Prime Originator

Chapter 635 - Cortez Baronys Movements

Chapter 635 - Cortez Barony's Movements

"Since my dear disciple is in such a hurry, Master will allow you to take Little Grey with you," the Venerable Pill Master stated before adding, "Little Grey will save you some travel time."

"Really?! Thank you so much, Master!" Lina was clearly ecstatic upon hearing the words from her master.

Little Grey was the Venerable Pill Master's tamed beast, a giant hawk that was both intelligent and strong as it was obedient and fast.

It has been very loyal to the Venerable Pill Master ever since it was saved from death after losing a battle to a group of giant falcons that ganged on it.

"Alright, make sure to let your senior brother know about tomorrow in advance." The Venerable Pill Master smiled before saying, "I'm sure he will be interested."

It was a rare chance for his first disciple to experience life in the other kingdoms beyond the borders of the Geyser Kingdom.

"Yes, Master. I will go do it right now!" Lina quickly nodded with excitement before leaving promptly.

Shortly after, the Venerable Pill Master took out an ink brush and paper from his interspatial ring and began writing a letter.

One could not freely enter and leave the Geyser Kingdom's borders, but with the Venerable Pill Master's connection, it was possible to pull a few strings by granting favors.

A few hundred miles west of the capital city of Geyser, in the region of the Cortez Barony, a middle-aged man with sharp brows like razors stood on the walls of his Goldstone City.

The man stood tall like a mountain in his gold tiger-patterned black attire while gazing into the western horizon with his hands linked behind his back.

In the darkness of the night, a trailing of firelight could be seen inching closer and closer to his territory from a distance before it determined to be a person traveling quickly with a torch in hand.


Several minutes later, the person reached the foot of Goldstone City's walls before hopping over and stopped in front of the middle-aged man with sharp brows.

"Lord Lucian!"

After extinguishing his torch, the person greeted on one knee and said, "I've come bearing news of the young master."

"Speak! Where is my son? And what the hell is Servant Gustavo doing? The Cataclysm erupted, yet he is not back to report even after many days!" Baron Lucian Beau Cortez questioned the messenger with a strong tone.

After being permitted to speak, the messenger nodded before reporting, "Servant Gustavo and Young Master Judas had indeed headed to the Crawford Kingdom, but they never made it to the Wildlands."

"Their tracks stopped short before the Western Frontier of the Crawford Kingdom, my Lord!"

"The two should have flown through the skies," Baron Lucian frowned before asking, "How could they have left behind any tracks?"

"Unless… something happened to them?" Baron Lucian's gaze trembled abruptly with a fierce glint.

If something happened to them, he would not remain still in the barony.

"Yes, my Lord!" The messenger trembled slightly after sensing the lord's turbulent emotions before he proceeded to report faithfully, "Scattered traces of Blackwater was found at the site, showing that a battle had been fought there."

"This servant was unable to locate any of their bodies in the area, nor was this servant able to find out who the young master and Servant Gustavo was fighting there."

"However, the Western Frontier was battered greatly, seemingly having fought a great battle against large tides of frenzied rodents and more powerful beasts that devastated the region."

"I see…" Lucian Beau Cortez nodded.

His brows quickly knitted together with a pondering expression after listening to the messenger's report.

Noticing the messenger's hesitant expression, Lucian Beau Cortez quickly barked, "What else do you have to say? Out with it!"

"Yes, my Lord! This servant found out that prior to the end of their tracks before the Western Frontier, there was a conflict in the capital of the Crawford Kingdom that resulted in the king being injured."

"This servant is unable to confirm whether this matter has any relation to Young Master Judas and Servant Gustavo's disappearance."

"That is to say that my son's disappearance might not be related to beasts from the Wildlands, but the Crawford Royal Family?" Lucian Beau Cortez's expression turned ugly.

Even if Lucian Beau Cortez did not want to think about it, he had no choice but to assume his son was dead, according to the information provided by the messenger.

Recalling his son's bad habits, he must have done something to offend the Crawford Royal Family.

But even if his son was in the wrong, no one was allowed to kill him! Not even the Sea Emperor himself, let alone royalties from another kingdom!

That was his own flesh and blood! His heir!


Baron Lucian's aura immediately exploded out from his body with surging momentum, causing his hair to dance wildly.

"Go gather all the subordinates and troops in city for me right this instance!" Baron Lucian thundered at a nearby soldier keeping watch on the wall.

"Yes, my Lord!" The soldier quickly saluted with a solemn and disciplined expression before heading off to carry out the Baron's task, promptly.

At the same time, the messenger was quickly startled as he utters, "My Lord wants to…?"

"We'll be visiting the Crawford Kingdom to conduct a deeper investigation. If my son's disappearance is truly related to the royal family, then I will…" Baron Lucian did not continue, but his eyes flickered with a cold and ruthless glint.

The messenger quickly realized what his lord wanted to do, and the realization shocked him greatly.

The Lord has gone mad!

Back in the skies above the Desolate Crow Clan in the Wildlands, Leon was not aware of the storm that was about to hit the Crawford Empire.

He continued to refine the Wrathful Demonic Energy in the atmosphere, increasing Demonic Energy reserves and cumulation of Law of Wrath Fragment.

At the same time, Darlene's aura steadily rose with certain spikes from time to time as she devours the boundless Spatial Energy in the atmosphere greedily.

'With this frightening speed, it might not even take a few days for Darlene to reach Transcendence… Given that Darlene's comprehension can continue to keep up with the rise in cultivation,'

There was a hint of envy in Leon's eyes when he recalls his own difficulty in order to achieve Transcendence.

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