Prime Originator

Chapter 581 - Stay That Way

Chapter 581 - Stay That Way

Shortly after, Captain Reuben called a soldier over before sending the person off to inform the General Marquis.

While gazing at the sturdy body and vigorous aura of Captain Rueben and the other soldiers, Commander Julio bitterly thought, 'Since when did lower-ranking soldiers become so powerful?'

Commander Julio had the impression that he could be snapped with one of their fingers.

After rubbing his head with distress, he turned to Lilith and inquired, "What does Miss Lilith intend to do now that we have reached the Western Frontier?"

"I would like to return to my tribe as soon as possible, but the situation in the Wildlands is uncertain to me," Lilith furrowed in thought for a moment before she said, "I will look for my friend first and see after."

"I see." Commander Julio nodded before turning back to Captain Rueben, "May I ask where His Highness is?"

"His Highness is just over there on that hill." Captain Rueben pointed north of the Elder Tree before adding, "You should be able to find the prince on the top."

"Understood. Thank you, Captain Rueben." Commander Julio said before turning to Lilith again, "You heard him, Miss Lilith. His Highness should be over on that hill if you are to look for him."

"Mm, I heard. Thank you, commander. Then I'll be heading off first."

Shortly after Lilith left, One of Commander Julio's men could not help but speak out, "Captain Rueben, sir! If I may ask, what is everyone eating over there by the big campfire?"

"Curious, aren't you? It's the meat of a Transcendent-level Three-Legged Golden Crow. It's taste… even the most heavenly chicken you tasted cannot be compared to it." Captain Rueben said with a tease, "I'm sure you are all dying to have a taste."

Seeing all the 2000 soldiers gathering behind Commander Julio nod their heads, Captain Rueben's smile grew widely before he said, "Well, too bad. You all cannot eat it until you see the General Marquis and learn the rudimentary Body Cultivation techniques first."

"Haiz, I guess we can only wait…" The soldiers expressed their slight disappointment.

With the strong scent pervading the area, it was like torture to see but cannot touch.

On the distant hill, Leon enjoyed himself by lying on Aria's lap and fed with meat skewers by Aria.

During the past several hours, he had de-feathered at least 20 Three-Legged Golden Crows with the help of others after teaching them all Body Cultivation.

After that, it was the soldier's own efforts to cut and cook their meat.

Meanwhile, Aria quietly watched the soldiers enjoy themselves over the campfire while feeding Leon and felt proud for her man.

"Where did you learn such techniques? Those body cultivation methods you taught them shouldn't have come from the Divine Realm…" Aria casually asked.

"I found them on the Dark Continent along with many of techniques belonging to the primordial era of gods and devils." Leon did not hide anything from Aria.

"In fact, I feel like we will be able to find something if we dig deep enough. I've found a suitable method for Lynne to cultivate, but I'm not sure in your case…" Leon added.

Aria seemed to have forged her own path by merging ice and lightning.

He did not have any lightning cultivation methods, let alone ice-lightning cultivation methods. In fact, he did not have a single technique that involved dual elements.

Seeing Leon's frown, Aria massaged his eyebrows with a smile while saying, "You don't need to fret over my case. I don't think I will be hitting a bottleneck anytime soon."

Leon quietly nodded with his eyes closed.

However, he still thought of exploring the ancient ruins and procuring more heritage of the gods and devils in his mind.

Suddenly sensing someone approaching, Leon opened his eyes before he said with surprise, "Well, if it isn't Miss Lilith. It's been a while since we last met."

"It has been a while…" Lilith nodded before staring at Leon with his head rested on Aria's lap while being fed before she added, "I see you are enjoying yourself out here…"

"I worked hard and nearly died, so I must say I do deserve to spoil myself a bit," Leon responded calmly. He did feel more relaxed after becoming a Nihility Transcendent.

It was hard to say whether it was due to a change in his mental state or whether he had more room to breathe after reaching a significant milestone.

"You did? Are you alright?" Lilith asked out of concern before her gaze was quickly filled with doubt, "You look fine, though? No?"

"I am fine now, but I wasn't before. But never mind that." Leon shook his head before asking, "Why have you come here? You… don't have a problem with us eating this, do you?"

Lilith stared at the meat skewer in Aria's hand before she furrowed her brows slightly and asked, "What kind of meat is that?"

"Three-Legged Golden Crows," Aria answered.

"Three-Legged Golden Crows?" Lilith heaved a sigh of relief before she said, "Three-Legged Golden Crows and Desolate Crow Clan are part of the Crow family, but we don't have any direct relationship. It doesn't bother me as long as it's not me eating."

"I see…there's no problem then," Leon smiled lightly.

"Un." Lilith nodded before she said," As for why I am here, I am planning to return to my clan in the Wildlands. I'm worried since the Cataclysm—is that the Skysilver Beast King?!"

Lilith's eye suddenly widened in shock after taking notice of the Transcendent-level silver wolf resting by the foot of the Elder Tree.

At the same time, Silver lifted its head to glance over. Seeing that it was not Leon calling, it lowered its head and continued to take a nap.

"Yep," Leon answered Lilith's questioned before she exclaimed, "When did it become so small?!"

"The same way you retracted your wings," Leon casually said before his expression turned more somber, "About the Wildlands. It's too dangerous for you to go alone."

"That may be the case, but I must still go. I have to make sure my parents are okay." Lilith said while clenching her fists with a determined look.

Leon studied Lilith's expression carefully before he shrugged, "Well, I didn't say I was stopping you. I just said you shouldn't go alone. I was planning to explore the Wildlands, so you wouldn't mind if I tagged along, would you?"

Aria's hand suddenly paused while she was holding the meat skewer before she resumed feeding Leon.

Although she did not say anything, Leon immediately understood and smiled at her, "Don't worry. I won't go without bringing you along with me."

"Mmm." Aria nodded sweetly.

Seeing the lovely atmosphere between Leon and Aria, Lilith felt a bit awkward, as if she was interrupting their moments.

Nevertheless, after a short moment of hesitation, she continued to speak, "If you can accompany me, I would be more assured. But is it fine for you to leave this place? Don't they need you here?"

"Everything is moving on the right track. My job is done here and can be left to the General Marquis's care. That being said, don't leave yet. We'll leave after I talk to the Blue Luan Tribe and craft a few times in the forge."

With that said, Leon hopped up from Aria's lap. He had relaxed enough.

"Blue Luan Tribe? Did you say there's also a Blue Luan Tribe here?" Lilith quickly asked with surprise.

It had been nothing but a series of astonishment after the other ever since she arrived at the Western Frontier.

"You heard correctly." Leon nodded before pointing into the distance, "You can find them camping on the other side of the Great Wall."

"Good lord, to think there would be a Paragon-level bird tribe all the way out here…" Lilith softly muttered in shock.

However, Leon raised an eyebrow before asking doubtfully, "It was a battle between two Paragon-level tribes. You are surprised about the Blue Luan Tribes, but not for the Three-Legged Golden Crow Tribe?"

"What?! Those Three-Legged Golden Crows were part of a Paragon-level tribe?! How did you all even survive?" Lilith gaped.

"Didn't I say that I nearly died?" Leon shrugged before he inquired, "Are there multiple Three-Legged Golden Crow Tribes in the Wildlands?"

"Yeah," Lilith admitted.

Her knowledge used to be her protection. But given their current relationship, she no longer had any scruples with sharing everything she knew about the Wildlands with Leon.

"The Three-Legged Golden Crow Tribe is quite expansive and spread over several tribes while there is only one Blue Luan Tribe known in the entire Wildlands," Lilith explained.

"Well, it's fortunate to know that we saved the Blue Luan Tribe from becoming extinct." Leon rubbed his chin thoughtfully before he added, "It would have been a lost otherwise."

Shortly after, he continued with a chuckle, "As for these Three-Legged Golden Crows, they are quite active, aren't they? Not surprising, considering they are 'big birds' full of 'Yang' energy."

Aria immediately blushed at Leon's dirty joke, while Lilith did not seem to get it.

"…What?" Lilith uttered confusedly.

"Ahem, it's nothing important. Don't worry about it." Leon coughed before stating, "I'll go make the preparations for the trip."

"Why don't the two of your stay and have a chat or something?" Leon suggested before leaving without further notice.

The two ladies stared at Leon's departing figure before they glanced at each other.

"You want some?" Aria offered the half-finished meat skewer in her hand before Lilith quickly retreated with a startled expression.

"It was a joke… a joke…" Aria giggled slightly before she stopped with a serious look, "What is Leon to you?"

"Excuse me? He saved my life, but we are just friends." Lilith was taken aback.

"I see, I see." Aria nodded approvingly before biting onto the meat skewer, "Friend is good. Stay that way."


Lilith was confused.

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