--AN) I did plan to do four chapters tonight, but I ended up getting caught up in working on something, so only three tonight. I will do 5 + bonus chapter for hitting 1k votes tomorrow. --

Bret was currently trying to call everyone back, but one team seemed to have gone missing. He could not reach them on coms. "Team six is not responding."

"All other teams are on the way back then?" Blake asked.

"Yes. Seventy five percent of them have already returned. We are just waiting on the others who should arrive within the next hour, and then it's just trying to figure out what happened to team six." Bret answered. He was quite worried because a few of his old world buddies were in team six.

"Alright. Me, you, and Lillia will go out this time." Blake decided to give Lillia a chance to go out and get some action since she had not done so so far. She was also the best person to come along since she knew the most about the undead.

"Lillia is coming too? Hot damn. This will be an easy trip, then. She will finally get to see your womanizing skills." Bret punched Blake in the shoulder with a grin. "Joking aside. I am glad she can finally leave the base. I could tell she yearned to go out more."

"She still needs to be careful. She can not use any magic that is easily noticed to be ather dragon magic. But she should be fine using other magic no matter how strong it is with her now being a drakani. Anyway, meet me at the gate in five. I will go get Lillia." Blake said before running off.

Five minutes later, Blake, Bret, and Lillia stood at the city gates. Tina, Clance, Noa, and Faana were also there. "Don't worry about the city. We will protect it. Go bring our people home." Tina said as she gave Blake and Lillia a kiss. This was followed by the other three girls. Only these four could see the trio off as the other wives were busy attending to the kids and the three currently pregnant girls. Well, two since Hina had already laid her egg, but she needed to keep it warm at all times.

"Alright, we will bring them back one way or another. This world has many more dangers than we could ever imagine." Blake rubbed the girls' heads before putting up a barrier around his body and heading out into the rain.

The green rain was pooling on the ground leaving dark green puddles all over the place. Bret, Lillia, and Blake all had to have barriers covering their entire body in order to not be affected by it. "Do you think they failed to get barriers up in time?" Lillia asked. She had to look at things from the worse case scenario.

p-n0ve1、com "I think so…. Or they might have run into some other kind of trouble. While monsters, dragons, and human monsters are not an issue, we still have things like the new undead. So if they were overwhelmed somehow or maybe even the reglios attacked them, it could be bad. If it was the reglios, we can not expect any of them to be alive." Blake just hoped that was not the case because they were already expecting an issue with the undead.

"Hold on. I hear something." Bret stopped. They had only been walking five minutes, and the sound of shuffling could be heard not far away.

The three were not people who would run and hide but instead slowly and quietly made their way over to where the sound was coming from. What they saw was five zombies shuffling about near some trees. They had tattered clothes covered in dirt which meant they probably just crawled up from the ground.

Blake frowned when he saw this and pulled out his sword. He was about to step out and take care of it when Lillia suddenly shot out and raced toward the zombies. She was quick, and within a flash, all five zombies were beheaded with the sword in her hands and lit on fire. She turned and smiled at Blake while sticking her tongue out at him as she said: "I was faster."

"Yes, yes, my wife is amazing." Blake chuckled as he sheathed his sword. "Come on. We should get to the last reported location of Team six."

The group continued on for almost two hours until they finally reached team six's last reported location. "They were here alright." Bret looked at the boot mark in the ground that was pooling with green water and looked around. "They were heading northwest."

Blake let Bret lead since he was better at tracking than he was. The group of three made their way northwest, following the tracks. "Hey, what's that?" Lillia asked as she pointed at something next to a tree.

"That's Ralphys pack!" Bret yelled out as he ran over to the backpack lying against a tree. He checked through it to find everything still there. "This is strange. He would never just leave his pack lying here like this."

"The tracks over here make it look like they were in a scuffle. There are many other tracks as well. Looks like they ended up fighting with someone or something. But the question is who. We see no signs of zombies anywhere. But these things are wearing shoes, from what I can tell. The military boots we supply have a distinct emblem on the bottom of the soles that is our city emblem. These tracks here do not have this emblem." Blake pointed out.

Bret came over and looked at the tracks, and nodded his head. "You are right. I think they might have walked into another group of humans. But to think they would lose a fight unless one of them was captured. Team six did have two girls, so…. If someone got the drop on them and took one hostage.."

"Even if they did, there is no way they would be able to hold them. I have trained half our people, after all." Lillia snorted. She felt like there was something else going on here.

"For now, let's just follow the tracks. There is no sense in speculating anything until we see with our own eyes what is going on."

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