The Metal mines are quite close to the Southwestern star and it is quite risky for Sam to make any flashy moves.

If it was like previous mines in the southern star, it is still alright because all his methods are discreet and complicated.

But now that he needs to teach the emperor a lesson for painting him as a terrorist. Sam has to do something flashy. He has to create terror in the citizens, workers, and officials.

The best way to do that would be killing people left and right, but Sam doesn’t like that much, so he is going to choose the second-best option.

He will do the damage in a fearful way. He doesn’t need to kill the people directly, but it is necessary to make sure that they know that he can kill them.

And the fear of an unknown person holding their life in their hands and a motive behind him to act. This is something hard to overcome.

Sam moved towards the Metal mines at his full speed.

Unknowingly, he made a good decision by luring the beasts towards the forces from the south-western star.

Because, of that, he realized that the metal mines, wouldn’t be able to get reinforcements that easily and with this, he got a new idea and discovered a new way of attacking the cities and Dukedoms.

That is using the beasts and he can do the same to the Metal mines.

These metal mines of this dukedom have three mines. One of them is the metal elemental stones and the other two are the mines of two different metals.

If the three spots that he destroyed in the Southern Star are the three major resources of the southern star. Then this place is only one major resource of the Southwestern Star.

Of course, there are some minor mines and herb fields but they can hardly satisfy the needs inside the Dukedom much less exporting.

But this mine is major source of trade of this Dukedom. Not only does it satisfy the needs of the Dukedom’s metal elemental stone supply.

The southern star and the southeastern star get their metal elemental stone supply from here.

Now, Sam is staring at this place from a nearby mountain and was planning on how to deal with this.

He can use the Chinchillas again, but the required effect couldn’t be achieved at all.

He has to make some big scenes leave a seriously big and bright symbol that terrifies the people around it.

And all of it is a metallic place.

The problem at the southwestern star city will take at least a week to be over and that is judging by the fact that they can intimidate the elephants and send them back. If it becomes a battle, it will take more.

And two days are gone in the journey. So, Sam has five days to deal with this place and move on.

Since this Dukedom doesn’t have any other major resources, he can just move away from here.

When he saw the metallic zone like this, he is tempted to do something with electricity. But he doesn’t have a lightning element which would make it easier for him to create electricity and it is hard to create a trap like the one he created in the Blaze city.

He has to make sure that the resource wouldn’t be lost and the people wouldn’t be able to access it while delivering a serious blow that would cause fear in people.

He is thinking hard and after a day of thinking a single Idea popped up.

But for this, he needs the help of all his friends.

The first part of the plan is to create disorder and chaos in the area. He has to make the miners and the officials go into a state of unrest.

And for that, he has a perfect option.

The Methane Grenades which he used in the Imperial capital to deal with the trouble makers.

These grenades are great to cause some flashy damage.

The next day, four of them hovered in the sky on their beasts. They started dropping the grenades on the formation of the Metal element spiritual stone mine.

"What is happening?"

"Someone is attacking."

"Oh, shit look at that. Someone from the sky is dropping something on the formation."

The workers are in extreme unrest and Sam and the gang left the places as fast as they came.

There is no real damage at all.

"Shit. Jack, Philip formation is stronger than I thought, let us leave this place." Sam yelled on top of his lungs and four of them left the place in a hurry on their beasts. They disappeared into the nearby forest.

The formation protected all the workers, but the main thing is that the workers saw the effect of the grenade, and Sam’s attack was like a probing attack, it is as if he doesn’t know that the formation is there in the first place and since his attack failed, he left the place to escape.

This made people afraid. Now, that Sam knew that mine wouldn’t work, what if he attacks them next. What happens to them when they are in their residence. They already heard that Sam wouldn’t care about their lives now and is a full-fledged terrorist.

Even though they didn’t know that the attacker was Sam, they could guess that much from the rumors, the rumors the Blackwater guys created.

The Nascent who is the guardian of the place is the one who is most frustrated.

He has kept a lookout on the surroundings of the place and is checking, the ground and sky, all the same, to see if Sam would attack.

But Sam easily sneaked past the perimeter he setup and attacked the mine. And the worst part is before he could go back to the mine, he escaped.

Sam is like a slippery loach. It is hard enough to spot him and even he was spotted he can escape swiftly. The worst part is now his friends are also attacking.

The Nascent read the report before. There was very little activity of Sam’s friends, in southern star. But as soon as they are labeled as terrorists, they are also attacking.

One genius is already troublesome enough.

The guardian is cursing the emperor left and right in his heart.

The miners slowly started feeling fear and fear is extremely infectious. One by one everyone is afraid to stay near the mines and this way, the Nascent was forced to give a holiday to all the miners in three mines.

The whole mining activity was stopped and special formation has been activated which would activate on the presence of an intruder in a certain range.

But what they don’t know is even before the mine was closed, a shadow mouse entered the mine completely.

Yes, Sam and his teammates are inside the mine. As soon as they escaped, the miners are in a frenzy and this is the best time to come in.

After the mine was closed, they came out. The mines are equipped with the best concealment formations that they could possibly afford. Because the leakage of the spiritual energy will attract beasts and if a powerful beast comes here, there would be some serious damage.

Right now, Sam and his friends are inside the minefield. In this minefield, there are a total of three mines. Two metals and one metal elemental spirit stone mine.

Sam has a lot of spirit stones with him and his wealth almost equals the annual output of the mine.

Generally, the spiritual stone mine wouldn’t run out of supply for centuries.

They are formed by a spiritual meridian as a core which is a naturally formed concentrated spiritual energy substance and the energy that is being dissipated from it, and deposited to the surroundings causes the formation of spirit stones.

So, they stay there for centuries and Sam can only destroy them temporarily. That is why he set up a trap in the Blaze city and now also he is planning the same.

But before that, he has one more thing to do and that would be the duty of his friends and his beasts.

That is the extraction of the spirit stones.

Right now, the whole mine is surrounded by soldiers and they are all completely concentrated on protecting the perimeter.

So, now Sam and his friends have a great opportunity to mine the spirit stones.

The metal element spirit stone will fetch at least four normal spirit stones.

So, while Sam is getting ready to set up his plan, his three friends along with the beasts are on their way towards getting the spirit stones out.

Of course, the cannot take them out all at once, they can at most get a hundred thousand or two. But the spirit stone is not major goal and they are just doing it to get a quick profit.

Meanwhile, Sam is making his preparations.

After four days, Sam and his friends are done. They are ready to leave and at the same time, the people outside are having a hard time. They are feeling that Sam is only bluffing and their patience is running thin.

So, it is about time they leave.

But before they left, they entered a special place in the minefield and that place is the Inventory.

The mined items are handled in a certain manner, they are absolutely not going into any person’s personal storage. The miners have to strip completely and wear the provided uniform and their storage rings should be handed over.

They will be given a temporary storage ring in which they would store the mined things.

These items would be stored in a special room, where only the guardian could enter. He will deliver these storage rings every month to the Dukedom.

Right now, there is a fully stored store room inside.

Sam took all the storage rings and tweaked with the place a bit to leave some gifts.

After that, they silently sneaked out of the place and this time Sam was surprised because the alarm formation actually detected the shadow mouse when it passed through it, then only he felt relieved that he sneaked in before the formation was set up. The formation might have a feature of detecting life force.

But now he didn’t care. After leaving the formation, they sneaked into the woods and before the people could come, they are gone.

The Guardian immediately went into the room and only found it empty with a letter stuck on the wall. He was stunned by the scene and after a brief silence, he pulled the letter with shaky hands. He was surprised that the letter was attached to a wooden stick that was pierced into the wall. He pulled the stick out of curiosity and...


More than twenty methane grenades blasted the surroundings of the room.

There is no damage inside the room because it would be a pipe dream to damage a Nascent with that level of methane.

The guardian read the letter which has one familiar message.


At this moment, a worker came running.

"What happened?"

"The... The Mines."

The guardian came running towards the mines and was stunned by the scene.

The mines are completely filled with green colored translucent crystal structures. All the walls are almost as if they are carved out a green crystal.

This is the impact crystal. Yes, Sam used the impact crystal on the walls and floors of the mines.

Now, if they want to mine, they have to go through the impact crystal first.

While the guardian was in distress, the workers are having already quivering in their boots. The twenty blasts that occurred when the guardian pulled the stick achieved their purpose because they are placed near the miners changing areas. The room was empty but that is still not okay for them.

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