Issei was walking to school with Asia by his side that morning as usual, when his mind trailed back to last night where he explained everything that had transpired to his mother. Of course, Issei had to tell her about the wager since he had to attend a meeting with one of the supreme overlords of the Underworld, as well as a representative from the clan whose former heir nearly kidnapped Asia and forced her into an eternity of servitude against her will.

Okay, assuming we'll have more people moving in, I don't think our house is anywhere big enough to take all of them. You know what I'm saying?

His mother's conclusion echoed in his head, causing Issei to release a soft sigh. Asia herself had a troubled expression - she wanted to help but she was not sure how.

Another minute of walking later, the two ran into Koneko - she was munching a cheeseburger while standing as if she was waiting for them.

"Koneko." Issei greeted. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Ms. Koneko." Asia also greeted her politely.

"...Morning." Koneko replied with a nod and she followed, walking with them.

"This is the first time we ran to each other like this," Issei remarked. "Do you live nearby?"

"Not really, but it's not like my place is that far either," Koneko replied while finishing the last bit of her breakfast. "Everyone's a little busy preparing for your next meeting with Lord Beelzebub, so I was sent to tell you that the meeting will be held later after school in the Student Council room."

"I see…. Thanks for letting me know." Issei said, receiving a hum from Koneko in return.

They walked together in somewhat companionable silence until Koneko spoke up. "...I've seen the footage of your match with the former Astaroth heir. Good job." She commented while briefly meeting Issei's eyes.

"Is that so?" Issei asked with amusement in his tone. "…Mind telling me which part do you like the most?" Issei asked.

"...Where you punched his face to the ceiling," Koneko admitted.

Issei was kinda proud of his finishing move, though he did rip it off from the Street Fighter game.

"Yeah, I can see why." Issei replied jokingly. His thoughts wandered to Rias, prompting him to wonder what her reaction was like.

"Say, just between you and me… How did Rias exactly react to the footage?" Issei asked. "In detail? Akeno-senpai hinted something, but she didn't tell me more."

Koneko hummed in thought before replying. "...Are you sure you want to know?" She asked.

"If you say it like that, then yes." Now his curiosity has peaked.

"Well… you have a fan in the ORC." Koneko looked away, smiling a little. "She said, 'Yes! If I can get him into my side, I'll finally get out of my marriage with Riser!' and then she muttered something about some evil plan to catch you for good."

Issei blinked at the answer. "Who's Riser?"

Koneko scowled as if she was berating herself for saying something she should not. "Nobody important." She then replied.

Issei was not sure if he should press on, but considering Koneko's mood, he decided to let it go.

"What about Kiba's and Akeno-senpai's reactions? Oh, the Stu-Co President, too." Issei asked.

"Hmmm. President Rias was the most vocal. The others were rather quiet," Koneko replied. She then glanced at Asia. "Are you… okay, now?"

Asia smiled back with a radiant nod. "Mmhm. I am now. Thanks… to Mr. Ise."

Issei awkwardly scratched his cheek. He admitted he did feel like a hero in a sense after rescuing Asia from the villain's clutches. Was this what his dad always felt like when he started out? Though, he wondered when he would face the tougher guys. He still vividly recalled that one story with the one-eyed alien that bombarded the city, the first guy that survived his dad's fists and 'tried to blow up the planet' and such. He wanted to level himself up before facing someone like that.

"So… why does Rias want me in her Peerage so much?" Issei asked, returning to the sensitive topic.

"Because you're strong. Devils value strength." Koneko tersely replied.

"That's not all of it, is there?" Issei asked, knowing there was more behind the general reasons.

Koneko did not answer him, and it spoke volumes.

"...Does Rias need help?" Issei asked, hoping for a vague answer at least.

When Koneko did not respond as well, Issei already knew her answer.

"I see." Issei turned away from Koneko. "Though even if I do want to help, I still don't want to become a devil to do so. Asking me to throw away my humanity for her sake is too selfish, even for me."

"...Even if her life is at risk?" Koneko asked with a small edge in her tone.

"Who said I won't help her at all?"

Koneko blinked at Issei, who smiled knowingly at her. Before she could have asked anything further, they had already arrived at the school grounds, garnering the attention of other students.

Hearing the voice and cries of bewilderment, gossip, and jealousy, Issei immediately took Asia's hand in his and increased his pace, leaving Koneko behind. "I'll see you later, Koneko!"

The first-year was about to call out to Issei, but seeing the boy had run too far, she relented since she would meet him again soon enough.

It was after school when Issei found himself sitting on a couch in the Student Council Room.

Across him was one of the four overlords of Hell in a chair, clad in a formal business suit in dark green theme, sipping tea from the cup Tsubaki provided. Next to him was a young woman around Rias and Sona's age, she wore a Victorian-style dress and had blonde hair with tinges of blue on the tips, who also sipped on the refreshments.

Behind them, however, were fifteen girls around teens to young adults, all of them wore similar dresses like the blonde woman, but all of their faces were akin to broken dolls as if they cared not for whatever could and would happen to them - the looks of utter despair and resignation.

The atmosphere was awkward as Issei fidgeted in his seat, unable to look at the Satan in the eyes as the Devil looked at Issei with a stoic expression, yet he also could not bear to look at the girls' mentally damaged eyes.

"So…" Issei pursed his lips. The silent atmosphere was killing him. He did not know how to dispel it without inviting even more discomfort. "Uh, how should we do this?" Issei asked the Lord of Flies, sweating a little with his head turned away, his cheek facing the Satan.

"I assume this is your first time speaking with an important figure?" Ajuka asked.

"Erm, you can say that…" Assuming Azazel was just as important as him, though it was mostly his father doing the talking that time.

Ajuka merely smiled in amusement. "Hm, well, firstly, I want to settle another matter first." Ajuka gestured to the girls behind him.

"The ones behind me are from Diodora's Peerage. As from today onward, they… are now yours," he informed.

"...Eh?" Issei blinked stupidly. He suddenly recalled Diodora's outrageous wager and then widened his eyes. "Eh?! I thought that he was bluffing!" Issei blurted.

"Ahahahaha!" Ajuka laughed. "Yes, I can somewhat understand, but it is a wager made by the former Heir in front of his noble peers. As per the agreement, you are now the King of his peerage, even though you are a human. A promising one, at that."

Issei did not know how to word his retort to that other than dropping his jaws. "E-Err, I… uh…" No matter how Issei looked at it, this was too much. If Matsuda and Motohama learned of this, they would strangle him to death.

He threw a glance at Rias… she looked somewhat surprised as well. Checking on Sona, he saw that she merely pushed up her glasses.

"Okay… I don't know what to say. Actually, I don't think anyone sane could comment on owning another guy's… personal club members. Ack, I don't know how to describe it... Wait…" Issei realized something. "I don't think my house can even hold them."

He pictured stuffing the girls into his home. It did not look well as he imagined most of them sleeping in sleeping rolls in the living room or camp out on the house's small yard.

"Hmm. A trifling matter that we can fix." Ajuka mused. "The bigger question is, what do you want to do with them?"

"I… don't know. I don't like to own people like property." Issei was very uncomfortable knowing that these girls are in a sense, his slaves. "I… guess they can go do what they want. They're free, right?"

Issei did not notice that the eyes of the girls behind Ajuka gained a small glint as they looked at him in confusion.

"That depends on you," Ajuka replied. "After all, they are yours until you say otherwise. I believe Ms. Sitri could help you with them later on after our meeting."

"Ah…" Issei threw an apologetic smile at Sona. Sona merely narrowed her eyes at Issei for throwing more work her way. "Sorry."

"You owe me for this." Sona frowned at Issei. Yeah, he would definitely come by to this room again later.

"As for Diodora…" Ajuka narrowed his eyes upon transitioning to a sensitive topic. "He is no longer the heir of the Astaroth Household. After arresting him, we have discovered unsettling contraband within his property as well as… records of illegal dealings with a terrorist organization. Due to that, the title of heir now belongs to my niece." Ajuka gestured to the blonde girl on his left.

"How do you do? My name is Latia Astaroth." The girl stood and curtseyed Issei.

"Um, you too." Issei also stood and nodded at her.

"First… I would like to deeply apologize on behalf of my family." Latia said as she bowed before Issei. Issei looked overwhelmed by her mannerism… She was definitely in a different league compared to Diodora, nothing like that bastard at all.

"It's no problem. I kinda beat the shit out of him so… Yeah." Issei joked.

"Yes, crudely speaking." Latia raised her head. "I was there when you arrived at the estate. You did well surprising the guests of our party, I included." Latia smiled.

"Oh… did I crash something important?" Issei asked, wondering if he would face Noble Devil retaliation or something.

"No. In fact, the guests considered the sudden intrusion a refreshing change of pace. Everyone left greatly entertained by your performance. There are some considering to send you invitations to join their respective peerages."

Issei let out an awkward smile as he looked at Rias. She looked calm, but Issei could see the veins bulging under her skin and the ominous aura flickering behind her.

"Yeah, I prefer to stay human." Issei waved off.

"As Sona said when I asked about you. Forgive me for asking, but is there a particular reason why you wish to retain your humanity? Being a Devil is the equivalent of obtaining eternal youth among other boons to your might and magical prowess," Ajuka asked with curiosity, sipping his tea.

"Yeah, but I don't want to be deathly allergic to God-related stuff," Issei joked.

"An amusing phrase. It is the only detriment I admit, but it is a trivial one," Ajuka argued.

"True…" Issei shrugged, "I don't know how to word this, but… I feel like I will lose something important to me if I were to throw my humanity away. I have no problems with you lot, but I'm good with the way things are for now."

It was a feeling he had ever since he started training. He could feel something inside him rising when he was training, forcing him through that physical hell. It was harsh, brutal, but it felt like something he must surmount at the same time. When Tsubasa told him what it was like being a Devil, Issei just… felt averse to the sense of empowerment.

"But if you want a better explanation, I don't want to take the easy way out. I want… to become someone greater than the me that takes shortcuts in life, someone I can be proud of." Issei summarized their collective surprise of his verbal comeback.

His answer garnered varying looks from the devils; some of them were understanding, others with respect. Ajuka himself was giving an unreadable look for a few seconds before nodding. "Then I can only wish you luck on your current path. Still, should you change your mind, I believe you will do well as one of us."

"Yeah, I can imagine that for some reason. But still, not today." Issei saw Rias pouting at him when he said that.

"I see." Ajuka finished his tea as he looked at Tsubaki. Tsubaki nodded as she walked to him and took the empty cup from his hand.

"One last thing before we end this session." Ajuka said, but he then proceeded to regard everyone in the room. "Before we proceed, however, I'd like everyone here to leave this room. From this onward is for Mr. Issei and I only."

The devils, including Latia, glanced at one another in question, but soon enough they complied and began filling out the room. Asia stared at Issei with concerned eyes, which Issei reassured her with a silent nod, before she left the room last after the others. Rias regarded the Lord of Flies and the Red Dragon Emperor for another second before she proceeded to close the doors.

Now with only a human boy sitting with him in the meeting room, Ajuka waved his hand. Issei perked as he felt a sudden wave of magical energy rushing over him, a familiar feeling when Azazel demonstrated the concept of magic.

From what he experienced, he realised The Lord of Flies had enchanted the entire room. The sheer density of mystical power emanating the room was thick enough for Issei to understand why the man before him was one of the leaders of the Underworld.

Ajuka shifted on his seat as he took something out from his jacket.

"...Now to finalize the transfer of Diodora's peerage onto your hands."

Issei blinked at the sight of a King chess piece placed on the table. The piece itself was glowing red, crimson even. He eyed the piece for a second before turning to Ajuka.

"Um, what am I looking at?"

"This? It's a King piece, of course." Ajuka replied with a matter-of-fact tone. "Tell me, Mr. Issei. Are you familiar with how a devil's peerage works?"

"...Not really. I only know you guys have something that can turn people into a devil servant." That was practically everything Tsubasa told him, or at least enough for him to summarize a Peerage.

"Crude, but not fundamentally incorrect." Ajuka nodded at Issei's answer. "Then allow me to ask you this; are you familiar with the game of chess?"

Issei shrugged, "Never played it before, but I know the general rules."

"Good, then this should not be difficult. Each Devil's peerage is based on a system we called the 'Evil Piece System' based on the game of chess. Are you with me so far?" Ajuka asked and received a nod from Issei before he continued.

"Every peerage is led by a King. For example, Ms. Gremory and Ms. Sitri are the Kings of their respective peerage, which consists of eight Pawns, two Knights, two Bishops, two Rooks, and a Queen. Each of them had differing power levels and special abilities of their own."

Issei nodded along, taking Ajuka's explanation until he noticed something. "Hang on a second. If this is a King piece like you said earlier, does this mean you're actually trying to turn me into a devil?"

Ajuka smiled at Issei's hypothesis. "No, although I can understand how you reached that conjecture. In truth, this King piece… is taboo to our society."

Issei could not help but to feel uneasy at the revelation, as if he had stumbled upon something forbidden.

"Upon receiving their rights to create a peerage, a high-class devil like Ms. Rias or Sona will simply attend a ceremony to receive their set of Evil Pieces and imprint their pieces with their demonic power. For a special case like yourselves, however, I believe an alternative is required, but without the need to surrender your humanity by 'taking the easy way out' as you phrased it. However, this piece is the 'ultimate shortcut' to power amongst Devil Society, granting immense power to any Devil that wields it, so much so that it was banned."

"Oookay…. So how are we going to do this?" Issei asked as he started to feel unnerved by the information so far.

"Simple enough. You simply needed to infuse some of your power into the King piece, which I have synchronised with Diodora's peerage's demonic signature beforehand, and you will officially become their King." Ajuka replied with his smile a tad wider.

"Huh, that is simple, alright." Issei nodded as he eyed the King piece on the table again. "...Can I do that later, though? I still want to think about all of this over." He said as he picked the piece up and put it in his pocket.

"Of course, take as much time as you need. Managing a peerage is a great responsibility, after all." Ajuka nodded with a pleased smile. "I believe that is all for now. I greatly enjoyed our discussion, Mr. Issei. You are more respectable than your actions lead me to believe."

"Um... Thanks?" Issei did not know how to respond to that.

Ajuka then proceeded to stand up - and the dense magic power occupying the room vanished in a blink of an eye. He then opened the room entrance, allowing everyone else to return inside. "Latia, we are done here. Shall we leave?" the Beelzebub asked.

"Yes, M'Lord.'' The lady nodded and followed the Satan outside. Outside the room, Ajuka smiled at Issei one last time through the door, as his and Latia's immediate surroundings glowed in emerald light.

"We shall see each other again," Ajuka said before he and his niece vanished from the room.


With Ajuka Beelzebub and Latia Astaroth gone, Issei was facing his new 'peerage,' staring at the group of girls as they returned it fifteen fold.

"Err…. Hi, there."

The sheer awkwardness in Issei's tone caused some like Akeno and Yuuto to giggle in amusement while the others like Tsubasa and Sona rolled their eyes.

One of the women, a young woman with long platinum blonde hair stepped forward and bowed before Issei. "...We await your orders, master."

Shit, what do I do?

Out of panic, Issei looked around at the others - Asia, Tsubasa, Rias, Sona… Basically anyone for nonverbal advice. Asia was looking as clueless as him, Tsubasa merely raised her eyebrows while shrugging, while Rias and Sona expressed a message from their eyes, telling him to grow a spine.

"I… Wow. This is so damn weird." Issei looked away, taking a deep breath. "...Well, firstly, I… don't have any 'orders' for you. I mean, like I said, I never really expect… this." He gestured at their current situation.

The girls in return simply flashed their confusion yet they did not interrupt him.

"Okay, what else…" Issei tapped on his cheek in thinking. "Well, I am not sure how to say this. Do you… want to be here?" Issei asked.

"Our wishes do not matter." The same woman from earlier replied while her expression remained neutral and accepting. "Whatever your orders, we shall do our best to see them through." The rest of the girls behind her also bowed to curtsey.

However, her tone and the way she carried herself sowed discomfort in some devils in the room while others, Asia in particular, looked heart-broken at the sight. Issei himself could not help but drop his jaw.

"...Okay, what the hell?" Issei uttered while rubbing his eyes, dumbfounded by their utter submission. After running his hand through his brown locks, Issei took a deep breath, contemplating what he had to say next.

"If you are waiting for my orders… Um, actually, what's your name?" Issei began before he shook his head, nearly forgetting one particular detail.

"Mary Sapphire, Diodora Astaroth's former Queen, sir." the woman - Mary, replied.

"Right, Mary." Issei nodded and looked at every single girl in the eye. "...I want all of you to spend… at least three days to decide how you feel in this arrangement, then focus on your life goals. But most importantly, I want you all to think for yourselves first and foremost. Can you girls do that?"

Issei's 'instruction' caught everyone in the room off-guard, albeit not in a bad way. Then, Mary was the first to speak out. "B-but, master, I… we…" She was dumbfounded, her eyes darting with uncertainty between her comrades and her new 'master'.

"Shh. Don't talk, just think." Issei shushed. "I am not your master, I am not a devil and I am definitely not Diodora. I'm just a guy who wants to help the girls in front of me, nothing more."

Mary and the other girls only glanced at each other in confusion, but they did not say anything more. Issei then turned to the other devils.

"Sorry, Rias-senpai, President Sona… Can you take care of them for the time being?" He asked with an apologetic smile.

The two aforementioned heiresses shared a brief glance with each other before Sona sighed. "Very well, I might as well assist in cleaning your problems. There should be enough spare rooms to accommodate their housing. But..."

"I'll come by again to help as usual," Issei replied before Sona could finish.

"Good. Don't be late." Sona smiled.

"...And Ise?" Rias spoke up. Her eyes were closed and she was smiling, but Issei could understand her subtle message.

"...I'll come by with Asia again." Issei sighed. He forgot that he would also be in Rias' debt, and she would do whatever it would take to get him to join her.

"Good. Don't be late." Rias chimed, prompting a soft sigh from Issei.

"Thanks. Come on, Asia. Let's go home." Issei called out. Asia smiled as she nodded, running to Issei's side as they left the room, not noticing the subtle glares from some of Diodora's former Devils.

Issei just got out of his house at night to take Rover on his regular walk, when he found Tsubasa was waiting outside, clad in a white T-shirt and gym shorts.

"Oh. Hey." Issei waved.

"Hey yourself." Tsubasa greeted back as she glanced at Rover. The dog barked at her. "Hi to you too, you mangy mutt." She greeted the monster dog with a wry smile.

"Are you still on patrol for Freed?" Issei asked.

"It's been a while and there's no sign for him. Our Kings began to believe that our guy had gone out of town. We still don't do contracts, but we have our familiars to scan the town for another week before we can resume our job." Tsubasa replied.

"Huh. Then what are you up to at this time?" Issei asked.

Tsubasa looked around as if thinking for a few seconds before replying, "I'll be honest, Ise. Your reasoning about retaining your humanity and all, kind of… caught me off."

Issei scratched his cheek a little embarrassed. "...How so?"

"It made me realize that I pretty much took the 'easy way out.'" Tsubasa bluntly replied.

"...And?" Issei was starting to get her message.

"Well… after seeing your fight and comparing you to myself, I think that I might've taken my Devil powers for granted. And I might have grown lacking as a person because of it." Tsubasa then straightened herself up. "With that in mind, think you help me catch up on all my missed sessions? I think it'll be like the old days." She ended with a knowing smirk.

Issei returned the gesture with his own. "...Sure. I'm about to head out as well. Bear in mind that Rover will pitch in too."

Tsubasa eyed Rover warily for a second before her smirk grew into a small grin. "Yeah, I can take it."

"If you say so. Come on, then." Issei tilted his head for Tsubasa to follow him, and they began jogging towards a direction.

The jogging also served as a decent warm-up, as Issei, Tsubasa, and puppy-sized Rover ran at a decent pace across the neighborhood, passing some neighbors who were still out at the time of night and thankfully not paying much attention to Rover, while avoiding police patrols that might be suspicious of Rover's appearance at the same time.

"I still can't believe you finished Diodora off with a Shoryuken. Was it the spur of the moment or you trying to look cool?" Tsubasa asked.

"Hey, if the guy wasn't that fragile, I might've gone Evil Ryu there and punch him back to the ground," Issei rebuked.

"Sure, you would." Tsubasa nodded absent-mindedly.

"...And I mean the Messatsu Goshoryu, the one from Asura's Wrath," Issei added with a laugh.

"Oh, from that game? Hah, do you really think you can pull that off? Punching a large plot of land into the earth?" Tsubasa wryly grinned, knowing how ridiculously powerful Evil Ryu was in that game, and that guy punched the moon's crust more than a mile deeper down the mantle.

"I'm getting there." Issei merely replied.

Before Tsubasa could have said more, they ran into another familiar face at an intersection.

"Hyōdō? Tsubasa?"

"Saji." The blunette greeted. "Fancy running into you here."

"'Sup." Issei simply greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"Same goes for you." Saji - clad in his own jersey track-suit, replied with a friendly smile. "What are you two doing here? A date night or something?"

Tsubasa blushed slightly at the remark, but she quickly calmed down when she noticed the joke in Saji's tone. "Har har, no. I'm just training with him."

"Training, huh?" Saji glanced at Issei. "Funny, because I'm also training myself."

"You feel like crap taking the 'easy way out,' too?" Tsubasa asked with a knowing smile.

"Uh…" Saji looked away awkwardly. "That and… yeah. Mind if I join you guys?"

Saji asked, which Issei shrugged at, finding the more the merrier. "Sure, just keep up and follow my lead." He immediately accepted and the party of two plus a dog became a party of three plus a dog.

Issei resumed his jogging with Saji and Tsubasa behind him. Saji had no trouble keeping up due to his Devil physiology, though he did throw cautious glances at the six-eyed dog every now and then. "Say, mind telling me where we're heading to?" Saji asked.

"I know a place outside of the town where we can train for real without getting civilians involved," Issei replied.

"What do you usually do there?" Tsubasa asked.

"Exercising, practicing finishing moves… and sometimes playing with Rover."

"...Ah." Tsubasa understood what he meant.

The trek took a while, leading them through the trees outside the suburban area, until they arrived at a sizable clearing.

"Okay, here should do." Issei nodded. "...Just in case though, can you guys make a barrier or something?"

Tsubasa and Saji glanced at each other briefly before they began to work; magic was not their forte, especially to Saji since he was still considered new, but Tsubasa covered for him easily enough. The bounded field was not enough to prevent intruders, but it was enough to send some suggestions for pass-byers to walk away.

"Right, so what now?" Saji asked almost eagerly.

"Well, to be honest, this is my first time training with other people. Usually it's just me and Rover." Issei replied while gesturing at his black dog, who perked up when its name was mentioned.

"You always spend your time playing with that thing?" Saji commented with a skeptical look while pointing at the said dog.

"Yep, though I guess I've been slacking off lately. So, I'm planning to pick up the pace and more," Issei replied without missing a beat.

Tsubasa then gained a strange glint in her eyes as she grinned at Saji. "Say, why don't you try playing with Rover? I think it'll be a good experience." She offered.

Issei blinked at her as if she grew another head. In return, the girl simply winked at him, silently asking him to trust her.

"What? Me? With that?" Saji asked with a slightly incredulous tone, pointing at Rover.

"Yeah, I've done that when I was in middle-school. It's fun, trust me." Tsubasa nodded with a smile before glancing at her old friend. "...Right, Ise?"

Issei only raised his eyebrows at her. "Err, well…"

"Come on, first time for everyone and everything, right?" Tsubasa attempted further to convince him by elbowing his side.

Eventually, Issei sighed, "...Sure, I guess why not." He then turned to the Student Council Secretary. "What about you, though?"

"Uh, alright, I'm cool with it. I mean, how bad can it be?" Saji asked with a somewhat cocky tone.

Issei wanted to warn Saji, but another subtle elbow from Tsubasa stopped him. Issei glanced at Tsubasa, seeing her impish smirk. It seemed the dark side had consumed her tonight.

Eventually, Issei sighed again. "Just wait there and… prepare yourself." He pointed towards the middle of the clearing. While Saji did as instructed, Issei knelt before Rover. "...Okay, buddy. We're going to play like we usually do, but this time you'll play with the nice dude there. Can you do that?"

Rover gave a small whine, reluctant to entertain a stranger, despite its master's orders. Issei glanced back at Tsubasa, silently telling her that the dog might not be up for it, but the girl simply nodded eagerly at him. With another sigh, Issei returned to Rover.

"Just this once, please? I'll rub your belly after this." He asked with a hopeful smile.

It appeared the belly-rub promise worked like a charm as Rover barked once in affirmative. However, before the dog could have gone over to the clearing, Issei stopped him.

"One more thing, Rover. No killing, no eating, no atomic bark, just… keep them in mind, okay?"

The black dog seemed confused, judging from the tilt of its head, but Issei remained steadfast as he held up his finger and met his eyes with the dog's. "Remember, no killing, no eating, no burning. Do any of those and no belly-rub for you."

The belly-rub seemed to work again as Rover barked again and proceeded to the middle of the clearing, facing Saji.

"Are you sure about this?" Issei asked Tsubasa at the sideline.

"It'll be fine, trust me. Fun as well." Tsubasa replied with a shit-eating grin.

Sighing for the nth time, Issei spoke out. "Okay, Saji! We'll begin soon! Just be careful! Oh, and if you want to tap out, this is your safety word - um…" Issei found himself contemplating the good word.

"Kibbles!" Tsubasa spoke for Issei. "Your safety word is kibbles!" She said before glancing at Issei, who shrugged.

"...Yeah, sure. We'll use 'kibbles!' Is that okay, Saji!?"

"Um… Sure!" Saji shouted in return, albeit he had no idea why he would need dog food for the safety word.

Seeing Saji had put up a light stance, and Rover ready to pounce, Issei let out a breath to prepare himself. "...Rover, go!"

Saji blinked when the puppy before him suddenly grew extra pairs of eyes. Moreover, illuminated by the moonlight - Saji watched the same puppy suddenly grow in size until it was towering over him.

"...Oh, fuck." Saji stupidly gawked as he craned his head, feeling small like a puppy. The 'dog' was panting at the sight of Saji, drool dripping from its fangs. The drool was sizzling like boiled oil the moment it splashed the sidewalk.

Rover lunged at its 'playmate', and it only took ten seconds of running for Saji's cry to echo through the night.

"Kibbles! KIBBLES!" He shouted as he threw his body forward every time Rover snapped at his rear. It was a very comical sight as Tsubasa laughed at him with hilarity.

"Ahahahahahahahahahaha!" Tsubasa doubled over, clutching her stomach. "Saji! O-One round, no kibbles!"

"Fuck you, Tsubasa! I SAID KIBBLES!" Saji yelled in the mix of agitation and terror as he jumped and hugged Rover's torso to keep himself outside of Rover's snapping jaws.

"KIBBLES, ROVER! KIBBLE-LE-LES!" Saji cried as tears started trickling down his eyes.

"Hah… Do you want to go in now?" Tsubasa asked Issei, now beginning to feel sorry for her comrade.

"Hmm…. Let's give it another minute. It's not every day I see Rover having fun with anyone other than my family." Issei denied as Rover barked and ran in circles, trying to throw Saji off his fur.


When Rover finally got Saji off its fur, the latter found himself being pinned under the former's massive frame. Saji looked up to see his reflection on each of Rover's six eyes. His face paled when the beast opened its tongueless maw.

Then, a blur suddenly slammed into Rover, sending its giant frame rolling away from Saji. The Pawn got up to see Issei to be the one who had saved him; and much to his bewilderment, was actually playing as he rubbed the beast's belly.

"Who's the good boy? Who's the good boy? Who's my best friend in the whole wide world?" Issei playfully asked as he smothered Rover's belly with his whole body, eliciting pleased huffs from the beast. "You are! Yes, you are!"

Saji was breathing haggardly as he got up. When Tsubasa came over to check on him, he glared at her.

"...You bitch." Saji cursed with the biggest frown he could make.

"I love you too, buddy."

"Ooh, bold words, Tsubasa. That will surely break Hyōdō's heart." Saji shot back.

His retort made Tsubasa fluster, cracking her smug grin as a furious red flushed her cheeks.

"Alright, if that's how you wanna play, I can sic Rover at you right now." Tsubasa warned, even though she did not have that much sway over Rover unless she brought him treats.

Saji's scowl deepened in return, but he did not dare to test it out either.

Before the two could have gone any further, Issei called them out, having finished pampering Rover. "Hey, are you two done?!"

Tsubasa and Saji turned to see Issei walking away from a very satisfied-looking Rover, who still remained big. The big dog was panting with his belly shown, his giant tail wagging back and forth.

"Yeah!" Tsubasa shouted back while still glaring at Saji.

"Alright. Are you ready to start training for real?" Issei asked.

"For real? What do you mean by-" Saji stopped upon seeing Issei slam his knuckle into his palm with a loud smack. "Oh… oooh." Saji started to understand what Issei meant now.

"Can I take a raincheck?" Saji asked meekly. He knew he could not take on Issei in a one on one. "I like to keep my face pretty, thank you very much."

"Relax, Saji. If you're made of anything tougher than Diodora, you'll be fine." Tsubasa commented. "Besides, it's not as if we'd deliberately aim for your face."

Issei only nodded while pointing at Tsubasa in agreement. "So, how do you want to do this? One on One or you two have at me?" Issei then offered.

Tsubasa and Saji looked at him before they looked at each other for a moment. At that moment, the two know that neither of them could defeat Issei in a fair fight.

"...Truce?" Tsubasa asked Saji.

"Please be easy on us." Saji begged as he went to Tsubasa's side, manifesting a small black gauntlet on his left hand. It looked like a gecko with purple spots latching on his left.

"Is that a sacred gear?" Issei asked.

"Yeah. I'm not telling you what it can do, though." Saji slightly crouched down, ready to fight.

"Do you want to go first?" Issei offered.

"Oh. Then don't mind if I do!" Saji simply replied and threw his gauntlet forward, which a glowing white line came out and immediately latched itself on Issei's right arm.

"...Huh. That's pretty neat." Issei remarked at the white line wrapping his limb. He touched it with his finger, finding the surface of the frog tongue-rope thing very slippery, almost like ice but much sturdier and more flexible.

"Then you're gonna love this one." Saji grinned and the glow on the orbs on his Sacred Gear became brighter, along with the line.

Suddenly, Issei felt a draining sensation, his vitality leaving him in a constant flow. Widening his eyes, Issei swiftly manifested the Boosted Gear and quickly boosted himself.


Issei felt the gear replenishing his reserves, but the drain was still there.

"Wow, to think you've been hiding this under your sleeve," he said with his wry grin.

"Pretty cool, right?" Saji said as he stretched the line from his gauntlet. "It's called Absorption Line. I'm still new with this baby, but the name says it all so far."

[We need to take care of the line connecting us to him, partner. That boy's Sacred Gear was also made of a dragon, not unlike Boosted Gear.]

"Can you tell me anything about it?"

[Do I sound like an expert to you? I don't know about every Sacred Gear out there. But if it's worth anything, the power signature I sense from the line feels familiar…. Which is kind of bad if my guess is on the money.]



Issei breathed deeply as his gauntlet quickly replenished his drained power by another two-fold. He yanked the line for a few times, but no matter how hard he tugged, it showed no signs of snapping. If it was as sturdy as it looked, then Issei should deal with the source.

Saji then widened his eyes when Issei set his eyes upon him.

"Uh-oh." Saji tried to increase the output of his Sacred Gear in draining Issei's power, but Issei's Boosted Gear easily replenished him back every 10 seconds. To Saji's dismay, Issei wrapped his Absorption Line around his other hand with a wide smile.

"Tsubasa! Hel-"

"Get over here!" Issei shouted with a wide smile as he grabbed the line and yanked, this time pulling Saji with him.

"Saji!" Tsubasa shouted, but he flew towards Issei's waiting fist faster than she could take a step to react.

"Uggh! Save my face! Save me!" Saji cried with an undignified tone, but fortunately, Issei spun around and caught Saji with a back-hand lariat - his forearm colliding with Saji's throat rather than his face.

Saji choked as he rolled past Tsubasa in his landing, holding his throat as he coughed as his Absorption Line released Issei. "Ack, Tsubasa, battle plan?" Saji asked his fellow member as he picked himself up, wiping the drool off his mouth.

"Welp, a little too late for that, ain't it? I'm pretty much on my own now." Tsubasa retorted. Nevertheless, she assumed her stance and began to cautiously circle around Issei on her toes as Issei calmly tracked her with his eyes.

Tsubasa wondered how she could bypass Issei's guard. As far as she knew, he was fast, a bit too fast for a human with the strength to match it - probably as durable as well. After all, he did beat up a High Class Devil with little to no difficulty.

"What are you waiting for? Come at me." Issei wagged his finger at Tsubasa.

"Yeah, I'm not falling for that." Tsubasa scoffed as she stopped behind Issei as Saji stood in front of him.

"I'm having second thoughts on this." Saji lopsided his lips as he raised his gauntlet up.

"Don't be a pansy, Saji. You asked for this." Tsubasa shot.

"Yeah, not gonna lie, it is kinda fun. Been a while since I had sparring partners," Issei hummed.

"Haha. Want to do this every night?" Tsubasa asked as she entered her fighting stance, smiling with confidence.

"Sure. Saji might need it more than I do though." Issei smirked.

"Oh, come on! I'm not that bad!" Saji shouted almost dramatically.

The two devils of Sitri then proceeded to spread out, circling Issei in a pincer attack formation. Tsubasa looked at Saji as Saji nodded back.

Eventually, the Rook chose to take the role of the vanguard while the Pawn activated his Sacred Gear to back her up.

The sound of battles echoed through the night for the next few hours.

Three days had passed since that night. Saji went to school with bruises and aching bones while Tsubasa had sore arms and muscles. Training had become their daily routine, albeit with Issei Hyōdō as the victor each time as Saji complained about Issei more and more about his supposed race, unable to take the fact that Issei was human with each win.

In the morning as Issei and Asia left for school, they spotted a pair of familiar faces waiting outside their house. A young woman with jade-green hair and another one with dark-blue hair.

The two women bowed before them… well, more like before Issei. Issei recognized one of them, the girl that confessed Diodora's location.

"Good afternoon." One of them greeted.

"Hey. I know you." Issei replied with recognition, pointing at one of them. "You're that girl… forgot your name, but you were there when I popped the frog, right?" Issei asked just in case.

The girl with green hair, one of the jogging duo, smiled at Issei.

"Yes. I shall formally introduce myself, milord. I am Amanda Jade. And my compatriot is Zama Turquoise, a Bishop." Amanda gestured to the girl with dark-blue hair beside her.

"Stop calling me lord. Hah… but I still should thank you for that time. I wouldn't have stopped Dora from abducting Asia if it wasn't for you." Issei scratched his hair as he smiled at her.

Amanda found her face warmed up slightly as she looked away for a second, before she immediately composed herself. "I don't deserve your gratitude. It was only a small part of my repentance."

Issei hoped for a more casual response from her. How the hell did the Devils deal with being called 'Lord'? It just didn't suit him.

"Anyways." Issei quickly switched the subject before the situation grew too awkward for him to handle. "...You two, err… Want to come in?"

"If you don't mind, yes, please." Zama replied with her reserved tone.

School would have to wait, then.

Issei and Asia led Amanda and Zama in their humble abode, from the entrance towards the room. A few minutes later, Haruka, working from the kitchen, placed down cups of drinks for four after Issei explained who they were.

"So." Issei began. "I take it you girls have come to a decision? It's been three days, after all."

"As a matter of fact, we… haven't reached a real conclusive decision yet." Zama replied. "However, at the moment, I would like to express my gratitude to Asia Argento." She turned to the blonde in the room.

"M-me?" Asia ended up stuttering.

"You saved my life even after my attempt on your caretaker. For that, I am forever in your debt," the Bishop bowed from her seat.

"No, please, you don't have to go that far. I'm just doing what anyone would have done." Asia smiled kindly in return.

Amanda and Zama did not respond, only staring at the sincerity in Asia's eyes.

"...You are fortunate." Amanda uttered, loud enough for Asia and Issei to hear.

"Hm?" Asia blinked.

"We envy you, Asia Argento." Zama Turquoise followed. "You were spared from Diodora's evil while… we…" Zama's voice broke as tears started to flow from her eyes.

"E-eh?" Asia blinked again and started to panic when Zama started to cry. Amanda walked to her and pulled her in for a hug, tears flowing from her eyes as well as she sobbed.

Asia turned to Issei for help, which he replied with a look that said to leave the girls be for a moment. The girl looked down, closing her eyes in desperate thought for a way to console the former nuns. Then, Asia's eyes were brimming with determination upon reaching a decisive conclusion.

Issei then watched Asia stand and walk over to Amanda and Zama as the two looked up. Asia steeled herself for a second before she spread her arms open and embraced them in a hug.

Amanda and Zama were only a step away from protesting and questioning what Asia was doing, when they suddenly felt the sheer warmth of Asia's touch.

"...I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything to ease your suffering." Asia muttered as she buried her face on their shoulders, hiding her teary eyes. "Perhaps you are right, I was fortunate enough to be saved by my friends. I… know that I am still a weak girl who can't do anything on her own. I am not blessed… I am not strong like you two. I don't know if I can survive a day in his peerage." Asia pulled back and smiled warmly at them. "...You have done admirably. You have been very brave."

Amanda and Zama looked at her with trembling eyes for a moment. Soon, both of them hugged Asia back. "...God has truly blessed you," Amanda admitted, holding down a wince of pain from uttering His Name. "...He granted you a knight in shining armour while we were alone." She said as she looked at Issei.

"I… prefer to say that He granted me a friend." Asia smiled bashfully. "I believe Mr. Ise has also become your knight when he freed you. Diodora will not hurt you ever again."

The Rook and Bishop blinked, finding a point from Asia's words. The former then turned to Issei. "This might be long overdue, but…. Thank you. Perhaps you can be a better King than Diodora ever was."

"Well, I'm not a King, that's the difference." Issei shrugged while blushing slightly. "Not that I ever want to be a king in the first place."

He was sure that he could not last a day as a King. He cannot take the honorifics for more than a day without curling up in a corner with shame.

"Yes… but the fact that you're our savior still remains." Amanda replied, before her smile faded slightly. "However, if we're to choose to leave…. What comes after?"

"I… am not really following you." Issei tilted his head.

What was she talking about?

"If you truly intend on releasing us, then we shall be masterless low-class devils at best, or be labeled as strays at worst. We appreciate your selflessness, but we know that our only choice is to stay with you under your protection."

Now Issei understood their reasoning. He was starting to hate the Peerage system the more he learned about how Devil society functions.

"I beg to differ." Issei retorted. "I know people that can help. Rias and Sona can figure something out. I can't say they're best friends, but they are good people. They can help."

If they couldn't, he would have to rely on Azazel… Perhaps Ajuka if push comes to shove. Although he will first sic Rover at that crow the moment he sees him in the house.

Amanda and Zama regarded Issei with unreadable miens, until the former's face had a more genuine smile. "...You really are different." She and Zama then shared a nod.

Then, the doorbell rang, followed by the sound of Rover barking from Issei's room, causing everyone to look up.

"Who might that be…?" Issei muttered, watching his mother leave the kitchen to answer the door. He did not recall expecting another guest; Tsubasa, perhaps?

When his mother returned, she was followed by another individual; she was a young woman with short blonde hair, clad in a suit.

"Catherine." Zama greeted her as soon as her eyes met with the guest's.

"There you two are." The newcomer - Catherine sighed as she entered the room. However, she paused when she saw Issei and bowed politely. "Please excuse the intrusion, master. I am Catherine Lazuli, a former Knight of Diodora. I came here to retrieve these two. I hope they didn't cause any inconvenience."

"Ah, it's okay. They're not bothering at all." Issei waved off, before he narrowed his eyes at Catherine. Something about them tugged at Issei's memories. He knew they were from Diodora's peerage, but… ah, now he remembered that face. "Wait, are you…?"

In response, Catherine was flustered as her body shifted awkwardly. "Yes… believe we first met in the park, on the other night."

Issei's brain clicked at the recollection. "Oh. …Yeah, sorry for breaking your ribs." Issei stole a glance at the Bishop, who was slightly blushing as well.

"I was in the wrong, milord. I apologize for my unnecessary actions," Zama replied.

"Nah, I'm actually sorry about my dog, too. It's not easy teaching him how to restrain himself, um… How are you feeling?" Issei awkwardly asked. "No phantom pains, cramps, or…. Anything?"

The Bishop found herself smiling ever so slightly at the boy's awkward attitude. "I am well now, master. Thank you for the concern."

"Good, good. So everything's water under the bridge, okay?" Issei nodded while rubbing his hands together.

"Thank you." Catherine nodded before she turned to her two compatriots. "Amanda, Zama. We have to go now."

"Leaving so soon? You sure you don't want to take a breather first or something?" Issei asked as his first two guests stood up from their seats.

"We appreciate the offer, sir. But I'm afraid we have overstayed our welcome enough." Amanda replied good-naturedly.

"Thank you for the hospitality, master Issei. We will see you again once the rest of us have reached a consensus." Zama bowed in reply.

Seeing he had no further reason to keep them around, Issei nodded. "...Okay, then. See you soon."

After Amanda and Zama said their goodbyes and left the room, Catherine gave one last nod before leaving after them. Now that was over with, Issei sighed and scratched his head. He had to worry about homework and school, now he must deal with the Devil servant girls… well, that was life, he guessed.

Time to go to school.

That night, on his bed, Issei stared at the King piece he held over his face. He scrutinized every nook and cranny, as if trying to discern the uniqueness of the piece between his fingers.

"...Ddraig? Any thoughts about this?"

[During my times inside the Sacred Gear, I have caught rumours of devils undergoing artificial methods of repopulation, but this is the first time for me to see the one right before my eyes. I have to say, partner, that's some potent demonic power stored in that object.]

"So this thing can turn someone into a devil?"

[If the Overlord spoke true, then I guess it can. Nonetheless, the ritual itself must adhere to some rules for this so-called Evil Piece to work. Holding it like you are now should pose no problem.]

Issei hummed as he eyed the King piece again. A few seconds later, the Welsh Dragon spoke again.

[I want to ask you about those girls, partner. The ones from the devil you defeated before… Are you sure you just want to let them go? As far as I know, every man would do anything to be in your position.]

Matsuda and Motohama especially, Issei thought. While Issei could see and understand the value of owning a harem, he could not accept one born from their tragedies. They deserve to live their lives as people, not as objects.

"You know me, Ddraig." Issei replied with a sigh. "Having many girls as personal servants… I don't need that. Nor do I want it. I am not cut out for this noble crap Rias and Sona are dealing with, something I learned this week."

Issei was a simple teenager, one with ties to the supernatural, yes, but still simple.

[Yeah, but you'll soon face some hard choices if you're continuing with that attitude. I haven't told you this, but nearly all of my previous hosts hoarded and courted women left and right. Some of them even downright lived a polygamous relationship. Nevermind dragons, every powerful individual will bound to attract opposite genders as potential mates…. Now that I think about it, I bet your father was popular before settling with your mother.]

"...More like popular when he still had hair." Issei retorted with a small scoff.

[I am not your father, but I must say that's very rude. Anyway, I digress; if you let those girls go without a master, it won't be long before another high-class devil, probably one even worse than that Astaroth brat, sets their sights on them. And when it happens, there's no guarantee you can save them. You were lucky with Asia by the way, but not unwelcome. Still, you need to do something about it.]

Issei grimaced - the dragon had a point.

"But I've already promised that they'll be free. If I were to announce that I will become their master to protect them, it feels like I'm going back on my word."

[You also gave them the freedom to choose, didn't you? Meaning they are also free to choose to stay with you, by volition. Although that's if we're talking about the best case scenario.]

"...And if they choose to leave?"

[You tell me. You are still their master. The down point is, in case their choice is departure, you'll need insurance that no harm will come to them.]

"Insurance, huh…" Issei muttered as his brain began to work again.

He did not know anything about society and politics in the Underworld, but at least he knew enough that, in order for the weak to survive, they either had to grow stronger, or rely on the strong for protection.

The girls from Diodora's peerage…. Issei could not really tell if they could survive if he let them go out there, but judging from his encounters with some of them, they might be able to hold their ground. However, Issei knew better; the world was a big place with many powerful individuals even stronger than him.

Should he train them? That's an idea; but wouldn't that mean keeping them here? Was there other way to make them stronger, and had some power to ward off the vultures once they were out of his hands?

Wait… Power?

Issei blinked at the thought and his eyes returned to the King piece he was still holding on his chest. "...Say, Ddraig? You said this thing is filled with demonic power?"

[Yes, why?]


Issei and Asia entered the conference room, summoned to meet with the Student Council and the Occult Research Club. After seven days, Diodora's former peerage had reached a consensus on the direction of their future.

Mary Sapphire stood in front of Issei, the rest of the girls standing behind her, as she bowed before their current master with practiced reverence.

"Before we begin, I would like to thank you for giving us the privilege of choice, master Issei." Mary Sapphire bowed. "However… reaching a decision with this opportunity is arduous, but you have given us more than enough time to reflect on our future. Although, I have to confess some of us might… still feeling bitter about our fates." Mary gave an apologetic glance at Asia, who noticed that some of the girls standing behind Mary refused to meet her eyes.

"So you girls know what you want to do?" Issei asked.

"...Indeed." Mary nodded. On cue, Amanda, Zama and Catherine stepped forward to stand by the Queen's side. "These three girls have told us what transpired during their visit to your house. We end up…. Having differing conclusions."

Issei and Asia shared a confused glance, and the former glanced at the other devils who watched the proceedings as they wordlessly gestured to him to listen.

"Many of us have suffered too long under Diodora's servitude, thus we wish to cut our ties to Devil society post haste." Mary confessed with a bitter look. "...But we knew better than to stand without a master. Even as reincarnated devils, our true purpose was to be Diodora's collection, his trophies. We only received minimal conditioning to qualify for the Rating Games. Should we go out there, it would be a miracle if we are not hunted as strays."

"But the rest of the devils know you are under my care, right?" Issei argued, as he recalled what Amanda told him the other day.

"In technicality, yes. But I am afraid there are many devils who know and will bend the rules to their advantage, considering you are still a human," Mary replied.

Issei frowned - Amanda and Ddraig had mentioned it, but Mary drove the point home. Fortunately, before Issei's thoughts could have gone in an even worse direction, Mary spoke, "...We would like to stay, master."

Issei blinked and regarded the Queen again. "Come again?"

"We would like to stay." Mary repeated. "Despite our grievances, but if Amanda, Zama and Catherine have vouched for you, then…. We are willing to place our lives in your hands. We will be under your care." She bowed, followed by the rest of her comrades.

Issei stared at the girls for a brief moment, then he turned to Asia, who looked as clueless as him. He then turned at the other devils, particularly at Rias, Sona and Tsubasa - the three of them gestured at him as if saying, 'seriously, stop looking at us, they're your peerage'.

When he returned to the girls - whose eyes were meeting his now, Issei finally sighed. "...Alright, fine. You can stay."

The girls from Diodora's peerage seemed to relax slightly at Issei's agreement.

"But I will say this." Issei's mien turned serious as he continued. "You might be under my care, but I'm not a devil, and I am not your master. If you're staying with us, then stop calling me 'master' or something. It sounds ridiculous."

The girls were slightly taken aback by the look in Issei's eyes, before his lips grew into a soft smile. "...Let's start over, shall we? My name is Issei Hyōdō, nice to meet you all."

"Mary Sapphire, a Queen." The former Queen of Diodora's peerage re-introduced herself as well, followed by the girls by her side.

"Catherine Lazuli, a Knight."

"Amanda Jade, a Rook."

"Zama Turquoise, a Bishop."

The rest of the girls also introduced themselves one by one, but to his shame, Issei had forgotten their names after Zama Turquoise's introduction. Their names bounced off his head like a rubber ball, failing to reach his ears for some reason. "...I'll ask their names again later."

"...Right." Issei nodded once he noted that the last Pawn in the peerage had introduced herself. "Now comes the problem of housing you all. As I mentioned with Ajuka, my house cannot take all of you in."

"Yes, we can see that." Mary conceded as she glanced back at the girls - the Pawns, in particular. "I don't mean to be rude, but most of us… would still rather to live on our own. Will it be alright if we live separately?"

"Sure you can." Issei nodded. "Now that you mentioned it, where have you been living for these past few days?"

"Lady Gremory and Lady Sitri have been very kind to provide us with some rooms in an apartment complex within the town."

"Oh." Issei turned his head to the two devils. Rias and Sona were both smiling at him in response, albeit with a hint of smugness. For some reason, Issei felt like he was starting to feel the pile of debt growing larger and Rias, or Sona, would swoop in and claim it all in the end.

"Um… then can they still stay there?" Issei asked.

"I don't see why not." Sona replied, along with Rias nodding in agreement.

"Thanks." Issei nodded with a smile at the girls and returned to his 'peerage'. "Right, so, um… Basically, you girls will do your own thing while still claiming that you serve under me, are we on the same page so far?" He crudely summarized. He could not word it better since it was very ridiculous.

"Yes, that will be basically how it is." Mary nodded.

"Okay…. I guess I can give you this, then." Issei then lightly tossed something at Mary, who managed to catch it with her hands. Her eyes widened at the sight of the red King piece.

"Master Issei, this is…?" Mary asked with a confused look at Issei.

"No 'master.' Just 'Issei'." Issei retorted before replying, "That thing on your hand is basically the proof of my… well, 'deed.' Basically, it's my 'proof of ownership.'"

Everyone blinked at Issei's statement before they turned to the glowing King piece - perhaps it was fitting for the master of a devil peerage to hold a King piece. But if what Issei said was true…

"M-mas… Mr. Issei, I can't possibly accept this!" Mary retorted; Rias and Sona also mirrored her surprised expression. Rias' jaw was slightly agape while Sona stared at the King Piece stiff in place like a frozen statue.

"Well, you just did. It's in your hands now, isn't it?" Issei retorted as if it was obvious. "What you all will do from now on is your call. That King piece you hold should be enough to prove your independence."

Mary regarded Issei for a moment before her eyes returned to the piece in her hand. Even by holding it, she could sense the sheer amount of demonic power in the object. Should she harness the power…

The Queen then closed her eyes, her rational side managed to prevent her from going in a dangerous direction. "...You do know that I can revolt against you, now that I have this?" Mary then met Issei's eyes. "What will you do if I were to misuse this?"

Issei then leaned forward, returning Mary's gaze with his own. "...Then I will take responsibility and stop you with everything I have."

Every single devil in the room was silent at Issei's reply, regarding his expression and body language to search for any sign of deceit or false bravado. However, there was no iota of threat or warning in his tone, simply an honest statement of intent; the declaration of a resolution made since he chose to save them from Diodora's clutches.

Rias and Sona - the former in particular, found themselves re-thinking their plans for Issei; even after witnessing what he was capable of, they had still severely underestimated him. They had thought, considering his mannerism and attitude, Issei Hyōdō was a laid-back boy with a touch of naivety, believing that things would work out for him in one way or another. No, perhaps he still was, but it was not a product of ignorance, but because he had the strength necessary to preserve his lifestyle.

Hell, the signs had been obvious from the moment they acquainted themselves with him. His reservations and careful approach about his possession of a Longinus gear, his familiarity with the supernatural, his connection with Grigori, and not to mention, the creature he kept as a house-pet.

He opened up to them not because of blind trust; while his friendship with Tsubasa Yura played a factor, it was because he knew he could take them all on if the push comes to shove.

Mary Sapphire and the rest of her compatriots should have known better that no ordinary human could easily win against a high-class devil, Sacred Gear wielder or not. Despite being nothing like their previous master, as well as the leniency he had provided them with, the man before her was a terrifying warrior… and a gentle hero at the same time.

"...I understand." Mary replied respectfully, smiling a little. "I swear on my life that the gift you bestowed will not be wasted."

"Err, you don't have to go that far. I believe in you just fine." Issei replied awkwardly at Mary's tone. Nonetheless, none of the girls questioned the decision.

Soon, the conversation came to a close as Mary and the rest of her peers gathered and teleported together out of the room, after saying their goodbyes and promising to stay in touch with Issei.

Then, once the girls had gone, Issei turned to see Rias and Sona's frowning faces. "Um… What is it?"

"You… where did you get that?" Rias asked.

"Get what?" Issei did not understand why she looked so… livid. Cute, but livid.

"Do you know what that piece is?" Sona asked, her tone prickling like ice. Issei could see the veins bulging from anger and stress under her skin.

"Oh, you mean the King piece?" Issei asked after shortly connecting the dots. "Uhhh… kind of?" Issei timidly shrugged.

"Kind of…." Rias sighed as she repeated Issei's reply. "Do you have idea what you've just done?"

Issei only blinked twice at the Gremory heiress. "Errr… I just gave those girls what they deserve?"

Rias and Sona took deep breaths - the latter took off her glasses so she could massage her throbbing face.

"Mr. Hyōdō, are you sure to simply let those girls be? No high-class devils would ever release their peerage willingly like you did."

It was probably the first occurrence in their history since it was never spoken since the creation of the Rating Games.

"Um, President Sona? I'm a human, remember?" Issei asked in return. "I don't see why you'd get so angry about this. It's about my peerage, right?"

"Alright, you have a point; but one question remains. What's with that King piece, and where did you get that from?" Rias asked while massaging her temple.

As far as they knew, that piece did not exist. Something like that would incite ruin if anyone was discovered using it.

"Oh, Mr. Ajuka gave it to me. Saying something about it being the proof of ownership or something," Issei easily replied.

"Putting aside your referring to Lord Beelzebub earlier…" Sona carried on. She then glanced at Issei, and Rias. A few seconds later, Sona's expression morphed as if she had second thoughts.

Ever since times of memorial, devils have always respected power, valued power, and born with, and for the sake of power. For a powerful devil to relinquish their ownership over their servants - a part of the symbol of their power, was simply unthinkable.

Eventually Sona sighed as she put her glasses on. "You know what? I don't care anymore. You're right, Mr. Hyōdō. You have no obligation to play by our rules or common sense." She then turned to her old friend with a resigned look. "Let's go, Rias. I don't think there's anything for us to do here."

Rias stared at Sona for a few seconds before she sighed in resignation as well. "...I'll see you again, Ise." She said with a tired smile as her peerage followed her, not before giving Issei small questioning looks, along with the Student Council - although Tsubasa simply waved while winking at him.

Issei and Asia were the only ones remaining in the room. The former stared at the door where everyone had vanished to, and asked the latter. "...Say, Asia. Did I do something wrong? Why were they looking funny at me?"

"I… don't know, Mr. Ise." Asia replied awkwardly at first, but she later gave a beaming smile at him. "But I think you did just perfectly."

"I…" Issei thought about it for a moment before shrugging. "...Never mind."

This marks the end of vol.1 canon of DxD. The next chapter will be... Well, a breather of sorts, which will come soon enough... I hope.

Over and out!

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