"Don't tell me… he is planning to still go after it?" The draconian princess widened her eyes, staring unblinkingly at the man in front of her. "This is crazy. You are already injured! Don't push it too much!"

However, Liam did not look like he was about to listen to her anytime soon.

"Damn, this guy! Those divine cunts took half my soul. Now this crazy bastard is going to take the other half. Why the hell did I agree to guide him?" She clenched her fists tightly and watched the scene with bated breath.

Swirls and swirls of nether once again condensed around them, and the entire area was doused in an aura of death. But this time, Liam did not disperse this thick nether to all of the undead creatures in the vicinity.

Instead… He shot it all toward the one single undead that was staggering a couple of feet away from them.

Swoosh! The entirety of the undead became pitch black in color, and from top to bottom, it was drowning in nether. 

A powerful aura shot out from the undead as it could feel the immense nether around it. 

The creature growled loudly, but when it tried to command it, it quickly realized that none of the nether belonged to it. The creature was simply enjoying the power from the mere presence of all the nether.

The next second, unexpectedly, all of that nether disappeared, and the whole shot forward like an arrow towards one particular spot, more specifically toward the X mark at the base of the creature's skull.

The whole thing looked bizarre, like a scene straight out of a horror movie where a spirit plunges into an unsuspecting individual.

"Unbelievable! Does this guy really think that he is capable of changing one of the basic rules of necromancy? What gall!" The draconian princess grumbled under her breath, but a part of her was excited and couldn't wait to see Liam succeed.

However, how could this be so simple? 

Even after the huge injection of nether, nothing really changed. But Liam was not ready to give up just yet. He gritted his teeth and continued to blast the single undead creature with all the nether he could gather from the area.

He sent wave after wave of nether crashing at the single undead repeatedly. At this point, even the undead quivered from his undivided attention.

Two more seconds passed, and then the red pillar itself started trembling because of the force with which Liam was draining the thing completely.

"Oh?" Liam then all of a sudden raised a brow as if he realized something. In the next moment, he abruptly stopped everything and released all the nether under his command.

Huh? The draconian princess was shocked once again. "What happened? Why did you stop? Didn't you almost… I could feel it!"

"Nope." Liam grinned. "Can't you see? I didn't succeed. It's too soon for me to succeed." He cryptically answered.

The draconian princess blinked at his weird explanation when her gaze naturally fell upon the red pillar. She then understood what had happened.

If Liam had succeeded right now, then it would have definitely alerted the being controlling the undead from the other side, which in turn might speed up the events of the third wave.

This couldn't happen because they needed as much time as they could get at the moment.

"What a cunning bastard!" The draconian princess inwardly praised him. The guy was probably saving this as a gift for whoever was going to show up next from the red pillar.

But this meant that Liam's plan of using all the undeads sprawled across the world to do his dirty work was not going to happen.

"Now what?" She asked him.

"Hmmm…" Liam silently stared at the undead creatures and the red pillar before turning back to the guild base.


"Hey! Hey! Good sir, I am talking to you!" A person dressed in simple, plain saffron attire paced back and forth in a room, looking at the other person who was sitting calmly with his eyes closed.

The Monk's face was becoming redder with each passing second.

By now, he had tried to talk to Caden several times, but he hadn't gotten any satisfactory response just yet. "Good sir, you are a man of the cloth. I am also a man of the cloth. It's not good to behave so rudely to your close compatriot."

The monk waited for a response, but once again, the other party did not even flinch. He had been at this for several hours now, and the result was the same.

"Sigh." The monk slumped on a chair nearby. "Good sir, didn't you say that Mr. Liam was not a bad person and that once he regained his consciousness and recovered a little, he would release us? But now…"

He pulled the system interface to look at the time and then lamented. "One whole day. Almost one whole day and that person still has not released us!"

"Ah… Amitabha! Are we both doomed to live in slavery forever?"

"This is not the right path for the man of the cloth!"

"We are supposed to be free and untethered!"

"Ah… Amitabha!"

The monk continued lamenting even though only the four walls were paying attention to him. The other person, the supposed 'Oracle,' still had his eyes closed.

"What in Lord Buddha's name is this guy up to?"

Hmmm… He scrutinized the man from every angle but couldn't tell what had captured his intense focus. His contorted expression only resembled that of someone suffering from constipation.

Sigh. The monk let out another long breath of air when the door suddenly opened, and the person whom he had been dreading all this time now stood in front of him.

Of course, with perfect timing, the Oracle, who was sitting like a corpse for the entire day, was also now wide awake. 

The monk couldn't help but roll his eyes at this. He wanted to say something, but he was a man of the cloth, so he did not open his mouth.

Also… the monster was back! The monk gulped, looking at Liam rather fearfully. 

"Are you in the middle of something?" Liam's gaze wandered around the room and saw that the two of them had clearly not been very busy.

Seeing this, the monk gulped again. Shit! Wasn't he supposed to be doing something? What was that again? 

He became so nervous that he couldn't even remember it. He immediately started sweating, wondering how Liam was going to respond now.

But unexpectedly, Liam did not seem to care at all. 

"Well, whatever. Just come with me." Liam signaled the two of them to follow him as he walked out of the building. Outside, a redhead and a fox were already waiting.

"Okay. Now that we are all here, we can start."

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