Prime Originator

Chapter 562 - Not Going To Lie, I May Have F*cked Up

Chapter 562 - Not Going To Lie, I May Have F*cked Up

"Bahahaha!" Duke Ignis's laughed raucously after his howl.

His mighty voice traveled in all directions as he felt his bare body's surging with strength—strength that an average human would not possess.

"So this is what it feels like to have a powerful body? I feel I could break mountains with my bare hands!" Duke Ignis exclaimed as he clenched his fist and felt the vigorous blood coursing through his body.

The scalding hot pool of blood became no different from a dip in lukewarm waters.

Shortly after, the golden flames were retracted into Duke Ignis's bare body before he shot out of the blood pool.

"Hahaha, my precious son-in-law! This is all thanks to you!" Duke Ignis flew towards Leon with a burst of hearty laughter.

At that moment, he felt like he could go toe to toe with a Transcendent, even if his own Awakening Cultivation had yet to reach Transcendence.

While Leon understood Duke Ignis's joy, he did not share the same sentiments.

Seeing a naked grown man rushing straight towards him for a bear hug, his face quickly lost its color before he barked, "Hold it right there! Don't come any closer!"

"Ugh." Duke Ignis froze in midair as bursts of golden flames from the soles of his feet kept him levitating before he asked, "Why?"

'Why, you say?!'

Leon immediately rolled his eyes at Duke Ignis's question before he splashed the person with some bathwater found inside his Worldspace, cleansing Duke Ignis's dripping body in bird blood.

Shortly after, a set of clothes were tossed over to Duke Ignis.


Duke Ignis accepted Leon's spare set of clothes and expressed his gratitude blindly before Leon inquired, "How are you feeling?"

However, shortly after asking, Leon's expression immediately froze.

A patch of white stain could be seen on Duke Ignis's shiny bald head.

"Great! In fact, I never felt better!" Duke Ignis answered enthusiastically before his nose suddenly twitched.

After wiping his head, he found some white gooey substance in his hand before he asked, "Is this…?!"

"Not going to lie, I may or may not have splashed you with my used bathwater…" Leon covered his mouth with an aghasted expression that seemed to say he definitely f*cked up.

Listening to Leon's words, Duke Ignis's face immediately spasmed before he broke into outrage, "Some used bathwater, you say?! This is more than just some used bathwater!—Arghh!"

With an anguished roar, Duke Ignis erupted into golden flames and incinerated all the filth that might have gotten on his body.

Even bathing in bird blood would have been more pleasant than this!

"My mother might be looking for you. Father-in-law should go see what she needs from you…" Leon's voice trickled into Duke Ignis from a distance as he was quick to flee the area.

"Hmph!" Duke Ignis growled with discontent before he spat, "I will deal with you later!"

Duke Ignis flew out from the vast rift and went to find Elizabeth in the direction of the Elder Tree.

"Looks like I'm saved for now…" Leon heaved a sigh of relief after seeing that Duke Ignis did not actively pursue the matter.

Duna gracefully flew over to Leon's side from the Great Wall before she curiously asked while glancing back at Duke Ignis's departing figure, "Didn't you just helped him breakthrough? Why was he so angry?"

"This… Alright, I will tell you—but don't tell anymore else."

"Alright, I promise you."

Shortly after, Leon began to whisper the details into Duna's ears before…


Duna immediately broke into loud peals of laughter, "Bahahaha! You, what?! You splashed your future father-in-law in the same bathwater you used to have fun with Aria in?!"

"Shhh—!" Leon's expression immediately darkened with a hushed tone, "Didn't you promise not to tell anyone?!"

"Who am I telling? I just talking to myself—Hahaha! You're killing me! This is too funny!" Duna continued to laugh while hugging her stomach before she suddenly thought, "Oh, but I am already dead. Ahaha, just a little ghost joke."

In the distance, Duke Ignis heard Duna's voice and almost puked blood from excessive before he roared, "Better prepare yourself next time we meet, Leon!"

Meanwhile, Leon's expression became beyond terrible to behold.

Seeing him like this, Duna's laughter shortly died down before she felt a tiny hint of guilt, "Ahem, you cannot blame me for this. You should know better than to trust a Devil's words."

"Hmph!" Leon snorted before shooting back down into the vast rift to collect his frozen meat.

However, his ears suddenly twitched before he glanced up into the skies.


The massive bodies of the Paragon-level Three-Legged Golden Crow and Blue Luan could be seen plunging out of the skies.

Even Paragons were not infallible!


The two Paragons crashed heavily with great impact, forming two new craters just outside the vast rift.

"The Paragons have fallen!" Leon's immediately brightened before he thought, "Their bodies are considered heavenly treasures in and of themselves."

Leon quickly shot back out of the vast rift after storing the ten frozen Transcendent-level Three-Legged Golden Crows into his Worldspace.

However, before he could get close to the Paragons' carcasses, his expression abruptly changed before he began retreating instead.

Caw! Caw!

Kree! Kree!

The two flocks of Transcendent-level Three-Legged Golden Crows and Blue Luans descended from the skies like intertwining vines.

As they were locked into battle, they continued to approach their fallen monarchs, whose bodies were riddled with wounds of various sizes.

In a short instance, the area was swarmed with giant birds as they fought on both ground and air within the vicinity of their fallen monarchs.

"Are they trying to protect the fallen Paragons? No, that can't be it. These Three-Legged Golden Crows have all gone berserk. They would not consider such a thing…"

After landing on the Great Wall, Leon carefully observed before his eyes suddenly widened in discovery, "No, they want to…!!"

Three-Legged Golden Crows bit into the Paragon-level Three-Legged Golden Crow's flesh, while Blue Luans bit into the Paragon-level Blue Luan's flesh!

All of this happened while the two sides still tried to kill off each other!

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