One-Punch DxD: NEO

Chapter 47: Evil of God (II)


It was the most secure and secretive location the archbishops prepared for the greatest of emergencies.

Walls lined with alloys designed to withstand even nuclear bombardments, automated turrets installed along with emergency hired stray exorcists and mercenaries manning the buildings with a touch of monsters in reserve, like chimeras. Lined titanium alloy doors protect the front entrance, enchanted by the magic of mage contractors able to bolster their defenses.

Suffice to say, it would take nothing less than a full-scale national invasion to break through the door and invade the interiors.

However, to those stationed there, it was one metallic sperm that busted through the front door with a single, glorious punch, disintegrating a perfectly clean hole in the wall from the force alone.

Alarms blared to life, painting the room in the light of intermittent siren red.

"Grovel before the advent of perfection."


Dubstep music blared as turrets flared to life, shooting military-grade ordinance on the golden demigod with futility.

Bullets harmlessly bounced off his golden skin as the mercenaries and exorcists arrived at the scene, only to drop their jaws at the sight of the golden macho and the anime music accompanying him.

"What the hell is that thing?"

"It's buff, that's what!"

"Who cares?! Fire at will!"

One of the mercenaries aimed the RPG and clicked the trigger.

The anti-tank rocket flew and crashed into the golden demigod. However, before the smoke cleared, a spark of golden light glimmered.

The four main archbishops watched the screen as everything was suddenly painted in golden light, only for the screen to be consumed by static. The other bishops that conspired with them were panicking.

"They found us!"

"The golden demon is here!"

"I thought this place was secure!"

"Uccior, you bastard! You doomed us!"

"QUIET!" Rahmond Langley shouted at them.

They were in the safest room possible, filled with as many luxuries they could afford to occupy their time hiding, from pool tables to television screens and alcohol stocked in freezers.

Rahmond, the youngest of the followers of Bernael, heaved with heavy breaths, also trying to calm himself.

"...What should we do? Our forces can't hold them for long!" Gilbert Dew asked.

Their militia forces were nothing more than hired thugs with no experience against this level of might of the supernatural, some barely equipped to take on something that can fight an army of angels.

"...We use the last emergency we have." Uccior Male, the oldest, the one with a bushy white mustache and a stomach that rivaled the fatness of Valper's.

Rahmond widened his eyes as he shot his gaze in his direction.

"...Are we really going to use it? We cannot hide the artifact once it takes flight. Using it is like announcing our existence to all the world! Heaven's angels will fly to us like a beacon!"

"It still has a greater chance for us to escape rather than staying here! The golden demon that accompanied the Strongest Man is here!" Uccior shouted back.

The others started discussing amongst themselves on the matter.

"...What are the chances that we can escape the borders on that?" One of them asked.

"We don't know." Rahmond shook his head. "We have never used it before… Once ignited, the magical energies will bypass the suppressor enchantments to hide its magical signature. But he used it once to get to Annwn once it reached the oceans. We must find a way to enter the otherworld… only then we can only pray…"

The others grimaced at his honesty.

"...Everyone, gather anyone still loyal to us. Bring as many assets you can carry."

Everyone watched as Gold turned everything around him to gold.

The hallway of bleak gray painted in military colors was turned to gold. The men that arrived also turned into golden statues.

The ones that turned into monsterized versions of themselves ran for their lives after breaking their fists, claws, or whatever against Gold's body before he zapped them, turning the poor bastards into gold as well while Issei, Vali, Genos, and the others watched as they walked into the facility unimpeded - the music of Jojo blaring from Gold's handheld radio as he enjoyed raising the value of the secret military institution many fold.

"My god, dude, seriously. Are you really planning to… melt all of this down once this is over?" Issei asked.

It was the first time he saw so much gold, the walls turned to gold, the floors, the doors, everything turned to gold. Issei was not privy to the exact market value of gold per pound, but he could imagine Gold buying an entire nation with this much stuff.

"Would you choke on shock if I said 'yes'?" Gold asked as he punched through the next door, which had been turned to gold, as they entered the next room.

"I must say, it is a first for me to see so much of the same color. I also must ask what you intend to do with this much gold?" Touji asked.

"Hoard them. If I sell all of this in one sitting, it will crash the market. I usually trade it in small dividends with other wealthy investors for greater value." Gold said as he turned another array of turrets into gold as they walked uninterrupted.

"...Do you donate some of them?" Asia asked innocently from next to Issei, Rover held in her arms.

"I do. Charity does aid the economy, believe it or not. I just need to be careful with how much I spend."

"Be sure to send some our way!" Issei shouted, wondering what he should do with that much gold, even if it was made from these poor bastards.

Gold smirked, but stopped as they reached the intersection, three paths before them leading to different directions.

"And… this is where we might need to part ways. How do you wish to do this?" Gold asked, glancing back at his party.

"I am downloading the schematics of this facility. I already hacked into their systems the moment we entered." Genos informed as the lens of his eyes blipped with symbols and numbers.

"...They do not have the maps digitally stored." Genos clicked his tongue a few seconds later. "I only received further transactions and records of corrupt selling of military grade equipment. We will need to split up. Touji, Xenovia, you will join me to the left. Griselda, Vali, and Gold, you will go forward. Issei, Irina, Asia, you will go to the right. We will finish this once and for all."

Everyone nodded.

Xenovia followed without question as they made their way to the left while the others headed towards the other directions. She watched Genos' back as they encountered more resistance, monsters this time. She then brought out Durandal, but Genos quickly dispatched them with laser fire from a small turret that stood up from his shoulder, vaporizing them to nothing but ash. Seeing the cyborg leading the charge, Xenovia glanced at Touji, who merely shrugged as they kept following behind.

Sometimes she wondered if she was even needed. The Hyoudous practically consisted of a one-man army family.

They went down a flight of stairs leading to the lower levels. The layout of the facility seemed to be completely functional, though the sight of a heavily armored vault-like door was in their way. Genos immediately melted the door with a blast of energy from his palms as they walked towards it. When they walked close enough…

"...I always wondered where they smuggled their investments when I went through the records…" Genos muttered when they saw a veritable treasure trove before them.

There were piles of gold, some golden bars, while mixed in were objects of mystical origins, swords littered amongst the pile, all protected and contained in heavily layered steel walls. Xenovia already saw enough gold with Gold turning everything in his path to gold… It was the first time she said gold so many times in her head in a single day.

"Some of these…. Can be considered as national treasures." Touji looked around in awe, "Like this one - this is Clarent! The sword Mordred used to kill King Arthur!"

Touji walked to the pile and pulled out the sword - The blade itself was pure crimson, stained with the blood of a holy king that refused to leave the weapon that spilled it.

Rubies decorated the hilt of the sword, giving it a dazzling red theme. Xenovia eyed the sword with interest. It was not like a holy sword, it was more like a cursed sword given the demonic energies.

"And this… is Joyeuse, sword of Charlemagne."

He placed the sword back into the pile while taking the other sword. It was holy in origin, the blade showing a reminiscence of Durandal with the blue-hue, yet the pommel was in the shape of the holy cross carved to fit into the wielder's hand.

"This one is believed to contain a piece of the holy spear, Longinus, while made from the same material as Durandal! I thought this was destroyed!"

Xenovia watched as Touji returned the items there and continued rummaging through the treasures. Xenovia stared at the sword with the piece of Longinus as she felt it somewhat beckoning her. She looked around, as if she wanted to confirm something - like a sign, or anything to guide her. However, seeing the other two adults were busy appraising and looking over the treasures, she realized that she was on her own.

Soon, Xenovia steeled herself and decided to tackle the problem head on. Slowly, carefully, she reached out towards the sword's handle. She hesitated for a second before she wrapped her fingers around the handle, and she pulled. Her face was met by a strong, yet gentle gust of wind as soon as she held up the sword, her eyes stared at the radiance the sword emitted, like she was enchanted and tranced by the ephemeral beauty before her.

She could feel something in the weapon. Something different compared to Durandal or Excalibur Destruction… she felt as if the sword was calling her, almost like how Excalibur called to Arthur in the legends.

"To think they would keep such treasures from the Church for themselves. We must return and sort and appraise them once we're finished… Xenovia?"

Touji and Genos looked back as they watched Xenovia and the sword emit a synergizing aura. Genos could read the energies and the synchronizing frequencies between the two connecting with remarkable adaptability.

"What is happening?" the cyborg asked.

"...I think Joyeuse has chosen Xenovia." Touji concluded with amazement. "Certain holy swords have the capacity to choose the wielder. To think that one would deign itself to choose her…"

"But… I already have Durandal." Xenovia replied in a slightly dazed tone.

The sword had an ephemeral aura she could not describe. There was an air of mystery behind this weapon that surpassed her understanding, even more than her with Durandal.

"To be chosen by a holy sword is an honor, Xenovia. To live up to its expectations, to surpass them, is the duty of all sacred sword users." Touji added.

Xenovia looked hesitant again, she stared at her reflection on the blade, before she turned to Touji and Genos - the former nodded at her. Looking back at her reflection again, she steeled her expression and pressed her forehead against the metallic surface.

"...I will be in your care." Xenovia whispered as the sword's energy seemed to calm down.

Touji smiled as Xenovia inhaled.

"What can this sword do?" Xenovia asked.

"Ah, well, it isn't as famous as Excalibur or Durandal, but it is powerful. The most iconic ability is its ability to manipulate light. There is also a legend that it can turn the power of the enemy against them. Once we finished capturing the villains, we can-"

A rumbling quake shook the room, the ground, walls, ceiling, and the very air itself blurred from the vibrations. The sound of an echoing explosion barely touched their ears.

"I sense a surge of unexpected levels of arcane energy." Genos then ran out the vault towards the source.

"-And then when you're almost nude, be sure to perk up your chest in front of the camera. After that, arch your head back far enough for you to reach the floor to show the rest of your magnificent body."

Vali wished he could have gone with Issei at this current moment. Not only was it painful not to receive any action, it was also extremely uncomfortable listening to Gold talking with a scarily agreeable Griselda in taking about their soft pornography business back at the hotel.

It was terrifying how he could imagine the woman appearing in poses that could arouse even his dormant animal away from the thrill of battle. Worse, the Blacks were getting a bit too skilled in the art of corruption.


Crap, the corrupted nun was already agreeing to it.

More grunts with guns arrived at the scene, but unfortunately Gold already zapped them into golden statues before they moved on. Vali really wished he was anywhere other than here as they arrived at a very large sliding door.

"...What is behind this?" Gold muttered as he walked up to the door and ripped the superalloy door from the hinges despite its size enough to fit several airplanes.

When Gold finished tearing off the hinges, Vali was stunned for the first time since arriving here.

"They're here!"

"Quick, start the engine!"

It was a massive ship made of shining lustrous metal and wood.

The design of the vessel was straight out of fantasy, fairy-like wings of glittering silver sprouting from both sides, the hull sleek and curved, a large cannon mounted at the front while the golden brown color danced under the ceiling light, radiating a transcendent beauty that could only be seen in heaven. Atop of the deck, leaning from the bows were two of the archbishops judging by their priestly attire.

The only ugly thing were the modern day weapons dangling from the edges of the deck, turrets of machine guns and missile launchers along with the mercenary thugs in kevlar were already mounting them. However, Gold's antenna already flared and zapped the ship, attempting to turn it to gold.

However, to the three's shock, it bounced off what looked like an invisible barrier, a part of it lighting into existence when Gold's signature move caromed the surface.

"What in the hell….?" Vali muttered.

"Where in the world did they get that magnificent beast?" Gold could not help but wonder as well.

Then, from top of the deck, the noise of engines and gears shifting could be heard, as several cannon nozzles, like the ones from naval pirate ships from old, emerged from the ship's bow and aimed at them.

"Haha! I got the weapons out!" One of the hostiles cheered, followed by his comrades.

"Open fire!"

On cue, Gold quickly moved to shield Griselda, with Vali covering himself in his Scale Mail and activating his defensive spells.


The cannons were more like Sacred Gear versions of the medieval cannons used by ships, the ones that fired iron spheres at the enemy, only these ones shot energy beams. They had little freedom in the matter of precision, but the firepower overcompensated that major flaw as arcane mystical energies of potent concentration rained down on them.

The magic circles that shielded Vali cracked as Gold weathered the barrage, Griselda covering her eyes from the blinding explosions that followed.

Then the main cannon from the ship fired at the wall. Gold saw the weapon fire what looked like a massive beam that tore through the walls of the bunker like air, ignoring the impacts from the cannons as the ship's fairy wings glowed with iridescent shimmers.

What caught Gold off guard was the starting speed. It took off faster than the size or appearance suggested, leaving a golden blazing trail behind. However, it did partially crash into the wall, grinding past the molten metal in its escape.

Gold stared at it dumbfounded as Griselda coughed, emerging behind him while rubbing her eyes.

"Is - is everyone alright?" Griselda asked as she regained her bearings.

"...I'm fine." Vali replied cryptically - not really - while his dragon armor was able to protect him from the direct impact and blast from the cannons, it turned out the projectile contained holy power, in which the sheer heat and radiation seeped through his Scale Mail and boiled him inside.

It was only thanks to his immense power as a cambion, combined with his Sacred Gear dividing the holy aura that Vali was still in fighting condition.

Gold on the other hand simply stared at the direction where the aircraft flew and tapped into his radio.

"...We have a situation."

Genos immediately appeared, sliding to a halt, his thrusters still steaming.


Gold simply walked to the hole in the wall.

Genos and Vali followed him through the artificial path until they arrived outside, their feet sinking into the molten stone as they looked up, seeing the ship already a small dot into the distance.

"They have a magic ship. A giant magic ship out of nowhere, and they took off on it." Gold half-explained and half-complained.

"I'll follow them. Vali, are you able?" Genos asked.

"Of course I am." A red streak zipped through the sky. "Though somebody has beaten us to the punch."

"I can't believe they're pulling this bullshit out of their asses…"

Issei grumbled as he was clad in his Scale Mail, flying after a magnificent giant aircraft while carrying Rover in his arms. Behind him was Irina and Asia - however, they had problems catching up with Issei's superior speed, not to mention that they had yet to fly that often, thus they were losing distance with Issei.

Rover panted as Issei reached the higher altitude, now above the ship, hovering over the main deck.

"Alright, Rover, I know it's been a while, but you know what to do! And yes, use all of the atomic barks you want!" Issei shouted with an eager grin.

This was the first time in months that they could use Rover like this. From below, Issei could see the grunts running to the deck with the missile launchers. Actually, a bullet flew past him, indicating a sniper already on deck.

Rover barked with wagging eagerness as Issei lifted his best friend and threw the dog at the ship with all of his might. He knew Rover would survive it.

On the deck, the crews saw an incoming object flying towards them.

"Hey, what is that?"

They could barely see because of the sun glaring into their eyes since they're moving so fast.

"The man in the red armor threw something at us. Is it a bomb or something?"

"No, it looks…. Alive. Is that a bird?"

"No, it's a…. Wait, is it growing bigger, or is it just me?"

Then, the crew's eyes became gradually clearer, as the shape falling towards them became even bigger and closer.

Their eyes then widened, "No, that's-!"


Rover had grown big enough to occupy a significant portion of the ship, its giant maw hung open and shining with destructive power.


Destruction rained upon the deck, explosions blossoming destruction and death across the ship.

"Go, Rover!" Issei shouted from above.

However, Issei was surprised that the ship was still flying after twenty good seconds of relentless atomic barks, explosive fiery spheres of death engulfing the deck in plasma and light, just one atomic bark alone able to splash most of the deck with the blast radius.

"What the hell…?" Issei watched - the deck was in a wreck and aflame, with Rover incinerating any creature that dared approach him.

Yet how was the vehicle still standing? What the hell were they riding on?

"Rover! Aim for the wings!" Issei shouted, not wanting to waste anymore time.

Rover roared as it turned to the large fairy wings and opened its maw. However, to Issei's shock, the ship… did a barrel roll.

There were no other words to simply describe it. The massive ship tilted left a little and then did a complete three hundred and sixty barrel roll to the right.

Rover was no longer on the deck, his best friend's whining fading behind him.


Issei shouted in worry, but then again, he knew enough that a simple fall from this height would not be nearly nowhere enough to hurt Rover. He then looked back at the flying aircraft - he had to respect their tenacity, but still, this was complete and utter bullshit.


Issei looked back, seeing Genos and Vali flying via thrusters next to him.

"Uncle, what the hell is that? That thing withstood Rover's atomic barks! You know just how many there are that can withstand Rover's onslaught, right?!"

"...Not many." Genos merely replied.

"Exactly! Not many! So what the fuck is that?!" Issei asked with a frustrated tone.

Then, Asia and Irina caught up with them - looking winded from flying.

"Whew, we finally caught up." Irina exhaled, "What did we miss?"

"Rover's atomic barks barely scratched that thing." Issei replied, "Speaking of, he fell off down there. Can you two check over him?"

"Is Rover hurt?" Asia asked in worry.

"Don't worry about the dog. It's durable enough that it can survive a drop from orbit and shrug it off," Vali replied.

Issei looked back to see the ship starting to ascend.

"…You don't think they're trying to escape through space?" Issei asked as the ship continued soaring higher and higher.

"Let's hope they don't. I already sent an emergency message to the Vatican. Reinforcements will be on their way-"

The group paused when they felt a sudden surge of energy from below. They turned to see a pinpoint sphere of clashing, chaotic colors of red and yellow contained in a blurry shroud of crackling electricity as it launched into the sky, swerving towards the ascending ship despite the ridiculous height of altitude.

It almost missed, but the explosion was devastating, creating a brighter source of faux daylight as the ship veered off course from the splashing impact. They heard Rover's distant roar as the dog trampled the land, its maw crackling with power.

Their altitude could allow them to see a blurry black dot zipping and zigzagging the land with sparks of power jumping from what they assume was its mouth, frisking to and fro the uneven natural landscape, trees, stone and dirt.

"We might not need them. Irina, Asia, go ride on Rover! Tell him to not shoot us when we try to board that thing!"

That was assuming that Rover could not see them through such a far distance. Issei wasn't going to question Rover's ability to snipe at things long-distance until he was free to check on his powers.

"Got it!" Irina then flew down with Asia in tow.

"Let's go!" Issei shouted as the remaining three ascended after the ship.

They sliced the distance swiftly as they approached, ready to land on the deck and finish them. However, before their feet touched the deck, the ship started to warp like a mirage and…

It faded like a phantom, a spectral illusion. They fell through the afterimage of the ship.

"Oh, come on! What now?!" Issei asked out loud, reignting his boosters as he maintained altitude to look around.

What did they just do? Issei was sure that the ship was solid since Rover's sniping bomb shot affected it.

Genos' cybernetic optics immediately went to work, "I can no longer detect the ship's energy signature. They must have-no, wait, I'm sensing it again?! There, ahead of us!"

Issei and Vali looked ahead to see the ship melting back into existence. They were already miles ahead of them somehow, not that that would stop them. Issei flew after the ship, wanting to end this bullshit once and for all. He could see sparks jumping from the rear of the ship, cracks and splinters, an opening from Rover's last attack.

"The magical shielding is down!" Genos shouted behind him, failing Issei with Vali behind. "Rover's attack destroyed their protection!"

"I'm going in!"

Issei then burst through a part of the ship's exterior, landing landing inside an area with many of the soldiers lounged. He was sure that he entered what looked like the lounge, though it was quite spacious, and the stray exorcists and others staring at him seemed to be half-resting and half-on-edge as they swiftly drew their weapons.

"Contact! Open fire!"

"Idiot, don't-!"

Issei immediately found himself being pelted by a hail of bullets, which bounced off his Scale Mail, ricocheting around his surroundings in the process.

Issei absentmindedly wondered if he could take the bullets with his skin alone. He heard that there were few in the Hero Association that could withstand bullets unfazed, especially that muscled coward that Gold once defeated with one punch.

Issei sharply inhaled as his rocket thrusters flared as he flew through them. He had no time for cannon fodder as he blitzed through the hallway. He needed to shut this thing down, whatever it was.

It did not take long for him to arrive at a wider space - some kind of engine room. There were huge mechanical contraptions with at least a dozen people running around.

Pipes and arcane magical symbols he could not decipher decorated the large rainbow sphere of crystal in the center, floating within a cylindrical barrier with various tubes of brass and copper weaving around the engine room in an intricate perpendicular web with the crystal container at the center of it all.

Some of the pipes were literally on fire, discharges of Arcanic energy jumping out of a crack in the cylinder, one stray bolt incinerating a careless engineer, leaving not even a trace of ash behind.

"Don't you dare falter! Do whatever it takes to get that generator back online! This ship is defenseless without it!" One in priestly attire shouted at them.

"We're trying our best without a working schematic!" One of them shouted back as they jumped when another stray bolt disintegrated the arm of another engineer.

The man fell on his back, screaming as blood pooled in the room.

"...And we didn't sign up to work on a nuclear reactor!" Another shouted.

"Damn it! Damn that dog! Damn that Baldy's bastard son! Damn-"


Everyone paused and stopped at what they were doing, then they turned towards a figure clad in red draconic armor standing at the door.

"If you'd like, mind if I take a look at it? Fair warning, I don't have a degree in engineering." Issei offered with a cocky tone as he walked towards them.

"Y-Y-You-you-" The priest stumbled back as Issei started with him. The man grit his teeth and let out a sudden war-cry before he started transforming.

Issei flinched at the sight of him.

The guy became a weird, grotesque creature of hands. Arms with clawed hands dangled from where his eyes were, hands dangled from his ears, four more arms sprouted from his shoulders while a giant hand with an eye looking at him from his palm grew out of his stomach while his legs transformed into arms with hands, four giant arms instead of the two legs, making him like a abominable centaur of sorts.

"You! If only you didn't exist! YOU!" The creature's voice was still surprisingly humane, as it charged at Issei.

Issei met his charge with an uppercut. The creature's upper half turned into a gory fountain, the body of the upper half of the creature replaced with a dangling spine and flying organs splattering across the floor.

"...Oooof." Issei grimaced. He was not actually trying to kill him this time… He was attempting to send the creature flying through the ceiling.

He might have underestimated the creature in all honesty. He looked at the engineers and the remaining guards in the room.

"You have ten seconds to flee this place before I destroy this room." Issei warned as his frame was coated in draconic power, which gradually concentrated around his arms.

The remaining crews exchanged glances with one another, and a few seconds later, they began to fill out the room one by one, all while making sure to stay away from Issei's figure.

Issei stared at the rainbow crystal in the center… Whatever it was, he was sure that punching it would be like punching a nuclear reactor. He had no desire to test out the Gs behind that thing.

Issei sharply inhaled and took out Ascalon. It was time to start chopping as he raised his sword charged for the nearest pipe. As soon as the blade made contact, Issei had to immediately step back as the severed pipe unleashed a high-pressure hot gas coolant, followed by several chain reactions in which cables short-circuited and the core crystal glowed and shook unstably.

Issei grimaced as he started hacking away at the pipes left and right. Explosions followed as discharges of energy started to surge more uncontrollably, launching Issei away as the room started to melt.

To Issei's shock, it destroyed a good chunk of his armor as he bounced off the floor like a skipping stone across a pond until he crashed into the wall.

"Agh! That actually stung me… ow. Ddraig, I know it is kind of late, but what am I looking at? What is this thing?" Issei asked, rubbing the back of his neck as he watched the magical core starting an actual meltdown.

[I have been pondering the moment I saw it. I don't know, but I can tell that this ship is from Britain - I can recognize the writings and inscriptions being from Arthurian Legend. Albion might know more, since he's originated from Britain himself.]

"...Seriously? This thing? How the hell did they manage to get something like this?" Issei groused as the energy spilling from the core spiked.

[I suggest you fly off to a safe distance before we can ponder on that matter.]

Issei agreed as he donned his Scale Mail again and flew out of the room; just in time as a massive explosion erupted behind him, a wave of fire and smoke chasing after him as he made his way back to the hole in the hull of the ship and flew out, ignoring the death screams of the soldiers behind him.

Asia and Irina watched as the giant flying ship started to go down from the air.

"They did it!" Irina cheered with a smile as Rover roared, running across the rocky terrain as it still chased after the descending vessel.

The ship fell behind a mountain, evading their line of sight. It was still very far, but they could hear the distant boom and rumble whispering in the wind. Rover swiftly navigated through the natural landscape, circling around the mountain in seconds, and, after a few minutes, skid to a stop upon arrival.

The wreckage of the vessel was still mostly intact despite the fall from such a high altitude. The ship's body was pretty much intact, but there was a sizable gaping hole around the ship's hull, where fire and smoke were rising. There were other cracked openings leading to the inside of the ship, splintered wood and metal, the cannons mounted on both sides of the massive ship still intact.

Landing in front of them from the sky was Issei, Vali, and Genos, the first two undoing their scale mail as they inspected the wreckage.

"Damn, this thing actually survived that drop?" Issei whistled, impressed by the vessel.

"Well, to be fair, you're focused more on wrecking the inner engine rather than its exterior." Vali reasoned.

"Still though, damn." Issei repeated.

"Good work, Ise." Genos nodded, before he turned to the reincarnated angels and Rover, "You did well on keeping up with us."

Rover barked, wagging his tail as Asia and Irina dropped down. Rover shrank back to his puppy size as Asia picked up the dog with a smile.

"Alright, we're going to look for any survivors. Uncle, we're taking them in alive, right?" Issei asked.

"If possible. If not, we have permission to kill. Gold is already catching up with us currently while carrying Griselda, Touji, and Xenovia." Genos nodded.

"Good. Asia, Irina, you gonna be alright by yourselves?" Issei asked.

"We'll be alright, Ise." Irina replied with a confident smirk.

"Yes!" Asia followed suit, earning a smile from Issei.

"Issei. Vali. With me. I am currently scanning for life signatures. The largest cluster is on the other side within the ship. Asia, Irina - you and Rover are on perimeter duty."

Issei and Vali nodded at Genos, before they donned their Scale Mails again and followed the cyborg into the hull breach, ignoring the fire and smoke.

Asia and Irina breathed a sigh of relief as Rover continued wagging his tail.

"...It's finally going to be over." Irina let out a heavy sigh of relief.

"It is." Asia grabbed Irina's hand and gave a gentle squeeze, which Irina returned appreciatively.

All of the evil, all of the pain that came with Valper's betrayal, all of the damning secrets… finally over.

There was still the matter with Bernael, the fallen angel that failed to fall. Irina shuddered when she recalled the moment, the sacrifices… the torment and suffering.

"...What should we do now?" Asia asked as she stared at the wreckage.

"Well, Mr. Genos tasked us for perimeter duty." Irina replied. "That means we need to make sure no civilian will stumble here. Also, we need to greet Gold, Sister Griselda and my father when they arrive."

Rover then barked, garnering the girls' attention - it was as if the dog was waiting for orders.

"Alright, buddy. Let's take a quick look around this side of the ship first, shall we? We don't know what we might find, so let's be careful and keep our distance." Irina proceeded.

Asia smiled and let Rover down. Rover barked as the dog started sniffing the ground, waddling towards the ship as Asia and Irina followed.

Irina and Asia raised their heads, taking in the size of the magnificent ship.

"I wonder what kind of ship this is…" Irina muttered to herself. She did not remember anything like this before… though she did swear that there was something like this in a book somewhere, though it was only described by words, no pictures.

Rover stopped and barked at a crack in the hall, big enough for some people to slip through the splintered magical wood.

Tumbling out of the crevice, two came out, one being a familiar fat man while the other was a young man in priestly attire. Irina and Asia widened their eyes in recognition of Uccior Male and Rahmond Langley.

"Damn that Baldy's bastard son!" Rahmond cursed as he coughed, covered in soot and ash while Uccior heaved.

Their eyes met; then the next second, Rover was growling while Irina stood in front of Asia with her sword of light aimed at the corrupt archbishops.

"Uccior Male, Rahmond Langley - in the name of current acting - Chief of Heaven, Lord Archangel Michael and under the authority of Vatican, you two are charged for treason and under arrest!"

The two clenched their teeth at Irina, but when Rover paddles between them, their faces paled at the sight of the demon dog. They looked at each other before they looked at Asia, inspecting their situation.

"…Damn it. Guess we have no choice."

Rahmond growled as he and Uccior raised their arms up. However, in one of Rahmond's hands, he grinned as he dropped something.

It was the same flash bombs Freed likes to use to escape. Irina and the others had to cover their eyes from the ensuing blinding light.

During the interim, Irina heard Asia's cry as the light died down.

"Asia!" Irina turned to her friend.

"Stay where you are!"

She grimaced when she saw Uccior Male standing next to a tentacle monster. It was a dirty black-brown creature that could only be described as a tall, oozing creature of tentacles. In the place of its head was a giant eye.

It held Asia, wrapped around her arms and waist. One of the tentacles also covered her mouth to keep her from screaming. Another one was wrapped around her neck.

"Scream, and this girl dies." The creature spoke with a distorted voice. Its tentacle which wrapped around Asia's neck also coiled slightly, causing the girl to gasp and wheeze.

Rover began barking as he grew large, pure energy gathered within his maws, ready to be unleashed - only for Irina to hold her hand up.

"Rover, stay! Stay!" Irina urged the dog to stand down, unwilling to risk Asia getting hurt.

The dog growled and huffed as the energy in his maws died down, conflicted between taking down the enemies and prioritizing Asia's safety.

"…Rahmond Langley?" Irina then guessed the monster's identity since she could not see the other archbishop.

"The very same." The creature - Rahmond replied with the same distorted voice.

"Now, I'm only going to ask this once. Tell your stupid dog to back off, and the bastard son to leave or else I'll crush this little girl's windpipe."

Rahmond threatened as the tentacles briefly tightened around Asia's neck, eliciting a muffled choked gasp from her.

"...Go, Rover." Irina simply instructed, making sure to meet the dog's eyes.

Rover whined, his eyes darting between Irina and the enemies holding Asia hostage. A few seconds later, Rover reluctantly ran away from the area.

Irina could only hope that Rover would run into the others and return with back-up soon.

Uccior then waves his arm, sending the cue for more people to come out from the ship. Irina grimaced at the sight of more enemies coming out.

"Good girl." Uccior sneered.

"What should we do? We cannot survive for long even with a hostage." Rahmond asked.

"We need leverage… which is right in front of us. Say, girl." Uccior smiled as he looked at Irina. "You should know better than not to bring Valper's favorite cross."

As soon as Irina heard the last three words - the world seemed to stop for her.

Valper Galilei's favorite cross.

Irina dear, would you fetch my favorite cross?

Irina, go fetch my favorite cross.

Fetch my favorite cross…

Favorite cross….

Favorite cross….

On the other hand, Asia only watched as Irina suddenly went so incredibly still, her face lowered, that her chestnut bangs obscured her eyes. What was going on? She wanted to call out to her, but Rahmond's mutated hand prevented her voice from slipping through her lips.

Uccior, on the other hand, believed that victory was in his grasp when he saw Irina's condition, "...It's fortunate that I took notes on one of my visits to Valper's counseling session. The programming truly worked like a charm." He leered, remembering how obedient the girl became as he and Valper had their fun with her.

"Now you little doll… I need you to behave and do your job when the time comes." Uccior then turned to one of the strays, "You, go and see if she's behaving."

Seeing that Irina was not moving, Asia attempted to call out to her - her muffled scream could be heard from behind Rahmond's hand.

"...And Langley, you can let go of the other girl, but be sure to knock her out so she won't make a fuss. We'll take her as well." The older archbishop said as the stray who had been given instruction carefully made his way towards Irina.

The stray could not really make out Irina's expression, due to her bangs covering her eyes. He reached out and was about to lift her chin up, when a flash suddenly appeared before his eyes. When he blinked, he suddenly saw a bleeding stump where his hand was previously at.

It took the others a few seconds until they realized that something went terribly wrong when the supposedly brainwashed Irina suddenly beheaded the stray that was checking on her.

At the sight of blood and a flying head, Uccior blanched, and quickly turned to his comrade, "Langley! The hostage!

Langley, however, jumped when lightning suddenly sparked from Asia's hair and struck his giant eye, followed by a war-cry squeak as Rassei flew out and clawed at Langley's sole eyeball.

"Agh?! My eye! What is this?!" Langley reflexively released Asia to swat the annoying thing.

But the area beneath his giant eye suddenly exploded, his eye falling away as Langley stared at his headless body with soundless confusion, his life slowly blurring away into oblivion.

Asia blinked when the tentacles collapsed around her. Uccior was flabbergasted at the sight of Rahmond's body falling to the ground.

He followed the source of the attack…. And saw Irina glaring at him with eyes burning with rage, unfounded wells of untouched anger bubbled to the surface and erupting through her features like a volcano. She summoned another spear of light as her wings started to warp.

"Kill her!"

The strays only glanced at one another before they all charged at Irina - who in retaliation, unleashed a vengeful bellow as she met the charge.

Asia, who had Rassei returned to her arms, could only watch in horror as Irina intercepted all of the strays with extreme prejudice. Blood was shed, staining her frame, even her wings - as she cut, pierced and cleaved her way through her enemies.

There was even one stray who had deemed the situation to be hopeless - as he dropped his arms and knelt before Irina, but the reincarnated angel cut him down before he could have even begged for mercy.

Uccior also shared Asia's horror, but his fear was multiplied at the sight of blood-stained Irina's murderous look directed at him.

"W-Wait! Wait! I surrender!" Uccior shouted as he fell on his butt, crawling away from Irina as far as he could until his back leaned against the hull of the downed ship.

Even at the sight of the corrupt archbishop's groveling, the red did not vanish from Irina's eyes. The cybernetic implant in her hair overclocked in regulating her erratic brain waves sparking from her fury, until they were overwhelmed as Irina tore the implants off her head, letting her chestnut hair down.

The word 'favorite cross' had triggered the rest of her memories - she remembered every moment, every unspeakable deeds that Valper and his cohorts did upon her, whenever those words were spoken.

Seeing one of those who wronged her begging her for mercy stirred an indescribable, repulsive feeling in her stomach, as Irina now just wanted to send his soul to purgatory where he shall join the sinners in their eternal torment.

She pulled out Houyi's bow, summoned a light spear, and pulled the string - aiming her arrow towards the terrified archbishop.

Before Irina could release the arrow, however, a large hand was placed on her shoulder, causing her to scream with rage as she summoned a light sword and swung behind her.

The light sword shattered on contact with something ridiculously hard. Confused, she growled as she looked up, but froze when she saw the white face of Gold looking down on her. Riding on Gold's shoulder was her best friend… Xenovia was staring at her aghast, along with Griselda and Touji, who shared the blunette's expression.

Irina's breaths hitched at the looks her friends and family gave her, before she realized what had transpired. However, when her eyes laid upon the sight of Uccior Male, rage clouded her mind once again.

However, before she could do anything, a bolt of energy struck Uccior… and turned him into a solid golden statue.

"...That's enough." Gold said as Irina stared at the transmuted sinner with confusion, her rage stagnating and falling back like a tide that failed to rise. "I sympathize with your murderous rage. However, now is not the time. There are fates worse than death planned for them if that assures you."

Irina wanted to retort, but the words died in her mouth, as she stared at the sinner - his pathetic face and posture perfectly captured in gold. She then darted her eyes around, as if looking for any excuse that could help her release her resentment.

But the only thing she saw was the blood of sinners, bodies strewn across the field, dismembered in ways that…

When she absorbed in her act, Irina's eyes watered as she fell to her knees. Little did she know, her wings finally warped and mutated, her usual wings of white stained blood red as if the blood of the sinners tainted her purity.

It was inevitable as her grace was based on Kokabiel's, whose grace defied the normal rules set by God, branching off from traditional events and knowledge.

She buried her face into her hands and started to sob when she realized what she did.

Xenovia jumped from Gold's neck as she ran and wrapped Irina in her arms. Asia quickly joined as she hugged the crying girl, Irina sobbing growing in volume - as Griselda and her father joined as well.

"I… I…" Irina wailed. "...I remember… I remember everything…"

"Shh… It's alright." Touji whispered soothingly. "Just let it all out."

Asia subconsciously activated her Twilight Healing, combining its power with her Rod of Asclepius, creating a dome of light which encased the group-hug.

Irina could feel the warmth as her mental scars and sorrows washed away. She could feel it… she could feel everyone's concern and love for her, channeling into her through Asia. The tears simply refused to stop as Gold simply watched over them as their guardian.

Gold looked back at the golden statue of the sinner.

It was now, truly, finally over.

For the first time in decades, angels filled the holy court, including the Seraphs and Archangel Michael themselves.

It was no different than the courtroom seen in the superpower nations, but much, much bigger.

Three of the four main archbishops along with their conspirators, priests, stray exorcists, and other archbishops they did not account for.

Irina stood beside Issei, watching from the audience seats as Michael stood in place of the judge at the podium, his eyes condescending the massive number of traitorous snakes that hid in the holy castle for so long.

"I will now announce the crimes you have committed against the will of heaven and your kin in the name of sin." Michael announced.

Gilbert Dew, Uccior Male, and Crayford Ladora trembled, shackled in holy steel while receiving hateful glares from their former subordinates turned fellow convicted.

"Harbinging sacred artifacts in secret - Clarent, Chrysaor, Joyeuse, the helmet of King Arthur, and the very ship of King Arthur which you used to escape, the Prydwen." Michael announced.

"Brainwashing our exorcists. Rape, attempted murder, fraudulence, conspiracy, corruption at the highest level, deceit… there is no end to the sins you compounded. You have shamed us. We no longer need a trial with such blatant evidence on display. As for the rest of you." Michael looked at the other archbishops ensnared in the web of corruption. "I am disappointed. We have already discussed your penance. You will not be executed."

Three pairs of eyes blinked and widened at the last sentence. At the same time, they were concerned - if death was not their punishment, then what is?

The doors opened as a lone, masculine figure sauntered forward, his golden skin sheening extravagantly under the court light. All eyes of the guilty stared at the golden demon as he stood behind them.

"You have incurred untold damage, both mental, reputational, and physical. For that, we shall arrest your assets and collect all of the debt you owe to us and your victims. All of you shall be turned into gold for eternity, smelted into ingots. Your souls will not leave the mortal coil even after you are bartered and sold in pieces to support the house of God. You will forever be aware, conscious of your state without rest in eternal silence, and suffer the pain of soul dismemberment for eternity, alone, deaf, blind to all senses. No longer will our house be supported by the foundation of human greed."

The defendant's face lost all of their colors, as Golden Sperm towered over them. If there was a fate worse than death, rivaling the torments said to occur in Hell, it would be this.

"...I shall at least grant all of you the privilege for any last words." Michael ended.

"W-w-wait, please wait, Lord Michael - your honor!" Crayford Ladora spoke. "I-W-We humbly request a bargain plea!"

Michael stared at them with stoicism. "...We shall consider this" He said, earning sighs of relief.

The archangel merely exchanged glances with Gold, his peers, and to Irina and Issei who were watching, before he returned his stoic gaze down to the defendants.

"...We've reached our conclusion; your plea is overruled."


Michael's lips curled up a little.

"Even I know how to joke. Do it." Michael banged the gavel.

"NO! WAI-"

They were all illuminated by a golden light before every one of the sinners turned into golden statues. All of the exorcists and angels witnessed their fate, Issei sighing with relief that the ordeal was officially over.

"Transport them to our alchemists. We shall bind their souls to their golden prison with extra precautions just in case before we can smelt them down." Michael ordered.

Issei smiled as he watched the angels land beside the golden statues and teleported away via a giant magic circle.

Everyone disbanded, with Issei and Irina following Michael out of the courtroom. There was a feeling of catharsis from seeing the villains getting what they deserved. But it was not without losses, one of which marking Irina in red.

"...I am sorry." Michael confessed as he led them to a private section of the church.

"...I know…" Irina hung her head, as she revealed her new form. Her wings had become blood-red in place of white, even her halo was glowing in red as well.

"No. I am sorry for not being forthcoming." Michael added. "A part of me wanted to use you… to use our followers to test the waters of the power of Kokabiel's Ascension. I… didn't want the power to become a beacon of your sorrow."

Issei and Irina could not be mad at Michael for his honesty… maybe a little for Issei.

"...What is Irina's condition?" Issei asked.

"She has not exactly fallen yet… But she mostly changed as a result of her overwhelming emotions. Her holy affinity remains, but with a tinge of darkness in her soul. Since God is no longer here to keep both the Light and Darkness of this world divided, we are now seeing a new angel, a breed that defied the standard outlook of good and evil. Some… of my kind are terrified by this."

"I see…" Issei and Irina were not sure what to make out of this, but perhaps not all was lost to the latter yet; the boy grabbed the girl's hand and gave a comforting squeeze, which she reciprocated.

"As for the matter with Bernael… He has been missing for the last few decades, which is to be expected." Michael added.

"...Did you presume him dead?" Issei guessed.

"Unfortunately, yes. He was killed during an ambush from the Devils in battle, or so we thought. We checked for his corpse in the morgue… And it was missing."

Issei grimaced as Michael led them to a room. There was a desk of mahogany; on the desk were an array of swords, all of them thrumming with power, both sacred and blasphemous.

"These are the swords we recovered from the vault of the sinners." Michael stated. He looked at Irina and Issei, smiling, "I suppose you already know what I am doing here… I believe that the time of keeping the sacred weapons of the past in storage is no longer a luxury."

Issei and Irina shared glances before the former replied, "Are you sure? I mean, we appreciate this, but…"

"...You earned the right to take the spoils. They are valuable, but these swords have wills. I can sense that they do not wish to be confined any longer."

Issei and Irina glanced again at each other. Issei gave Irina the nod to go first.

Irina silently accepted Issei's gesture with a small smile as she walked towards the table and inspected the swords.

There were a few cursed swords among the rows of holy weapons on the desk. Irina inhaled as she could feel the energies of each calling out to her, the wills of the weapons resonating with her soul…

Irina's eyes stopped when she landed on a particular crimson blade. For some reason, its call was crisper than the others as she reached out to it. When she gripped the blade in her palm, she felt the sting of cursed power for a moment as the sword bit into her soul and latched a connection.

"...That is Clarent, the sword of treachery." Michael nodded. "It is the sword that Mordred used to slew King Arthur."

"...Isn't that a cursed sword? And… wow. Way to pick a good one." Issei complimented, taking in the blood red blade that matched Irina's color scheme.

"Yes. Under certain circumstances, holy swords can turn into cursed swords and vice versa. Another example is Arondight, the sword of Lancelot. You can pick out one more sword if you wish, Irina."

Irina stared at the crimson blade… the way the blade gleamed was almost enthralling. Irina exhaled as looked over the weapons…

"...Oh." She picked out another weapon.

Issei's eyes nearly popped out when she took a literal katana glowing in a holy light.

"That is one of Masamune's swords. Originally, he was a wielder of Blade Blacksmith."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait…" Issei stopped as he walked over to Irina and stared at the blade.

Irina blinked as she watched her boyfriend glaring at the blade in her hands.

"...Do you perhaps want the katana?" Michael asked with a smile, knowing Issei's preference for the eastern swords.

"Of course, I do." Issei looked at the sword with an appraising look, "...And I was wondering why it reminds me of Kiba's Muramasa."

"...Masamune was Muramasa's master." Michael answered. "He was the one that instructed Muramasa the way of blacksmithing."

"...The sheer coincidence is quite something… haaaaaah, damn it." Issei shrugged before he returned the sword to Irina.

Irina blinked at her boyfriend, "You… don't want this?"

"...You picked it first. It is yours by right." Issei grumbled.

Irina smiled at Issei's slight tsundere side. "No, seriously, I don't mind if you want this one. I can just pick a different sword."

"No, no, Irina. Look at me." Issei then cupped Irina's face with one hand, bringing her eyes close to his. "This is your day. You deserve this, so don't worry about me. Besides, I just want to have swords mainly for kicks."

Irina's face flushed slightly, as she grasped Issei's hand in her own, before she leaned forward to capture his lips with her own for a quick peck.

"...Thanks." Irina said, as she leaned her forehead against Issei's.

When they broke their contact, they realized - much to their small embarrassment, that the Archangel Michael had been watching their interaction with a smile on his face.

"Um, sorry about the… delay, Lord Michael." Issei said.

Michael simply let out a brief giggle while holding his hand up, "Please, take all the time you need. In fact, I think there is something that you should be aware of."

When Issei and Irina regarded him with curious looks, Michael replied, "It is still in the development phase, but our Research and Development department has been working with Ajuka Beelzebub and other scientists from Grigori, to solve the problem about our population. You see - we, the supernaturals from Christianity have difficulty in making offsprings. Devils and fallen angels have low birth-rates due to their long life-spans, even more so for us angels due to our oath of celibacy upon birth. Thus, we are developing a way where angels do not need to fear losing their grace while procreating."

Issei and Irina stared at Michael for a few seconds before the former commented, "So, you are saying… That there will be a way for angels to have sex without turning into fallen angels in the future?"

"Indeed. Kokabiel's Ascension is the key in the right direction." Michael nodded, before he turned to Irina. "But Irina, you are already unbound by heaven's restrictions. You may not need to worry when you need to start a family of your own."

This time, Irina's face gained a healthy red color at the prospect of having her own family. She glanced at Issei before she bashfully averted her eyes away.

"Now, come. Choose your companion, Issei."

After the fall of the giant flying ship - Prydwen, the devices that were responsible for the secret brainwashing technique were now in proper Vatican hands.

The spell had a fail-safe function. It would disappear upon the death of the marked ones.

Irina was free of spell the moment she reincarnated as an angel - by the definition, is the death and rebirth of the individual, prematurely triggering the failsafe.

However, while Irina was free, there were still those that suffered under its machinations. The devices were ready to be transported to heaven using one of the magical gateways within the heart of the Vatican, the only route used by those other than archangels to travel to and from Heaven.

The Ishim-class angels moved all of the devices to Heaven for study, towards the center of the magic circle. The devices were being carried by a magical hoverboard that could levitate, rectangular and consisted of silver.

"Stop! Stop!"

The angels stopped when another angel ran up behind them, heaving with his hands on his knees.

"I-I have… orders from Lord Michael!"

The angels looked back at the man, confused as he was sweating.

"What do you mean? We were there when Michael specifically ordered-"

The angels stopped when they saw something falling from the man's face.

It was covered in blood… It was a eyeless, lipless skin, blood still fresh red. The arrival's face was down, so they could not see his features.

"...It is such a shame."

The angels suddenly felt something in their stomachs. A wet, warm trickle and the sudden taste of iron.

One of them looked down to see spikes made from black ichor erupting from the floor and piercing through their solar plexus.

The lone angel looked up, his face covered in crimson as he flashed a smile.

The angels in the room, their life slipping away, had seen all manners of Fallen Angels in their time. But never did they see one with a smile so deranged, so much… evil that they felt their grace shudder when they laid their eyes on him.

"Do you have any idea how long I've spent to get the skin to stick on me just right?" The angel cackled, giggled, a mirthful tone that followed a tune that danced to the thrum of sadistic rapture as the lone angel took off his clothes.

"Y-You…" One of the angels recognized him. "Bernae-"

His head flew before he could finish his sentence.

In the wicked corrupted angel was a sword twisted with malice, less like a sword and more like a blade seemingly made from an eldritch black tar, the color so foul that light seemed to suck into the substance, never letting go.

The rest of the angel's heads left their shoulders as the lone angel stood before the machines.

He tossed a device, a spherical grenade at the machine.

"As always, Michael. You always lose at checkmate." Bernael smiled as he disappeared in a flash of light.

Right before the device ignited and overwhelmed the room in holy fire.

On the other side of the planet, another meeting was being held.

Inside a lavish room of a traditional Japanese mansion, sat several high-key individuals representing two sides.

On one side were those from the Three Factions of Judeo-Christianity; Azazel of Grigori, Serafall Leviathan of 72 Pillars, and Seraph Uriel from Heaven.

The other side were those from Takamagahara of Shinto Pantheon; Amaterasu - The Goddess of Sun, with her avatar - Yasaka of Kyoto, the leader of all Youkai across Japan. Alongside them were Sarutahiko Ōkami and Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto.

Between them, while sitting with the representatives of the Three Factions, was the mediator - the Strongest Man, Saitama of the Hyoudou family, and Ophis - The Infinite Dragon God, who casually rode Saitama's shoulders and using his head as her favorite ball-handle.

At the moment, however, the flow of the conversation had taken… Quite a bizarre turn.

Serafall was looking awkwardly between parties, while Azazel was not sure how to make out the development either, as his eyes were wide in bewilderment and excitement.

"...You want me to do what?" Saitama, the only man sitting between the two factions, stared at the sun goddess and the beautiful fox woman.

"It is not uncommon for noble clans to cement ties through marriages. Thus, we propose that the Strongest Man forge a union with Lady Yasaka of Shinto, of the Kyoto Yokai." Amaterasu provided.

The lady in question herself was doing her best not to meet anyone's eyes, albeit she would bashfully stole glances at the man she was intended to marry.

Saitama stared at the sun goddess. Never had he been this distraught in his life… Even when he received the three 'I love you' words for the first time from Haruka.

"...Um, Azazel. Back me up here." Saitama quickly turned to Azazel.

"And what do you want me to say?" The Scapegoat retorted.

"I don't know; anything!" Saitama then hurriedly turned to Serafall, "Serafall, Uriel, a little help, please?!"

"Err…" Serafall could only helplessly come up with one single word. "Congratulations?"

"…Is Yasaka willing?" Uriel asked curiously.


"What? It is an honest question."

All eyes turned to Yasaka, Saitama's potential second bride. She was still sporting a bashful blush so red that they knew the answer already.

"...What's my other options? I'm not exactly a noble man from the old days." Saitama asked.

The Goddess of the Sun hummed in thought for a second before her lips stretched into a small smile.

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