Otherworld TRPG Game Master

Chapter 52: Formation Of A Three-Person Party

༺ Formation Of A Three-Person Party ༻

About 10 minutes before a chase in broad daylight began.

Bennett was stealthily following the wizard through the crowd. From the way the woman in a suit clung to him with her arms crossed, she seemed to have a substantially close relationship with the wizard. Were they perhaps lovers?

No, it might even be a honey trap. A female agent sent by the Second Prince to seduce the wizard and cooperate with the purge plan. Based on the information so far, this hypothesis seemed the most plausible.

There was definitely supposed to be a Black Wizard who handled Dream Demons. If he could recruit him with a honey trap, then…..

Right at that moment, the sound of a tap came from behind.

When Bennett turned around, there she was. The pursuer of that fateful night. It was a female student who had troubled Bennett with her nearly miracle-like tracking ability. He had definitely been wearing a hood that day to cover his face, though. How did she recognize him?

As Bennett heightened his guard to its very limits, she showed him a message written on the whiteboard she was carrying.

[It’s a misunderstanding.]

“…….A misunderstanding?”

Scratch scratch.

[One rainy night, I saw two people burying something in a pit. I heard a noise and thought it was a person. That’s why I chased after you. I have no connection to those two.]

Just in case Bennett darted away, Niolle quickly wrote down only the most key sentences to show him. If there was enough time, clearing up the misunderstanding would not be difficult.

“So……what you’re saying is that it wasn’t a double-layered trap to track down the person who dug out the Demonic Sword, but a coincidence? You were just……being nosy?”

Nod nod. Niolle nodded vigorously as if to say that was exactly what she wanted to convey. While doing so, she wrote down her name. And then, pointed at herself with her thumbs pointed upwards.


“……I’m Bennett.”

[Alright, Bennett. Bennett’s trying to stop the Second Prince’s evil plan, right? Please let me help.]


It was the opposite. Bennett wanted the Second Prince’s plan to proceed, causing the Academy to fall into chaos and fear. He hoped for a half-baked success that would cause irreversible damage to both sides.

[If it’s just me or you alone, then it’s not certain. But with two of us!]

Sparkle sparkle. Niolle’s eyes shone brightly with expectation.

Where did this misconception come from? Should he use this or deny it? Bennett averted his gaze, buying some time to organize his thoughts.

“……How did you know it was me, despite my face being covered?”

[175 cm tall, around 70 kg in weight. The physique and the traces left by the footsteps were identical.]


So that was the reason he could be pursued despite the speed difference. She had monstrously keen eyes.

Deception……seemed unlikely. Upon close reflection, there were clumsy aspects about Niolle that didn’t fit with being a part of the Second Prince’s forces. Such as the occasional lapses despite her tracking abilities.

There had always been people willing to risk their lives for a cause or sense of justice. Niolle seemed to belong to such a category. Even if Bennett tried to dissuade her or stepped back, she would likely delve into the case on her own.

If it was just an incompetent female student, she might not be a problem. But she had eyes capable of tracking down even a trained escape artist. She could potentially become a variable.

If she were to obtain decisive clues about the Second Prince’s Plan…….and convey them to the Third Prince…it would be an instant Game Over. The Emperor had banned excessive disputes among the Imperial Descendants. Framing someone with a Demonic Sword was far too out of line.

The Emperor would act and the bomb that was supposed to upheave the Academy would be defused before it could even ignite.

However, what if there was interference in the middle? He could pretend to investigate the wizard with her, all while sneaking away clues or betraying her at the critical moment.

Unless he was going to kill off Niolle right here and now, this seemed like the best approach.

“That’s right. I also wanted to prevent a bloodbath at the Academy. I’m glad to have a companion in my endeavors.”


Unaware of Bennett’s true intentions, Niolle extended her hand with a bright smile. Bennett clicked his tongue inwardly as he shook hands with her. Niolle energetically shook their collapsed hands up and down.

[What is the plan?]

“First, we’ll track their movements and see where they frequent. By quietly following without attracting any atten……”

Bennett’s gaze, which had been following the wizard, abruptly turned. Niolle, seeing this, also turned her head. There, a veritable black hole was walking, practically sucking in all gazes and attention.

“……The Saintess.”


Since she was a freshman, Niolle’s mind was thrown into utter disarray by her first sighting of the Saintess’s fashion. She looked at Bennett, asking with her gaze if it was correct to call that person a Saintess.

“That’s right. You must have heard that the Saintess has enrolled at the Academy. That is her.”


“Even if you look at me like that, I don’t have the answers to why she dresses like that either. Wait…….Is the Saintess also chasing the wizard?”

It was yet another variable. Bennett furrowed his brows at the variable pouring down like rain. Why was the Saintess chasing the wizard too? What on earth did he do…….?

[Let’s seek her cooperation!]


Niolle boldly approached the Saintess. Bennett sighed deeply and followed her because he couldn’t particularly find a reason to stop Niolle. Now, it was impossible to predict how this would all unfold.

However, as a Black Wizard, he had to make the best decision with what was given to him. That was what he resolved himself to do.

Let’s think positively. By causing a clash between the Order and the Second Prince’s forces, couldn’t he possibly create even greater chaos?


Saintess Tara had no particular thoughts in mind. She was just trying to pass on a tip to the poor, pitiful new Professor who had been marked into Professor Alejandro’s bad books; that greeting and introducing himself respectfully would solve any and all problems.

Opportunely, there they were. They matched the description she had been given. A man in a robe of the Purple Magic Tower and a woman in a formal suit. The combination was quite a rare sight to see, so she was able to find them at a moment’s glance.

After this, she would find the individual who had unfolded the queer magic known as the Equivalent Exchange of Panties and a Demonic Sword, thus punishing them.

At least, that was what she intended until a freshman with a whiteboard came to her.

Tap tap tap.

[Hello, Saintess! I’m Niolle, a freshman.]

“Ah, yes, well, ummm……..Is there some matter you wish to discuss?”

Was she unable to speak?

A female student with chestnut hair fluttering. She was wearing the Academy uniform, but since she did not recall seeing her, she must be a freshman. For some reason, she had eyes blazing with a sense of duty.

There were such people at times. By that, she meant those who found something suspicious and wanted to inform a passerby. While she respected their courage and law-abiding spirit, hearing such stories was slightly bothersome.

It was because most of the time, they were false reports. And it was even more so if it was a freshman. Since they had not learned much, most of their efforts were misguided. This time as well, it probably wasn’t anything signifi…….

[The Second Prince has hidden a Demonic Sword in the Academy and plans to frame the Third Prince’s forces as a means to attack them!]

“Tell me the situation in a more detailed and concrete manner.”

It was something significant. It was a matter big enough to burn the entire Academy down and some.

“……I’ll explain.”

Bennett followed behind Niolle. Saintess Tara knew this man. He was one of the prominent figures in the Academy; a disciple of Professor Alexon, hence a trustworthy person.

Bennett briefly outlined the events in chronological order. Niolle’s discovery of a duo burying something in a bit. Bennett’s accidental discovery and excavation of the Demonic Sword, the ensuing chase due to a misunderstanding, and the Demonic Sword being left on a balcony before fleeing.

And then…

Niolle took out a pair of panties from inside her possessions and politely handed them over with both hands. Saintess Tara accepted them in bewilderment.


[I accidentally brought it with me……..I’m sorry.]

The truth behind the Equivalent Exchange Incident at the dead of night had been revealed.

Bennett added that, according to his findings, the Purple Tower Wizard was a nepotistic appointment by the Second Prince. When combining all this information──

“So, we speculated that the reason the wizard hid the Demonic Sword might be for a……purge.”

“It does……make sense.”

It wasn’t a completely unbelievable story. After all, it was far too big of an issue to discuss lightly. If mistaken, many could see their blood spilled, so Saintess Tara carefully thought about it in a defensive manner; she couldn’t afford to make mistakes.

An investigation was necessary. But it was far too early to draw swords.

They needed to hear an explanation from the wizard about the Demonic Sword.

“Let’s try talking to him first and then decide. Since he’s right in front of us anyw……Eh?”

The wizard had gotten on the back of the woman in the suit. And then, they started sprinting away. Saintess Tara, momentarily stunned, infused her entire body with mana.

“Chase them!”

“I’ll go left!”

[I’ll go straight!]

The chase had begun.


The mana of a Priest was special. Since it was bestowed by the God they served, it was specialized in certain areas. Benefits were received in Regeneration, Recovery, Purification, Healing, and all things that were helpful to life itself.

This was why there were no schools of Recovery or Regeneration in any of the Magic Tower. Those areas were held tightly by the Priests of the Church of the Goddess.

“『Blessing of the Savage Beast』!”

Increase in endurance and reinforcement in physical strength was applied. A swirl of light wrapped around Saintess Tara and Bennett. Bennett staggered because of the 1.5 times increase in his usual speed, but soon found his balance and sprinted ahead.

“You adapt faster than I thought, huh?”

“I haven’t been attending the Academy just for who, after all…….Wait, is that Illusion Magic?”

The appearances of the wizard and the woman in the suit momentarily wavered, then duplicated into two pairs. The sophisticated illusion was indistinguishable; even reading the flow of mana was in vain. The illusions each scattered in a different direction.

“……Can you tell which one is real?”

“I have no idea!”

“We’ll have to confront them directly then…..! Signal if you face the real ones!”

Tara and Bennett each chased after one of the duplicate pairs.


As Bennett sprinted down the road, he constantly racked his brain. Would it be better to deliberately let the wizard escape? Or was it better to suggest that he could cooperate? Maybe making such an appeal was the move.

However, those options only existed after catching up to the wizard.

The wizard used bizarre magic every time the distance closed. Bennett had never experienced such strange spells before.

“『Telekinesis』, 『Festival Fireworks』.”

At the same time that visually flamboyant fireworks exploded, apples displayed in a nearby stall flew towards him. They were just apples. Catching them physically should not have been a problem── if it wasn’t for the magic that followed.

“『Light Smudging』,『Texture Disintegration』.”

The shape of the apples distorted, becoming smudged across a certain fixed range. The ground, teh stall, and even Bennett’s skin appeared as a repeating pattern of shiny apple skins. It was dizzying.


Bennett clenched his eyes shut and emitted sword energy, slashing at the spot where the apples had been. The apples were bisected in mid-air.

As the center pivot of the magic was destroyed, the Illusion Magic disappeared.

The distance to the wizard had increased slightly. Bennett gritted his teeth. He could ignore magic that caused pain or illusions of monsters approaching.

But bizarre illusions that evaporated his sense of reality were difficult for even him to endure.

“In what way are you viewing the world to use this kind of magic…….?!”

The wizard just responded with magic.

“『Repulsion Field』,『Approaching Wall』.”

The ground shook, causing the surface to undulate like waves before crashing over Bennett. That was an illusion. He was certain. But he had clearly heard the incantation for 『Repulsion Field』.”

A Repulsion Field hidden among the illusions was trying to push Bennett away. There was no time to see through the illusion. Bennett drew his longsword from his waist and speedily swung it dozens of times.

The remnants of mana intertwined, creating a net of sword strikes. Known as Sword Membrane, only those who had reached a certain realm in Mana Manipulation could perform this advanced technique.

The push force created by mana shattered, dispersing along with the illusion.

Thanks to breaking through with Sword Membrane, his speed had barely decreased. The distance to the wizard gradually closed. The wizard turned into a dark alley. As such, Bennett prepared himself to swing his sword at any moment.

The moment a wizard disappeared from view was the most critical to be wary of. After all, he could not possibly predict what magic might come flying his way.

As Bennett tensed and turned into the alley, the wizard stood there, stopped by a dead-end. The woman was nowhere to be seen. An ambush could possibly be conducted. He remained cautious of attacks that could come from behind.

“……Are you alone now?”

The wizard, with his back turned, spoke serenely.

“Why is it that you’re chasing me? I have not done anything……yet.”

“The nerve to say that when you’ve hidden a Demonic Sword. What exactly is your purpose?”

“My purpose has always been the same. Has always been just one. To create a peaceful world where everyone can play with joy.”

“I’m really, truly curious how you plan to do that by using a Demonic Sword.”

Should he probe further? When he glanced at his surroundings, it seemed the Saintess and Niolle weren’t near. It seemed the right moment to reveal his true intentions. Bennett slowly took a deep breath and spoke.

“I am different from the other two. If you give me a fair amount of money, I might cooper……”

“Do you truly think that your beliefs……are the correct answer?”

“……What is that supposed to mean?”

Challenged by the wizard’s words full of mystifying meaning, Bennett’s voice hardened.

The wizard turned around, revealing black hair and eyes glowing ominously red. He looked like a young man, about the same age or younger than the Academy students.

The wizard spoke softly.

“I just wish to tell a very……simple story. About how everything has its other side.”

“You truly do talk like a wizard. If you’re trying to feign indifference, th……”

“You will understand soon. I’ll show you when the time comes. And in that moment, you’ll realize it too.”


Like a candle in the wind, the wizard’s figure vanished instantly. Bennett blinked. It wasn’t a spell like Invisibility or Teleportation. Even when he concentrated and listened, even when he scattered mana around, there was nothing to detect.

Since when was it an illusion? From what point did it start?

Bennett admitted that he had lost track of the wizard and came out of the alley. It seemed Tara and Niolle had similarly failed to catch the wizard, as the former looked frustrated and the latter appeared bewildered.

The wizard’s enigmatic, indecipherable words stuck stubbornly in a corner of Bennett’s mind.


The three formed a kind of team; it was a temporary alliance for the sake of investigating the wizard. Due to Bennett’s assertion, they decided not to inform others about this incident until things became clearer. After all, spreading rumors could lead to unintended victims.

They had to be aware of the risk of backlash in a fight entangled with political motives. Saintess Tara and Niolle agreed.

They also put off informing the Third Prince about the situation. After all, he had not arrived at the Academy yet and it would be problematic if they were accused of trying to sow discord between him and the Second Prince.

If that was the case, where and how should they conduct their investigation in order to uncover the answers to their numerous questions and collect decisive evidence? In fact, Saintess Tara had an idea for that.

“To catch an ogre, you have to enter the ogre’s den.”

Saintess Tara pointed to a corner of the elective course list hanging prominently in the plaza of the student residential area. Among the elective courses, there was a particularly eye-catching name.

『Otherworld Exploration』/ Professor : Purple Magic Tower Wizard (Marked anonymously at the request of the individual in question)

It was a course name that was both intuitive and difficult to guess what kind of class it would be. Bennett furrowed his brows.

“…..Are you suggesting we take that course?”


[Wouldn’t it be dangerous?]

“I’m the Saintess. Whatever tricks he tries to pull, he can’t lay a hand on me easily.”

The Saintess crossed her arms and squared her shoulders in pride. Despite her war of nerves with the Order, she was still the Saintess; the fact that she was a symbol that represented the Church of the Goddess would be a sturdy shield.

The three registered for 『Otherworld Exploration』, completely unaware of exactly what experiences awaited them there.



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