Prime Originator

Chapter 181 - Where Did It Go?

Chapter 181 - Where Did It Go?

Sometime after Elizabeth left the king's bedchamber, Heinrich removed the nutrient solution supply cords strapped to his body and intended to roam the Royal Palace. He wanted to see what changed in the last 17 years with his own eyes.

Also, he wanted to see his son!

He felt incredibly guilty when he learnt that his son was all grown up!

With that thought in mind, he immediately left the bed and headed towards the door. He only took a few steps when he was quickly stunned by his actions.

Normally, an ordinary person would have required a long period of rehabilitation to regain their mobility, but he was no ordinary person. He was a 9th step Awakener. He only needed to execute the breathing technique of his royal family, the Great Sky Refining Art to absorb the surrounding energies to rejuvenate his swiveled muscles.


He didn't execute the breathing technique yet! Where is he getting his strength from?

Heinrich thought back hard, but the truth had been in plain sight. Why would his wife beat him when he was still weak and feeble? Was she not afraid of causing him serious injuries?

The answer was no! She was not afraid! While she was beating him, she was also helping him recover!

Metal-user don't just wield power of metals. They can increase the sharpness of the objects they control and strengthen their own body.

Since they were both metal users, his wife could strengthen his body by channeling her own energy into him.

When Heinrich figured out his wife's good intentions, he felt warm. Except… was it necessary to do it through beating?

"Haiz…" Heinrich touched his swollen cheeks and mournfully sighed, "Others recover through exercising, but I recover from being exercised on… tough love… tough life…"

As he pushed open the doors, the two palace guards outside dropped to their knees respectfully.

"Congratulations on your recovery, your Majesty!"

Heinrich's face twitched, before he gestured, "Arise."

"Thank you, you Majesty!" The palace guard answered, before requesting, "Please allow us to accompany you, your Majesty!"

Heinrich thought for a moment, before he nodded in approval. Although he could walk without a problem, he was still far from a full recovery.

He had forgotten what happened 17 years ago. If he suffers another assassination attempt, his hard-kept life would be forfeited. He had to rely on the palace guard's protection.

Making his way outside to the open palace grounds, his expression underwent an abrupt change. A blurred shadow was spotted closing in on him fast.

He just stepped outside and he was already about to be attacked by assassins? What are the palace guards doing!?


The shadow closed the distance in the blink of an eye and gave him a mighty bear hug, while laughing joyously, "Hahaha! Heinrich, my boy! It's good to see you awake!"

Don was just on his way to the bathhouse, but at the sight of Heinrich on his feet, he forgot all about it.

"Who are…"

Heinrich didn't get to finish his question before a horrible stench assaulted his senses. His face quickly turned green. He wanted to break away immediately.


He was unable to! The person had monstrous strength! He couldn't break away at all!

Everything happened so fast. The palace guards could only stare dumbly as they felt no malice from the other party.

They were slow to react. Only when they saw the king trying to break away, did they snap out of their daze and roared, "Protect the king!

Swords drawn and slashes were made, but the attacks only create scraping sparks and white lines on the black exoskeleton armor.


The physical attacks of 9th step Awakeners was like scratching an itch on a Transcendent. Nevertheless, he felt annoyed at the interruption, similar to random strangers tapping him on the shoulders while he was in the middle of something.

"What the hell are you two doing, attacking me out of the blue? Piss off! Can't you see I'm trying to catch up with my nephew here?"

Don waved his hand and sent the two palace guards flying a few yards away.

Soon, the foul stench proved to be too much for Heinrich to bear. His eyes began to roll back with only the whites showing and started frothing from the mouth.

Don was shocked.

"What's the matter, Heinrich boy!? What's wrong with you!?" Don exclaimed.

The question didn't need to be answered. He quickly figured out the cause.

"Ahem…" Don coughed awkwardly, before shouting, "Catch the king!"

Seeing the king being suddenly tossed at them, the palace guards caught the king in a panicky manner like a pair of rough men trying to treat a fragile flower delicacy. They didn't want the queen to blame them then lose their heads for allowing harm to the king.

Being distanced from Don, Heinrich was able to breathe in fresh air again. He spat out a mouthful of saliva with a disgusted expression like it had been contaminated by human excrete.

Afterwards, his eyes shifted to the black armoured figure with a penetrative gaze. He wiped his mouth and said in an interrogating tone, "Who are you!?"

The palace guards stood in front of the king with defensive stances and a heavy expression like they were facing a great enemy. Just a casual swipe of this person had sent them flying away!

"You don't recognize me anymore, Heinrich boy?" Don asked in a soft and familiar tone. Heinrich's unfriendly attitude baffled him greatly. Did Heinrich boy get kicked in the head too hard, he forgotten who he was?

"You know me?" Heinrich frowned. This person appeared very familiar with him. There was only one person who calls him "Heinrich boy," but he couldn't confirm. "Stop hiding behind your helmet and show yourself!"

"What do you—"

"Ah…" Suddenly, realization dawned upon Don.

No wonder, the other party didn't know who he was. He took off his black exoskeleton helmet.

"You… You are…" Heinrich began slowly.

Don showed a brilliant smile, seeing that Heinrich seemed to have faintly remembered him. "That's right, I am—"

"Are you Uncle Don's son?" Heinrich asked doubtfully with creased brows.

Don immediately staggered at the question. What the hell!

"Damn brat! I've never had a wife! How can I have a son!? Are you trying to poke my sore spot!?" Don roared.

A lifetime of dedication to the art of alchemy left no room for love. By the time he decided to look for a family to leave behind descendants to carry on his legacy, he was already too old, and none of the women fancied him.

"U-Uncle Don!?" Heinrich exclaimed in shock.

"That's right!" Don affirmed.

"What kind of divine beauty elixir did you take!? Shouldn't you look older after 17 years!? How can you be even younger like you're still in your prime!?"

"Heh, your uncle has become a Transcendent. Naturally, I would look younger." Don said smugly.

With his prime look, perhaps there'll finally be someone who was willing to accept him and share weals and woes together.

"Damnnnn!" Heinrich smacked his thighs in amazement. "Congratulations on your successful breakthrough, Uncle. You have become the beacon of hope for all fire-users in reaching Transcendence."

Don half smiled before it froze. He wasn't shameless enough to take all the credit for his success.

"Haiz… I'm afraid if it wasn't for your son's help, I would have never been able to achieve the Transcendent Realm in this life. Even his attainment in alchemy put this Old man—ahem, Uncle to shame." Don sighed and corrected.

"My son has higher attainment in alchemy than the publicly recognized number one alchemist in the kingdom…? How is that possible? My son should only be 17 years old…" Heinrich startled by the news.

He kept receiving surprises one after the other since waking up, but this was the biggest surprise yet.

Little did he know, there were even bigger surprises waiting for him.

Heinrich wanted to continue learning about his son, when a certain unpleasant smell began pervading the air.

What the hell! They were already standing 4 yards apart!

It didn't seem quite appropriate to continue talking like this, despite his eagerness to continue listening.

Heinrich frowned and suggested, "Uncle, maybe it is best that you go wash yourself first, then we can talk later?"

"Right, right. Then I'll be heading off first, Heinrich boy. It's good to see you up and about again."

Don no longer dallied and rushed straight for the bathhouse. The filthiness was killing him.

After Don left, Heinrich sighed with relief. He had no idea what caused his uncle Don to appear the way he was, but it seemed like a lot had been going on.

It seemed like there will be long story to tell over dinner. No, never mind dinner. Perhaps teatime instead. Heinrich doubted that anyone would still have an appetite after listening.

So much changes, so much surprises.

"I wonder if the Capital is still the same after 17 years…"

Heinrich found himself a nice vantage spot and began peering beyond the palace walls

"Oh, there are a few new buildings in the Upper District… Interesting designs." Heinrich thought, before moving on. "Ah… the Lower District. Nothing has… Nothing!?"

Heinrich's eyes bulged in shock violently.

"T-T-The Lower District! Where the hell is the Lower District!?"

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