It was as if time had frozen for the both of them as they stopped moving within the bubble that Kisuke created. Even Kisuke stopped chewing and just kept drinking Ichibei's blood since he stopped struggling while also completely ignoring the hundreds of fangs that were stuck and drinking his blood back.

Tiamat saw things on a deeper level and noticed that Kisuke was being drained way faster than he could drain Ichibei. At this rate, Kisuke will disappear first before he can hurt Ichibei.

However, she's not actually worried and is surprised that Ichibei would choose this option, 'Isn't this way too convenient?'

While it looks like they are both stealing from each other, they are fundamentally eating different things.

In Ichibei's case, he would be eating one's energy and when that's depleted, he'll be eating his victim's soul which is where an individual's core is located.

Kisuke, on the other hand, was eating everything that 'Chaos' had tainted and the energy he was getting was just a nice little bonus.

Absorbing 'Chaos' is actually Chaos' main ability that Tiamat managed to get after the former tried stealing her authority and existence. By tainting someone with his own attribute, Chaos could quietly consume them from the inside.

However, there's a big problem with his ability. As strong as it is, it takes too much time. In addition to that, the victim has to be unaware that they are already tainted to a certain point.

Chaos almost succeeded when he worked closely with both Tiamat and Null, gaining their trust. In the process of creating a world, Chaos would insert his own attributes into them slowly but surely and when there's no way for them to extract the poison, he backstabbed them.

Nevertheless, it couldn't end there since his attribute has to completely corrupt both of them so that he'll be able to eat them whole.

This took countless eons to be realized but Chaos just had to involve a meddlesome guy and tripped on the final step.

For Kisuke to be successful, he had to solve these two big glaring problems and in Tiamat's opinion, he managed to do just that spectacularly.

The first one was easily solved by baiting Ichibei and absorbing both the [Sea of Life] which was filled with the 'Chaos' attribute and [Shadow] where Benihime was encapsulated.

As for the second problem, time didn't become an issue because of Benihime, a controlling force behind the 'Chaos' when it was normally left alone, resulting in a much faster propagation.

Of course, there's no way for Benihime to spread 'Chaos' to everything that Ichibei has so they would have to be very specific to what they want from him. And fortunately, it wasn't much of a hard choice and there's almost no risk of being discovered.

Kisuke's target? Ichibei's [Black]. The authority that became the foundation for him to become the existence he is now and the very ability that was used to absorb his [Sea of Life] full of poison and the trojan horse, [Shadow].




Back in the world of Dragons and Gods, Michael was enduring a headache, not because of any physical ailment but because of the frustration he's feeling right now.

"At this point, the Alliance is essentially finished, right?"

Michael is currently sitting within the Sixth Heaven where only Seraphs are allowed to come in. Beside him were two other individuals one of them was his fellow Great Seraph, Gabriel and the other was a man wearing a black hooded cloak.

"And they are blaming the Ouroboros Group for it." Gabriel sighed.

Michael leaned back in his seat, "Well, they are the most prominent group right, more than the DxD team. They had too much influence so it's an easy pick for the threatened ones."

"It also doesn't help that they are openly hostile against Shiva and Indra Factions." Gabriel picked up the cup of tea in front of her and blew the steam off it, "Do you think this would happen if Kisuke Urahara was around?"

"Forget about this not happening. Things might have devolved into further chaos if he's around." The man in the cloak answered.

The two Great Seraphs became quiet and couldn't disagree when they contemplated his words, "There's no need to hide your face. We're the only ones here and no one is going to think that a Devil King is here."

The cloaked man was silent for a moment before pulling down his hood, revealing swept-back green hair and light blue eyes, "My bad. I've recently developed this habit."

"...Considering the overall situation, I'm not really surprised that you'd move on your own in secret."

After taking a sip of her tea, Gabriel placed down the cup and asked with a worried tone, "By the way, how is Koneko-chan fairing?"

"...According to my sources, not that great. It seems that Kuroka is using her Senjutsu nonstop just to keep her condition from deteriorating." Ajuka answered.

"Do we have any idea where the assailant's from?"

"I'm still investigating, but all evidence points towards Shiva's Faction. There are several strange points so I can't really pull out a conclusion from this. The Ouroboros Group is also staying silent so I can't grasp what's really happening. I'm sure of one thing though."

"...That is?"

"If he returns now... It won't be pretty. You have to prepare yourselves."

Their secret meeting, however, was interrupted when a surge of Holy Power suddenly appeared within the entire structure of Heaven.

Ajuka's eyes widened and thought that the two Great Seraphs in front of him were suddenly releasing their power but upon closer inspection, the surge was happening everywhere, "What's going on?"

Michael and Gabriel were both silent at his question but Ajuka could also tell from their expressions that they were as shocked as him.

The Great Seraphs immediately pulled out a translucent orb and both of them saw a massive amount of souls making their way to the Third Heaven.

Michael hurriedly stood up and imbued his voice with Magic for it to be heard throughout the entire Heaven by all Angels, "Angels, escort out all of our guests! As soon as that's done, initiate the lockdown protocol. All those inside will remain inside and all of those who are outside are not allowed to go back in regardless of their ranks!"

"Should I get out too?" asked Ajuka.

Michael thought about it for a moment before shaking his head, "You're trustworthy enough. And out of all of us, you're the one most suited to dealing with him."

Ajuka was surprised yet again, "...You mean..."

"He's returning and just like what you've said, it might not be too pretty."

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