--AN) More on the way! ---

Blake made his way out onto the street. Tall buildings rose up into the sky. Cars drove by along with the people walking on the sidewalks going about their daily business. He walked down the streets, taking in the sights and smells, remembering the days before the apocalypse. If one were to ask if he missed those times, his answer would be very simple. No! He hated the old world and liked his current way of life. He had family and friends. People he truly cared about and cared for him just as much. There was no way he would want to go back to the old world.

His current life was perfect for him. He did not feel it was bad at all. If he was suddenly thrown back into the old world, he would really not be able to survive. The old world ran on money. Money was what messed everything up. While the hope dollar did exist in Destiny City, it was something that was heavily regulated so that even those making little money could easily survive. Prices on things were set to a certain limit and could never rise higher than that. While it might sound like he controlled everything, it was necessary so that people did not end up in poverty. He did not care about money himself, as things were easily created using magic. Such systems always bothered him. While people could still save their money and gain lots of wealth. It would not benefit them like it did in the old days. Money did not rule Destiny City. He did, and the people living in it did.

As time goes on and the city really does turn into more of a kingdom or country. It will still be the same because magic contracts can keep those ruling over other towns and cities from becoming corrupt. The last thing he wanted was someone taking control of one of his areas only to ruin it and cause the people who lived there harm. This was also agreed upon within the elders' council. He made sure to run everything by them so he did not step on any race's way of life.

Blake shielded his eyes from the sun as he came to a stop at a crosswalk and wondered what he should do next. "I guess I can go to the college and cause a stir. Like going into the girl's locker room. No, wait, I got a better idea..."

Blake wondered if this thought process really made him a deviant. But he still wanted to do it even if it meant seeming like a bad guy. After all, this was in his mind! He could do anything he wanted!

So with his idea in mind, Blake headed to his old college. He made his way to one of the classes where the college belle was currently attending class. Her name was Jenna Fen. Before the apocalypse, she was a model for some fashion magazines. She had deep blue eyes and long black hair. She was a mix of Asian and Caucasian, giving her a unique look that brought out the best qualities of the two races.

Blake walked right into the class with his hands in his pockets and walked up to the girl who was busy writing notes. She had on a white blouse top with a light blue skirt that went down to her knees. It was nothing fancy, but even still, she looked amazing in it.

Sensing someone next to her, the girl looked up at Blake with a bit of confusion in her eyes but also a bit of surprise. She felt this man was very tall, but he was also very good looking. Biting her bottom lip gently, she asked: "Can I help you?"

"Yes and no?" Blake replied with a smile causing Jenna to blush. He then knelt down next to her, grabbed the hem of her skirt, and lifted it up. "Meow!"

"What the hell are you doing!?" Jenna quickly slammed her hands down over her dress to keep Blake from looking anymore. Her entire face was flushed red.

"I was checking what kind of panties you were wearing. But who would have thought? Meow! Meow!" Blake grinned as she stood up. He never thought the college belle was wearing kitty print panties. He had heard a rumor about it during his days in school, and now he had officially confirmed it. Well, according to his memory, anyway. But who knows, maybe this was actually the past.

"You! Shut up this instant!" Jenna yelled out as she stood up on her tiptoes and placed her hands on Blake's mouth. "Don't you dare say another word?"

"Mewph! Mewhp! Mewafo!" Blake was still trying to meow like a cat causing Jeena accidentally stick her finger in his mouth. His eyes lit up with a mischievous smile as he licked the tip of her finger, causing Jenna's who face to turn red.

"Would you stop!" Jenna really wanted to slap Blake, but she couldn't bring herself to do it! He was too handsome!

"Excuse me, what are you doing in my class!?" The professor yelled out.

Blake turned his gaze to the professor while biting the tip of Jenna's finger and holding it in his mouth as he said: "Mewfo!"

"Get out!" The professor was not going to take such disrespect!

Blake grabbed Jenna's hand and twirled her around before picking her up and walking out of the class with her. "Wait, my things!" Jenna seemed to have forgotten that she had no idea who Blake was or that she was being taken away by a stranger. She was only worried about her things. And Blake was nice enough to comply, but he did not put her down. He just walked over, picked up her stuff, and stuffed it in her arms before finally walking out of the class.

It was only when they left the class that Jenna finally began to think straight. "Can you put me down!?"

"Hmm? Sure." Blake gently put her down and then lifted her skirt once more, causing her to try to kick him.

"Would you stop and tell me who you are?" Jenna pursed her lips as she tried to kick Blake but missed.

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