One-Punch DxD: NEO

Chapter 96: Of Plots, Visits and Rating Games


Heavy boots shuffled outside of the mansion.

The sharp glare of their goggles glistened in the brief moment the mansion light reflected off the glass from the window. The door was locked, a magical barrier also keeping it in place.

One placed a runic device on the door as it clamped into the wood and activated, the magical alarms and defenses shorted out as smoke rose from the device.

The other immediately lock-picked the door, a needle and a screwdriver.

"...Tsk." The lockpicker worked on the door as the tumblers clicked. "The fuck-face didn't update the lock after all these years?"

"Really? And they think of us as the lesser races?" Another commented as he primed his glock, the gun ready to fire.

"Prepare yourselves boys."

"Ahem." A balaclava figure elbowed his side.

"...And girls. This will be our first tango with a 'noble'. Our future depends on this. Gotta show the boss we're worth the investment," The leader reminded. "Don't mess this up. The boss won't let us into the fold if we don't have the skills to back it up."

The others nodded. The leader then removed the runic device and placed it on his gauntlet.

They entered the door and made their way, six crouched figures avoiding the light as they navigated the aristocratic interior.

Their bodies were covered in Kevlar, military outfits, heavy boots soundlessly treading ancient carpets that lasted for centuries.

Magical sigils were engraved on the soles of their boots to silence sound, runes etched in their bulletproof armor for protection against spells.

Silencer-attached assault rifles gripped and raised, magic inscribed inside the barrel of the guns to enchant the bullets that pass through to pierce through magical defenses.

They entered through the back kitchen with ease.

They spot a chef working on some dishes - possibly tomorrow's breakfast.

Unfortunately, one intruder snuck up to him from behind and strangled him into a chokehold, the devil gagging before he passed out.

"...He went down easier than I thought." the one doing the deed said as he proceeded to secure and hide the body.

"Don't get your head big over a civilian." the other one retorted. "Let's go. The target is upstairs."

They made their way upstairs after storing the body in the janitor's locker. Their camera visors spotted the various surveillance familiars. They activated their invisibility field and moved in their line of sight, moving up the stairs without a word.

On each floor, they saw butlers and maids, guards bedecked in medieval armor. They did not underestimate the Devil hearing as they made their way to the top floor.

"Which room?"

"...There." The scout at the vanguard pointed at the set of double doors.

The lockpicker moved towards the room and tested it with the barrier-breaker device.

"It's unenchanted. Moving in." The lockpicker picked the lock immediately and turned the tumblers.

The doors were unlocked with a subtle click as they entered the room.

The target was not there…

But instead they saw something they wished they did not see.

"My god…"

"God is dead." One of the women reminded.

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me. But seriously. Never liked an upper class snob, but this makes me want to kill these guys now."

Numerous pictures of paintings of… A mermaid?

Putting aside the gorgeous looks of the mermaid in the drawing - the mermaid was not only depicted on the paintings. There were photographs taken in secret, sculptures, and the icing on the cake was several surveillance monitors and listening devices depicting the lake where the mermaid went about her days.

"...Someone please tell me this is just a nerd-stalker's obsession." The other woman in the party pleaded.

Her pleas were denied when the mermaid jumped out of the lake. The face was completely identical to the drawings and sculptures.


However, before the intruders could have spoken anything more, the door behind them burst open.

"Oy, who dares go inside me treasury with-!?"

The newcomer was a humanoid with a head of an angler-fish, dressed in a swashbuckling pirate attire. The said fishman could not finish his sentence as he was interrupted by the noise of guns clicking - several gun barrels aimed at him, along with several laser-sight dots on his head and torso.

Gragg Forneus was caught like a deer in front of… A hunter's van, more likely.

"...Well, you saved us quite a lot of time, mister. Now get moving, fish face. Not a single word or speck of 'aura', or else." The leader warned.

In return, the 'fish face' scoffed at the sight of firearms trained upon him.

"Aye, truthfully, gents- well, ladies and gents." Forneus corrected when he noticed that one of the intruders was clearly a female from her body outline, "...I don't know who you are, and clearly you don't know who I am."

Forneus' eyes then gleamed, he grinned eagerly to teach these intruder peasants some lessons as he flared out his demonic power.

"But you folks are intruding on Captain Gragg Forneus... Savvy?"

Within a hospital founded by Serafall Leviathan rested in bed. White sheets covered her, Serafall stirred on the white bed upon sensing visitors entering the sanitized room.

Some of Serafall's servants were already with her, standing beside her white bed.

The atmosphere was heavy with worry and distress, Sona and Rias were shocked to see her on the same bed twice.

"...Sona-chan." Serafall smiled weakly at her sister. "Hahaha… please don't look at me like that. Your big sister is too embarrassed right now."

"Just… Just rest up, please?" Sona kept herself from breaking down, approaching the bed and reaching to grasp her elder sister's hand. "We can talk more once you are healed up."

"Hahaha… your sister is a dummy. But… Tiamat-chan… is she here?"

Rias and Sona blinked, before they exchanged glances to the rest of Serafall's peerage who looked confused as well.

"Lady Leviathan…. You were alone when you were found. There was no sight of Lady Tiamat anywhere nearby." Zelq - Serafall's Queen replied.

Serafall blinked at the news before her face paled a little. She then closed her eyes and clenched her jaw, her free hand grabbing a fistful of the bedsheet tightly as if she was holding down her outburst.

Sona regarded Serafall with a concerned look for a few seconds before she finally asked, "...Sister, why are you asking about Lady Tiamat? What's wrong?"

Serafall sighed, calming herself down, "...She was there."

"I beg your pardon?"

"She was there… Tiamat-chan was with me when it all happened." Serafall answered with a frustrated tone.

"She was? What do you mean?" Sona asked.

"...They took Tiamat…" Serafall grimaced. "...We must save her. Before the monster kills her."

Serafall tried to get up from her bed, prompting everyone to move and keep her from leaving.

"You are not in any condition to move, Lady Leviathan!"

"Please calm yourself, sister. Tell us what happened - who are the people you are talking about?"

"The monster… We messed up." Serafall grimaced. "I underestimated them. The Hero Faction, they took Tiamat."

The name of the group caused several eyes to widen.

"The Hero Faction…." Rias muttered with a grim look on her face, "How did they get into the Underworld without anyone noticing?"

"They still have Garou…" Serafall reminded.

Sona and Rias grimaced. Serafall's peerage flinched at the name of the Demon God.

"...And they used him to defeat Tiamat?" Sona asked with dread.

"No… she fought and lost against someone else. Garou landed the final blow but that's all he did." Serafall grimaced this time.

"And who is this someone else?" Rias asked.

"...Djall." Serafall replied, "The heroes addressed him as 'Djall'."

Rias and Sona went still upon hearing the name.

"...Stjarna? I thought… he's in Alfheim." Rias let it slip before she covered her mouth.

Serafall turned to Rias.

"You know that thing?" Serafall asked, not expecting to hear that Rias knew Stjarna.

"I… I… hah..." With an exasperated sigh, Rias began to explain Stjarna's story to Serafall the best she could.

Those who heard the story for the first time were sporting contemplative expressions.

"...An offspring between the Beast of Apocalypse and the Son of God Himself…." Zelq muttered, "This creature makes Frankenstein sound like a children's bedtime story."

"Sounds more like the freak amongst freaks of nature to me." Orianna - Serafall's Knight, put in her two cents.

"In any case, we can't ignore this intel." Sona stated, "Longinus and Sacred Gear wielders, Garou, then Stjarna… We are dealing with a powerful group here. Our information network must be strengthened."

"No! We need… to save Tiamat chan! This Stjarna… will eat her…" Serafall's protest slowly died down as the fatigue from her injuries caught up to her. The Satan Girl grimaced as her hand went over the wound on her gut.

"Your highness, you are suffering from extreme anemia. We thought you waged war against a Seraph." Orianna informed.

"That's because Cao Cao decided to turn my water into HOLY water with that stupid spear of his! But still, we have to save Tiamat!"

"...How?" Rias asked Serafall. "Even if we find her, we can't beat something on Stjarna and Garou's caliber - something that can contend with Saitama."

Serafall only looked down in frustration, and the room fell into silence.

Sona eventually sighed, "For now, let's just focus on recovering. Rias and I will report to Lord Beelzebub. The only thing we can do is prepare for the worst."

Serafall looked away in frustration. It was the first time Sona saw her sister… hurting herself for her weakness.

Blaming herself.


What they did not know was that Serafall felt as if the result was her fault because she instigated the conflict.

"...I can only hope that you leave the hospital in good health." Sona pushed up her glasses.

Asia was not here. If she was, she would have healed already and helped her off the bed. The Sitri Clan had already made an order to purchase Phoenix Tears, but it would take at least two business days for the vials to be delivered.

"...Hah. Don't you dare do anything too risky when your big sister isn't looking." Serafall could only lecture her adorable sister.

As much as Serafall hated it, she was stuck.

"Thank you." Sona nodded to her sister. "...And don't you dare try to make up for missing magical girl shoots when you're healed."

"Eh?" Serafall stared at Sona.

"Sister, you've already been neglecting your work as Satan before the attack. Now that you are bedridden, more work and your duty are being delayed as we speak. You are going to have a lot of things to do once you are recovered." Sona reasoned.

"Eeehh~" Serafall whined in dejection.


Serafall blinked as she turned back to her sister, who was completely facing away from her by the door.

"Once you're done with your work, when things have calmed down more…."

Serafall could see Sona's earlobe reddened slightly

"Maybe we can sit down and talk over tea together."

Rias smiled.

Even if Sona was embarrassed by her sister's interests, and might regret her actions in the future, she would still look after her big sister in her own way.

"...We will, So-taaaan?!" Serafall almost squealed with childish glee.

Sona's response was to turn tail and leave with swift walking steps.

"Ah, So-tan! You can't leave your cute big-sister hanging!" Serafall cried out as Rias followed Sona.

"...So…" Rias called out to Sona with a teasing look.

"Focus on the matter at hand, Rias. We have much to do." Sona replied while doing her damndest to calm her blush down.

"Like reclaiming your authority as a teacher?" Rias asks with a wider smile.

Sona sighed while cocking her head in reluctant acknowledgement, "...That, among other things."

Serafall found herself unable to sleep.

It was night, the Underworld moon was shining a lunar white through her window. There was no one for her to talk to as her Peerage was covering for her absence.

All she could do was stare at the white square ceiling in absolute boredom.

"...Hmmm, hmmm." Serafall began to hum to herself to stave off the quiet, hoping that she could hum herself to sleep.

She hummed her show's iconic magical girl song.

"Hmmmm hmmmm hmmmmm."

She had too much energy.

"Hmmm hmmmm hmmm."

"Hmmmmmmm hmmm. Hmmmmmm~"




Serafall was confused and she got up on her bed.

Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest when she saw two faces staring back at her quietly.

A boy and girl… one was unusually pale while the other looked adorable and cool, black short hair with streaks of cherry apple.

Who were they? How did they get in her room without her sensing their presence?

"...Lucifer is made of feces and he likes to fornicate with bats."

The boy said something completely random and absurd.

Serafall blinked a few times - half of her brain thought that she had fallen asleep at some point and was currently having some bizarre dream.

The boy took out a long… bo staff? He poked her cheek with it as if testing for a response.

"...Err, good evening?"

"...Is she evil?" The boy turned to the pretty girl.

"She's not evil."

"But her Yin is internally displaced from her Yang. She's out of balance."

"Duey, you can't just use worship and adoration for Lucifer as a basis to determine good or evil. She's not evil."

"Wait, wait. Let me try something… Lucifer and your clan founder are stupid bitches!"

Banishing his staff, the boy - 'Duey' flashed two middle fingers in front of Serafall.

The sight of that hand formation only confused the Satan further as Serafall had never faced anyone with the gall to do that to her.

"...So? Any response?" Duey turned to the girl.

"Where'd you learn to talk like that?"

"A deceased human teenager taught it to me. Human language is fun."

"You better not get used to it. Besides, she's more confused than angry."

"...So she's not evil?"

"I keep telling you that. She's not evil."

"Strange, I thought all Satans are madly devoted to Lucifer. That should've worked."

"This means that they're innocent. Well, at least I hope so."

"Is she insane like Lucifer?" 'Duey' asked the girl.

"I don't know. Is she sane?" The girl asked.

The boy touched her wrist. Serafall felt something strange resonating as his Aura touched hers.

"...Well, I wouldn't say that she's sane but…"

When Serafall sensed the aura resonance, and more importantly - how real his touch was on her skin; she jumped to her feet, but her legs were swept from under her, her butt falling back on the bed.

She turned to him again and jumped to her feet, but the boy backhanded and palm-swept her feet, forcing her back to the bed.

Serafall stared at the boy silently glaring at him. She threw a punch that could knock a tooth out of Tannin, but the boy slapped it away with ease. She threw another fist, but the boy slapped it aside.

The other girl spectated the exchange as Serafall tried to get off the side of the bed, but 'Duey' pushed her back to the bed and, with the same hand, lifted her legs and rotated her ninety degrees before dropping on her bed.

Leaving her in the exact same position. She puffed her cheeks as her irritation reached critical levels.

"...Alright, enough playing around!" Serafall spread her wings.

The boy then jabbed his right finger into her shoulders one by one.

Suddenly, her wings fell like lifeless flags without the wind.

She was extremely confused by the sudden uselessness of her wings. What the hell did this person do to her? She tried to lift her wings, flap them, but they barely lifted off her bed.

Then Serafall proceeded to swing her legs around, planning to knock the intruders away and give her more space; but he caught her leg, unfazed by the Satan level strength of a magical girl and flipped her body over like a pancake, her face landing on the soft pillow this time.

"This is fun. She's funny, Zelly." Duey snickered.

Serafall puffed her cheeks with a growing fury as she pushed her face off her pillow, turned to them and aimed her palms at them.

But the boy stabbed her palms with his lightning-swift finger.

Serafall's signature freezing spell did not go off. She stared at the boy as she threw her palms forward, trying to throw her spells at him.

"Look at how she flounders. She can't even tell that I sealed her palms!"

"It's not good to make fun of others." 'Zelly' retorted with a disapproving look.

Duey pouted, "But still…"

Serafall could not take it anymore and exhaled all of her fury.

"All right, that's it. Who are you?!" Serafall demanded.

She calmed herself and thought this through.

Summarizing the situation, two strange people invaded her room for some strange reason, kept her lying on her bed mostly for fun, and the boy was much stronger and skilled than she estimated for him to seal her magic, while treating her as if she was nothing more than a fiddle, having a casual conversation like she did not exist.

"...Oh, she's finally stopped. Should we knock her out?"

"We don't knock others out just because."

"But we're not even supposed to be here. It'll be bad if the tentacle two-face managed to read her mind and see us through her eyes."

"Stop ignoring me!" Serafall shouted.

"Stop being loud." The boy responded with a drop of annoyance.

"Well, I believe I have every right and reason to be loud!" Serafall retorted heatedly.

"Um, in case you forgot, we are in a hospital. You are disturbing other patients." Zelly stepped in as the voice of reason.

Turned out Serafall had a decency to blush a little - instead of shouting, she lowered her volume to a whisper, but still in an angry tone, "Well, excuse you! You are trespassing, and I thought you two are not even supposed to be here?!"

"We just wanted to see the famous sister of the founder of Auros Academy." Duey said with a growing smile.

Serafall froze for a moment, "You…. Ran to my baby sister…?"

Duey and Zelly then sensed their captive's demonic power surged up - Serafall's eyes were bloodshot.

"I swear if you lay a single hair on my Sona's hair…!"

"Okay, that's it - I'm done." He poked the place between Serafall's eyes. "Go to sleep, lady. Go to sleep. You'll forget about us soon."

The pale boy waved at Serafall as she suddenly felt her eyelids growing extremely heavy.

"No, wait, I…."

Serafall's next words died down as she fell into another deep sleep, leaving the two to stare at her sleeping form.

"...Well, do you think this Ajuka would be this crazy?" Duey asked.

"It is your fault she reacted like that." Zelly retorted.

"I wasn't even trying to antagonize her! I was going to say how much her sister likes and respects her and stuff!" Duey complained.

Zelly then sighed, "...Let's get out of here. Hopefully, we'll get enough evidence to stop our parents from slaughtering these people."

The presence in the room was reduced to one. Without warning, the two left as if they did not exist in the first place.

The next day, Auros Academy was holding a special event.

Rias brought her Peerage members, as much as she could bring. Gasper was with Count Dracula and his family to train in the ways of the Vampire, eager to learn under the first ancestor.

Akeno managed to come with Yuuto, albeit her father came with her to oversee her training, hence the muscular angel arrived on the scene.

Muramasa followed Yuuto dutifully with Tosca following close, wanting to see her childhood friend's new daily life. On that note, the young girl had been invited and with the Gremory clan's help, arrived in Underworld a few hours ago.

Ravel finished her business in her home to learn how she could manifest and enhance her powers to a higher level.

Koneko arrived without issue with a book on the fundamentals of Ki in her hand.

"Yooooo! How are we doing this?" Lint Sellzen greeted Sona.

"I am ready, big sis!"

Millicas flexed his arms. If one were to look closer, as a matter of fact, the boy had already developed a good amount of muscles for a boy of his age - a testament of how hard he had been working.

They were standing in front of the academy entrance.

Their presence attracted the attention of the students who were waiting outside for Noud.

"That's the super rookie Rias Gremory!" One of the commoner students pointed at the crimson-haired girl.

"Whoa….. she's prettier compared to the TV and magazines." A male student admired Rias' charm.

"I bet Noud can beat her." A female harrumphed.

"Can Noud beat her?"

"Where is he anyways?"

The students looked around for the most famous problem student that mingled around them. He showed them all how to use the most basic spells so fast it was astonishing and even taught some of them how to use the infamous Ki.

The academy doors opened, revealing Sona and her own Peerage behind her.

"I thank you all for coming." Sona then cut everyone's chatter.

Sona calmly walked out as all of their attention centered around her.

"Today, I have a special event planned. I have invited Rias Gremory and her entourage to demonstrate live examples of what a Rating Game entails. In short, I will pit my Peerage against hers for educational and training purposes. After that, we will divide you into groups so that you may engage in a Rating Game against each other."

"Can we bet on teams?"

Sona flinched at the voice. She turned to the source, the pale troublemaker smiling at her, his right hand raised.

The source of her current misfortune and his companion.

"Noud? Where'd you come from?" Another Devil student nearby asked.

"What do you mean? We just got here," Noud snickered, gesturing to Lelez, who looked sheepish at the attention.

"...We do not encourage gambling." Sona warned.

"Can we join either your or Rias' team to experience the Rating Games in depth? Me and my friends can learn from a senior!" Noud threw in an absurd suggestion with an impish smile.

Sona actually considered the idea before replying, "...Probably in the future, once you get more of your act together and everyone is better acquainted with one another."

"But Noud is good enough to stand on your level." One student raised his hand.

Sona inhaled slowly.

"I understand. But this is a demonstration. It is too early for the students to participate. Your safety and health matters above all else."

"Too early?"

"The hell is with that logic?"

"Isn't that discrimination against commoners?!" One student shouted against Sona.

"I… I'm sorry?" Sona blinked.

"We might be new, but you can't just reject someone if they're good enough to be in your Peerage!" A girl shouted in protest.

"Are you rejecting him because he beat your Queen?! Isn't this favoritism?!" Another shouted in Noud's defense.

Sona sighed as she stood her ground, "This subject is meant to be reserved for later into the semester, but in regards to recruiting members, it is advised not to judge your candidates solely on combat strength alone."

"Says the girl who said we can't learn magic because we're not Nobles! Noud taught us magic regardless!" One shouted.

Sona was taken aback, "For the record, I never said anything about your statuses or classes when it regards to learn magic.

"You said that resources to learn magic are limited because of Class reasons! How the nobles monopolized everything!" A girl pointed out.


Sona had underestimated Noud's popularity. They had already turned against her the moment she rejected Noud's request.

"Let Noud in!"

"Let Noud in!"

"Let Noud in!"

The students started chanting Noud's name.

The mutiny shocked both Peerages. Tsubasa was surprised to see the students turn against Sona this easily.

"President, I thought you were using us as an excuse to one-up a promising upstart for petty reasons, but… Damn, everyone is turning against you," Tsubasa could not help but voice her thoughts.

"I will ignore…Yet appreciate your honest opinion." Sona dismissed.

"Oh my… I thought the same thing but for it to be this serious." Akeno voiced her thoughts.

This time, Sona chose not to respond to Akeno's jab.

Rias scooched to Sona and whispered, "...Should we let him participate? I'm shocked to see your students turning against you this fast…"

Sona gritted her teeth as she contemplated whether to give in or stand her ground…

She looked at her Peerage. The mutiny had overwhelmed them, something they would never see in Kuoh due to their student council position.


Everyone stopped at the sound of a loud clap. All attention centered on Lelez.

"...Noud. You should stop everyone if they're getting out of control because of you."

"What do you mean? I'm actually touched that so many came to my defense even though we only knew each other for a couple of days." Noud argued.

Lelez sighed, "...Hah… besides. Ms. Sitri. If I recall… you have empty positions in your Peerage. Wouldn't it be better if you take this chance to fill the empty seats?"

Lelez pointed out to Sona with logic that the latter could not refute.

Sona grimaced at the sight of Noud's shit-eating grin. It was uncharacteristic of her to feel so… indignant but this person was arousing the worst and immature side of herself to the surface more than anyone else.

She wanted to keep him away from the spotlight but there was no way she would say that aloud. All avenues were cut off, her only hope was to find a way to eliminate Noud early on without the students noticing.

"...Very well. I will grant Noud the chance to experience the joint rating game with us!"


The students cheered at their victory.

"Oh, and my sister is joining me." Noud pointed at Lelez.

"...Eh?" the 'sister' in question stared at her 'brother'.

"And one more… maybe? How many do you need to match your opponent's numbers?" Noud asked.

Sona blinked, but she replied nonetheless, "...Three."

"...One more. What about that red-hairlock's team? Any free positions?" Noud asked.

"I… am one Rook short, I suppose." Rias replied, ignoring Noud's remark about her.

"Alright, we'll send one student to your side to play 'Ruk'. Let's see…"

Unexpectedly, one voice spoke out in protest; or possibly to seize an opportunity for herself.


Tosca raised her hand, "I-I want to… be the Rook!"

The small girl announced without warning, causing the students and Peerages to turn to Tosca.

"...Tosca. Is there-"

Muramasa covered Yuuto's mouth before he could ask the pure girl.

"King of my Master. Would you allow this brave, determined maiden to fight alongside her only friend and potential love interest?" The sharp beauty with black hair asked Rias with a bewitching smile.

Tosca stammered at Muramasa calling her Yuuto's potential love interest but could not help but appreciate Muramasa's understanding.

"To be honest, I can't in good conscience just pick her and make her my Rook." Rias then turned to Tosca, "...I assume you merely want to act as an interim, not to reincarnate as my servant?"

Tosca replied with a nervous smile, "Um, I'm sorry, Lady Gremory - I just want to… see… and experience Isaiah's… way of life. Um, I hope you can grant me this opportunity."


The students were interested in this development, some even regarding Tosca's boldness with a hint of respect.

Rias eventually sighed softly, "...Well, one rookie for another, I suppose."

"I pick… Tahari." Noud pointed at the chocolate-skinned she-devil with black hair.

"E-Eh? Me?" The female devil in Auros uniform pointed at herself - on that note, she was also the one who Noud tutored about magic on the other day.

"You have the most potential. Consider this as a learning experience."

The girl, or woman, squealed as she ran to Noud and hugged him.

The male students were jealous but they did not protest.

Sona squinted at the girl. She was trying to see if this girl really did have potential that Noud spoke of.

"...You know you can't see her potential until the game begins, right?" Tsubasa pointed out.

Her Peerage could see that Sona's immature side was blossoming in this moment.

Sona sighed and lightly shrugged, silently conceding the point her Rook made.

"Oh, are there weapons available?" Noud asked something Sona did not expect to hear.

"...Excuse me?"

"Weapons. Bows. Swords. Shields. Firearms. Does this academy have them?"

Sona contemplated before nodding, "...We do accommodate some dummy weapons for those who need them."

"What about real ones?" Noud asked.

"This is a learning institute, Noud. Real weapons are too dangerous for such settings." Sona retorted.

"Then force the Peerages to discard their weapons. That one has a dual-nature katana that almost no one else could obtain." Noud pointed at Yuuto.

Tsubasa whistled at Noud's balls to demand something from Sona like that.

"Wow…. He's using logic against Sona so well." Reya was amazed that this one used logic against Sona of all people.

Sona narrowed her eyes at the requests, but her logical side argued that those were indeed reasonable ones. It was troublesome, but again, fairness must be upheld over bad habits.

She then regarded Rias and the rest, "...Is it alright for all of you to use non-lethal weapons?"

Rias regarded Yuuto, who nodded without argument. Sona also regarded Reya, Tsubaki and Benia as well - the former two nodded as well.

Benia added, "I can set my deathscythe to be non-lethal if you want."

"Um, I won't abuse my special legs too much, at least." Ruruko answered.

"I can use a dummy spear. This isn't an official Rating Game." Tsubaki agreed to the conditions.

Muramasa squinted at Noud.

"...How doth thee perceive my true nature so easily if this is the first time we met?" Muramasa asked Noud, arousing everyone to realize something.

Information about Yuuto and his Muramasa was extremely scarce. They have yet to present themselves in an official Rating game.

"...Isn't it obvious that you're a 'Tsukumogami'?" Noud asked back.

Whispers began to be heard as everyone listened to Noud's words; whispers of how they thought the woman was another Devil or something.

"Wow, Noud can tell?"

"He's so talented! Why isn't he up there with the Rookie Peerages?"

"Stupid nobles. They're always keeping us down."

"If he ever forms a Peerage, I'm gonna hop in at the first chance I get!"

"...And he already has the females wooing for him."

Already Noud's presence was fomenting seeds of dissent against the upper class. Seeing that the damages would pile up if this went on, Sona then spoke to her microphone once again.

"If that is all, please gather at the auditorium and wait for further instructions. Those who participate in the mock Rating Game, please follow either me or Rias so we can prepare. You are dismissed."

Beige wooden floors lacquered to a shining glisten and white ceiling lights, benches and spectator seats on the side.

The students sat in the auditorium, watching a holoscreen with excitement for Noud.

Outside of the academy, Noud, Lelez, and Tahari inspected the plastic dummy weapons.

Sona and her Peerage were discussing a secret meeting far away.

"...You want us to single Noud out and eliminate him as early as we can?" Rias summarized Sona's request with a boggled mien.

Never had she seen Sona falling to such a petty low from all the years they spent together.

"You know that he is dangerous - a wild card, an unknown factor. He's already damaged my school's system on his first day, who knows what kind of damage he'd cause if he's left unchecked?" Sona argued in whispers.

"But… president. That's just… Low." Saji was the voice of reason this time.

He, of everyone listening, was against this - the man infatuated with Sona.

"It's necessary." Sona argued.

"But that's unfair. He might be strange, but you can't just rig the game because he got the jump on you." Tsubasa argued back.

"Um, he's doing something."

Reya called out, bringing everyone's attention from the conversation. She pointed at Noud who took a complicated weapon.


They watched the strange man practice with the complex weapon, the way the weapon flipped around the man every time he switched it from hand to hand without hitting himself with the weapon displayed his mastery.

Then put the nunchucks back and took a plastic boa staff and twirled it around him the same way.

He took both the nunchucks and staff.

Then he handed the girl, Tahari, a sword and a spear.

Lelez took two batons and twirled them around her fingers.

"Wow... That's so cool!" Millicas was dazzled by the performance.

Tahari was clapping giddily at the skill.

"...Okay, now I'm curious. Who is this guy, really?" Tsubasa pointed at Noud, completely caught off guard by his skill.

"Doesn't matter. What matters now is for us to put up a good show for the students." Sona replied, as she returned to her old friend, "Rias, if you can't force him to retire, can you at least keep him busy from dominating the game? I'll admit, the purpose of this game is for us to regain the students' respect."

"I… Alright, I'll see what I can do at least. But I will not rig the game beyond that." Rias sighed and relented to Sona's pettiness.

It was still strange that Sona was giving into her less-noble nature like this.

"Noud! Lelez! Tahari! We're starting!" Sona called to the three.

"...Huh, finally." The trio approached Sona, ready for the mock Rating Game.

Tosca stood beside Yuuto with a face full of determination, though it looked adorable, seeing her trying to make a brave face.

Baraqiel was in the air as the overseer. He stared at Noud and Lelez… It was strange. Something about them seemed so familiar yet he couldn't put his finger on the cause.

The way Noud presented himself was confident on the surface but he could see the young man was analyzing the opposition eagerly.

"What are the rules? You never bothered to say." Noud asked Sona.

His bo staff was resting on his shoulder.

"Standard Rating Game rules - a team-battle format where the team with the King retiring or forfeiting the match loses." Sona replied, "You and the other two of your choosing will serve as my interim Pawns, while Ms. Tosca will serve as Rias' interim-Rook."

"So I would be listening to your orders as your 'Pawn?' How interesting, being ordered around like this." Noud chuckled to himself.

"Noud, don't do anything that's against your role." Lelez reminded him.

"Come on, are you not also interested in stretching your muscles loose here?"

"Well, I am… huh. May I have permission to let loose a little?" Lelez asked Sona an unexpected question.

"You… may surprise me." Sona did not have an excuse to refuse.

Lelez acted like Noud's handler but she seemed like someone that couldn't stop Noud from doing whatever he wanted.

"I-I won't let you down, Noud!" Tahari trembled with the spear in her grip, excited and nervous in equal measure.

Sona turned to Rias - It was time.

"I will start the match as the Referee." Baraqiel announced from the skies. "The Rating Game will be held on a model replica of Kuoh Academy from the human world where Lady Gremory and Sitri are attending. The Sitri team's territory will be located at the old school building, while Lady Gremory's territory is in the new school building. The game shall end when either King is either retired or forfeited. You will be given 10 minutes to formulate strategies, and the game will last for 30 minutes. If neither King is retired or forfeited by the time is up, the victor will be decided by the numbers of their surviving teammates. Any questions?"

"Oh, a human school. Interesting choice for a battlefield," Noud hummed with curiosity.

"Are there any questions, Noud?" Sona asked.

"There's a system in place safeguards against deathly injuries, correct?" Noud asked.

"Yes, there is. In any case of fatal injuries - players who either forfeit or receive grave injuries will be automatically teleported away to receive medical treatment." Sona replied.

"So… if I snap their necks, they'll be fine?" Noud asked a morbid question.

Sona's peerage raised eyebrows at Noud's choice of violence.

Sona sighed, "...While we have confidence in our medical team, please refrain from doing anything drastic or test the limits of the system. Keep it in mind that this is a joint practice, not an official match."

"Alright, then. We're ready!" Noud shouted as he flashed his smiling teeth in the direction where Rias and her Peerage stood.

Soon, both teams disappeared in a flash of light, transported into their respective territory in the pocket dimension.


"...Well, this brings back memories."

Akeno mused as she and the rest were using the allocated 10 minutes to formulate a strategy. Compared to where they were pitched against Riser Phenex, the game simply swapped their territories, where they were situated in the Student Council's office.

"To summarize our position, we are in Riser's shoes this time." Rias remarked with irony, before her expression went into some sort of King mode, "...But we will not fail like he did, throwing his forces away."

"It felt like a lifetime ago since we won our last game." Akeno admitted.

"Yes… it shows how far we've gone since then." Rias remembered the time she kicked Riser between the legs fondly.

"Alright, our goal is to secure the checkpoints and stop Sona from getting into position. I know how she likes to move her chess pieces. Akeno, you will go with Millicas and secure the gym stadium. Ravel, you will keep an eye out for Loup Garou and intercept him if necessary. Lint, avoid Bennia if possible, go after Saji or Reya, you have an advantage over them. Oh, and see if you can test the waters with Noud or Lelez while you're at it."

"Something tells me you're using me as a meatshield," Lint remarked, but did not give any other objection.

"Yuuto, since your combat potential is hindered without Muramasa, you will keep an eye out for Bennia while taking the open field for us. Koneko, you will go with Yuuto in case he encounters Tsubasa. Tosca and I will stay to secure the building and monitor the situation until my presence is needed on the battlefield. Are there any questions?" Rias then regarded her servants.

"Um, why me against Loup, if I may ask?" Ravel asked while raising her hand.

"This will be our first time facing a werewolf as an opponent. Your fire might be just what we need to gauge his strength, and if things go well enough, put him out of the game. If there's anything wrong, I'll send reinforcement your way. Lint can inflict mania on him with her magic sword." Rias replied, "...However, do be careful with Loup's magic arsenals - he's coming from a lineage of a witch, after all."

"You do know I'm not allowed to use my sword, right? No ghost powers for me." Lint snickered.

"...Damn it." Rias clicked her tongue, "Wait, wait… Can we use your sword without drawing it?" Rias' Devil mind was attempting to find a loophole in this predicament.

"Sona will protest and use this against you," Akeno commented.

"Who cares if we draw first blood!" Rias smiled mischievously.


In the old school building, Sona was strategizing.

"Rias will take the initiative against me since she is aware of my habits in chess." Sona pushed up her glasses.

"Reya, you're staying here to assist me. You will spread out your masks and gather information for me to use against Rias. She will most likely take control of the stadium first, so Ruruko, go with Tsubaki and secure the area, and prepare to move out if Akeno is spotted. We need to take her down before she could call upon her holy lightning and control the battlefield. Tsubasa, go with Saji - your job is to help him take down Ravel since she most likely has most of the allowed number of Phoenix Tears. Momo, you'll be with… Tahari and help her with as much experience as she needs. Rias will understand. Bennia and Loup - go after Rias and pressure her. And… What are you doing?"

Sona asked Noud when he saw him facing the wall at an unusual angle.

He was holding his staff like a javelin.

"...Something." Noud responded with vagueness.

Lelez and the chocolate-skinned newbie were with him, the latter more eager to see what he would do.

Sona turned to Lelez, hoping for assistance. The latter simply replied with a shrug and apologetic smile.

"It's a surprise. You'll like it." Lelez vouched for him which was rare.

"How long until the match starts?" Noud asked.

As if answering Noud's question, Baraqiel's voice was heard again.

"The time for strategizing is up. Let the Rating Games…"

Yuuto gripped his practice sword and inhaled to prepare himself. Benia also did some final stretches with her scythe.

From their respective spot - Akeno and Tsubaki smirked, two Queens ready to face each other.

Koneko and Tsubasa also prepared to move.

Loup Garou uncrossed his arms as he had been instructed to deal with Ravel.

Momo, Reya, and Tomoe readied themselves while Lint inspected her polycarbonate katana.

Millicas huffed his chest with a cheeky smile while Saji prepared his gecko gauntlet, ready to rumble as fellow Pawns.


There was a sonic boom following the announcement.

A trail of smoke followed Noud's boa staff as the plastic weapon pierced through the wall of the old school building and through the walls of the new school building.

A sudden pain lodged inside Rias' gut the moment she heard a strange explosion.

Despite the distance between the Student Council Room and the Old School Building, the plastic staff penetrated through all obstacles and impaled Rias in the left side of her abdomen.

Baraqiel's stoic posture broke, his eyes widened to take in the scene.


"Big Sis!"

Everyone shouted as they ran towards Rias when she collapsed, her gut was sporting an ugly bruise as she coughed.

"W-What… what…" Rias could only stare at the staff pressing against her stomach.

Ravel took out a Phoenix Tears while Koneko yanked the staff out of Rias and healed her.

Rias coughed again as she wiped the blood from her lips. She turned to the direction she was struck, seeing a perfect hole the size of the projectile in the wall.

"...Did… was I sniped?" Rias voiced her thoughts, completely baffled when she pictured it. "By… by a blunt piece of plastic?!" She added when she saw the projectile coated in her blood.

Only one person held this weapon. And Rias found this to be an insult - taken down by training weapons of all things.

"...He can snipe Rias from this distance? With this much cover between us from the starting point?" Akeno was equally baffled.

She had never heard of anyone capable of that, even amongst the professionals.

"Wait, then that means he can pinpoint our exact locations from the old school building." Ravel pointed out.

"Everybody duck! Keep yourself on the floor, and stay away from the windows!" Rias then commanded.


Meanwhile, in the old school building, the sniper laughed.

"Hah! I got her!" Noud clapped his hands with delight. "Lelez! Give me a baton! I want to hit the 'Queen!'"

Lelez handed Noud one of her two batons as he aimed at the Queen, one eye closed.

Until Sona was being noisy.

"Noud! Noud! What are you doing?!" Sona shouted.

Whatever he was doing, it was disrupting the purpose of this matchup.

"Hunting. I hit their King. The King recovered somehow though." Noud answered with clarity, "...Ah, how unlucky. They dropped down to reduce their target size. Maybe if I adjust the angle… hmm, time to see if I can hit her again."

Noud threw the baton like a spear as the blunt spear pierced through the wall.


This time Koneko sensed the second projectile coming and jumped between Rias and the wall.

It burst through and flew towards her without warning.

She caught the baton, but the sheer momentum and force from the speed put a strain on her arms, even with Rook's super strength.

It sent Koneko to the wall and dug into her ribs, forcing Koneko to cough and choke as her bones nearly collapsed onto her lungs.

Seeing that they were sitting ducks in the room, Rias waved her arm, "Move, move! Remember the plan! Yuuto, carry Koneko with us!"

"Ah, the cat girl caught on. Not bad." Noud commented from his sniping position.

Sona stomped to Noud and grabbed his shoulder, "Noud! Explain yourself! What are you doing?!"

Noud turned to Sona and pursed his lips.

"Well…" He paused for a moment of contemplation.

"...Testing my throw strength." Noud answered. "And giving Tahari an objective. Tahari, you will help me retrieve the weapons I threw. Do not worry, I will help you against any enemy that we encounter."

Noud decided not to explain himself to Sona. Mostly because she was too slow for him to tolerate.

"R-Really?!" Tahari squealed.

"Yes, follow me. Lelez, help Sona with whatever she needs." Noud ordered.

"You're not going anywhere without me. I'm not letting you do whatever you want like with the younglings back at home."

"They were asking for it!" Noud complained.

"They came crying and called you evil incarnate!" Lelez called out.

Sona felt like she was losing control of the situation.

"Noud. Lelez. Tahari."

Sona pushed up her glasses as she released the pressure of her Aura. Tahari was affected by it, but the two others were unfazed.

"...I am the King of this Peerage. What I say is law. There is no greater crime than to disobey that law in a Peerage. Throwing your weapons away is a lapse of judgment and you will be punished for this oversight. Do I make myself clear, you three?"

Noud did not look impressed. He and Lelez exchanged a glance.

"...Alright. So you are the chief of this tribe." Noud concluded. "Well, this will take some time getting used to. I'll respect it for now. What are your orders, chief?"

Sona exhaled. For now, she managed to reign in this untamed animal.

"Tahari will go with… me."

"Hm?" The chocolate-skin Devil blinked as she pointed at herself.

Sona carried on, "Lelez. You may join Tsubasa. Noud, you will listen to Reya and follow her instructions to the letter. Do I make myself clear?"

Sona decided to separate Noud from the rest. As for Tahari… She wanted to see how her teaching method differed from Noud's.

Yes, it was not like she was trying to impress her students.

It was to gather intel.

"That's… a bit vague." Saji pointed out.

"And we don't have time to argue. We need to get into position before Rias reaches the checkpoints first! Move!"

Sona did not give them the chance to argue.

"Koneko! Koneko, are you alright?!"

Behind the school building, Akeno, Millicas, and Ravel set up a wall of magical Shields to form maximum cover.

Hoping that the walls and the magical barriers would stop Noud's rampage.

"I… I'm fine, Prez." Koneko was laid against the tree as Rias rolled up her shirt.

She grimaced at the ugly blue bruise in Koneko's center.

"Ravel! Do you have anything that could help her?!"

"Um, I have something other than Phoenix Tears! It's something I've worked on for months but it's still in the testing stage!" Ravel answered.

"Alright, that will work. What do you have?" Rias was curious as Ravel rummaged through her dress.

"Okay, uh, I call this Phoenix Blood Prototype Mk. 13! I made it with my blood as the base!"

Ravel explained as she took out a glass vial containing a sparkling red liquid.

"...Phenex Blood?" Koneko asked.

"Is it safe?" Lint asked, very curious.

"Mhm! I've tested it! Let me show you!" She uncorked the bottle and splashed the red liquid over Koneko's wound.

When she applied the contents on Koneko's bruise, the Rook hissed in pain.

Her bruise 'sizzled', skin, muscle, nerves, and bone almost pan-fried in oil and salted, an unpleasant experience she endured as everyone watched the bruise return to Koneko's healthy cream white.

"It worked! How is it?! Any side effects?! Any lingering sensation of being boiled inside out?! Rash?!" Ravel peppered Koneko with questions immediately after.

"...What the hell is wrong with you?" Koneko ended up asking Ravel, "It worked, but are you alright?"

Koneko patted her bruise, feeling a lingering itchy burn under her skin now.

"Well I can't just use more Phoenix Tears. The rules prohibited unlimited use; but this is a good time to loophole that with alternative, unregistered medicine!" Ravel explained herself.

"You didn't answer my question," Koneko pointed out.

"I'm fine! I'm just trying to be helpful! And Lord Issei requested alternatives to Phoenix Tears in case we run out!" Ravel pouted at Koneko questioning her sanity.

"How many 'unregistered' healing items do you have?" Akeno asker.

"Errrr, more than a hundred… some of them are untested." Ravel explained with a shrug.

Everyone stared at Ravel for a second until Rias broke the silence, "No matter, we'll address this issue later. Akeno, any sign of the enemy preparing another sniping?"

Akeno checked through the familiars she summoned beforehand to check the enemy base.

"...The sniper has left the building. Sona's team is making a move. Enemy surveillance is scanning the area."

Akeno answered when she saw some of Sona's team mates and the flying masks scattering from the starting position.

Especially Noud flying with a cluster of flying masks.

"We'll lose the initiative at this rate. What is our plan now?" Akeno asked.

Rias closed her eyes for a moment - Noud had proven himself to be more dangerous than she initially thought. Now that he had given Sona a big head-start, Rias had to break their momentum to even the playing field.

"Damn, I really wish Yuuto's and Lint's swords were not banned from this game." Rias muttered, "...Alright, here's the new plan."

She hoped Sona was too preoccupied with Noud to remember the trick she used on Riser.

And since Ravel brought in unregistered healing items, this could be a good time to put them to use.

Tsubasa was running towards the sports field with Saji and the newcomer.

Tsubasa was curious about the girl that stuck with the 'problem student,' though starting a conversation in the middle of a match was not wise.

From what she saw, this girl was that guy's manager of sorts, keeping him in check.

"Lelez, so… what can you do?"

Tsubasa asked the girl.

"Hm? Oh, um, I'm more of a spellcaster… I think." Lelez awkwardly scratched her cheek.

Saji raised an eyebrow, "...You think?"

"Oh, I can use magic but it's a bit unorthodox. My father's magic is… unconventional." Lelez then received more quizzical looks from her teammates.


However, before Saji and Tsubasa could have prodded further, Lelez's eyes caught the perfect opportunity to move on from the conversation.

"I see someone!"

Lelez pointed, prompting Saji and Tsubasa to follow her finger and saw Ravel Phenex hiding behind a tree. The blonde also noticed that she had been spotted before she quickly flared her wings out and fled.

"Ah, there's the hack! Saji, use your special move! Lasso that chicken in!" Tsubasa pointed at Ravel.

"On it!" Saji threw his arm forward, aiming his gauntlet at Ravel.

The Phenex girl glanced behind to see a glowing rope shot out from Saji's Absorption Line - making its way to catch her.

But a boulder smashed into Saji from the side.

"Ahdkfu?!" Saji landed into a tree with the boulder pinning him.

"...Strike." Koneko dusted the pebbles off her hand as she showed herself from the cover of trees.

"Tsk! Hello fellow disciple."

Tsubasa stood before Koneko. She glanced at Ravel, seeing her turned around.

"Nice ambush. But it's three against two. Saji, if you're out because of that, I'm gonna make everyone call you Bitch Boy! And throw you to Black's training camp!"

"Oh, fuck off, will ya!? I ain't done yet!" Saji shouted as he pushed the boulder off him, stretching out to work and pop some kinks off his joints and muscles, "All of that muscle hell I've gone through ain't for show! I had to lug Platinum's metal ass up a mountain, you know?!"

"Alright, let's do this! I'll handle the catgirl! You get the chicken!" Tsubasa grinned as she and Koneko formed the water stream stance.

"Lelez, back up Saji! I wanna see what you can do!" Tsubasa added.

Koneko furrowed her brows as she glanced at Lelez - the girl's Qi was passive, but looking at her in this proximity, Koneko saw some dark Ki within her for some reason.

Koneko suspected her to be a Ki practitioner like Noud, but to what extent she did not know. They were at a number disadvantage, but nothing their individual strength did not account for.

Saji looked at Lelez, the girl twirling her baton with a nod.

"Okay, let's do this!"

Mordax swirled the glass wine in his hand as he looked out the window of his aristocratic office.

The paintings of the Old Satans were on the wall between the bookshelves housing his massive collection of old literature and spellbooks. The priceless antique vases standing on the wall on the opposite wall facing against the painting.

The wooden desk carved from the mythical Sephiroth Tree… taken as a trophy from the Devil Civil War.

Mordax could feel it, the impending loss of it all.

His position was at stake, his bloodline was failing, and curse her sister and the Gremory family for having a Satan with such power not be called Bael.

The anxiety was building; there was no other choice.

Bedeze had fallen, and they did not have much time before Diehauser could ruin everything.

The door was knocked.

"You may enter." Mordax answered as he turned around and faced the invitee.

Roygun Belphegor entered the room, the beauty of the traditionalist nobles.

"Make yourself comfortable. We have much to discuss."

"You've gone too far." Roygun glared at him with a rare display of animosity.

"Oh, whatever are you talking about?." Mordax replied with a nonchalant quirk of his eyebrow.

"You and the other families… Why are you sending assassins to my household?"

To emphasize her point - a flash of light appeared on Roygun's head, summoning a visage from a pocket dimension, which was then thrown at the floor before the desk.

A severed head clad in a balaclava.

"...You know exactly why."

Mordax was unperturbed by the slight macabre sight, as the wine glass in his hand cracked, the expensive alcohol spilling into his palm.

"I'm afraid that you must elaborate as this is a breach of trust. You are breaking the covenant that binds us together, Mordax."

Roygun's aura flared as her demonic power filled the room and reached Mordax.

Mordax felt the weight of her power pressing against him. It was but a taste but that was enough to make Mordax feel as if he was Sissiphus carrying his first boulder up the hill.

"...How long are you going to test me?" Mordax turned around and snapped his fingers.

Entering the door behind Roygun, two Devils entered, wreathed with hostile intent.

Assassins - private soldiers hired and trained.

"You're going so far to use the members of your Peerage against me?" Roygun leered at him.

"Perhaps." Mordax reached for his desk and slowly sat down, "...But I would be a fool to invite you here unprepared."

He pressed a button under his desk.

Roygun tensed and spread her devil wings, ready to fight in self defense. However, the ceiling sprayed an unknown fluid from above and coated her body; her anxiety and days of fending off hostile enemies from kidnapping her families and Peerage had lowered her guard to this one simple move.

Roygun immediately expelled the liquid from her by flaring her demonic power.

"I'm afraid that we couldn't replicate the airborne stain of the Trihexa Death Plague. It is only viable in a liquid form."

Despite Roygun's quick counter-measure, a small dose of the liquid had gone inside her system. She immediately went into a coughing fit and fell onto her knees as she felt something akin to burning lava coursing under her skin.

"...So this is it, then?"

Regaining her breathing, Roygun smirked in defiance, trying to maintain her composure despite the pain wrecking through her body. Her skin was sweating and showed a minor symptom of infection.

"You are an excellent test subject. We need a good candidate before we use it on Sirzechs, before Ajuka finishes the vaccine and cure. Serafall will fall, one of our assassins is making her way to her hospital. I heard she is bedridden for some reason."

Roygun grimaced as she tried to fight against the infection that was eating her inside out.

She needed to suppress it until she got to a hospital, to Ajuka to cure herself.

"Hmmm, your weakened state is a delight to see. I want to see this on Sirzechs' face. Let me offer you a deal. Swear yourself to me and I'll give you the cure."

"I am no fool, Mordax. If Ajuka couldn't make a cure by now, how could you?" Feverish sweat trickled down her brows and slicked her pink hair with an oily sheen.

Mordax pursed his lips yet he did not look too disappointed at the answer, "Hm, I suppose I should've known better than to take you for another fool."

He then took another cup and poured another wine. He shrugged as he took a sip, "...Oh well, then you will serve as our guinea pig for the unforeseeable future. Who knows, if you are lucky enough, you can still retain your desirable appearance for the workers to unwind themselves with."

Roygun cursed under her breath - To think that the eerie feeling of dread in her gut was correct. Mordax had lost his mind to go so far to betray her for nothing, if she did not prepare beforehand, she would have lost friends and family under this bastard's thumb.

The only reason she came here was to hold onto the thought that Mordax still has the last shred of honor and decency…

"Take care of her." Mordax ordered. "And you are free to-"

Something interrupted his moment - a screen popped up before his eyes. A glitch, then the face of Gragg Foreus appeared before him.

The fishman-like devil was beaten, eyes black and blue, teeth missing.

[Listen up Mordax Bael. This might be your first time, so I'll run this as slowly as you can, you fossil.]

The one who spoke was neither devil or anything supernatural.

[I have your fucking fish friend, and I got all of the dirt we can find on you. This is a ransom. You're going to cooperate with us to the letter and spirit, no magical or devil contract bullshit…. Or this slimy son of a bitch will get it.]

He pulled out a gun and placed it on Forneus' head.

[L-Lord Bael! T-these people are dangerous! Please help a mate out, aye?!]

Mordax's confident face crumbled.

What was happening? Were those humans? Holding one of the esteemed Noble Devils hostage… and was demanding a ransom from him?!

"What is this sorcery, Forneus?" Mordax asked as he crushed the wine glass in his hand.

Roygun and the two guards were shocked to see this happening.

[F-forgive me! T-T-They came out of nowhere! Ack!]

[Quiet, you slime!]

The human sounded female behind that mask as she slammed the butt of her rifle at the fish man.

[You ain't got a choice in this matter. We ain't taking your devil money. We want our share in your treasury - tomes, relics, other goods. Or else every secret we found in this bastard's safe will go public. Including details of your dealings with this…. Khaos Brigade, whatever the fuck that is.]

Mordax was glaring at the projection at this point. Humans wielding those weapons - were those Sacred Gears? So far he had never heard of Sacred Gears in the form of firearms, not to mention there were multiple of them in the same vicinity. They might be a member of the rumored Hero Faction, but their modus operandi seemed to be different.

The Bael composed himself as he addressed the mercenaries, "I have heard your demands loud and clear, humans. But may I know who I am speaking with?"

[Just call us by… Zygotes. I go by 'Alpha'.]

"Very well, Zygotes - Mr. Alpha." Mordax burned the name in his memory, "...Before we reach any sort of conclusion, may I warn you that you are facing, not only us devils, but the entire Three Powers of Christianity pantheon?"

[I doubt it.]

The leader pulled his pistol and shot their hostage.

One shot, a bullet seared into Forneus, prompting him to cough blood, sporting a bloody hole on his stomach.


Mordax flinched.

[Try that shit again and I'll aim for the head. I know how you people like to keep appearances. I'm sending this live feed to everyone you know, so that they'll know that he's going to die under your watch. You think the other bastards are going to listen to someone that can't save his own people?]

Mordax bit his lower lip, wrecking his brain for any solution that could save his reign.

If he caved in, the others would question his strength. If he let him die, the others would spark an outrage and question his abilities as a leader if he couldn't save them under a similar situation.

[You have five seconds to make your decision. Five… Four. Three. Two...]

"I have an alternative proposition." Mordax called out with as much composure he could muster, "...Are you all mercenaries?"

[We'll take that as stalling.]

"I'll get to the point. I… wish to hire you into my fold."

Roygun stared at Mordax, baffled. She glanced at the other two, their expressions shared her disbelief.

Mordax, the head of the Bael, hiring humans of all people. No one expected this to happen even for a million lifetimes.

Even though the pain of the infection was eating her inside out, she still could not… wait…

Roygun realized something. She should have transformed by now judging by how much time has passed. She was still fine as she looked at her hands, seeing herself still in her beautiful form.

Maybe she could… Mordax was distracted. She had time.

[Hire us? You think we're not under the employment of some higher power or something?]

Mordax bit his lower lip.


He decided to gamble and test his luck on the matter.

[...Heh. And you think you're good enough for our services?]

Mordax's lips twitched into a smirk, "...Are you?"

When the mercenaries did not respond, Mordax knew he got their attention.

"You call yourselves mercenaries, and I can see you have confidence in your skills. But tell me… Is that really confidence, or luck? You may have captured Forneus, but to be honest? He's never been the strongest of us."

[Be careful of your words. I can still shoot his head and dump his body in the middle of the capital. And tip the Alliance off about you bastards. You don't have much time, do you?]

"…What if I give you another potential target? Not only do they have the same amount of wealth as I do, you may be able to plunder more than just riches."

[...You already have a job? Who's the target and what's the catch? Most importantly, what's the pay?]

"...Do you have the strength and courage to capture two direct relatives of our official leaders?"

Roygun could feel the infection receding. A few more moments and she should…

[Now you answer the catch and pay. What's in it for us when we can demand everything you have?]

"The extra rewards will be pooled in from my associates if you succeed in bringing them in alive."

[Why not dead?]

"Leverage. I need power over the Satans. One way or another. If they're dead, I cannot control them."

[Hmmmm… half up front. We'll discuss terms. We have leverage in case you decide to use the devil's loophole.]

Then, before the discussion could have gone further, Roygun's eyes glowed with power as she pressed her palm on the floor, activating her clan's signature technique.


The power of the Belphegor caused the floor to crack, which soon spread across the rest of the walls and split the ground, until the foundation of this building was torn and collapsed as she attempted to bring it down and escape from the rubble.

"ROYGUUN!" Mordax roared with fury as the ceiling collapsed on all of them.

Mordax erased the rubble that fell on him and took flight, ascending with his devil wings spread. He watched his entire mansion collapse on itself, years of heritage in that home wasted. He grit his teeth in fury at the sight of stone, dust, and wood replacing his beautiful grand mansion.

He scanned for Belphegor, any signs of magic, the desire to punish her burned in his heart…

Something then broke out of the wreckage and ran away.

"There!" Mordax aimed his palm at Belphegor and fired crimson beams of erasure at the number two champion of the Rating Games.

However, Roygun spun her body as she held her palm against the incoming Power of Destruction.


Mordax clicked his tongue when he watched his prized clan magic was suddenly shattered and dispersed in mid-air. He glanced around and noticed that most members of his peerage had begun to make their way out of the wreckage as well.

"After her!" Mordax commanded his servants, "Bring Roygun Belphegor back here, dead or alive!"

His Peerage took flight, black bat wings spread from the base of their spines as they took to the skies and flew after her.

Belphegor needed to teleport away, somewhere, anywhere than here. She needed to let the Satans know; she would take any punishment from them at this point for her dalliance with treachery.

However, spells formed and fired from behind.

Mordax gasped when he saw spells crashing into his servants from behind, screams shrieking before they fell like the fallen angels of the Bible cast down from heaven.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Mordax shouted when he saw his Queen, a pureblood Devil of the Furfur bloodline flying towards Belphegor.

To her aid.

"Belphegor! I'll hold him off! Go to Kuoh! The Underworld isn't safe!" The Queen shouted at Belphegor before she turned to face Mordax and unleashed an array of spells that someone of her rank shouldn't be able to use, all aimed at Mordax to his shock.

"You…! What do you think you are doing?!" Mordax gritted as he defended against the incoming array of spells, elemental and arcane missiles overwhelming his magical barriers, breaking them with a level of force her Queen should not be capable of.

But his vision recognized something else.

He had his Queen serving him for decades, enough for him to recognize her aura. At this moment, her Aura was completely different, as if she was someone else entirely.

Roygun had no idea what was happening but she took this opportunity to teleport away from the scene, anywhere from here.

"Roygun! There is no escape! There is nowhere left for you here, you whore! Mark my words!" Mordax roared before he faced his 'Queen.'

"Sorry. I'm the only company you have, 'darling'." The 'Queen' smiled.

"I don't know when you impersonated my beloved, but I'll kill you for this." Mordax gnashed his teeth as he decided to use 'that'.

He raised both hands above his head.

Lord Xaphan Lucifuge - named after the archangel Lucifer stole the angelic grace from, grimaced with his host's features. He had been watching everything from his old familiar body and decided to help Roygun Belphegor's escape to stop Mordax's plan.

"How shameless of you to use your Queen's stolen power like this. This isn't worth the bargain like Djall said."

Mordax was generating Demonic Lightning in conjunction with his Power of Destruction. He winced when he recalled the monster's mockery.

Ahahahahaha! Your flesh can't contain a measly three abilities?! Oh, all that talk about destiny and this is what it brought you. What was that you said before, defective flesh? The lower class should accept their place in the universe.

Gritting his teeth, Mordax then used his rage and humiliation to fuel his power, and he brought them down.

Xaphan raised his hands and generated his magic in return, ready to sacrifice this body for the greater good.

"Sorry, but I must sacrifice you to stop your King ruining the Underworld's future." Xaphan apologized to the original owner of his current host.

To be Continued….

DnD Specials IV: The Disgraced Child of Heaven

The prisoner broke out of the cage and threw the broken unstable staff at the giant.

The giant was confused by the action of the gaunt meatbag until the staff reached its critical.

"You did not-!"

The staff exploded in his face. The force toppled the giant into two stumbling steps before his giant form fell, crashing into the stone with a loud boom.

"Noooo! My staff!" The dragonborn sorcerer shouted in dismay.

"Aha! My plan worked… Oh, dear." The crimson Haired woman suddenly lost the strength in her legs, causing her to collapse from overexertion.

The dragonborn was damaged by the loss of his staff. However, something caught his eye. The staff that the giant wielded fell off its hand and shrank, shrinking until it was small enough to be in his hand.

After a silent contemplation, Issei immediately popped a healing potion before he hurried and ran towards his new staff, grabbing it before anyone else had dibs.

"...Aha!" The dragonborn raised the staff in celebration.

Koneko stared at her dragonborn companion with a judgmental gaze which he noticed.

"...I can't be the only one empty handed." The dragonborn defended himself.

Koneko was about to retort, but decided against it.

"We should check on the prisoners." Koneko pointed out.


"Say… when are we getting our own gear?" Kuroka asked Black.

"I'm getting there, I'm getting there." Black rolled his eyes. "I'll let you gals pick ONE very rare purple item each since your start is shite."

"Okay, but how are we getting our goods?" Kuroka asked again.

"Your party managed to help the prisoners get on their feet. The Druid was conscious when you woke her up, the cleric is still knocked out, the Fighter can walk but needs help, and the Aasimar girl needs medical attention. And then you managed to somehow find a Mindflayer healing station next to the room where your equipment is detained."

"Healing station?" Ravel asked.

"The game shows some green tentacle stations that the players can use. You get your spell slots and everything else back as if you've taken a long rest."

Black explained before he carried on.

"...Alright, the dragonborn and small Barbarian started healing the others befooooooorreeee…"


The dragonborn was amazed by the healing powers of this alien device as if it rewound the injuries.

He held the Aasimar in his arms as she recovered and opened her eyes. She gazed at her dragonborn savior as the dragonborn caught a scent that shouldn't be associated with the children of the heavens.

Before the dragonborn could say anything, the Aasimar wrapped her arms around his scaled neck.

"Oh, my savior! Bahamut must've sent you to my aid, o' heroic dragonborn!"

The dragonborn was stammered by the reaction.

"W-W-Wait, wait. What's with that reaction?" Issei asked as the Aasimar hugged him tighter.

"I-I'm sorry. Please, let me have this… it has been so long since fortune graced me with its blessings."


"...Akeno, what do you think you are doing?"

Rias asked with an unamused look at the sight of her Queen sitting on Issei's laps and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Hm? What do you think? We are merely following our roles on the script." Akeno replied with an innocent tone as she inched her face closer towards Issei's, pressing her breasts on his chest before Akeno turned to smile sultrily at the flustered and confused-looking boy.

Kuroka's eyes widened as she realized what Akeno was doing, "...You clever wench, nya."

"Alas, what brings you to these dark foreboding depths? There is naught but peril awaiting us that endangers our mind and spirit as much as our flesh." Akeno continued her role play, running her finger on Issei's cheek

"Um, Akeno?" Issei asked with a small sweat-drop, keeping himself from being carried away by the charm of the girl on his lap, "I know this is a 'role-playing' game, but I don't think we need to go this far."

"Why, Ise? This is for immersion~!" Akeno''s smile brightened as she became more daring as she landed a soft peck on Issei's cheek, before nuzzling the said cheek against her own. "I can play better if I can get better into the character."

Rias, Ravel, and Koneko instantly understood the fallen angel's insidious intentions.

"You bitch!" Rias wanted to shout, but was too impressed by Akeno's ploy.

"No skinship in the game!" Koneko hissed.

"Nyaaa! I roll a dexterity and arcana check!" Kuroka shouted, armed with two dices.

"Okay…" Black sounded amused as she threw the dices.

Two ones.

"Hah! Fail!" Black laughed, "You tripped and fell on your face!"

"I hate these dies! Can't I just have a die that gives me a good roll for two seconds, nya?!" Kuroka shrieked with frustration.

"I roll… uh, Persuasion check!" Rias raised her hand.

"What for?" Black asked. "Just so you know, she is an Aasimar, a generally trustworthy race of half angel people. So think twice if you wanna discredit her or whatever you're trying to do."

"I'll take my chances!" Rias then rolled the dice.

A pair of threes.

"Dammit!" Rias slammed her fist on the table in frustration.

"You failed and you painted yourself a slut who's horny for dragon schlong, kehehehehe." Black cackled.

"Wha?! You…!" Rias fumed at Black's evil penance.

"The party will be aware of your preference for a dragon's dick."

"Ugh, stop it!" Rias shouted in her embarrassment.

Akeno giggled at her King's failure.

"I roll Persuasion!" Koneko raised her hand.

"Another one? What for this time?" Black asked despite knowing the context.

"No PDA during a quest!" Koneko replied.

"Roll at disadvantage. Your charisma is shit." Black answered.

Regardless, Koneko rolled the two dice.

"Hah! You got a one!"

To be precise, she got a one and a twenty.

"The Aasimar argued that she is merely traumatized and painted you as inconsiderate to the Dragonborn." Black laughed while Koneko fumed with puffed cheeks.

"I-I roll a perception check to see if she's… evil or something!" Ravel raised her hand.

"Hoooooh?" Black turned to Ravel. "You using Guidance?"

"...Guidance?" Ravel blinked rapidly.

"You get a 1d4 bonus to any proficiency or stat check. And it's a cantrip so you can spam that shit," Black added.

"I understand, here I go!" Ravel then made the roll, holding her breath for the result.

"Eighteen!" Ravel cheered.

"Rolling a D4 dice…" Black rolled the four sided dice. "Adding the four, you've more than enough. You sensed no malicious energies but you could detect traces of infernal powers in this angel girl. You discovered that she made a pact with a Devil despite her nature. In short, she's a Warlock that struck a pact with a Demon or Devil."

"Ahah! I know something is amiss!" Ravel then pointed at Akeno, "Lord Ise, please get yourself away from her at once! Nothing good will come from… From…. Canoodling with this woman!"

Everyone stared at Ravel.


Black could not help but ask, "What the fuck is even canoodling?"

"I… you know what I mean!" Ravel shouted back with a furious blush.

Everyone then stared at Akeno, whose smile widened as she inhaled.

"...Alas it is true that the dark powers of Hells have touched me… Would you kindly listen to my tragic story, hero?" She tugged her arms wrapped around Issei's neck, pulling him even closer towards her face.

Honestly, Issei was not sure if he should roll with it or not at this point.

"Err…." Issei looked around hoping for any assistance.

The girls were glaring at him with jealousy, Black was only grinning as if watching a movie.

Issei then took a deep breath, "...Can you make a concise story with 20 words or less?"

Akeno looked amused for a brief second before her mischievous smile returned, "Hm….. Nope. I will just pour out my heart to you, anyway. Surely a gentleman like you won't just brush a maiden off when she is in need of dire help~?"

"I… you're not letting me go, are you?" Issei sighed knowing when to accept defeat, in which Akeno replied with a pleased giggle.

"You know me too well. Alas, it all began on that fateful day… when the archdevil Mephistopheles took the soul of my mother."

Issei sighed but decided to let it happen. He could not not escape the wiles of the Queen.

"...Ahem." Black coughed.

Akeno threw a pouty glare at the evil bastard.

"Sorry, not sorry for cockblocking you, but! The room rumbled from the direction you came from."

Rias and the other girls cheered silently at Black's intervention.

"The party turned to the source. A great shadowy figure entered. What came out shocked the party."


"...What the actual fuck?" The dragonborn cursed.

You maggots owe me a fresh giant.

The thing's thoughts spoke to their minds. The same charred giant that supposedly died entered the room.

The burns from the Dragonborn's flames were still there.

His face was gone, blasted off, a big hole where its eye sockets were, and something slithered out of it.

A very big tadpole creature emerged from the face hole, its presence emanating its lividness.

"What the fuck are you?" Koneko asked next, readying her battle ax.

A miracle that transcended mortal flesh.

The thoughts of the creature reached their minds, telepathy.

The sorcerer leered at the blue giant worm.

His knowledge of the arcane did recall that there were cases where some victims of ceremorphosis retained their individuality.

"...Did you implant your personality into a fucking tadpole?"

Indeed. Am I not astonishing? I have full control of others at this stage. Alas, you ruined my host. This is nothing more than a greater zombie I made from its flesh.

The undead giant then bellowed, his voice echoed throughout the cave system.

Kuroka turned to the exit, heaving cackling echoing from the caverns.

"Nya, the bastard summoned reinforcements." Kuroka readied her special Druid staff.

Behold the power of the Far Realms.

The giant brain worm cast a spell that summoned something from the darkness.

Issei recognized them, demonic mercenaries that would fight on either the demons of the abyss or the Devils of the Nine Hells.

They call themselves Yugoloths.

Neutral evil fiends of Gehenna.

Fortunately, they were lesser versions.

Two Mezzoloths and one Duergoloth.

Two four-armed bipedal insects with weapons and the third a larger, bulkier variant, foot soldiers.

"...Oh, son of a bitch." He then turned to the others, "Alright, that's it - everyone gather around me now!"

Issei then procured one of his scrolls and unraveled it. He thought of a destination and activated the spell contained within the scroll.

Then, the group was surrounded by an array of spells encircling them, before a flash of light enveloped their figures.

This will not be the last you see of me. Your faces are burned in my memories, and I swear to feast on your brains when we meet once more!

"How about you suck my dragon dick and fuck off?" The dragonborn flashed a middle finger at the giant before the spell took them away from the danger zone.

Extra: The first time Serafall saw them

Serafall was bored in her bed as she yawned. She should have asked her Peerage to give her an iPad or something to entertain herself.

Cao Cao's spear was more dangerous than she thought if she had to stay in bed for a few more days. She pondered on her strategy, thinking of taking out the boy that could summon those annoying monster things first, then go for Cao Cao.

She needed to learn to control her AoE more, something she promised herself to refine.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Lady Leviathan... It's time for your medicine."

Sitri was confused - Didn't she already receive her dose a couple hours ago?

"Already? Isn't this too soon?"

The door opened as a nurse entered the room.

"I assure you. It'll help you leave your bed sooner." The nurse smiled.

Serafall squinted her eyes. She read the files of everyone she worked with at this hospital… maybe. She did organize the files of the employees during her paper hell.

"I am sorry, but is this your first day at this hospital?" Serafall asked.

"Yes, I was just drafted earlier at noon." The nurse kept her smile.

Serafall was not sure about this as she examined this nurse… the others should have run this to her… maybe during an emergency when she was unconscious?

"Hm…. I-?"

Serafall stared at the door, where a stranger entered the room and approached the nurse from behind, grabbing her head.


The nurse collapsed as if her life was a lie, that she was a puppet or golem whose off switch was pressed.


Did Serafall just witness a murder in her room?

"Duey!" A girl barged into the room, "Who told you to murder her?!"

"It is by right that I should bring penance!"

"By breaking her neck?! The people here put them on trial first!"

"For something she is obviously guilty of? Her soul is already bound for Malebolge. It is disrespectful to take a life in a sanctuary meant to save lives, Zel. You know this."

'Zel' stared at 'Duey'.

Serafall could only watch the drama unfolding before her eyes, still trying to process the sudden murder in her room.

"...But I will allow her family to bury her remains."

The boy said as he grabbed the corpse by the hair.

Serafall watched the boy open the window… And then toss the body out the window.

"...Did you just throw her out the window?" Zel asked.

There was a loud splat noise outside.

"Isn't this the fastest way for her body to get noticed?" Duey closed the window.

Zel stared at her companion before she sighed in defeat, "Ugh…. Whatever, let's just focus on what we're meant to do here."

The two turned and only realized that Serafall had been watching them.

Duey casually asked, "Yes - Excuse me, madam. Do you know which room Serafall Sitri is in?"

Serafall blinked for a few times before she pointed at the feet of her bed, where the patient's profile was hung by the bed's railing.

Duey and Zelel blinked at the paper before they showed some decency to look a little flustered.

"...Oh. How embarrassing. I don't suppose you'll forget everything you saw if I ask?"

Serafall finally spoke in return, "...No, I don't think I will."

"At least I asked." Duey shrugged, "...But I'll make you do so, anyways. Need to see if you're evil, after all."

Serafall quickly shifted on her knees, ready to spring into action. She raised her palms and Aura, spells…

But she felt something pressed against her head.


The boy was beside her bed, holding her head with his thumb pressed against her forehead. She slowly closed her eyes as a darkness came over her.

Duey smiled as he gestured to Zelel to come over as she appeared beside him.

They crouched beside the bed as Serafall opened her eyes again.

"Hmmmmm hmmmmmm."

Serafall started to hum.

For those who are confused - yes, the dead nurse from the Extra segment was the assassin that Mordax originally sent to kill Serafall.

Special thanks again for Lord Vader a.k.a i4md347h for his contribution and extensive knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons.

In case you are wondering - concept idea arts for Zygotes mercenaries can be found in my (P).atreon; check them out!

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