"Blake!" Ishtar spotted Blake was he walked out of the room he had spent the night in with Chi and Little White. 

  "What's wrong? You seem panicked?" Blake was confused. He never saw Ishtar so panicked before. 

"It's hatching! Quick!" Ishtar did not explain more before grabbing Blake's hand and disappearing with him. 

When they arrived, Blake saw Hina huddled around their egg, and cracking sounds could be heard. Blake's eyes widened as he walked over and sat on the bed. Hina lifted her eyes for a second as she smiled at him before looking back at the egg. Her first baby was about to be born! She couldn't help but feel excited and anxious.

The egg cracked more and more until, finally, a little hand punched through the top of the egg. Then another hand appeared as it began pulling the shell apart. After a few minutes, a small head poked up. A cute little girl's face was revealed that resembled Blake a lot. She had purple hair and two feathers sticking up out of her head. She looked around and locked eyes with Hina for a split second before her head whipped around and stared at Blake. "Papa!"

"I knew it!" Hina cried out. She knew this would happen. All of her husband's daughters were the same! It was always their papa!

Lillia sighed as she sat next to Hina and patted her shoulder. "I know how you feel."

Hina did not know if she should laugh or cry. But when she saw the little purpled haired figure pull herself out of her shell, revealing a set of purple wings on her back, she smiled. No matter what, she still thought her baby girl was very cute. 

Tina couldn't help but comment: "She looks like an angel!" 

"Then how about naming her Angelica?" Blake asked, looking at Hina, who happily nodded her head.

"I love it! Sister Tina told me about the beautiful angels in your myths and folklore. I know my kind was around too during that time, but we were nothing but…."  Hina was cut off by a loud yell.

"Papa!" Angelica jumped on Blake and hugged him tightly as best as she could. Her little arms could not reach around him, but she did not care as she nuzzled her nose into his stomach. 

Blake gently ran his fingers through her long purple hair, making her relax and slip into a deep sleep. "She must have been tired."

"I do wonder why they all jumped for Blake first. Is it because he is handsome?" Tina looked at Blake with a teasing look. 

"I think it is because he gives off such an aura of protection and love much more so than we could ever do. I fear I might be scared for life when I finally become pregnant, and my child only cares about Blake and wants nothing to do with me." Ishtar sighed. She could really see it happen.

"You have no idea!" Lillia cried out but quickly covered her mouth. She did not want to wake Angelica." The cute little girl with tanned skin and claws for feet. If you looked closely, you could see two small horns hidden in her purple hair. "Destiny was the same when she hatched…."

"I am not doing anything, I swear, so please do not give me those judgemental looks." Blake could see all his wives staring at him strangely. 

"All of the girls are obsessed with him. I fear they will never get married in the future." Noa sighed. She wondered if she would ever see her Little Hina in a wedding dress.

  "I would rather them all be single. Any man who does not pass my inspection can not date my daughter!"  Blake snorted, causing his wives to giggle.

"The daughter-con raises his ugly head." Tina poked at Blake in a teasing manner.

  "I guess we can only wait for the end of the world to happen before our daughters get married. But I fear that before then, they will all be lesbians." Lillia jumped in on the teasing. Hina, Smiled as she saw her sisters teasing their husband and him sitting there with pursed lips holding the child they had conceived together.

She watched as Blake moved closer to her and moved the sleeping Angelica into her arms. Well partially. She seemed to refuse to let go of his shirt. This caused another round of laughter. Hina sighed as she lifted Angelica's butt and sat in Blake's lap while resting Angelica in hers. This way, Angelica would still technically be in her Papa's lap.

"She probably will not want to let go of you for the next few days." Lillia sighed as she ran a few checks on Angelica's body. "She seems fine like the girls, when it comes to the mana plague. I see no other issues either. Sister Gemini, Sister Ishtar, can you check?"

Gemini, who was staring longingly at Angelica, wished her own child would come someday, slithered over and ran checks on the little girl as well. As she pulled her hand away, she gently tucked a lock of hair before the little girl's ear. She could not wait to have a child of her own. "I also see nothing wrong."

After Gemini stepped back, Ishtar also took a look, and her brow wrinkled. "I found a small speck of the bacteria. If you want, I can remove it now." Ishtar replied. She wondered how a child in an egg could get the bacteria in the first place.  She had been in the safe area the entire time.

Blake thought for a moment, then looked at Hina and asked: "Hina, you have heard the reports. What do you want to do?"

  "Leave it. If she is not affected by it, then leave it. If it turns out mana is evolving, then she might need to have that bacteria in her to survive, so unless it causes her harm, we will not do anything about it." Hina replied.

"I was thinking the same. We will keep a close eye on her. She is not to be with out one of her Mamas or me for the foreseeable future."

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