That night, at the entrance of the tower, Arthur looked at the hordes of beasts as if he was dreaming. He has avoided these beasts like plague, when he noticed their habitats. But now, they came searching for him.

The beasts got their cubs, but they are still angry, how dare a human can do such a thing as stealing their cubs.

They started charging towards the tower, some beasts attacked with the elemental powers and some beasts just rammed into the walls. But as Murali promised the beasts are not able to deal with the walls and enter the tower ignoring the defence.

Even the attacks aren’t penetrating.

But there is no harm for them either. They tried a few times and then just waited there. Even the beasts of different species didn’t show any hostility towards each other. This, time they are quite united and whole-heartedly treated these people are their enemies.

Arthur and the rest are at a loss of words, they don’t know how to deal with the situation. They didn���t dare to fight them. Sneaking past, them? It is almost impossible with these many beasts.

So, all they could do is hole up right there waiting for the time of exit.

At that moment, a scroll came flying into the tower through the entrance, Arthur picked up the scroll and the strings of letters, made his grit his teeth in anger.

"Since, you wanted beasts’ remains that badly, I guessed that you would like the beasts even more, so I took it up on myself to invite them here. You don’t have to thank me. – Sam."

He immediately understood how they are struck in this scenario. This is Sam’s payback. He was even thinking that Sam didn’t pursue for some other reasons, rather he is using the most frustrating way to take the revenge that too in a grand scale.

They are now planning to deal with the rest of Level-4 beasts and try their luck at the Level-5 beasts at the territories. But they don’t know that Sam not only dealt with all the beasts, he even stopped them at their door step so that wouldn’t find any stray that was left by any possible mistake.

Sam is completely unbothered by this, if not for the fact that killing these people would bring him some extra trouble in his next plans and hinder him extremely, he would have dealt with directly and in that tower it is impossible to kill them.

He is having a hard time to control and suppress the killing intent. He is even thinking of using the hidden means without leaving any evidence, but he might find a way for Arthur to be useful for him in his future preparations as he is heir of the thunder god temple, these are the only reasons that are letting him breathe peacefully.

Living in fear is one of the worst possible ways of life.

Sam went on dealt with the remaining treasures in the habitats. After that he started sorting out all the treasures he obtained. There are more than one hundred and fifty rewards he got from this island and among them seventy are weapons of various attributes. Ten of them are formation discs, twenty are various types of formation designs. Ten skill books for some weapon techniques, thirty consumable inscription scrolls of various types and the rest are inscription design scrolls.

His teammates took whatever weapons they wanted and shared it among themselves, they took some inscription scrolls and even some formation discs, Sam decided to sell half of the remaining with a label of the things from the inheritance of Murali and the remaining half of them will be in his possession to be used as extras.

As for the remaining inscriptions and the formations, they can be used for further research.

Soon, the day of the final inheritance arrived.

Seven days before the period of two months, the four main candidates disappeared from the towers.

Sam, Arthur, Andrew and the leader of the northern Arian all disappeared from their respective places and appeared in front of each other in a room, It is a vast hall which has four doors on four sides leading them to different rooms.

Soon, a projection of Murali appeared in the middle of the hall and started saying these words.

"Welcome candidates. I hope you all have increased your strength and combat power in the past duration you have spent on the island.

Right now, you are only a week away from gaining the inheritance I have left for you.

As you might have already known, I, Murali am famous for my expertise in four fields.

Swordsmanship. Painting. Inscriptions and the formations.

I must say that I am really proud of the heights I achieved. Before leaving this world, I wanted to share my knowledge to the younger generations of this world as my sign of gratitude for the all the resources and the experience this world has provided me.

So, that is the reason, with the help some friends I created this island and the four towers. The four towers are keys to activate all that this island has to offer.

Now, you are in a place which leads you to the four inheritances I have left you. You have a chance to obtain, all four of them or any one of them. That solely depends on your efforts, will, strength and desire.

That is why I created the four towers and you are the four people who overcame the trails of the towers. Everyone of you have an advantage so I think it is a fair competition.

Out of four of these inheritances, the Painting, Inscriptions, Formations takes two days. As for the Swordsman ship, that is my weakest ability of all four and for that reason it would have less to offer to you than the other three resulting in only one day.

After a week, all of you will be sent back to the places you have came from along with your team members.

As for the people who are deceased accidentally, I mourn for their death and I apologize.

Now, the inheritance trail shall begin."

With those words, the projection disappeared and one of the doors swung open.

Four of them cautiously walked inside and all they could see is a platform on the other end of the room. There is a glowing sphere at the centre of the platform emitting a vague glow.

They knew at once that, it was their goal, but they couldn’t reach that at all.

Because between the platform and the place they are standing there is a large valley.

A large abyss is separating them from their goal.

As they are thinking of ways to cross the whole thing and tried to use their elemental energies and such, they realized that it is impossible for them to even summon a wisp of the spiritual energy.

At this moment, four large blocks of stone raised from the abyss exactly at the edge of the valley.

Everyone exchanged a glance and looked at each other before each occupying a block.

At that moment a holograph appeared all of a sudden and in that there is a hand holding the paint brush and using it to paint something. It is just a line, a straight line, but the main thing is the usage of the spiritual energy.

The hand or rather the owner of the hand is circulating the spiritual energy in a certain manner such that the paint which is being used is giving the line the required attribute that it should possess.

Generally, the painter artisan uses this technique to create a painting., The painting is quite similar to an inscription scroll in the initial stages. The more it advanced the more a painter artisan do, but in the initial stages it will serve the same purpose the inscription scrolls which might be consumables or of multiple uses.

It can be used fir attacks, sealing, defence and many other uses. The inly differences are the usage of the materials and also instead of the runes they would use the images they paint as the medium to give us the required effect.

After the scene in the holograph played once, paint brush with paint and a white canvas appeared floating in front of them.

The test is the most straight forward thing.

All they have to do is understand and imitate the whole move and if their move passes the stage, they would be able to advance further.

The move kept on playing even after the appearance of the canvas and the brush.

If they observe closely, they can even see the flow of energy in their hands.

Sam observed the whole action closely time and again. He hasn’t researched the whole painting thing deeply. He is proficient in painting in his previous life and he used the expertise to learn the painting techniques which helps him etching inscriptions. He didn’t try of use any normal painting artisanship techniques.

But he can see how the energy flow works and can see how to do it based on his etching experience.

So, after ten minutes he picked up the brush and made his move.

Even though it is one line, it clearly differed from the way he etched the inscriptions, because he used the special inscription ink as paint at that time and now he is using a paint specifically used for these purposes. It clearly differed in the whole energy flow and process.

So, for the first few attempts Sam failed.

Only after his seventh attempt did he pass and another block appeared in front of him while the canvas and the paint brush disappeared.

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