Prime Originator

Chapter 618 - Mutant Bacteria

Chapter 618 - Mutant Bacteria

Inside the little boy's humble home, Abel watched Leon popped a single pill in his mother's mouth before she quickly recovered a lively complexion and steady breathing.

It was a Tier-3 All-Purpose Healing Pill.

Shortly after, Abel's mother opened her eyes to see a relatively young yet unfamiliar human right beside her before she was surprised.

However, she quickly felt much more comfortable than she was in the last 24 hours before realizing it must have something to do with the young man.

Shortly after, she noticed her son behind the young man before she asked, "Abel, who is this young man? Is he the one who treated me?"

"Mom, you're all better already!" Abel exclaimed happily before jumping onto her lap and nodded furiously, "Mm, mm! Big brother gave you a pill to swallow, and boom, you were all better!"

"Big brother's medicine is so magical! It's much better than those recovery pills from the local doctors and alchemists in the clan!" Abel added.

"Shhh!" Abel's mother quickly hushed with a startled look.

After checking her surroundings cautiously, she heaved a sigh before pinching her son's cheek in admonishment, "You mustn't speak carelessly even if that is the case, Abel."

"Your words can offend some people, and if they are cruel, they will vent their anger out on us," Abel's mother said before sighing again, "You can blame Mother for being incapable and not being able to protect you."

"Sorry, mom… I didn't know about that…" Abel said apologetically with his head lowered before looking at Leon with caution, "Big Brother, you… you wouldn't dob on me, would you?"

"Me? Dob on you?" Leon smiled casually while giving Abel a head rub before saying, "Why would I dob on you? Do I look that bored to you, Abel?"

"What would I even say to those other doctors and alchemists? That I am better than them? C'mon, I am not that vain."

"So… You wouldn't?"

"Of course not!"

After Leon gave a firm answer, Abel was finally able to pat his chest with relief before expressing his gratitude, "Thank you, big brother!"

"I must also thank you, young man. Such potent medicine must be very precious and valuable… For you to use it on ordinary folks like us, I don't know how we should repay you…"

Abel's mother began wondering what they could do to repay Leon for his grace when he raised his hand and shook his head, "There's no need for that."

"Also, my medicine has only suppressed the disease slightly. The both of you have not been cured completely. In order to find a suitable cure, I will need your cooperation," Leon said.

"How can we help?"

Abel's mother expressed her willingness to cooperate before Leon casually stated, "Nothing much. I just need to inspect your body and study the disease."


Abel's mother appeared to hesitate.

After hearing Leon's words, a small blush crept on her face before she nodded, "Alright. Abel, why don't you go play in the next room for a bit? Mother needs to help this young doctor find a cure."

"Alright, mom." Abel complied obediently.

After recalling his promise to Lilith, Abel left the bedroom without much thought. At the same time, Leon was a bit puzzled why Abel's mother needed to send her son away.

However, he was immediately stunned when Abel's mother began to speak, "Sorry, I am a bit uncomfortable undressing in my son's presence. No one has seen my body since my husband passed away…"

"But since the doctor requires a body inspection in the name of finding a cure, I am willing to cooperate. It's the least I can do to repay you for the valuable medicine—"

"W-Wait! You have misunderstood me!" Leon immediately stopped Abel's mother from undressing herself before stating, "I do not need you to undress!"

Abel's mother was stunned.

Shortly after, her face was flushed with embarrassment before she awkwardly asked, "Is that so? It was just my misunderstanding?"

"Very much so!" Leon said firmly.

"I see… I guess you wouldn't be interested in an old married lady like me…" Abel's mother muttered.

After hearing her words, Leon gave Abel's mother a studying glance.

Although it was true that Abel's mother was married and already has a son. However, she was still far from being considered old.

She appeared to be around 28 years of age—if not for the disease making her dehydrated and feeble, she should be quite the beauty after a slight touch of beautification.

"You're wrong. You are still in the prime of your life and also a rare beauty. I would definitely be interested in normal circumstances. However, I already have a few women," Leon stated calmly.

Also, their current relationship was that of a doctor and his patient. An upright doctor should not have nefarious intentions on his patients—Leon suddenly recalled moments from his previous life.

"Doctor, thank you for treating my illness. I am a little low on Spirit Stones. How about I repay you with my body instead?"

"Doctor, my heart aches so much. I think it can only be cured with an injection from your little brother…"

"Doctor, I've been injured while practicing an Extreme Yin Technique and have been feeling so cold ever since. Do you think I am suffering from a deficiency of Yang Essence? Can you inject me with some Primordial Yang Essence?"

Some of the words from his past patients were recalled in his mind before Leon coughed awkwardly. Those days were behind him.

He was not like that anymore…

"I see… I am still a rare beauty in your eyes…" Abel's mother muttered with a smile.

"Ahem, anyway. You can call Abel back in if you want." Leon cleared his throat before saying, "I only need you to remain still and silent while I carry out the inspect—"


Leon suddenly felt a tickling sensation in his throat and lungs before he started coughing heavily for a moment.

"Are you alright, doctor?" Abel's mother asked with surprise.

"Ahem, I'm fine. Well, not really, but I am fine. It seems I won't be needing you for an inspection anymore," Leon stated.

He realized he had been infected by the same disease unwittingly and could just inspect himself to study the nature of the variant disease.

Without delay, he closed his eyes and commenced self-introspection with divine sense.

It did not take long before his eyes snapped open with results from his quick inspection before he muttered, "I see… The variant disease is a type of bacteria that attacks the lungs before invading the rest of the body through the bloodstream…"

"However, this bacteria has been mutated, which in turn, makes it more tenacious and invasive than ordinary bacterial infections…" Leon continued to analyze.

"Fortunately, most bacterias are curable with antibiotic medicine… I should be able to treat this disease with a slightly higher-quality antibiotic medi—"


Lilith's cry was suddenly heard following a sudden shake in the ground outside before Leon immediately darted outside in a flash.


Within moments, Leon swiftly arrived by Lilith's side before inquiring seriously, "What happened?"

"Leon, you're here!" Lilith exclaimed before quickly urging him, "Hurry up and save Duna! She was helping me dealing with a rebel when something suddenly shot over and struck her!"

"I think the commotion attracted the Mid-Rank 2 Transcendent over! You know, the one called Lord Bahlzacs, who should have been residing within the palace!"

As Lilith spoke, the surrounding clansmen retreated in shock, alarm, and fear, utterly incomprehensive of what exactly just happened.

"Ahh, what happened?! Why did the ground suddenly explode?!"

"I think I saw blurred shadow shooting over quickly just now!"

The clansmen spoke.

Some saw, and some did not.

The speed at which the blurred shadow arrived was too fast that the weaker clansmen failed to follow it with their eyes.

Only the stronger clansmen were able to.

At the same time, Leon promptly shifted his gaze onto the cloud of dust in front of them before he started frowning.

In the next moment, he waved his hand.


The cloud of dust was immediately parted by a powerful gust of wind, clearing away the area before the situation hidden inside was revealed for everyone to see.

Leon's gaze immediately turned cold in that instance.

Duna's chest was penetrated by Lord Bahlzacs's hand while hanging motionlessly in the air as Lord Bahlzacs raised her body up with his arm before giving her a sharp look.

"You're the one causing trouble in my clan? If I knew you were this beautiful, I would have kept you alive as one of my mistresses… You are much better than the inferior goods from this sh*tty Desolate Crow Clan."

Lord Bahlzacs spoke with disappointment before sighing, "Unfortunately, it's too late to undo my action—"

Just as Leon was about to make his move, he suddenly paused.

In that instance, Duna, who had remained hanging lifelessly, suddenly made her move by grabbing onto the arm that penetrated her chest.

"What?! How can you still be alive after I penetrated your chest and crushed your heart?" Lord Bahlzacs exclaimed with an abrupt change in his expression.

Duna gave Lord Bahlzacs a cold gaze before smirking wickedly, "I wouldn't die from something like this. You, on the other hand, are about to die by my hand!"

In the next moment, the power of the Destruction Law gathered towards Duna's hands and started disintegrating Lord Bahlzacs's arm, causing him immense pain.

"Uwarghhh! What is this power?!"

Lord Bahlzacs was shocked by the sight of his arm breaking down into dust-size particles before his gaze quickly shone with a decisive glint!


Lord Bahlzacs's slighted off his arm with his sharp claws in the next moment before retreating quickly with a paled yet ugly expression.

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