Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 1830: Perfect Dragon Body

Chapter 1830: Perfect Dragon Body

The Purple Dragon King and the Golden Phoenix King knew that Ye Xiao was trying to protect their children...

What happened was too important to let more people know!

With Ye Xiao’s company, the Purple Dragon King couple and the Golden Phoenix King entered the inner hall of the Hall of Life and Death.

The superior cultivators of the two clans saw something that shocked them...

The Purple Dragon Queen was actually fawning on Ye Xiao...

When Ye Xiao introduced Xuan Bing to them, the Purple Dragon Queen actually took off a beautiful bracelet and put it on Xuan Bing’s wrist...

It was a space item, but let alone whatever was inside, the bracelet itself was already a priceless treasure.

“It is such a waste to put it on me. Only a beautiful woman like you deserves such a fine bracelet...” That’s what the queen said to Xuan Bing.

That was totally bribing...

‘Why would the Purple Dragon Queen bribe that woman?’

‘This is unbelievable! This must be a dream!’

The Purple Dragon Queen had never been so flattering to anybody before. She didn’t even flatter the Sky King of the Glaze Sky. She respected the Sky King, but she would never fawn on anybody!

The cultivators of the two clans were astonished.

The three guests entered Ye Xiao’s private study room.

Before they sat down, the Golden Phoenix King and the Purple Dragon Queen already hastily asked Ye Xiao about their children. “Doctor Ye, my child...”

Ye Xiao felt stressed, but he was ready to tell the guests the truth. He thought the truth would disappoint them all, and he was ready to take full responsibility for the children. He believed he could send the two little things to the top of the Human Realm Upon Heavens!

(Off-screen voice of Erhuo: “Stupid master, you are thinking too much. I have been guarding the eggs all the time. How could I make any mistakes? Just wait for the day when you become the father of legends!”)

Ye Xiao had to answer the mothers’ question, “Since you are here, you should check them out on your own. I really have no idea what is happening to them. They are totally different from what I know about baby dragons and baby phoenixes.”

‘What? What is so different?’

The dragon and the phoenix looked at each other. ‘When he called me, he must want to know what happened to the kids. We are too shock to tell him the truth... Doctor Ye must be confused...’

Now that they were here, they were ready to embrace their talented kids. However, they still hadn’t seen the kids, so they couldn’t be sure whether they were as talented as they expected...

‘What if something went wrong?’

‘It is... It is unpredictable...’

“Bing’er, please bring Ye Di and Ye Huang over.” Ye Xiao sounded loving. The dragons and the phoenix were glad to know that.

However, they didn’t seem to be happy about the names! ‘What the hell? Ye Di? Ye Huang?’

“Oh, right. Ye Di is the baby dragon’s name. Yes. My son is Ye Di, Di as for a king. Ye Huang is the baby phoenix. My daughter is Ye Huang, Huang as for a phoenix. My son and my daughter are kings.”

Ye Xiao proudly said, “They are born to be kings in the sky!”

The explanation did please the dragons and the phoenix, but they just didn’t feel right about it.

‘He is my son...’

‘He is my daughter...’

‘Ye Xiao, you shameless person... How come they become your children?’

‘They have blood-borne with you, but that is all, isn’t it?’

‘They are not your kids...’

After a while, Xuan Bing returned with Ye Huang on the left hand and Ye Di on the right hand. What a lovely picture!



Ye Di and Ye Huang cheered.

The Purple Dragon Queen and the Golden Phoenix King’s eyes turned red.



The Purple Dragon King and Ye Xiao answered the kids at the same time.

Then they looked at each other. ‘He is my son! Why did you answer him?’

The two little things got away from Xuan Bing and moved to Ye Xiao, making glittering lights in the air. Ye Xiao reached out both hands and held the two babies in his arms, each on one hand, calling them babies. He turned to Xuan Bing and blinked with a hint in the eyes.

Xuan Bing understood, so she turned away and left. She activated the special power formation in the study room, so the room became a totally covert place. Nobody’s spiritual mind could sense it.

The Golden Phoenix King and the Purple Dragon Queen were both upset.

The babies had such an intimate relationship with Ye Xiao. The two ladies were so jealous.

The Purple Dragon King was shocked. He was a man after all, so he was less sentimental than the two ladies. What he saw was the happiness and strong vitality of the two babies, which was like an excellent performance for him.

The baby dragon flew to Ye Xiao. Dragons could fly, but normally, it took five hundred years for them to learn this skill. The baby dragon was definitely a talented child. At least, the Purple Dragon King couldn’t think of anybody else who could do it at such a young age. The dragon must be a genius... The phoenix was incredible as well. When the phoenix moved to Ye Xiao, it glittered. That was an instant transportation skill. Most of the phoenixes couldn’t do it! This baby phoenix was amazing!

“You must call that guy dad as well. He is your father. This lady here is your mother. They gave you your life.” Ye Xiao explained to Ye Di.

Ye Di was a little confused. He lay on Ye Xiao’s hand, staring at the Purple Dragon King and Purple Dragon Queen. “What does that mean?”

Ye Xiao was surprised. It was difficult to let a baby dragon understand what life means. What should he say?

“Hmm. Look. I am the father who watched you when you were born. I am the first man you saw when you came to this world, so I am definitely your father. However, this dragon father and this dragon mother gave you your body, well, the egg. They are the closest people to you in the world. Do you understand?”

Ye Xiao felt so difficult to make a clear explanation. This was the best he could think of.

The Purple Dragon Queen blushed and stared at Ye Xiao.

The Purple Dragon King was a bit embarrassed.

‘Is he taking advantage of me?’

‘Well, it doesn’t matter right now...’

The baby dragon stared at the Purple Dragon King and then looked at the Purple Dragon Queen. After all, they were the same bloodline. After a while, the baby felt the loving bond...

“Dad? Mum?” The dragon said with hesitation. He wasn’t so sure yet.

“Good boy...” The Purple Dragon Queen held him over and touched him face to face. Her tears filled her eyes...

“Let me give him a hug. Let me take him...” The Purple Dragon King urged his wife but didn’t dare to directly take the baby.

“You? Get off now... Conscienceless, to think...” The Purple Dragon Queen shouted at the Purple Dragon King. “You abandoned your own child! How shameless!”

The Purple Dragon King was embarrassed and looked at Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao turned away and pretended he didn’t see the Purple Dragon King.

Ye Huang said, “Dad, what about me?”

“Right. Ye Huang. Here. This is your mother... I mean, your real mother.” Ye Huang looked at the beautiful Golden Phoenix King and stupidly said, “And I am your father...”

The Golden Phoenix King stared at Ye Xiao, gritted her teeth, and got angry.

‘Bastard! How dare you!’

“Mum...” Ye Huang said. The Golden Phoenix King turned soft immediately as she heard the baby.

“Oh...” The Golden Phoenix King’s eyes turned red. She carefully held the baby phoenix in her arms and lovingly looked at the baby.

Ye Huang was moving in her mother’s arms, just like what she did in Ye Xiao’s arms. “Mum! It smells so good here. This is just as good as staying in dad’s arms...”

The Golden Phoenix King held Ye Huang tight as if she was the most precious treasure in the world. She even forgot to check the baby’s talents.

The bloodline, the special bond between a mother and the daughter obsessed her.



After a while, Ye Xiao coughed to catch people’s attention.

‘What are you doing? You seem to forget about me. I am the babies’ father too. Don’t just keep focusing on the children...’

‘They are my children too!’

‘Come on... It kills to be obsessed in love all the time! Pay attention, or I will set you apart!’

The kings and the queen finally realized what they were here for. They embarrassedly smiled.

“Shouldn’t we start talking about serious business. My heart is on edge here.” Ye Xiao said.

“That’s right.” The Purple Dragon King immediately turned solemn. “The most important thing is to make sure if our kids...”

He suddenly stopped talking.

Ye Xiao frowned. “If what?”

“We need to confirm if they are as we expected.” The Purple Dragon King said.

He wouldn’t mind telling Ye Xiao the truth. After all, Ye Xiao has a strong and special bond with his son. He had a concern though.

He was afraid that his judgment was wrong...

That would be terrible...

The Purple Dragon King was troubled. He didn’t know how to say it!

The Golden Phoenix King knew that Ye Xiao was confused. She smiled and said, “I would love to tell you everything about the kid. You have the right to know the truth. I can feel the same feeling in the Purple Dragon King’s heart. We just don’t want to be disappointed.”

She smiled and said, “The Phoenix Clan used to have a legendary member, the Netherworld Phoenix. She was an extremely powerful phoenix of us, who had five feathers on the crown... However, she was not the most powerful one in history. Two kings were stronger than her. The great ancestor phoenix, who had seven feathers, born as a legend in the clan... However, there was another phoenix, who was much younger than these two legends. In fact, what I am going to tell you is a secret...

“The first phoenix in history, who was the ancestor of all phoenixes, was the Nine Crown King!”

“Nine Crown King?” Ye Xiao was shocked.

“That’s right. As I know, she had nine feathers on the crown. Each feather was fantastic. As she gathered her full power, she was like nine suns in the sky...”

The Golden Phoenix King said, “She was, and still is the most powerful phoenix in all time...”

Ye Xiao was shocked, staring at Ye Huang.

‘Wait... Doesn’t Ye Huang have nine feathers too? Does it mean that my daughter may be the next legendary phoenix?’

“However, I am not sure if Ye Huang is the same case.” The Golden Phoenix King lovingly held Ye Huang in her arms and said, “Huang’er had nine great feathers, which were much beauteous than the feathers recorded... I need to give it a further check...”

“Wait...” Ye Xiao said, “How? You must be careful if you need to do something on the child!”

He was totally like a father now!

The Golden Phoenix King showed him a sneering eye and said, “Of course. Do you think I will hurt my own daughter?”

After that, she went to a private room and gave the baby phoenix some examination.

“What about you?” Ye Xiao looked at the dragon couple.

“We need to make sure as well...” The Purple Dragon King said, “In fact, we are going to do the examination here... Ye Di has a different situation from Huang’er. We can tell the golden scales on his body. That is exactly the same as they describe our great ancestor... In fact, even the great ancestor dragon didn’t have this many golden scales... Ye Di’s scales go along to his tail... That’s fully covered...”

Ye Di said, “Fully covered how? Check his belly. There is no golden scale. We must find a way to cover it.”

The Purple Dragon King looked at Ye Xiao and said, “There is something you don’t know. The belly area should be where the golden scales start to grow... Those are the best protective scales, the Saint White Scales...”

Ye Xiao was surprised. He moved over and turned the baby dragon around.

Ye Di was itchy, and he kept giggling.

Ye Xiao was shocked. The baby’s belly was covered by tiny silver scales. There were hundreds of them. Each was as small as a rice.

“That’s... I didn’t notice... I shouldn’t worry that much, I guess...” Ye Xiao rubbed his head.

He had been paying attention to the shiny golden scales, and naturally neglected the dim white scales. It turned out that the white scales were even more powerful than the golden ones.

The Purple Dragon King was so excited, but he tried to stay calm and steady. “According to our historical record, the first dragon in the world was born from the essence of the chaotic world. He had forty-eight golden scales and ninety-nine Saint White Scales...

“I just counted. Ye Di had sixty-nine golden scales on the back of both sides of his body, and seven hundred saint white scales on the abdomen... He even has horns... Nine tails... I have never heard of such a talented dragon...”

“Nine dragon tails? Where? I don’t see them.” Ye Xiao was confused. He held Ye Di upside down and only saw one dragon tail.

The Purple Dragon Queen and the Purple Dragon King were wordless.

‘How could he be my son’s father? He doesn’t know the Saint White Scales. Fine. How could he not see the dragon tails?’

Ye Xiao was confused. “Oh, there they are. Nine tails... That’s rare...”

The baby dragon’s tails look like just one, but actually there were nine tails braided together. That was hard to find...

“Do you want to make a further examination?” Ye Xiao asked.

He had a feeling that the baby dragon and the baby phoenixes were both extraordinary!

The Purple Dragon King’s face turned red. He tried to calm down. After a while, he said, “Ye Xiao, Monarch Ye, no matter what, I am grateful for what you did... Look. If the baby is truly as extraordinary as we expected, the dragon clan will forever be grateful for your great favor...”

The Purple Dragon King seemed to lose words. The Purple Dragon Queen was emotional as well.

The next moment, the couple sat down. The Purple Dragon Queen held Ye Di in her arms. The Purple Dragon King took out a white stone that seemed to be cracked.

He respectfully held the stone as if he was worshiping some sort of gods. He put the stone on the table and kowtowed to it. “Ancestors, there is no other choice left to me. If I offend you, please forgive me.”

Ye Xiao looked at that cracked stone. He was confused.

The Purple Dragon King had been staying low on his knees and then held Ye Di over to his arms. The Purple Dragon Queen knelt down on his side when she gave the baby to him.

The Purple Dragon King held Ye Di in arms carefully, slightly raised Ye Di’s hand to touch the white stone.

When Ye Di’s hand just lifted up, the Purple Dragon King’s eyes glittered.

He realized that on the baby’s hand, there were some small golden scales, which were even smaller than the Saint White Scales.

Ye Di didn’t know what he was doing. He was too young to understand, so he just watched. He thought it was some funny game, so he laughed. As his hand touched the white stone, he picked it up and held it in the hand.

“No, don’t!” The Purple Dragon King was terrified.

It was too late.

The stone was in Ye Di’s hand now.

The next moment, some special power came out of the white stone. The strong power blast like the sky falling down and hit the world.

Ye Di was frightened, but he still grabbed the stone in hand. He was blank.

Some cyan smoke rose up from the stone.

The sacred power was getting stronger and stronger. The Purple Dragon King and the Purple Dragon Queen lay down on the floor and didn’t dare to raise their heads up.

Ye Di was too young to be scared. He was just curious, watching the rising smoke.

“Who is it? Who summoned me? Why in a study room?”

The sacred soul in the smoke saw where he was.

It was a peaceful study room, apparently not an urgent situation.

The soul was impatient and then became furious. The flame of fury could burn everything!

In the cyan smoke, there was a shadow of a dragon with two big eyes. The great dragon was going to rage up at any minute.

“Five hundred thousand years, nobody has ever summoned me... What is this about? Wait...”

The Purple Dragon King wanted to explain, but they were too scared to speak.

However, the dragon soul seemed to be surprised.

The huge shadow disappeared.

The power was still there, but the dragon soul had become human-shape. The man was wearing a high hat and a long robe, whose face looked old and pale. His eyes made him look serious.

He was just like a human being, except that he had two white dragon horns on his head.

The man was staring at the baby dragon, Ye Di. He wasn’t angry anymore. He was shocked. In the end, he was overjoyed.

It seemed like he had found some treasure that was the rarest in the world!

“What is going on? Who is this baby dragon?” The man spoke gently, and he was a little anxious.

The Purple Dragon King couple felt relieved. They took a breath and kowtowed, and then said, “He is our son... He... We have no idea how talented he is... I have... I have never seen any other dragons like this ever in our clan. Please, forgive me.”

“Your son?” The man wasn’t so sure if he should believe them. “You two are worse than ordinary. How could you possibly have such a talented baby? He is beyond the royal blood!”

The Purple Dragon King couple kept their heads down and didn’t know what to say.

The man looked at the Purple Dragon Queen and the Purple Dragon King. He just didn’t believe it. “Well... Does your wife cheat on you?”

The Purple Dragon Queen blushed. She was so disgraced and she nearly raged up to shout back. However, she wouldn’t dare to shout at the ancestor.

“No, it doesn’t make sense... Even if she does cheat on you, she couldn’t find any powerful dragon. Unless it was me... But... Even my son couldn’t have such talent... I don’t think I have done this.” The man murmured and rubbed his head. He just couldn’t understand. “This is so weird. Let me think... This is like a rainworm couple having a dragon son... This is f*cking impossible!”

The Purple Dragon King couple almost wanted to kill themselves, free themselves from the humiliation.

They wouldn’t mind if the ancestor teased them privately, but Ye Xiao was there, hearing every word he said...

Cheating... Having other’s kid... Two rainworms having a dragon baby... That was such a great humiliation! They were the royal kind of dragons after all!

“Please, great ancestor. It doesn’t matter whose kid he is. Please, we must know how talented he is...” The Purple Dragon King urged.

“What do you expect from me?” The man impatiently said, “The horns, the scales, the tails... He is even better than me! What do you want me to do? Are you showing off? Are you teasing me?”

He was a little upset about it.

He had been the most talented and powerful dragon in the history of the dragon clan...

However, he was also excited.

‘The kid is much better than me.’

The Purple Dragon Queen and the Purple Dragon King were so happy to hear that! They nearly passed out because of the sudden happiness.

They couldn’t believe what they just heard.

They knew it was possible, but when they knew it for sure, they were so surprised and overjoyed!

“Perfect dragon body!” The man said, “No need for any further tests! The kid just needs time to grow. He will become invincible! He is going to be stronger than any ancestors in our clan. In fact, he could be the most powerful living creature in the world... You should take good care of him...”

He took a long breath and said, “Heavens. The Dragon Clan finally has a powerful descendant...”

Suddenly, his huge eyes stared at Ye Xiao. “Who is this guy? How could you summon me in front of a stranger? How dare you!”

He shouted as he saw Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao smiled. “The baby dragon is my son. I kind of incubated him. I am his first father!”

For the dragons, this was good enough to explain anything.

‘You have an egg. It is true.’

‘However, the blood-bond was more important than bringing an egg to the world!’


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