Prime Originator

Chapter 638 - Beggars Cant Be Choosers

Chapter 638 - Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Leon did not intend to keep it a secret that he was cultivating a blood refining technique. Even so, his words immediately stunned the crowd after they heard it.

"Huh? Fasting Pills? Why did the divine doctor refine medicine to substitute food?"

"I heard that a lot of the food reserves were spoiled by the rat blood, causing our clan to experience a serious shortage of food."

"What?! Isn't that extremely serious? If there is no food to eat, wouldn't we start starving to death soon… not unless we find food alternatives!" a clansman's eyes lit up in realization.

At the same time, the crowd quickly broke into many smaller groups of discussions among themselves while Leon waited patiently for his first customer.

It did not take long until a quiet clansman eventually stepped forward and asked, "Is there a reason you are gifting us Fasting Pills, divine doctor? Is it true that there is a food shortage?"

"Oh? I'm surprised that this would be the first question you ask me," Leon stated before shaking his head, "I am not gifting you Fasting Pills for free. I am charging three drops of blood essence for one pill each."

"Aren't you curious why?"

As he asked this question, Leon studied the quiet 16-year boy with partially feathered skin but without any black-feathered wings—or any wings at all for that matter.

Evidently, the boy was a regular clansman like most of the gathered clansmen in the area.

Nevertheless, Leon could still spot a few black-winged aristocrats among the crowd.

However, it had appeared that they had either learned their lessons and did not cause trouble or that they belonged to the milder group of aristocrats that did not mistreat the regular clansmen.

"Divine doctor, there is no need to ask this. We all know that you are a benevolent and good person to whom we are all greatly indebted. The divine doctor just wanted to conduct a blood test to see if we are still ill, right?"

"At the same time, the divine doctor asking for three drops of blood essence as payment is just an excuse to gift us Fasting Pills without making us feel even more indebted and bad about it, right? The divine doctor is too kind," The boy spoke with an understanding look.

Leon could only smile wryly.

Nevertheless, he did not bother to fix the misunderstanding. Since the boy and many other clansmen genuinely believe that was the case, there was no need to explain and just use it to his advantage.

"Yeah, I suppose," Leon responded casually.

At the same time, he was surprised that the clansmen have yet to learn about the food crisis.

But upon further thought, he realized that Jorn and the upper-class clansmen were purposely keeping the lower-class clansmen in the dark to prevent a panic.

"Back to your previous question, the answer is yes. Your clan is now experiencing a food crisis. With the current state of the Wildlands, it'll be difficult to procure food anywhere," Leon admitted.

He did not have the slightest intention to hide it.

That was because he was fully aware that there would be no panic with him around. The others were aware of this fact. That is why they did not stop to warn before letting him do what he is currently doing.

"Oh no, it's true! The food shortage is real and not just a rumor! What should we do?!"

"Idiot, isn't the solution right in front of you? The divine doctor is selling Fasting Pills that can satiate hunger!"

"The divine doctor has already provided a food alternative to solve the food crisis for us!"

"However, I'm not sure how many more of these Fasting Pills can be refined by the divine doctor…"

Once the clansman mentioned this matter, the crowd immediately began fighting each other to reach the front of the queue in hopes of buying a Fasting Pill from Leon.

"Divine doctor, please sell me a Fasting Pill!"

"Please sell me one too! I can offer more drops of blood essence, divine doctor!"

"No, sell it to me! I can offer ten drops of blood essence, divine doctor!"

The competition quickly became intense as clansmen continuously raise the price in hopes of being able to buy a Fasting Pill from Leon.

However, Leon shook his head wryly.

"Three drops of blood essence, one Tier-1 Fasting Pill," Leon stated shortly after, sticking to his initial price and not being swayed by greed.

The truth was that he did not need many drops of blood essence. What he wanted was many types of blood essence so that he can refine Origin Blood to increase his mastery of the Everlasting Blood Mantra.

"Losing too much blood essence will harm your vitality, and I do not need so many drops of blood essence from a single person," Leon added.

The clansmen were quickly disappointed that they could not gain an advantage by offering more drops of blood essence.

However, they were relieved at the same time.

They had been too hot-headed and got carried by the flow, offering many drops of blood essence without thinking.

If they followed through with such a transaction, they might just become sick and lethargic for many days to come.

"This… Will you have enough Fasting Pills to sell to all of us, divine doctor?" A clansman asked what everyone wanted to know.

"I do!" Leon nodded.

But before the clansmen could feel relieved, Leon quickly added, "However, I do not have time to refine Fasting Pills for everyone. I merely trading for some drops of blood essences."

"But none of you need to worry. There is naturally an alternative solution to combat the food shortage in the clan, and everyone will not need to worry about starving," Leon stated reassuringly.

At the same time, Leon could not help but feel surprised in his heart. The feedback he got from the Fasting Pills was much greater than he had anticipated. He smelt an excellent business opportunity.

He could visit every tribe plagued by food crisis or diseases, requiring either of his medical or alchemy skills; he could easily barter for many types of blood essences to speed up the practice of his Everlasting Blood Mantra.

Nevertheless, the first batch of Tier-1 Fasting Pills was quickly sold out, netting Leon an income of thirty drops of blood essence as they were stored in a clear glass bottle.

The clansmen were giving free treatments after their blood essence was extracted.

Shortly after, Leon began refining more Fasting Pills ranging from Tier-1 to Tier-3 while increasing the batches to produce more en masse.

That being said, Leon only ended up spending an hour of pill refinement and sold 200 Fasting Pills varying between Tier-1 and Tier-3.

"Alright, that is all for now, everyone. Those who missed out, do not fret, for there will be something even better later," Leon reassured while stowing away the bottles containing 600 drops of various blood essences.

"Dammit, I did get a chance to receive a Fasting Pill."

"Haiz, the same could be said for the rest of us. Those 200-odd people were too lucky to receive a Fasting Pill, especially those that received Tier-3 Fasting Pills."

"Right. The divine doctor explained that Tier-3 Fasting Pills could satiate hunger up to three days or longer."

The crowd felt disappointed.

However, that was it. Since the divine doctor said there would be something better, then chances are, there was going to be something better.

The divine doctor has helped their clan greatly. There was no need for the divine doctor to deceive them now.

Leon eventually departed the market square with Darlene before he casually asked her, "Were you bored while waiting?"

"Not bored." Darlene quickly shook her head.

On the contrary, she enjoyed watching Leon work earnestly and seriously. There was a certain charm to it.

Leon smiled and gave the obedient Darlene a peck on the cheek before continuing to fly back in the direction of Lilith's location.

"Leon, you're back! Have you already handed out Fasting Pills to the clansmen?" Lilith asked with surprise at the central palace.

"Un, only 200 Fasting Pills, though. And I don't intend to refine anymore for the time being. There's actually a better solution—one that requires less effort on my part," Leon stated.

The Fasting Pills were never the solution.

He simply wanted to test how warmly received Fasting Pills would be if it were to enter the market.

There was already another solution in his mind when the food shortage problem was first mentioned to him.

"What better solution do you have?" Lilith asked with surprise.

"Have already forgotten? There's a lot of Three-Legged Golden Crows left back at the Western Frontier. With the Blue Luan's frigid nature preserving their bodies, the meat will last a long time before spoiling. If I just bring a few bodies over, the food shortage will naturally be solved."

After Leon told Lilith of his solution, she looked at him with a difficult expression before asking him slowly, "This… is the better solution you mentioned?"

Her eye could be seen twitching, evidently not fond of the solution Leon mentioned.

"I know you have some misgivings about eaten the meat from Three-Legged Golden Crows, but there shouldn't be any problems for the Desolate Crow Clansmen to consume them," Leon stated before adding, "Besides, are you really going to be picky in this situation?"

"I suppose you're right…" Lilith muttered helplessly for a moment before quietly sulking, "Beggars can't be choosers, huh?"

"Don't worry, I believe a lucky chance is awaiting your clansmen after this… But before that, I need your help finding a suitable location to deploy the Teleportation Array, Lilith."

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