torso activated the jetpack and rocketed towards Kokabiel, arm already magnetically reattaching to their slots as the headless body, arm equipped with Red Death slamming into Kokabiel's solar plexus before he could react.

Spit and vomit flew out his gaping mouth before the force launched him into the sky like a catapult as the legs flew towards the torso, reattaching themselves as the headless, one-armed body picked up the head, placing it back in its place.

Kokabiel grounded himself from midair, sliding back from the force yet still rattled by it, as he fell to his knees and hurled, vomiting whatever contents his stomach held as the arm stabbing his side rocketed back into Genos' waiting arm as he reattached it.

"Clever trick." Kokabiel seethed as he stabbed his fused sword to the ground, using it as support to lift himself back to his feet. "But you are still no match for the current me."

"Am I?" Genos retorted with a hint of condescendence. "Breaking into Primary Systems."

After the words were spoken, the circuits on Genos' cybernetic frame suddenly changed their glowing colour from amber to light blue.

Kokabiel tensed.

He eyed Genos warily. He could not sense fluctuation from Genos' aura. It was the main reason why Kokabiel had a difficult time dealing with him, as his usual senses and learned tactics did not work.

Kokabiel quickly glanced at his surroundings.

The wounded exorcists and Issei were carrying Baraqiel away by the shoulders to the Human medic with the sacred gear.

The Fallen soldiers were evacuating the other wounded, carrying them via flight.

However, before he knew it, Genos was standing in front of him. He didn't even know how or when, but the cyborg lodged his fist into Kokabiel's face with the red power fist again.

The sound of the impact was explosive, the power behind it incomparable to before, even knocking his mind to the darkness of unconsciousness for a moment before it returned to lucidity.

Just to see Genos standing over him with his fist raised and ready to smash into his face again, faster than the power of Excalibur Rapidly allowed as Kokabiel's face met with the same fist as he bounced across the ground like a ragdoll.

But before his face could hit the ground, Genos' power fist uppercutted his cheek and launched him to the sky, the cyborg soaring and grabbed Kokabiel's shirt, continuing to punch him repeatedly in the face with the power fist much to the amazement of those below.

This lasted for quite a while as the spectators watched the ascended continued to be pounded in the face.

However, having had enough, Kokabiel spread his arms apart and blasted Genos away with visible repulsing gravity.

But Genos already propelled himself back towards Kokabiel for another brutal session, only for Red Death to meet an unexpected obstruction.

"That is…" Griselda recognized it.

It was the shield form of Excalibur, albeit it was wider and more layered with extra golden plating, only the cross was black in the center, rotated completely upside down. However, what was different was how it glowed when Genos struck it.

And it repelled Genos' fist to his, and everyone else's surprise.

Not only that, in Kokabiel's other hand, was a bastard sword, which he swung at Genos after parrying his blow at faster-than-light speed.

Genos ducked under the blade, closed in, and uppercutted Kokabiel's jaw again… but Kokabiel disappeared like a mirage before Genos turned around and clapped his hand together, catching Kokabiel's blade as the angel's invisibility dissipated.

"Good reaction!" Kokabiel smacked Genos away with his shield as Genos upright himself mid flight, but suddenly gravity around him intensified and pulled downwards like an anchor was tied to his ankle.

Kokabiel spiraled down around Genos in a swirl.

Griselda and Xenovia watched as a tornado of holy energy started encircling Genos, conjured from the fused sword with Kokabiel as the driving force.

As Kokabiel swooped in for the kill, the energy converged with Genos as the focal point, exploding in a rainbow myriad of blinding light that the humans present had to cover their eyes.

"Uncle!" Issei shouted when the light started to fade.

However, Issei's concern faded as he saw Genos stabbing Kokabiel through the chest with… a lightsaber.

The lightsaber was no different than the ones in the movies, albeit it looked like an advanced sci-fi version of a samurai's hilt, chrome and mechanical parts with glowing crimson circuit lines, the laser sword thin and crimson as blood.

"H-How?!" Kokabiel stuttered, his sword arm caught by Genos' other free hand.

His red power fist was missing.

"Saber Mode: Sun Eater." Genos twisted his waist and exerted force on his weapon, tearing it through Kokabiel's side.

In retaliation, The Star of God growled and unleashed a burst of power, forcing Genos to retreat.

With a distance created between them, Kokabiel breathed harshly as he held his cauterized gash.

"I missed your heart…" Genos commented with a disappointed tone at himself.

"Your loss." Kokabiel grimaced as he reached out and pulled Genos downward with his Gravity.

Genos grimaced as he felt the force knocking him down. It was one thing that Genos did not have the proper tools to defend against, a grave miscalculation as he stomped on the ground and looked up, seeing a coterie of Kokabiels.

The many Kokabiels rushed at him, some with their swords and others with their light magic, but when Genos broke into his sonar, he detected only one Kokabiel amongst them.

And he was invisible since he could not see him.

Genos immediately ignored the illusions and slammed his blade against the invisible ascended, the latter banishing his invisibility as he blocked Genos' crimson Sun Eater.

The onlookers watched as they displayed high level swordplay that none had ever seen, albeit they were too fast even for them as they could only catch glimpses of the two locking blades. Genos' lightsaber was more prominent, only able to see trails of light marking the path of his sword swings and dances while they could only catch the fast rapid flashing gleams of Kokabiel's weapon.

Genos noticed that Kokabiel banished his sword and shield and returned to using the thin saber, the ascended holding one hand behind him as his sword started to glow, crackling with intense energy as the air and color warped and distorted around the blade.

"What's he doing now?" Issei asked Griselda as Asia used her Twilight Healing on Baraqiel.

"He is condensing the power of Excalibur Destruction on a level I've never seen. He is containing the power inside the blade without releasing it…"

"Wait, are you saying he is amplifying his cutting power?" Issei got the gist, surprised by Kokabile's ingenuity with the Holy Swords despite not wielding them so often.

"Not just cutting power…" Griselda grimaced, "Considering Excalibur Destruction's speciality, I'm afraid it's not just 'cutting'. We might have to evacuate!"

However, Kokabiel grinned.

It was too late.

Genos widened his eyes when Kokabiel lashed at him with the blade.

However, what came out was not an explosive torrent or power - it was a whip of destructive, holy energy that chipped Genos' shoulder with his surprise attack like a vicious viper.

However, the whip did not travel further as it curled around Genos, forcing Genos to duck and dash under the string of hyper-condensed energy towards Kokabiel, but the Ascended would not let him.

The gravitational force pushed Genos back as it also blasted the Fallen Angels behind him away while uprooting the earth as Genos took the brunt of the annoying redirection of fundamental force.

Kokabiel grinned as his string of hyper-condensed energy started splitting into thirteen, then split even more like the legendary Hydra that Heracles fought in the Greek myth as they lashed out at all angles. However, Genos' sensors alerted him that some of the strings were hidden under invisibility while others were illusions.

"You were saying?!" Issei shouted as he watched his Uncle contend against the onslaught.

Each of the strings acted like individuals with their minds of their own, attacking Genos in all angles and directions.

"I… He is using Excalibur Mimic to transform and manipulate the energy instead of the sword."

"I am pretty sure he is using absolutely everything Excalibur has to offer here. Unless you have something to say about Durandal being mixed here."

It was even more impressive how Genos continued fending off Kokabiel's onslaught with just a single Lightsaber like in the movies he watched, only with faster than light speed reflexes and precision.

"Durandal's power is its peerless guard and peerless edge that can cut through anything. How it functions depends on the wielder, even allowing the wielder to unleash destructive energy not unlike Excalibur Destruction…"

"Good to know…"

Genos continued fending off the vicious technique. If it was anyone unprepared with the right skills and abilities, they would have been torn apart in less than a second.

However, Genos was a veteran when it came to facing monsters.

He faced mighty foes in the past, even one with so much power that one could slice the crust of the planet like an onion.

And with the experience and memories he carried with him on his journey in this world, Genos set forth once again.

"Futile!" Kokabiel shouted as he raised his arm, but before he could repel Genos, he was blasted from the side, feeling a familiar pain.

Frustrated, irritated, he glanced at the small aerial drones returning with a vengeance. As for Genos, Kokabiel doubled his efforts as he summoned even more illusions, more lashing strings of hyper-condensed holy power at Genos, but Genos suddenly countered all of them with his weapon in a display of martial grace that Kokabiel was sure Genos hadn't used before.

Genos lightsaber danced with a certain elegance, a flow that could exude unbreachable grace that deflected all of his tangible attacks, ignoring all the illusions Kokabiel threw.

Abandoning his hydra assault, Kokabiel took to the skies once more as he decided to show his final attack, stopping once he was far, far above the clouds in the stratosphere.

"You have fought well! But this is where your bravado ends!" Kokabiel bellowed, as his body suddenly radiated a brilliant white glow that turned brighter by second.

Even from afar, carried by Fallen Angels, Rias and the other Devils felt every cell in their body crying with danger as they turned their eyes towards the shining star into the distance.

Genos was on high alert.

His sensors displayed warning signs on a level never before seen.

Dust, air, and more started to converge above Kokabiel as he raised his fused sword to the sky.

"Behold as I achieve something not even God can do! Watch as I create the very light that sustains all life on this world!"

Genos clicked his tongue, the readings he received from Kokabiel suggested that the amount of energy and temperature that the Ascended exuded was astronomical. The dust and matter caught in the singularity started to turn white hot, pulsing, contracting and expanding as it grew.

It was not any typical energy sphere attack.

Genos detected Ultraviolet rays coming from Kokabiel's newest attack. If Genos' sensors and conjecture were correct, Kokabiel was actually generating sunlight, actual sunlight, which meant he was recreating a miniature sun on this world.

"Holy shit, he knows the Spirit Bomb!" Issei shouted as turbulence started to assault the camp.

Genos, however, was undeterred as his lightsaber disappeared before Red Death appeared on his right arm.

His metal chest-plate suddenly opened up, exposing a chamber with an ornate, mechanical orb that was radiating with sheer power. The plates on Red Death's wrist opened, revealing a small chamber.

Genos then wrenched the orb out of his chest, and jammed it into the cavity in his arm.

The last time he did this was when he fought to stave off a meteor. He would never think to use it on a miniature sun. While Genos did not know if he could actually pull this off, now was not the time to hesitate.

As Genos pointed his hand upward at Kokabiel, the writings of 'Red Death' on his knuckle disassembled and reassembled along with his entire hand, forming a large barrel, not unlike a cannon attached to his limb.

"Star-Buster….!" Genos growled out, struggling to control the unadulterated power surging from his arm throughout his body.

The concentrated light coming from the nuzzle became brighter and brighter, ready to be unleashed at his target in the sky.


"NEW GENESIS!" Kokabiel roared back as he threw his attack down.

A miniature sun and a concentrated streak of spiralling, bluish-white light with a black core clashed above Kuoh Town, the impact produced a shockwave that shook the surrounding air, reaching all of Kuoh and shattering all the windows and glass and beyond.

The clouds above the entire region, all of the land of Japan, dispersed, leaving a hole in the sky for the light to come through unfiltered.

Those who were watching below, blocked their eyes from the brilliant showdown, before they were thrown back by the resulting shockwave. The tents and other make-shift barracks were not spared as if they were swiped by a hurricane.

The turbulent winds did not cease, buffeting the entire area for long seconds as the shining light finally faded for them to see the aftermath.

Genos was left standing, his red arm cannon smoking hot orange. However, parts and bits of his cybernetics were falling to the ground, as smoke came out from cracks and crevices on his body.

Crashing into the earth with an unceremonious boom was… Kokabiel's burnt form, his peerless cosmic look defeated by the machination of man and his un-ascended peers.

"...It seems… that I have lost to Heaven's will."

Kokabiel spoke while looking at the darkened sky.

Genos simply regarded him as he could barely stand as well. The strain of his final move nearly tore him apart.

"Do you finally surrender?" Genos spoke.

"...You fought well. For a man that gave up his flesh for power." Kokabiel answered as he groaned. "I have exhausted all of my power… I cannot even heal myself anymore."

Issei walked up to Geneos, helping him up to his feet - the cyborg's body was hot to touch, but the boy's endurance and durability helped him to shrug it off.

"Easy there, uncle. Let's cool yourself off first." Issei said.

"...Ise." Genos greeted stoically.

Xenovia and Griselda stared at the two combatants that shook the heavens of Japan.

Throughout the entire battle, the two exorcists were left awestruck by the display of transcendent power, techniques, and guile both displayed throughout their battle, at least during the moments where they could track their movements.

"You kicked ass, uncle. Seriously, you really kicked ass." Issei flashed Genos a thumbs-up.


Thus, the Holy Sword Incident came to a close.

Far in the darkness of Kuoh's abandoned suburbs, Valper watched as the brilliant light faded in the distance. He was still holding his wound, the bleeding finally stopped.

"Hehehe…" Valper grinned despite sweating profusely from the pain.

The conclusion of the battle had passed.

Whoever the victor was, Valper did not care at the moment.

Right now, he was a wanted man on all accounts. None of the major factions would take him in anymore, but that did not mean that there weren't other organizations that needed his skills. He may not have the power but he had the knowledge and talent that the strong would crave.

He grinned as he turned around, wobbling towards one of the safehouses.

It was an abandoned house under the disguise of rent, something he had prepared for Freed before he lost his head in the newspaper.

"Oh, my former client. Did you think that after crossing so many souls that you think you could escape the wrath of karma?"

However, an unfamiliar voice spoke behind him.

Valper turned around, seeing an unfamiliar face, an old, extremely wrinkly man with long ears hanging down to his chin donned in traditional japanese attire.

He was blowing himself with an old, paper fan while holding a crescent bone-white wand in the other.

Before Valper could ask, something impaled him through his chest.

"UGH!?" Valper looked down to see the same old man… What did he do? Valper was sure he did not lose sight of the stranger.

"Oh, you poor soul, so fat with sin. Your fortune has… reached its nadir."

The old man was grasping something in him. It did not feel like he was holding his organs, it was something-

Valper's thoughts ceased as an indescribable pain assaulted him, something like his very soul was at the risk of fracture.

However, he was not far off the mark as Binbougami tore out something from the corrupt priest.

In his hands, he held a black wisp.

"Ahhh, you are uglier than your flesh suggests… but, in the end, you will make an excellent sacrifice."

Valper could no longer see, nor hear - only the cold grip of terror was present as Binbougami clenched his hand, squeezing Valper's soul, then released his grip, to reveal that the soul was gone, away in storage for later use.

"After all, I know a few that would love to send your soul to oblivion."

Binbougami smirked as he vanished.

Riding on the winds of fortune, traveling anywhere that fortune, good and ill, touched.

After the incident, everyone gathered back at the Hyoudou residence.

Kokabiel had been captured and put under arrest, with Baraqiel himself taking the helm in ensuring that the former would not make any attempt to escape.

It was late at night - everyone who had been injured during the fiasco had regained their consciousness and wanted to join the debriefing of the situation.

Suffice to say, despite their victory, it was not without loss.

Akeno still had to wear her neck-cone to avoid any risk of worsening her neck fracture; Griselda was still required to use a sling on her recently reattached arm, as the same went for Yuuto.

Tsubaki and Ruruko, on the other hand, were not so lucky. The former had bandages covering the stumps on both of her wrists, as Reya and Momo stood by her sides to assist her. Ruruko had to use a wheelchair as she had lost her left leg from knee-down, with Tomoe pushing her from behind.

Rias and Sona had bandages and patches on their faces.

The only silver-lining of their current situation was the fact that everyone made it out alive.

"Hah… it's finally over." Issei groaned as he leaned back on his sofa, finally relaxing after the stressful string of events.

"Yes… no more exorcists." Koneko added.

"No more fallen angels." Xenovia added.

"No more traitor angels or corrupt priests." Yuuto joined in with a smile.

"No more holy and anti-devil weapons." Rias giggled.

"And no more Chimeras."

Everyone looked at Sona.

"...What? The Exorcists were using Chimeras on us. Did we not tell you?" Sona asked if it was obvious.

"I think we can tell them another time, Sona." Rias suggested.

"That's fine and all, but…" Issei then turned his eyes towards someone who was sitting next to Yuuto.

"...Who the hell is she?" Issei pointed at the said someone - a woman with an appearance resembling a certain manifestation of the Knight's cursed demon sword.

However, contrary to appearing as some kind of seductive temptress, the woman's tidy kimono had white motif colour with a few black floral patterns instead of the scantily clad black one.

Her lustrous black hair that was let down, was now neatly tied into a high ponytail with white ribbon.

Complete with her serene aura, she carried herself as an exemplary Japanese Lady, not unlike Akeno on a good day.

Everyone was staring at the new woman, even Saji was mesmerized by her looks.

"Well, uh…" Yuuto scratched his cheek awkwardly, as the woman was sitting quite close against him, smiling pleasantly all while.

"Allow me, master." The woman interrupted the Knight and stood up.

"It is a pleasure to meet you again, Red Dragon Emperor. I am none other than Muramasa." The woman re-introduced herself with a dignified bow.

Issei squinted his eyes at the woman.

"...What?" Issei's eyes darted back and forth between Yuuto and Muramasa. "What the hell happened to you? You don't… your aura feels completely different. It... threw me off."

It was why he could not recognize her completely, and he was afraid that it might be because his father's forgetful nature was starting to take root in him.

"Ufufufu, I suppose that is understandable." Muramasa giggled while covering her mouth with her sleeve, "After all, my master has done the unthinkable; by merging his Sacred Gear, the holy essence, and myself - he had… reforged me, into a holy-demonic sword Muramasa." She then returned to her spot to latch on to Yuuto's good arm, who was flustered by her gesture.

"Yuuto Kiba has proven himself to be more than worthy to be my wielder. From here on out, my whole being shall be yours to command... My dear master." the new Muramasa smiled demurely.

"...Kiba." Issei stared at the Knight. "Don't tell me you did the you-know-what with your own weapon and somehow made her… ehhhh?"

At the remark, Yuuto blushed a little deeper, "Wha-?! No! We didn't do any of that!"

"I beg to differ, master." Muramasa placed her hand on her pink cheek, "The way you handled me as you reforged me, reshaped me to your needs…. Your display of passion and determination has erased all my doubts about you. Not to mention..."

Her expression became rather more bashful, as she put both her hands up to cover the lower-half of her face, making her appear like a love-struck maiden.

"...It was the first time for me to feel…. So happy after bonding with someone."

Her remarks caused several eyebrows to raise up. Yuuto glanced around nervously, until his eyes landed on Issei, Rias and Akeno - all of them were sporting teasing grins on their faces.

"M-Muramasa, just be quiet for now, please? We will talk later." Yuuto finally said while refusing to look at the others.

"As you wish, m'lord." the holy-demon sword replied with a giggle, as she returned to her normal sitting position, eliciting a soft sigh from her master.

Issei continued staring at the blushing knight with his eat-shitting grin.

"...We'll talk about this later. At least not in front of my uncle."

Genos simply cleared his throat to show that he did hear everything, receiving a sheepish smile from his nephew/god-son. Eventually, Genos settled with a small sigh.

Haruka and Asia were in the kitchen, preparing refreshments; Genos was sitting on a single chair overlooking everyone; his cyborg body was still battered, but enough to function.

Issei was sitting on the couch with Rias, Sona and Tsubasa sitting beside him.

The others were taking different seats in the living room, with Kuroka and Koneko sitting across from each other.

The atmosphere between the two cat siblings was still somber at worst, awkward at best.

Kuroka's presence could be attributed as one of the reasons behind the said atmosphere.

"...Say, Kuroka." Issei spoke.

"Hm?" Kuroka turned to Issei.

"Thanks… for saving Akeno... And Koneko. You're the MVP here…"

"Hey, what about me?" Saji spoke out.

Everyone turned to Saji.

"And… what did you do?" Issei asked.

"W-what did I-...!? I clutched! I was the one that helped Sister Griselda recover after Malkuth smacked my gob towards them!" Saji pointed at Griselda.

Everyone turned to Griselda to hear her confirmation.

"...It is true. He sacrificed a significant portion of his vitality to accelerate my recovery. My ward Xenovia also offered her portion." The female exorcist then smiled at Saji before she bowed down, "I am in your debt, Mr. Saji."

In return, the Pawn blushed, refusing to meet Griselda's eyes as he waved his hand. "N-n-no, it's nothing. I-I'm glad to help."

"Huh. I'll be damned." Issei was surprised that he contributed. "You're actually starting to use your brain."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Saji quipped.

"It means you know when to play the hero and the support better, you punk."

Everyone turned to the familiar voice in the living room. Black waddled towards them, giving them a wave of his hand.

"What's up, you brats? Did ja miss your bastard coach?" Black waved at them.

"Black!" Issei stood up as the dwarf creature approached. The boy knelt and they shared a fist-bump, "When did you wake up?"

"Not long ago, I guess. Feels like waking up from a cryo-sleep like those sci-fi movies." Black replied as he stretched his body. "...And boy, it's a rude awakening as well as the memories and information my Platinum and other metallic self gave me once I'm awake. You guys really had one helluva ride, didn't ya?"

Black asked while turning to see Yuuto and the newly reformed Muramasa, "...And look at these two! Seriously, how fucking much did I miss? Dear God… or Dead God, yeah the other mes told me, I would've sent the big bads if I knew shit would go down earlier."

"It is great to see you awake and well. May we ask what happened to you during our battle?" Sona asked with curiosity.

"Oh, don't get me started on that. Did you know that Azazel made a weapon just to deal with me?" Black asked with a scowl.

"What? He did? He can?" Issei was genuinely surprised, mostly that Azazel could do that.

"Oh, yeah, that playboy did. Guess what? Don't know the details yet, but it is supposed to, and I quote, 'command anything that is no larger than a sheep.' Azazel rigged it to affect Hive Minds for some reason, which is bullshit! And guess what, he was planning to give that to your mother for some reason!"

As if on cue, Haruka and Asia came up from the kitchen, carrying a tray of refreshments.

"Did someone mention me? And it has something to do with my husband's swindling employer?" Haruka's voice took a dark tone at the mention of Azazel.

"Mr. Black!" However, as soon as Asia's eyes registered the creature, she put her tray down and pulled him into embrace, banishing further mention of the Scapegoat.

The gesture caused Black to freeze for a second, blinking himself. It was the first time someone actually hugged him like this, not since baby Issei playing with him like a stuffed doll.

"Whoa…" Black couldn't be in character at that moment.

"I'm so glad you're awake!" Asia - blessed her heart, gushed with a genuine heartfelt expression.

"...Wow, you're too damn pure for my own good." Black gave a wry smile, yet he used his free hand to pat Asia's head. "Sorry for worrying you, kid."

At this rate, she might even somehow purify him. She might have the power to turn monsters back to men.

Issei snickered as Asia lifted him up like a doll and buried her face into his tentacle head, starting to make Black completely flustered, something he hadn't seen in… since ever.

"Uh… pssst. A little help?" Black whispered as she squeezed him tighter. It didn't seem that she would let him go anytime soon.


Everyone descended into giggles at the sight of Black's predicament. The sight of Black being helpless for once was a refreshing change after all they went through.

"...Before I forget and lose this chance, I would like to begin the debriefing and hearing SS-Stray Kuroka's testimony." Sona spoke up suddenly.

On cue, everyone else went silent and turned their sights onto the aforementioned fugitive; the said fugitive was not deterred by the attention and chose to regard her little sister, who was looking at her with confusion and distrust.

Haruka placed the refreshment on the table, unfazed by the atmosphere.

"Nya, fine. Ask away." Kuroka replied while shifting her sitting position to make herself more comfortable. Kuroka took a cup of orange juice, sipping it gently.

"I will go straight to the point." Rias then began the session, "What truly happened that night?"

"Well… You won't be able to use my testimony, anyways. But why not? Let's see…"

Rias and Sona quirked a brow as Kuroka started narrating her version of what happened that night.

She started with her early life as orphans with Koneko, until her reincarnation by someone from The House of Nebiros. That much was common knowledge to the two.

However, when she recounted her experiences with the Devil that reincarnated her, her story… deviated from the official report.

Disturbingly far from what was written.

Even before Kuroka entered the picture, the devil of Nebiros clan in question had been having quite a reputation of questionable research conduct in Underworld's society. Assuming Kuroka was telling the truth, everyone in the room could only frown and grimace as Kuroka delved into Nebiros' abuse.

Issei stared at Kuroka as she narrated her vile experiences with the Devil in question. It extended even to the other servants, Elves, Fairies, all of the mixed herd he had gathered, her story reminding him too much of Diodora.

However, Kuroka was fortunate enough to be spared of such treatment thanks to her talent in Youjutsu and Senjutsu, which granted her a place on his good side.

But when the story reached its climax when, due to her own talent, the devil turned his sights to Koneko, or Shirone to be precise - believing her potential to be a key for the next step in what definitely sounded like genetic engineering, the secret in the creation of Super Devils like Sirzechs Lucifer and Ajuka Beelzebub.

Kuroka was the sole witness, witnessing all of her former master's cruel acts enacted on the unfortunate test subjects, some expiring, some even more unfortunate to endure even more of his research.

When he turned his sights on her little sister… That was when she decided to kill him in cold blood.

But in her righteous rage, her murderous intent spilled out of control, killing all the Devils that pursued her in the process. It was when she regained her clarity that she realized her error.

"I got accepted by Grigori after pleading my case to Azazel, and the rest is history, nya…" Kuroka finished with a soft exhale as she leaned back on her chair, finishing the rest of her juice.

By the time the black cat had finished with her story, everyone was not sure of what to say.

"...I guess that explains why I never saw you in Grigori before." Issei commented.

"Ehhh, you're never around much, nya." Kuroka replied, "Not only that, I am a guarded secret, until my debacle is resolved… Though… I might have run into your dad or uncle once or twice."

Issei then turned to Genos, who merely replied, "In the passing. We never talked."

"Okay. Quick question… What happened to the other witnesses? The other test subjects that survived? I am pretty sure they would've helped your case." Issei asked regarding the other servants.

"They committed suicide, nya…" Kuroka sadly hung her head. "Or that was what I heard from the public channels. I think the Nobles silenced them in secret, nya."

"...Wow." Issei turned to Rias. "Your criminal justice system sucks."

"Sad, but I cannot refute that." Rias sighed while massaging her temple. "Still, your sister had to play the scapegoat and would have been executed if not for my brother's intervention."

"...Are you seriously using that excuse?" Kuroka gave Rias a narrowed glare, "Shirone wouldn't even have to go through that literal hell if you self-preaching nobles weren't so gullible. I can take my sister blaming me for many things. I can take her hating me for eternity… but I will not let you use me as an excuse to bury your kind's sins."

Rias only looked down in shame, while Sona maintained her gaze on Kuroka.

"...What would happen if you returned to your sister?" Sona asked.

"I have the attention of House Nebiros… I regret not taking my sister with me when I lost control. Now, she has the attention of certain nobles that are attempting to replace Sirzechs. I do not know what they will do if I try to take her with me. I feared that they would send people like you after us on the premise of us being murderers at large."

Kuroka replied with a somber expression, before her lips slowly crept up into a smile.

...Though, perhaps I was not completely wrong for leaving Shirone behind. She's now happy with friends that will look out for her." She said it while meeting Koneko's gaze with her own.

Koneko had been speechless, started by both the sincerity in her sister's tone coupled with her testimony.

"...Do you need some time alone with Kone… Shirone?" Issei asked.

Kuroka smiled slightly at the boy, "Much appreciated, but someone is due to pick me up soon."

As if on cue, an oppressive sensation washed over the room, causing everyone sans Issei, Genos, Black, Haruka and Kuroka to tense up - there was something, or someone powerful arrived in front of the house.

"Wait a minute…" Issei stood up and walked up the front door.

Opening the door, he peeked outside. A few of the devils leaned over to peek at the stranger over Issei's shoulders.

The person outside the door was standing over Issei, his arms crossed. What was intimidating was how his armor looked eerily similar to Issei's Scale Mail, only it was white and tertiary blue in color, complemented with wings of azure light stretching out on his back.

"...Oh. It's just you." Issei closed the door on the arrival's face.

"Honey, is that who I think it is?" Haruka asked.

"Yeah. It's just Vali being Vali again. Prepare more drinks, please."

The next chapter can be found in you-know-where if you guys cannot wait for the aftermath. ;) Let us know what you think of this climax in the reviews!

For future reference, the honorifics that Muramasa will use on Yuuto from this point on, is 'Danna-sama' (the way some women addresses their husbands) in Japanese translation.

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