"Is the effect really that vicious, Senior?" Nangong Nichang asked while squeezing her hands tightly.

Zhuang Yuan sighed and hugged Nangong Nichang. "I know this is hard for you, but I don't want to lie to you. Those heretics are truly wicked, and they will never allow their slaves to escape, so they will do the most despicable things to them."

Seeing her like that, Mu Yan walked behind Nangong Nichang and gently rubbed his head. "I can relate to your feelings because the heretics also massacred my family, leaving only me and my little sister. We can't do anything once your parents become their slaves, and you can only focus on becoming stronger to take revenge on them. However, it is not an easy matter because they are numerous and strong; even I have not succeeded in taking revenge for the destruction of my family."

Instantly, tears dripped from Nangong Nichang's eyes, and he hugged Zhuang Yuan as she felt helpless to save her parents and aunt.

Qiao Lingzhi was also sad to see her, and she hugged Nangong Nichang to comfort her. 'What can I do to help her? She is my best friend and sister, and I don't want to see her in such a sad state.'

Suddenly, Qiao Lingzhi realized something and turned towards the Icarus control center. 'Yes! Mo Chen can help us become strong, and Big Sis Yu can help us take revenge on them! However, he's still furious now, so I'll talk to him after he's resolved everything.'




'Xiao Yin, have you found their whereabouts?'

[Master, that Aunt Jishi seems to have a good concealment formation, so I haven't been able to find their location, but I will continue to track their whereabouts, and I will notify you once I find them.]

'What about Zi Diao and the others? Has my master arrived at Song City?'

[Presumably, Huang Ba does not have the ability to detect Zi Diao's stealth ability, so they are safe. Meng Xianzi will arrive in the city soon, so you no longer need to worry about their safety.] Ling Yun let out a sigh of relief after hearing that. [Anyway, I don't know what happened to Tang Liqin and the others yet, and I have to check on them first to find out what effect the potion had on them. However, the best solution is for you to capture Aunt Jishi, and I'm sure that she has the antidote, so we can remove its effects from them completely.]

'You can continue looking for them, and you can ask the others to contact my master; don't let her kill Huang Ba. I will arrive at Sky Cloud Realm in about three hours, and I will search for their whereabouts directly.' Ling Yun then turned to Zhou Yu and the others. "Are we really unable to remove their enslavement techniques from Nichang's family members?"

"Do you care about her now?" Instead, Zhou Yu teased him.

"Hehe." Tian Lanyi chuckled. "Master, the two girls are not bad, and they are also good-hearted, so I think they are worthy of accompanying you."

Ren Shou looked at Jiu Tianxin speechlessly, as he was too shocked to hear that, and he never imagined that her sect sister would have the guts to do such a thing to him.

"Brother, you may be angry and disappointed with me, but I love you wholeheartedly." Jiu Tianxin said that while rubbing Ren Shou's cheek. "Anyway, I've told this to our master, and I've also told her about the two beast women, so she's on her way here now."

Hearing that, Ren Shou massaged his forehead, but he then asked Jiu Tianxin. "Do you really want to be my wife?"

"Yes." Jiu Tianxin replied with a smile. "Master has agreed with my decision, and he will marry us off after we return to the sect."

Ren Shou released a soft sigh and nodded to him. "All right, we will get married after we return to the sect, but where are we now? And when will our master arrive?"

"I don't know anything about this place, as we were already here after I woke up, but I think we're not far from Song City yet." Jiu Tianxin then got out of bed and pulled Ren Shou along with her. "Anyway, our master will arrive in two hours, so we better prepare ourselves to welcome her, and I want to do it with you again."

Ren Shou just nodded and followed Jiu Tianxin, but he was still baffled by their relationship, as he did not have any feelings for her.




"Are you satisfied with that man, Aunt Jishi?" Huang Zuxian asked as he entered the room, and his eyes glanced at Jiang Chen, who was standing naked like a statue.

"Hehe." Yao Jishi chuckled at that. "This young man is strong in bed, and I have never felt so satisfied. What about those two guys?"

"Tch! They're sore losers!" Huang Zuxian replied irritably. "Their stamina is too low, and they can't last long, so I was forced to use your pills on them, or else I wouldn't be satisfied."

Yao Jishi was naturally aware of that, so he chose Jiang Chen for herself. "All right, I have to go somewhere else to look for new ingredients for my pills, so you can have fun with this guy, but it would be better if you don't do it now, or he will die."

"I know." Huang Zuxian then asked her. "Are other people really unable to find this place?"

"You don't need to worry about that; even Tang Chen won't be able to find this place, so you can have fun to your heart's content." After she said that, Yao Jishi immediately left.

Meanwhile, Huang Zuxian approached Jiang Chen and groped his body, and she also contacted her big brother to ask about the three women, but she frowned after listening to Huang Ba's answer. "Tch! I didn't expect him to be so stupid! Those three women were already helpless, but he actually lost them! But who saved them?"

After that, Huang Zuxian contacted Huang Ba again, and she asked him to leave Song City immediately, as she had a bad feeling about the incident.

- To Be Continued -

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