Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 1081: Overwhelming Aura

Chapter 1081: Overwhelming Aura

Translator: RITF_Rain Editor: Chrissy

Gramp Ye Shuqing made a deep sigh and slowly closed his eyes.

This was his clan.

Those men had been pushing him just like that.

His grandson had only been home for one night, yet those men targeted him like that.

‘Even though he didn’t learn the martial art, he should still contribute in some way! Otherwise, do you want the clan to feed him for nothing in return? There is no way he can only get fed but do nothing!’ These words brought coldness to his heart.

Ye Clan was just a second-rate clan, but it was still an influential force in this area. The theory about nobody in the clan could only get fed but do nothing didn’t apply to Ye Clan’s own children. However, that middle-aged man still said it. The vile ambition in the man’s heart was vividly uncovered.

Apparently, they were going to ruin Gramp Ye’s grandson. They wouldn’t stop until they did it!

Another guy frowned and said, “Ye Chengbo, what stupid words did you say? He who has no martial power should still contribute to the clan? Fine. Then answer me. Contribute how? Besides, what do you mean the clan won’t feed him for nothing in return? No way he can only get fed but do nothing? Ye Chengbo, ask yourself. What have your over a dozen concubines done for the clan? What have they done except to be... done by you? According to what you just said, should we push your concubines up to the stage and let everybody beat them to death?”

This guy who talked looked slim and weak.

As he started to talk, the crowd was in an uproar.

That middle-aged man Ye Chengbo who was being questioned replied in a dark face, “Ye Xinghui, I never said he should go up to the stage. Why did you impose by force like this and talk nonsense?”

“Didn’t you?” Ye Xinghui laughed loudly, “That’s right. You didn’t precisely say the words. However, we are not fools. Do you think we don’t know what you want to say? You said I am talking nonsense, huh? Isn’t it exactly what you are doing?”

Another man stood out with anger in the face, “Their child, who has been missing for a long time, just came home and spent merely one night in the house. You all come together to make trouble! How shameless are you to speak about having the same name and same blood? You keep pushing them like this. Don’t you fear the scoff of all people in the world?”

“Sixth Uncle is making a mistake.” A young man stood out. “Even though they haven’t met for a long time, it was more than enough to talk for a whole night... How much do they have to talk about that couldn’t be finished in one whole night? Even if they really didn’t finish their conversations yet, how could their minor business compare to the clan’s future?”

Ye Liangchen stepped out imposingly and said, “What do you mean by that? What an absurd accusation was that! Do you mean Uncle Nantian’s son can decide the future of the clan now? Can I understand what you said in this way? Let me ask you something. If you were abandoned for over a dozen years, what would you think and do? We are all in the same clan, having the same blood. How can you be so unnatural to him? Why push him like this?”

The two young men’s words triggered another dispute.

The eight elders divided into two sides and started to dispute against each other. The men of the oldest generation were also divided into two groups. The second oldest generation also burst into a drastic conflict. People who were the youngest age, including Ye Liangchen and Ye Meijing, were also having a furious argument.

All in all, at the moment, people in the yard had divided into two groups who stood clearly against each other, having drastic conflict.

However, those who were supporting Ye Nantian only had a few people, which was just less than thirty. However, the other side had over eighty men, who were in an utterly dominant position!

The two groups of people kept arguing, and the conflict was turning more and more scorching.

It was not quite a good excuse to make trouble on Ye Xiao’s return. However, it actually led to a complete rupture of the two groups who always had different opinions!

At this critical moment, if anybody casually attacked, a bloodshed would occur.

Luckily, nobody from other sects was present. Otherwise, they could sneakily make an attack, and Ye Clan people would fight against themselves in the bloodshed, without anybody else. At least Ye Clan would be drastically weakened!

At the moment, only Ye Nantian, Ye Shuqing, and one other old man didn’t do anything.

Ye Shuqing looked at the slim old man who stood opposite to him. He didn’t say anything but showed a complicated expression in the eyes...

That old man was the current Chief of Ye Clan, Ye Shuxin.

Gramp Ye Shuqing’s younger cousin.

In the noisy chaos, the brothers just looked at each other, having a different kind of conflict which was silent.

After a while, Ye Shuqing walked ahead to Ye Shuxin.

“Do you have to be this ruthless?” Ye Shuqing asked bitterly.

Ye Shuxin blandly smiled. “Brother, you are wrong. We are family. There is nothing really that serious. You have gone too far by calling me ‘ruthless’.”

“My grandson has just come home for one night. Just one night.” Ye Shuqing took a deep breath, paused for a second, and said, “My son has only returned for half a year...”

Ye Shuxin stayed silent for a while, and then blandly said, “However, within the half year, my brothers died...”

Ye Shuqing said, “What are you talking about?”

Ye Shuxin lowered the eyelids and blandly said, “And my oldest son too. Died.”

Ye Shuqing burst in a fury. “What do you want to say? What more do you want? The entire clan is in your hands. What else do you want?”

Ye Shuxin showed fierceness and evilness in the eyes and said, “I want to say... My brothers can’t just die for nothing... Nor can my son...”

Ye Shuqing angrily responded, “And my son should die for nothing?”

Ye Shuxin was surprised. He then blandly said, “Are you admitting it?”

“Admit what?” Ye Shuqing’s eyes were full of the flame of anger while staring at his cousin.

“Admit it or not, I have to put an end to it.” Ye Shuqing half-closed his eyes. “Brother, your grandson hasn’t been around for many years. It is just like you never have such a grandson. I guess it won’t make any difference if you truly don’t have a grandson afterward?”

Ye Shuqing started shaking. “What do you mean? Is this just your idea? Or is it the thought of you all?”

“Forefather heard that your grandson returned. He wanted to see the kid. I think he wants to intentionally raise the kid and train him to fit an important position in the clan if the kid is talented enough.” Ye Shuxin looked vicious in the face. “Brother, if you were me, would you allow it?”

“Why wouldn’t I? How could I not?” Ye Shuqing loudly answered, “Doesn’t it mean Ye Clan is becoming stronger if the kid is stronger? Is it even necessary to hesitate?”

Ye Shuxin suddenly sneered. “That is why you don’t fit the chair of the Chief. Your mind is always too weak. How can a weak-minded man become a decisive leader of a clan?”

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