Otherworld TRPG Game Master

Chapter 41: Goblin Hunt ~Before~

༺ Goblin Hunt ~Before~ ༻

The Wizard of the Red Tower, her face flushed with anger and shame, entered a random room in the Village Chief’s house and came out 5 minutes later in a completely dry and neat attire. THere was no trace of liquid anywhere.

I was a bit amazed by this and wanted to ask, ‘Did you perhaps dry yourself with a fireball’, but I held back because I thought a fireball would come flying at my face instead of a fist.

Instead, I asked Pink-Haired Lesbian.

“Did she dry herself with a fireball?”

“Have you not studied about other……Magic Towers?”

“I figured I wouldn’t meet them anyway if I only researched in the Purple Magic Tower…….”

It was an excuse.

In truth, I didn’t try to learn about it deliberately. I learned the Fan Spell and the A/C Spell for the comforts of my life, but I was worried that if I started learning other spells, it would make me have a severe case of a sense of deprivation.

The Tower Master also advised against it. She said it was better to stick to using just Illusion Magic rather than touching other types.

It wasn’t that a wicked Tower Master was trying to prevent her talent with the potential of an Archwizard from being stolen by other Towers. There was a rational reason for it.

To put it simply……. It was because of the EXP bonus from continuous use.

An elderly of the Red Tower could learn the magic of the Blue Tower at any time, but doing so would gradually reduce the Fire Magic EXP bonus he had built up over 80 years. That was why wizards focused on only one type of magic.

It was also the reason why an Archwizard who could use all attributes was a story that only belonged in fairy tales. Dabbling in this and that would only make a shitty character build.

Pink-Haired Lesbian explained in a simple manner.

“Each Tower’s jurisdiction is broader than one might think. In the case of the Red Tower’s Fire Magic, their categories include providing warmth, promoting plant growth which is worse than the Golden Tower’s, healing which is worse than Priests, insect control which is worse than the Blue Tower, and even ironing or drying.”

“Are you saying that the other Tower guys even have Utils…..!!”

“Why are you so envious……? Illusion Magic is already more than powerful eno- Don’t glare at me like that.”

Ignoring Pink-Haired Lesbian’s words, who didn’t understand the hardships of Illusion Magic, I was indignant.

Looking at the desperate utility fight of Senior Scarface, I thought the other Tower guys couldn’t do this…… But it seemed that wasn’t the case. While we were dealing with ‘not feeling itchy even when bitten by mosquitoes’, those guys were just ‘not getting bitten by mosquitoes in the first place’!”

The fact that the Red Tower Wizard was able to clean up all traces and become completely dry must be because she had some Convenience Magic to evaporate the liquid in addition to Clean Magic.

“Originally, the Purple Magic Tower also had a broader range, I believe. Projecting illusions to others and one more. Summoning beings from illusions like Dream Demons or Devils……..I shouldn’t have said that, it seems.”

Pink-Haired Lesbian hastily concluded her explanation.

I made an unforgettable note of it in my mind, but pretended I hadn’t heard it, letting it pass. I hadn’t heard a single word about something similar to Illusion Summoning Spells during the nearly 10 years I spent in the Purple Magic Tower.

Pink-Haired Lesbian knew something the Tower Master couldn’t have been unaware of. If she didn’t mention it on purpose, there must be a reason. I decided to trust the Tower Master and let it slide.

“……A Purple Tower Wizard, and a suit….. Who are you?”

After being torn between embarrassment and anger, it seemed anger had won, as the Red Tower Wizard glared at us with a clearly ‘I’m angry’ expression and interrogated us.

From under the flipped hood, bangs that were strangely tied in a loop covered one eye and hung low. It was quite a unique hairstyle.

While pondering what kind of answer to give to the question of who I was, Pink-Haired Lesbian stepped forward and pointed at me.

“This here is Mr. Leon Evans. As a legitimate descendant of the Evans Barony, he came to understand the living conditions of the suffering commoners and take appropriate actions.”


I put my arm around Pink-Haired Lesbian before turning us around to whisper.

“What’s with this sudden setting.”

“Did you plan to reveal your amnesia or whatever to a wizard you are meeting for the first time?”

“That’s not it, but…….you could’ve just said I was a wizard passing by.”

“It’s not a suitable reason for an Illusion Wizard of the Purple Tower and a person in a suit to be together. Who would just be passing by while dressed like this?”

“Then it’s your fault for wearing a suit.”

“That is why I have patched up the situation, haven’t I?”

“Just change to normal clothes now.”

“Then, Mr. Crazy Wizard will be unable to control his libido, thus pouncing on me.”

“What kind of confidence is this……? Fine, I’ll play along for now.”

I turned back around.

The Red Tower Wizard looked at us incredulously, as if asking what the hell we were doing. I cleared my throat a few times, lowering my voice, and began my RP as the youngest of around four who couldn’t even dream of being in the line of succession for his Barony and had reluctantly joined the Purple Magic Tower in tears.

“That’s right, I am Leon Evans. I had no intention of revealing my status, but it seems I’ve been exposed. It is to be expected. After all, the dignity of nobles shines through no matter what, piercing like an awl even through thick pockets.

“……Your subordinate just said the exact same thing.”

“That is not an important fact. Now, it is your turn to reveal your status, oh Wizard. Are you of imperial blood, oh so noble and majestic?”

“…….I’m a commoner.”

“I thought so. I can see that from your brittle hair and lack of sophistication in your demeanor. However, worry not. I am a noble who is more generous towards common──”

Pink-Haired Lesbian interjected.

“Mr. Leon. Wizards affiliated with a Magic Tower are legally of baronial rank.”

“Indeed, you must have been through many hardships with your research. Though not born of noble blood, those who acquire their status through learning must also be respected. It is no wonder you could not stand injustice and showed bravery. You truly have the dignity of a noble acquired by your own right.”

“……Enough with the pretense and just speak plainly. I have no interest in flaunting my nobility.”

“Okay, should we do that?”



Disaster had struck a peaceful rural village; a goblin tribe had emerged nearby. These green dwarves were easy targets for people who ate blades for breakfast and slept with their swords, but to potato farmers, they were a serious threat.

If a farmer, with muscles honed through hard work, struck a goblin with a hoe, they would die. That’s true.

But humans had a fatal weakness too; they did, in fact, die when stabbed. And goblins were usually nocturnal.

They would ambush at night when the farmers returned home from their fields and were snoring in their sleep. Goblins were cunning assassins. So in a rush, the village collected funds to clean up this goblin tribe and sent the most educated young man in the village to a nearby city.

That young man was a Fire Magic prospect who had entered the Red Magic Tower and even had a super genius beauty…….as his little sister, who had also been admitted to the Academy!

Believing in the genius in his own DNA, the village youth went to the city to find mercenaries that would subdue the goblin tribe. And he was swindled on the spot.

The unscrupulous mercenaries changed the contract from ‘Goblin Tribe Subjugation’ to ‘Village Protection’ and only chased the goblins away when they came at night, thus starting a long-term stay while practically sucking the Village Chief dry.

The story went that the Red Tower Wizard, who wanted to see the people of her hometown before entering the Academy, discovered this mess and had begun her interrogation just a moment ago.

“This is why mercenaries are not it! They’re dirty and vulgar, they spout obscenities, and they’re rude!”

I recalled Beauty Mark Guy as I watched the indignant Red Tower Wizard. He was handsome and sharp, even forgiving me when I accidentally whacked him in the head with an ogre’s club.

They said they were Second-Class Adventurers, right? And that they would receive the title of First-Class after completing Metamorphosis.

“By the way, what Class are those mercenaries?”

“They claim to be Third-Class, but it would be lucky if they’re even a Fourth-Class.”

“You sure?”

“Definitely. They didn’t use aura, had no physical enhancement, and didn’t even notice when I was preparing my magic. And at best, it was a 1 Star……..”

The Red Tower Wizard counted off one by one with her fingers.

I wonder.

An unfamiliar proper noun came up. Stars, she says? Wasn’t it a term reminiscent of game characters? How interesting. I should ask Pink-Haired Lesbian about it when I have the time.

When I casted the Illusion Magic just now, it went through the mercenaries as smoothly as a finger through whipped cream. It was enough to make me, the caster, jump up in surprise.

If I wanted, I think I could cast a permanent type of illusion Magic. Something like making meat taste like lotus root for the rest of their lives or making men appear as women.

The Red Tower Wizard had a fair amount of resistance. The mental barrier was thin but there were about two layers. Even so, it wasn’t too hard to bypass and infiltrate. How should I put it? A hassle akin to twirling a pen in one hand? That was the extent of it.

It seemed like the Red Tower Wizard was in a superior position to them, but just to be sure, I asked.

“How skilled are you exactly?”

“Why are you asking that?”

“There were a whopping five mercenaries. Numbers were on their side, obviously. If you had the proper skills, fine, it’s all good, but if it was just recklessness fueled by a sense of justice, then I might need to give you a word of caution.”

“That’s unnecessary meddling. Do you really not understand what it means to have been admitted to the Academy?”

“Nah. I don’t.”

“Young Master Leon had been enjoying secret meetings with the estate’s maid for quite some time, so he had not left the estate in ten years. Please understand if his common sense is lacking.”

Pink-Haired Lesbian snuck in an additional hit of slander with a timing as sharp as a knife. Not only was the contents of the slander outrageous, but the narrative settings were also getting tangled up. If I hadn’t left the estate in ten years, then when did I join the Purple Magic Tower, huh?

Determined not to be the only one suffering, I jumped in to hold onto her ankles. If I’m going to die, I’ll make sure you die with me.

“That very maid is the Pink Hair right here. Since she pesters me every night, it’s absolutely exhausting. That’s the real reason she insisted on following me on my solo travels around the world. Lately, she’s gotten a taste for voyeurism so she’s been dragging in other women t……”

“I don’t want to know anything about your sex life, alright?!”

As I bickered with Pink-Haired Lesbian, I took stock of the situation. Being cooped up in the Purple Magic Tower, I hadn’t really been able to gauge my combat power. I had cast Illusion Magic on the First Princess, who had reached the realm of Metamorphosis, but it was hard to determine the level since I had used a mix of various magic circles, potions, and money.

While sharing a friendly slander fest, I used sign language to ask Pink-Haired Lesbian about the level of Academy students. She responded with a hand gesture, indicating the mercenaries were about the level of a Third-Class and the Red Tower Wizard seemed to be around there as well.

From what I gathered, I could handle and win up to the level of Third-Class mercenaries.

The reason for checking my strength now was simple. I was right about to be tenured as a Professor at the Academy. Depending on my level of strength, it would determine whether I’d ‘survive at the Academy’ or ‘demolish the Academy with Illusion Magic’.

If I were weaker than the students as a Professor, what else could I do? I’d just have to beg them on my knees, saying ‘Please just fall for an illusion. Please. Just once’.

But luckily, it seemed like I could overwhelm those at the student level without a sweat.

Of course, there would likely be a character like the Student Council President who was strong to the point of being suspicious. That was practically a rule for the academy genre, after all. If I just watch out for those types, I should be able to manage well, though.

Nodding to myself, I wrapped up the conversation.

“I’ll acknowledge it. Your courage was from a reasonable place.”

“I wasn’t trying to seek your acknowledgement……!!”

“The next steps are the problem. What are you planning to do? I can lend a hand in driving out the mercenaries or cleaning up the goblin tribe.”

“How can I cooperate with someone who I don’t even properly know? Forget it, I’ll burn down the goblin tribe with my own hands and I’ll make sure the mercenaries taste their own medicine!”

The Red Tower Wizard, unable to control her emotions, swung her staff wildly before striding confidently out of the Village Chief’s house. I exchanged glances with Pink-Haired Lesbian.

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m thinking of following her.”

“I thought you were here to recover your memory.”

“I don’t have any memories of it, but that wizard could have been my childhood friend, you know? And I like characters like that. You know, the ones on the side of justice.”


“You…I saw you scanning her thighs. Please reflect on yourself befo……”


“Don’t follow m──”

“We are! Just coincidentally going in the same direction. That’s all.”

“And coincidentally moving at the same speed. That is all.”


The Red Tower Wizard seemed quite irked by our uninvited company. However, our reason for following her wasn’t just for the shits and giggles. It was a rescue mission.

We weren’t concerned that the brave wizard would lose to the goblins.

The real worry was the morally bankrupt mercenary group. When they realized that their legal opportunity to extort food had been interrupted by the wizard who went ‘I burned down all the goblins, so get lost!’, would they just quietly retreat?

That was unlikely. Moreover, the mercenaries, who had been repelled by the Urination Urge Magic at the Village Chief’s house, hadn’t returned by the time we finished our conversation and left. Since there was no way they had left, skipping with their arms around each other’s shoulders, my guess was…

“Would it be an ambush?”

“It would be an ambush.”


There might be more prey than just goblins.



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