Chapter 821 Soul Cultivation Level

"What are you doing here, Bo Qingshi?" Ruan Pangwu asked with a frown.

Bo Qingshi turned to him with a faint smile. "Hey, I'm also one of the elders in this sect, so I also have the right to recruit a direct disciple, right?"


Suddenly, the four elders raised their eyebrows and looked up, and a man with long white hair was standing there watching them.

"Sect Master Yao!" The four immediately greeted the man.

The man was Yao Shandian, the sect master of the Sword Sect, and he came from the Yao Clan in Star Cloud Realm. "These two little girls indeed have extraordinary talents with swords, so I'm not surprised to see you guys fighting over them; even I myself am interested in recruiting them. Anyway, I agree with Wang Chen's idea, so we can show them our sword technique books, and they will choose their master among us."

"Yes, Sect Master."

Seeing them fight over the two women, the two male disciples who were fighting with them before seemed a little jealous of them, especially since neither of the elders wanted to choose them.

As for Dan Qing, she hugged her sect brother's arm while feeling anxious, as she wanted the two women to choose their master. Zhong Cunhai was also anxious like her, but he could only wait for the two women's decisions.

Wang Chen was the first to give his sword technique book to the two women. "The name of my technique is Soulseek Sword Technique, and it is a High-Grade Heaven Rank. To use my technique, you both need to have a strong physique and soul, and I can see that your physiques are enough for that. However, you guys still have to temper your souls, and I can help you both with that."

After hearing that, Feng Qiong and Feng Xing read the technique book, but they felt that the technique was not easy to learn. Even though their cultivation was still in the mortal realm, they were already quite experienced, and they naturally knew that cultivating the soul was not easy. Moreover, they also felt that the movements of the technique were not suitable for them, so they returned the book to Wang Chen.

Feng Xing then said to him. "Senior, I'm sorry, I feel unsuited to your sword technique, especially it's footwork."

"I also think the same as my sister, Senior." Feng Qiong also spoke to him. "Your sword technique has extraordinary attacking power, but my swordsmanship is related to flexibility and softness, so I feel unsuitable for a sword technique that is too offensive, and it would be difficult for me to start all over again."

"En, I understand." Wang Chen replied as he put away his book. "I am already aware that my sword technique will not be suitable for the two of you, but I don't want to miss the opportunity to gain disciples, so you don't need to feel wrong towards me."

After that, Ruan Pangwu gave his sword technique book to them, as he explained to the two women. "The name of my technique is Formation Sword Technique, and I created it from a combination of several sword techniques. However, the two of you must master the sword domain first to be able to learn it, and it will be the center of the technique's power."

"What the hell!" They cried out in shock.

Wang Chen took a deep breath and asked them. "Have you ever seen such a big soul from a cultivator in the mortal realms?"

"No." Ruan Pangwu shook his head. "Her soul is not the soul of a cultivator in the mortal realms."

"You're right." Dongfang Jiansheng agreed with him. "Even Qing'er's cultivation soul is not as big as hers."

As he observed Feng Xing's cultivation soul, Yao Shandian asked Feng Qiong. "What's actually going on? You said that you've never cultivated your soul, but your sister's soul is too absurd for a cultivator at her level."

Feng Qiong sighed softly before answering him. "Sect Master, I have never cultivated my soul, but my sister has done it many times, and her husband helped her with it."

"Her husband? Is her husband a dual cultivator?"

"Yes." Feng Qiong nodded to him. "Not only her husband, but she is also a dual cultivator, and they often dual cultivate their body and soul. However, I don't know for sure about their techniques, as I'm not a dual cultivator."

"No wonder her soul can develop so fast; it turns out she is a dual cultivator, and she has repeatedly dual-cultivated her soul and physique." Yao Shandian then waved his hand, and Feng Xing's soul immediately entered his body again. "Little girl, you can learn all of our techniques with your current soul level, so I decided that you will practice swordsmanship under our guidance."

"Eh?" Feng Xing was surprised to hear that. "Sect Master, can you tell me about the soul power level? Although I have done it many times, I don't know anything about it."

Yao Shandian nodded and told him. "Unlike our cultivation level, the soul cultivation level only has nine stages: mortal soul, foundation soul, innate soul, earthly soul, heavenly soul, ancestral soul, saint soul, godly soul, and immortal soul. Besides, each stage is divided into three levels: low, mid, and high."

"Then what stage is my soul power at?" Feng Xing asked him again.

"Your current soul is at the Low Heavenly Soul, and it is already equivalent to a cultivator at the Heavenly God Realm."

Feng Xing's jaw dropped after hearing that, especially since his and Ling Yun's cultivation were still in the mortal realms, but Yao Shandian said that her soul was already equivalent to a cultivator at the Heavenly God Realm.

Yao Shandian was not surprised to see Feng Xing's expression, as he himself was also very surprised by her soul level. "The first four stages can be achieved by cultivators in the mortal realm, but it is also not an easy matter. The next three can only be achieved by cultivators in the five god realm, and the last two can only be achieved by cultivators in the three immortal realm."

'How can my soul reach such a high level so fast?' Feng Qing inwardly wondered. 'Could this be because Yun'er's soul merged with the chaos dragon's soul? If that's true, my sisters' soul levels are already as high as mine, right?'

- To Be Continued -

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