Prime Originator

Chapter 173 - Gathering At The Banquet

Chapter 173 - Gathering At The Banquet

The banquet being hosted by the Cromwell family was not a private event. Regardless of whether one arrived with an invitation letter or not, they would be welcomed all the same. All who came were guests.

As such, Bromley Cromwell, the organizer of the event did not send out many invitation letters and mainly spread the news. The few invitation letters were only sent out of respects for the influential figures in the Capital and those the Cromwell family share close business relationship with.

"Don't mind this Old man and just treat this like a normal social gathering, everyone." Dwight said from the seat of honor, before joking, "What is there to celebrate at this age? Becoming one step closer to the coffin?"

"Hahaha, you jest, Lord Dwight. You are still very much still lively and healthy. It shouldn't be a problem to live for another 20-30 years. Allow me to shamelessly take the first cup, wishing you live to a ripe old age." Vigo promptly downed his wine cup after stating.

"Hahaha…" Dwight chuckled, while stroking his beard in reminisce. Only members of the Cromwell family knew why he was in such good health this following year.

Who knew that a normal stroll for fresh air would result in a chance encounter with a commoner with peerless alchemy skill? And that commoner would also become the missing prince? Fate was a mysteriously thing. Dwight shook his head and did not make a comment on the topic. A pill that could remove impurities would send waves through the Capital. If Leon didn't plan make the pill's existence public, then he wouldn't say anything.

"It is unexpected to have the presidents of all three merchant associations attend our event. It is an honor." Bromley raised his own cup and spoke in his father's stead.

"We wouldn't dare. To be able to attend such a special occasion, the honor is ours. I wonder if the Lord Dwight is satisfied with our gifts?"

Porter Fischer and Oliver Lucretius raised their own cups in kind courteously, when they were mentioned.

"Sir Porter and Sir Oliver was meticulous in choosing the gift, knowing that my father is passionate about alchemy, you both chose unique spirit herbs. My father is definitely satisfied with the gift. Isn't that right, father?"

Dwight flashed a light smile at Bromley's question, neither admitting nor denying right away.

The gifts received by the three presidents were indeed valuable, but without the skills and right pill formula, these rare spirit herbs with unknown usage would only be as good as portraits and paintings; useless and only good for appreciating.

Only new pill formulas or actually with unique usage would move him. What was the point of gifting him something he couldn't use? A trace of unhappiness was hidden in Dwight's eyes.

Although, it seemed the three president's gift was out of good intentions, there were ulterior motives hidden underneath.

Who didn't know that out of the 10 grandmaster alchemists in the kingdom, 9 were associated with the three big merchant associations?

In the end, they were most likely expecting him to return the spirit herb with a request for one of the grandmaster alchemists to refine it. The three presidents wanted the Cromwell family to owe them a favor.

Of course, Dwight did not need to do this. He knew a better alchemist and that alchemist was even his grandson-in-law.

Although, Dwight understood the underlying intentions, he pretended he didn't and kept silence on the matter. It was not good to tear away all pretense. He didn't want to make trouble for his son, who had to shoulder the family business in his stead.

For the sake of etiquette, Dwight showed his appreciation for the three presidents''good intentions'.

"Thank for the great gifts. I will certainly put them to good use." Dwight said.

His words brought a smile to the three presidents.

The number people that attended the banquet was far fewer than what the Cromwell family had anticipated. Although there was still some time until the set time to start the banquet, the number of nobles attending had stopped some time ago.

With such an open event, it should have been an opportunity for the lower ranking nobles to come seeking to establish connections and business opportunities with the higher-ranking nobles at the banquet.

Unfortunately, the reality was different to one's expectations. The ones that actually attended were all magnates of the business world, with the exclusion of the royal family and ten grandmaster alchemists.

In addition to the presence of the three presidents of the merchant associations, who arrived with 6 associated Counts, there was Earl Nicholas Fletcher of the lumber business and Earl Zachary Stanford of the stone quarry business.

Apart from Steward Sebastian, who came representing the Lancaster family, everyone else came with their wives and children.

As an Awakener with strength on par with Marquises, no one was displeased with Steward Sebastian's attendance as a representative of the Lancaster family. He was well received as their peer and equal at banquet table, regardless of his status as a servant.

Earl Nicholas Fletcher and Earl Zachary Stanford both shared a close business relationship with Cromwell family. The raw building materials for all the Cromwell's construction projects came from the Fletcher family and Stanford family.

Soon, everyone in attendance had offered some form of congratulations and gifts. Unsurprisingly, they were also alchemy-related gifts, consisting of; Awakening Pills and rare herbs.

Naturally, the Cromwell family no longer cares for the flawed Awakening Pills, now that they have the revised True Awakening Pills, but it did not need to be mention. Up to this point, it was still unconfirmed whether the faulty pill recipe was a result of the demon's machination or not.

Bromley sighed with some disappointment. It appeared that the others had been scared away by this line up of magnates, who all sat at the same table. The wives and children of the attending nobles were separated to other tables

"It still early before the set time of the banquet, but it doesn't seem like anyone else will be coming." Bromley stated, before asking, "Shall we start the banquet early?"

"I concur."

Vigo's lips rose into a grin. The brat had not arrived yet, which Vigo thought was favorable to him. It would not look good to appear late.

Everyone else also nodded in agreement with Bromley's suggestion.

"Sebastian, inform the maids in the kitchen to bring out the food." Bromley ordered without much thought. However, it brought about two different response.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Oh?" Bromley patted his head. How come he never realized there were two Sebastians? Probably because he was rarely in the Capital? What a strange coincidence. He glanced at Steward Sebastian apologetically, "My apologies, Sir Sebastian. I was ordering my servant, Sebastian."

Steward Sebastian's lips twitched upon hearing this and focused his gaze on the servant by Bromley's side meaningfully.

"Your name is also Sebastian?"

"This lowly servant's name is indeed Sebastian, Lord Sebastian." The servant answered truthfully with a forced smile. Only he knew how nervous he was as he answered this.

Steward Sebastian's lips twitched again. It felt like he was being cursed as a lowly servant. He gave the servant a harsh glare.

The servant felt tremendous pressure from Steward Sebastian's glare and almost had a nervous breakdown on the spot. It was not his intention at all. How else was he meant to answer the question?

"Hahaha… Well this is quite the coincident." Bromley laughed, before saying, "Go do your task, Sebastia… Ahem… Sebas. To save us the confusion, I will call you that for now. That should be fine, right?"

"Y-Yes, my Lord. I'll go inform the kitchen right away!"

"Is there any problem with this arrangement, Sir Sebastian?" Bromley turned and asked.


When the servant left hurriedly, he sighed with melancholy at the same time. Aish… the life of a servant sure is difficult… His name couldn't even be acknowledged.

The food was quickly brought out by the maids and soon filled the tables with fine delicacies. As expected of a noble's meal, it was both sumptuous and elegantly arranged. Each dish was like a work of art.

"Everyone, please help yourself." Bromley gestured to the food on the table.

Vigo Primrose, who seemed to have been waiting for someone to arrive, spotted Leon approaching in the distance and began to smile evilly.

"Go now." Vigo whispered an order to his servant. The servant nodded and shortly left.

Underground Mines.

"Captain, a servant of the Primrose family is requesting to see you." A palace guard said.

"Hmm? What does a servant of those merchants want to see me for? A business proposition?"

Dylan immediately shook his head at the thought. Even if the Primrose Merchant Association was planning to expand into the mining business, they would be taking their business talk to the Queen, not here. A bribe sounded more like.

"No, Captain. The servant said he had a report to make." The palace guard answered.

"Oh? Since it's an official matter, I will go see him." Dylan said.

The underground mines were off-limits to those without a permit. Only those who were employed to work in the mines had a permit. As such, the servant of the Primrose family had to wait at the entrance.

"I heard you have a report to make. Let's hear it." Dylan said sternly.

The Captain's sternness and high cultivation made the servant feel pressured as he made his report as instructed by his lord, without any additional bullsh*t.

"Y-Yes. My lord instructed me to inform Captain Dylan that a commoner had stolen some of the heavenly crystals from the mines and managed to secretly it to the one-star level."

"What!" Captain Dylan was immediately in self-doubt. How was that possible? They had strict security. It was impossible for a commoner to sneak out of the mines with the heavenly crystals under their watch! He studied the servant's expression to determine whether there was any falsehood in the servant's words, but it didn't seem like the servant was lying. "What is the commoner's name?"

"Leon Bradford, Captain." The servant answered compliantly.

"Leon… Leon Bradford…? This name sounds very familiar… Where have I heard this?" Dylan pondered, before he was misled by his men.

"It's because its very similar to his highness's name, Captain. There is only a two-character difference in the name." A palace guard answered.

"I see. No wonder. Did we have someone like that in the mines before?" Dylan asked the palace guard.

The palace guard gawked before answering wryly, "Captain, there are literally thousands of miners. It's impossible to remember every one of their names. Not to mention, we only have the name list of those employed by the royal family and not the other noble families."

Dylan nodded. What the palace guard said made sense. Searching through all the name list would take too much.

If there was indeed a commoner at the strength at one-star level due to the heavenly crystals, it was indeed a serious crime and dereliction of his duty as the supervisor. It would reflect poorly on him. He had to apprehend the person first, before confirming the truth of the matter.

Dylan did not bother asking if the servant knew where the person was. Since he was ordered to make the report, he should know where the person in question is and what he looks like. He directly ordered,

"Take me to this person immediately!"

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