The meeting went overnight. They have been looking over all the details of people.

Many people are taken down from their posts. Many people from the Arian took new posts. Of course, some people are still the same position and one of them is Chaya.

Since, she was one of the first people to cooperate with Sam in business and he learnt some interesting news and that is Chaya is daughter of the former minister of the Orion.

Now he understood where she came from. But even then, her talent is too high and it is rare for someone like her not being recruited by the thunder god temple.

After all, she would have been thirty years at most and she is in Nascent stage.

Only the emperors and Marshalls might have achieved that stage.

But it was only a fleeting thought, he has enough faith in himself that he could reach that within his early twenties.

After more than five hours of the sorting out and rearranging the jobs, the meeting was finally over. Unknowingly, Sam was drawn into this whole mess and only later did he know that it is actually a rule in the artisan association to take the opinion of the artisan who is not part of the association to be a witness and a decision maker at the same time.

As the people are about to call it a day, Sam asked something.

"I have a business proposal to the artisan tower. Is anyone interested?"

His voice was like a bomb, and that is particularly for the people who are from Orion. They knew Sam’s potential and they definitely knew how profitable his businesses are so they are looking forward for that.

And just like that, the meeting continued.

Sam has used the whole wall as a board and a piece of metal in his hand as a chalk and started explaining the whole business plan. The people are stunned. They didn’t expect that Sam would think of such a big and elaborate project. The investment will be billions. And it is no way a small amount.

Currently Sam has less than ten billion on him and Sam’s park still has around two billion or so in hands of that formation master.

But this amount is still not enough, there is a need of at least one hundred billion for and Sam has to take out at least half of it.

But does Sam have that much wealth?

Actually, yes.

Arc actually slipped something into Sam’s hands on the ceremony and that is a spatial ring. That spatial ring consists of all the wealth that has obtained from the Imperial capital. That includes the loot from the imperial palace, from the Emperor’s personal collection, the wealth from some harem members.

He has around three hundred billion on him only in spirit stones and apart from that there are some weapons of Rank 6 and Rank 7, high grade herbs and so on.

So, he is not short on wealth, but what he need is the man power, which he didn’t have on him.

After more than three hours of rough explanation, Sam was done.

The artisans are dumbstruck, they never ever thought that there would be one day that they would have an opportunity to work on a project of this scale.

The project is too big and it really does need an extremely large manpower and wealth.

There is a need of a large-scale management and staff requirements to operate it carefully.

But the most important thing of all is that the cash flow is pretty high.

So, the staff working on this must be reliable. That is the reason, Sam tried to reduce the involvement of the humans as much as possible and at every point where the high amounts of cash are involved, he would appoint someone reliable.

After all, there is never a person who got away after eyeing his wealth.

The artisan tower head of former Orion who is about to go back to the thunder god temple decided to stay back.

The project Sam proposed has a very large scope and a powerful representative is indeed needed.

After the initial excitement died down, Sam said.

"I am going to own fifty percent of the whole business. I am going to provide you with the designs of the buildings and all the necessary infrastructure.

As for the machinery, some auxiliary parts can be manufacture by you in the respective places, where the machinery has to be made. But the core parts of the machinery will still me manufactured by me and then shipped to the different branches.

Apart from that, I am providing half of the budget myself.

As for the remaining fifty percent, I want you guys to cooperate with the remaining three towers. The pharmaceutical tower is going to be having the least of the contributions as we don’t have many requirements from them.

As for the shares you are going to investing and dividing among yourselves, I don’t really care.

At the end of every month, after deducting the necessary taxes and the required cashflow for paying salaries and maintenance of the things, we will divide the profits among ourselves.

We will be forming an enterprise and all the money that is required for the maintenance of the whole chain will be stored there and the funds will be used carefully.

If any of us have a new idea, that might be any service, product or anything else. Then the enterprise will buy that idea from that person at a certain price.

No matter who that person is, but the idea has to go through all the core members including me before going for an approval.

But there is one thing I have to tell you. The whole plan shouldn’t leave the western continent and if it does, just remember one thing. I am the one who created it and I can easily destroy it without a problem.

If I find a single mistake anything, if I find out about any form of embezzlement or any form of corruption, I will collapse the whole system.

Any person, who tries to mess with the core machine components I made and try to get their hands on those designs, I will personally kill that person and whoever the staff that cooperated with him disregarding the circ.u.mstances."

Sam threatened directly. In fact, it is more of an information rather than a threat at this point.

Many people might not know the role he played in the destruction of the Orion. But that doesn’t mean, the artisan tower heads didn’t know about that.

The Orion tower head, has seen from the front seat what happens when Sam has enough time to prepare himself.

So, there are no thoughts of embezzlement and corruption in their minds. After all, they are smart enough to know that maintaining a proper relationship with Sam is an extremely beneficial thing a long run.

They are not stupid enough to cut open the goose for the extra golden eggs.

So, after some small discussions, Sam left the place. The first step in this big project is to convince and win over the partnership from the remaining three towers.

That was left to the artisan tower to deal with.

Sam is now planning to leave this city to go to the imperial capital. He has to survey the area so the he can build his own new home.

This is not like all the places he lived in before. This would be first true home, a place where he can return to.

But his luck is not that good. That day, after he returned to his place, he learnt that Emperor has something to speak to him and this made him feel frustrated.

When he looked for Watt to see if he has any other extra information, he was stunned.

Because, he saw Watt guiding Felicia as she cleaned the body of the Vulture.

He didn’t know what to say.

He was a bit surprised that Watt bid for Felicia, but he didn’t care much as it is the privilege he gave for Watt.

So, he didn’t even ask Watt for what purpose he bid for her.

But now, the situation is different. He is extremely curious of why he wanted to bid for her.

He called Watt over. Felicia was still cleaning the large body of the vulture. And the bird seemed to be enjoying the feeling of cleaning.

When Philip and jack noticed Sam, they came over.

"Why did you bid for her exactly?" Sam asked in confusion.

Philip and Jack tried their best to refrain themselves from laughing.

"Boss, you are a healthy young man, so you would have some needs to be taken care of. But any random woman cannot be selected for that. Even, if it is only a fling, to be beside you they have to qualified in many ways and I think it is impossible to find a girl as strong as you.

So, I am trying to see if that woman can help you in other ways. After all, you have a lot of beasts and many other things that needs constant monitoring.

I will assign her some tasks and you can rest assured. I will inform, when I think she is ready, so until then please bea..."

Sam didn’t let Watt finish his words, he sealed his mouth with his hand and slapped his forehead with another one.

"What is going on with your brain?" Sam didn’t even have enough patience to talk sense into Watt and left towards the Imperial palace.

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