Chapter 824 Jia Yubai - Jia Yuyan

The three beast women exchanged glances for a moment, and Helena took Lang Zhi's hand. "Senior sister, I will tell you a secret, but you must not tell this to anyone else. Anyway, you have seen for yourself that Sister Zhongyi was able to infiltrate here without alerting our sect members, and you also already know that Big Sis Yu is a spirit woman, so you understand their power, right?"

"En." Lang Zhi replied with a nod. "I promise, I won't tell anyone else."

"Sister Ling'er is not a red luan, but she is a phoenix." Lang Zhi's jaw dropped after hearing that. "Hundun is one of the evil mythical beasts that destroyed the phoenix world, the home of the phoenixes, and he is now living under the Demon Sect. That's why Sister Zhongyi must take her home, or that headless pig will come here to capture her, and this place will be wiped out if that happens."

For some time, Lang Zhi could not escape her shock, and she looked at the three as she continued to blink.

"Sister Zhi?"

Hearing that, Lang Zhi returned to her senses and took a deep breath. "I truly didn't expect that Ling'er was a phoenix, and her identity shocked me. However, I was even more shocked about Hundun, and I didn't expect that the mythical beasts would destroy each other. Although I'm a demi-human, I know quite a lot about them, and there aren't as many of them as there used to be."

"Well? Not only humans, but every living creature has their own problems, right?" Lang Zhi nodded in agreement. "Actually, no one knows the reason why those evil mythical beasts attacked the good ones, but I heard that several beast realms have been destroyed because of them."

"How about you?" Lang Zhi asked Helena. "I feel that you are also hiding something from me, especially about your true identity."

Helena smiled when she heard that. "Honestly, I didn't come from the lower realm, but I was stranded there for some reason, and I came from the upper realms, the Netherworld Realm."

Lang Zhi frowned after hearing that. "Isn't that the realm of demons?"Please visit website to read fastest update

"Yes." Helena answered by nodding. "The demons in my realm are different from the heretics of the Earth Cloud Realm, and there are many other living creatures living there, such as humans, demi-humans, and others."

"Is that true?" Lang Zhi asked with a look of disbelief, as she had always thought that demons were evil creatures, so it was impossible for there to be other living creatures living in that realm.

"I didn't lie to you." Helena answered with a soft sigh. "As for the reason I was stranded in the lower realm, I can't tell you anything, and I haven't even told my husband about it."

Lang Zhi did not ask further and got up from her seat, and she walked straight out. "I'll go see Elder Xiang first, and I'll ask her to convey Ling'er's departure to the others."

After she disappeared, Fay asked Helena. "Big Sis, how did you get stranded on Earth?"

"I'll tell you guys about it in the future, okay?" Fay and Philia could only sigh and nod to Helena.


"You-" Zhu Ling swallowed his words when he saw the two shadows behind the old man, and he watched the three for some time before leaving the hut.

"That kid isn't actually a bad Emperor, but he's too strict with the rules, and he's forgotten a lot of important things." The old man then opened the book in his hand and read it seriously.


Suddenly, a little girl shouted as she ran into the hut, and the old man turned to her with a smile. He then lifted her into his arms and rubbed her nose. "Did you miss me, Jia Yuyan?"

"Hehe, I missed you so much, Grandpa." Jia Yuyan answered as she hugged the old man's neck. "Did that little Emperor come to ask about their whereabouts?"

"Yes." The old man nodded to her. "As you predicted, Zhu Ling came for that, but I didn't reveal their whereabouts to him."

"That's good." Jia Yuyan let out a sigh of relief before speaking to him. "Ling Yun is the man with nine elements, and the mythical beast is by his side now. In addition, he already has devil qi, so the conditions of the first and second prophecies have been fulfilled. The trigger of both is that little emperor, so we have to buy as much time as possible, or this universe will fall into darkness. As for the third prophecy, the condition is also in place, but I don't know when it will be fulfilled."

"En." The old man nodded to her. "Honestly, I didn't expect you to gain such abilities."

"When I got my abilities around a year ago, they actually scared me a lot, and I would have had a hard time accepting them if you and my parents hadn't encouraged and supported me continuously, but I'm used to them now."

The old man is not surprised by that; even he himself will find it difficult to adapt to such abilities. "According to ancient records, your abilities are the abilities of seers, and there can only be one seer in this universe. Since you have gained those abilities, that means your predecessor is dead, and you will take her place as the next seer. However, you are still too small now, so you must not reveal your abilities to others, or evil cultivators will come here to capture you, and they will use your abilities to do even more evil things."

"Hehe." Jia Yuyan giggled. "Will you protect me from them, Grandpa?"

"That's for sure." The old man rubbed Jia Yuyan's head. "You are my dear granddaughter, so I will protect you from everyone who has evil intentions towards you. However, I won't be able to protect you forever, and you know what you have to do if I am no longer in this world, right?"

Hearing that, Jia Yuyan hugged the old man tighter. "Grandpa! You should not talk about death, and I will be very sad if you die."

"Haha." The old man laughed softly. "Little Yuyan, life and death are human destiny, and we will not be able to avoid them. Even so, this old man will not die so quickly, as I want to see you grow up."

"En." Jia Yuyan nodded to him. "Grandpa, you have to promise me not to die so soon, okay?"

"Sure, I promise you." The old man then took her out. "It's been some time since you last came here, so I'll take you for a ride."

- To Be Continued -

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