"Is Mo Chen's cultivation really still in the mortal realm?" Huang Zuxian nodded to her, making Yao Jishi fall into thought. "I heard Jiange Xiuxi has returned to these upper realms, and their appearance coincided with the failure of some of our plans, so I think they are both related to each other."


"Ahh!" Huang Zuxian let out a soft scream as she clasped her hands. "Aunt Jishi, I remember something, and I think your guess is correct. Sometime ago, we went to the Heavenly Secret Sect to pick up Nangong Nichang, but Ruan Shaojie told us that Jiange Xiuxi took her away, and we didn't know about her whereabouts. However, two days ago, Qian Ye told my big brother that she joined the Eternal Spring Sect."

"Is that true?" Yao Jishi asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I haven't met Nangong Nichang there, but I am sure that the news is not false, as Qian Ye knew about it from her nephew, who is also a disciple in that sect." Yao Shi nodded in agreement with that, and Huang Zuxian then continued her conjecture. "Besides, we knew that Jiange Xiuxi was behind the Tian Clan, and we also knew that Tian Huang never intended to take a disciple before. However, he suddenly took Mo Chen as his disciple; he was even willing to hand over Tian Yueling to him, so I think both happened thanks to her connection with that clan. Otherwise, he wouldn't have possibly handed over his precious granddaughter to a man who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, right?"

"You're right, I have to inform the others about this matter." Yao Jishi immediately contacted the cultivators from the Earth Cloud Sect and told them everything, and she then said Huang Zuxian. "You are much smarter than your big brother, and you should be the one to lead the Huang Clan in the future, but your ancestor prefers Huang Ba."

"Hehe." Huang Zuxian chuckled at that. "I have never cared about status in our clan, and I prefer to live unfettered, so I can enjoy myself to my heart's content."

"En." Yao Jishi then handed her two bottles. "The red bottle contains the same pill that the old man swallowed, and the blue bottle contains the same liquid that Du Yanyao drank."

"Do you want me to use both against Mo Chen?" Huang Zuxian asked as she received the two.

"Yes." Yao Jishi nodded to her. "However, you have to be very careful in doing so, especially since Jiange Xiuxi is by his side."

"I know." Huang Zuxian stored the two bottles in his storage ring. "Anyway, do you have an antidote for that liquid? I want to use it to remove its influence from Du Yanyao."

"The Du Clan is too weak and useless, so there's no need for you to help Du Yanyao." Even so, Yao Jishi still gave Huang Zuxian the antidote. "I didn't concoct too many antidotes, so I can only give you one, and you can keep it just in case."

Huang Zuxian happily kept the antidote before telling Yao Jishi anything else. "Do you want to have some fun with the three disciples of the sect? I already gave them the potion you gave me back then, and they should have been affected by its effects by now."

Yao Jishi checked their condition before saying so to Huang Zuxian. "They are now under the influence of my potion, so we can take these guys away."

Zi Diao was shocked after hearing that. 'Potion? Since when did they force-feed us a potion? Could it be that this innkeeper is their ally?'

"Eh? Where are you taking them away, Aunt Jishi?" Huang Ba asked in surprise.

"These guys are mine and Zuxian's business, so you don't need to know about it." Yao Jishi's response irritated Huang Ba, but he refrained from saying anything to him. "As for you, you only need to take care of these women, and you can do whatever you want with them, but you better not let them die, or you will bring us trouble. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

'Damn it! I have to think of something to save them, or they will be in danger!' Zi Diao cursed as Yao Jishi picked up the three men, and she took them away along with Huang Zuxian. However, she turned to Huang Ba, who was approaching the three women, especially since his gaze was full of lust. 'Jiang Chen! I want to save you, but I know that Liqin means a lot to you, so I will save your wife and the others first! But how should I save them from this bastard? I will die if I face him head-on, and they will fall into his hands.'

"Hahaha." As Zi Diao thought that, Huang Ba laughed joyfully as he climbed onto the bed, and he caressed their faces in turn. "These women are pretty, but Tang Liqin is the prettiest and sexiest among them, so I will have fun with her first."

Just as Huang Ba started to take off his clothes, Zi Diao used her earth abilities to distract him, and an earth stalactite shot out from outside.


Huang Ba, who was shocked by that, immediately ran to the side of the broken window. He then used his senses to check the surrounding area, but Zi Diao's stealth ability was quite unique; even Ling Yun couldn't detect her without his map.

Taking advantage of the situation, Zi Diao took the three women out of the inn while avoiding Huang Ba's senses, and she used her other abilities to create a fairly large hole before placing them inside. After that, she made a cover from earth to cover the hole, but she didn't leave the place to guard against the worst.

"Who attacked just now?" Huang Ba wondered to himself, but he was shocked as soon as he turned around. "Fuck! How could they disappear? Who saved them from me? Why didn't I notice it?"

After that, Huang Ba ran out of the inn and looked for the three women in the area around the inn, and he even repeatedly passed by Zi Diao, but he was still unable to detect her position.

'Phew! Fortunately, this guy is too stupid, and he didn't notice my movements.' However, Zi Diao's expression turned worried as soon as she remembered her son's situation. 'What should I do? Ling Xi is in the Star Cloud Realm now, and Zhou Yu is away with Ling Yun, so I can't ask them for help. Should I contact Bing Xue and the others? Argh! Their cultivation is too low compared to that old woman, and they would die if I asked them to save Jiang Chen and the others.'

However, Zi Diao suddenly remembered the other woman and directly contacted her via voice transmission, but she did not reply to her immediately. 'Sigh, Meng Xianzi seems to be busy with Long Yunyi right now, so I can only wait for now.'

After he searched for some time, Huang Ba finally gave up and returned to his room, but he continued to spread his senses throughout the inn area. "Damn it! I don't know how that person managed to avoid my senses, but I'm sure that they are still in this city. Whoever dares to disturb my fun, I will definitely capture and skin that person alive."

- To Be Continued -

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