Prime Originator

Chapter 612 - Desolate Crow Clans Problem

Chapter 612 - Desolate Crow Clan's Problem

Fenrir howled excitedly as it promised to live up to its new name.

At the same time, it was evidently very satisfied with its new name as it could be observed from the way it waved its four tails wildly.

"Alright, that's enough belly rub for you." Leon patted the four-tailed silver wolf.

Shortly after, he stated with a serious look, "Although you have become much stronger after your evolution, you must not forget what I taught you and continue to practice the cultivation technique I imparted."

"Awrooo!" Fenrir snorted.

"Don't look down on it, Fenrir. It might not seem like much now since you have little success in it, but at the higher level, it will increase your chance of becoming a divine beast, understand? At the very least, it will increase your spirituality and intelligence."

"Awroof!" Fenrir snorted again, thinking Leon was calling it stupid.

At the same time, it was already drunk on power, having tasted the benefit of evolution. Why the need to cultivate progressively step by step when a single evolution could allow it to take a big leap in power?

"Well, whatever. I am only saying this for your own good." Leon shrugged before urging Fenrir to follow him, "Come, let us return to the others."

"It seems like we could also use a wash after," Leon added shortly after.


Fenrir responded.


Leon and Fenrir raced to the black mountain together before they swiftly arrived before the others within a few short moments.

"Seems like we have arrived at the Desolate Crow Clan," Leon commented with a slight smile after noticing the presence of the beastkin warriors possessing black crow features.

But shortly after noticing the mood was not right, Leon furrowed his brows before asking, "What's wrong?"

"Lilith's parents were taken away by the Desolate Netherbird Tribe, and if she wanted them back, she must head there—or so the messenger stated according to this person."

Aria informed him before he shifted his gaze to the person leading the group of beastkin warriors.

"Greetings, Prince Leon," Jorn greeted before nodding, "It is as Miss Aria said. The Clan Leader and his wife were taken away by the Desolate Netherbird Prince's subordinates prior to the Cataclysm's arrival."

"If the Clan Leader and his wife were taken away, then who has been ruling the Desolate Crow Clan until now?" Leon frowned.

His objective question immediately received numerous glances from the ladies as they all turned to Beastkin Warrior Jorn, awaiting his answer.


Jorn gave Lilith a careful glance.

He had yet to cover this topic in their previous talk. As such, Lilith and the others would also be hearing who is the current ruler of the Desolate Crow Clan for the first time.

After a short sigh, Jorn explained, "The current person in control of the Desolate Crow Clan is Lord Bahlzacs, a Mid-Rank 2 Transcendent and a close subordinate of the Desolate Netherbird Prince."

"The Desolate Crow Clan has not been the same ever since this person arrived and took control of the clan in the Desolate Netherbird Prince's stead."

"What did you just say, Uncle Jorn?"

Lilith's expression quickly turned gloomy before asking in a low tone mixed with hidden anger, "Our clan is being ruled by an outsider? Can our Desolate Crow Clan still be regarded as the Desolate Crow Clan if it is ruled by a member of a different race?"

The Desolate Crow Clan belonged to her father!

Although the Desolate Crow Clan and three other clans lived under the sovereignty of the Desolate Netherbird Tribe, they were still vassals that at least retained had their independence and self-governance.

However, now that Desolate Crow Clan was being ruled by a member of the Desolate Netherbird Tribe, it was the same as the Desolate Crow Clan becoming a territorial extension of the Desolate Netherbird Tribe!

"Many of our members also expressed the same opposition to Lord Bahlzacs's ruling. Any of the Elders would have been a better candidate to rule in the Clan Leader's absence than some outsider."

Beastkin Warrior Jorn nodded.

He could completely understand the Little Princess's frustration and anger.

Shortly after, Jorn shook his head and said with a helpless sigh, "However, there is nothing we can do. Our people are too weak to oppose the Desolate Netherbird Prince and his subordinates."

"It seems like this Desolate Netherbird Prince is not just a useless silkpants. I doubt he wanted your hand in marriage simply because he lusted for your beauty, Lilith," Aria stated with knitted brows.

Lilith immediately frowned before asking with a puzzled look, "What do you mean?"

"She means that the Desolate Netherbird Tribe's Second Prince is after the power that stands behind you and not you, yourself. It appears that the Desolate Netherbird Royal Family's situation is quite chaotic," Leon casually interjected.

"That's right." Jorn acknowledged with a nod.

"If the Little Princess had not run away from home and forced the Second Prince to become more desperate, we would have never realized the Second Prince's grand ambition. He wants to tie our Desolate Crow Clan under his banner and compete with the First Prince for the throne!"

"But while we understand what is going on, we are still helpless to change it. The marriage arrangement is something that has already been agreed upon by both parties," Jorn clenched his fist with gritted teeth.

"But I never agreed to the marriage arrangement!" Lilith stated strongly.

"Right, the Little Princess never agreed." Jorn nodded before stating, "However, your father, the Clan Leader, did."

"And because the Clan Leader agreed, our clan cannot be the one to break off this agreement. Otherwise, it will be viewed as disrespecting the Desolate Netherbird Royal Family."

"Is there nothing we can do about this?" Lilith asked helplessly, feeling despair seeping into her heart.

"Just kill the Desolate Netherbird Second Prince, and your problems will naturally be resolved," Duna stated nonchalantly before adding, "Well, you can also swear fealty to the First Prince and have the First Prince deal with the Second Prince."

"Oh my…"

The surrounding beastkin warriors exclaimed before looking around cautiously for anyone that may have overheard Duna's words.

"That is easier said than done, Miss Duna," Jorn smiled bitterly after similarly sweeping his surroundings cautiously for eavesdroppers.

Shortly after, he began explaining his concerns, "Although the Second Prince isn't strong, he always has at least one Mid-Rank 2 Transcendent at his side, protecting him."

"On the other hand, there is no certainty that the First Prince will help us if we swear fealty. He might even force us to become the vanguard in the battle for the throne. Furthermore, we would have completely offended the Second Prince in that case."

"Either way, our clan has been completely dragged into the two princes' struggles for the throne," Jorn sighed emotionally before saying, "You should leave, Little Princess. It's not safe for you here. If the Lord catches you, you will be taken to the Second Prince."

"There's not much time left. If I don't return to the clan with the other warriors soon, Lord Bahlzacs might start feeling suspicious," Jorn stated.

"I see…"

Lilith felt downcast.

She finally decided to return to the clan after much determination, but before she could even enter the clan, she was being forced to leave again.

Leon observed Lilith's mood for a moment before turning to Beastkin Warrior Jorn with a casual inquiry, "Let me asked you something. Would you rather succumb to your fates or fight it?"

"Given the chance, I would fight it, of course!" Jorn answered before asking with a self-deprecating smile, "But what good will fighting it do? The whole clan would be wiped out in the process."

"So, you and your men would rather live on your knees than die on your feet?" Leon asked.

Jorn and the other beastkin warriors clenched their fists tightly before Jorn gritted his teeth and said, "For the prosperity and continuation of the clan, we have no choice but to submit to fate."

"What a good 'for the prosperity and continuation of the clan,' huh? That's just an excuse for you to act like a coward," Duna mocked.

The beastkin warrior was immediately angered before Jorn thundered, "What did you just say?! Are you mocking our resolve?!"

"Of course! Not only am I mocking your resolve, but I am also mocking your intelligence!" Duna admitted with a disdainful gaze.


Jorn's body trembled with anger before pointing his finger with shaking hands, "The Desolate Crow Clan does not welcome you! Please leave!"

Duna's gaze turned cold immediately.

Before the situation took a drastic turn, Leon stepped in and interrupted with a raised hand before speaking softly to Duna, "Let me handle this."

"It does not matter which side your clan chooses; you would still be dragged to fight at the forefront! Even if you chose the winning side correctly, what do you think the result will be?" Leon turned to Jorn.


Without waiting for Jorn's answer, Leon continued, "All your clan's best warriors will die in battle, the survivors will continue to live with their heads down, and the clan will decline until it fades into the obscurity of history!"

"If that is what you mean by prosperity and continuation of the clan, then, by all means, continue what you were planning to do," Leon shrugged before stating, "However, you are not the decision-maker of the Desolate Crow Clan."

"What do you think, Lilith? What do you want to do?" Leon turned to Lilith before stating with confidence, "If you want, we can help you save your clan from inevitable destruction."

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