Chapter 977: Explanation

Translator: RITF_Rain Editor: Chrissy

“So you feel it right to bully the weak and fawn on the strong? That’s why you beg for my mercy so sincerely? Is this what your Saint Sunlight Sect do?”

Xuan Bing’s voice was cold like ice. She sneered, “Well. No wonder your sect had lived in the world for tens of thousand years. What a bravo skill!”

The middle-aged man’s face was totally cracked because of the pain in his arm. He was sweating badly, like he was just out of water. He spoke in a hoarse voice, “I... I was wrong...”

“Oh. You know the shame. Well, why don’t I give you a chance to show your true heart.” Xuan Bing pointed at his other arm with a finger.

The other arm started to swell and twist, getting on the same process of the first arm.

“Why don’t you say something? I know you are good at talking. I asked about your name, didn’t I? Why don’t you tell me? Are you looking down upon me? You just don’t feel like answering me?”

Xuan Bing indifferently and coldly said, “Your attitude annoys me. Since you love to kill other’s families, I guess you don’t care much for your own family. I don’t mind visiting your family some time. I wonder what they look like? Do they look like you? I guess I will recognize your children for the first sight. Hmm. Oh, right. You asked me if I like you? What a pity. You are a little bit wrong with it!”

The middle-aged man was quivering. His lips turned purple.

He knew what Xuan Bing meant. He could feel the murderous intent in her voice.

However, he was unable to stop her.

He didn’t even have the power to beg for mercy.

When he realized she was Xuan Bing, he knew that his future was ruined. He was hopeless!

He knew it was over.

Not only himself, but also his entire family were done.

It was an unforgivable mistake.

He just made this mistake.

All he did was to let loose of his filthy mouth. At the moment, he didn’t hate Xuan Bing the most. Instead, he hated Han Bingxue to the bones!

It was Han Bingxue who lured him to say those words and led him to the death.

“Great Elder Xuan...” The white-bearded old man had a complicated expression on the face. He slowly walked to Xuan Bing, lowered his head with silver hairs, and apologized in sincerity, “I am sorry.”

“Shut up!” Xuan Bing sneered, “Sorry? And you want me to forget what you have done? Since when are you words so powerful?”

The old man made a long sigh and humbly said, “I know it is never enough to just apologize. We have made a mistake that we can never make up. I just want to ask what should we do to make you feel better and spare our lives?”

Xuan Bing coldly said, “Mistake? What mistake? Bai Bufan, please explain it to me. What does a mistake mean? Maybe we have different explanations for the same word. Maybe they are two totally different meanings in our minds. Now, if we can’t have a shared understanding of this word, how do you expect me to spare you?”

The old man, Bai Bufan felt disgraced. His face turned red. He took a deep breath, held the humiliation in mind, and said, “It is our fault. We are wrong. We...”

The Saint Elder of Saint Sunlight Sect, who was in a rather high position in the sect, lowered his head with regret.

It was such a disgrace.

But he had to do it.

Otherwise, he would have to face death.

“I am asking you to explain the word mistake. I didn’t tell you to apologize! Why do you tell me who is wrong? What? Am I bullying you now?” Xuan BIng’s cold eyes were like the eyes of gods from the heavens staring down at the mortals.

It was overwhelming and undeniable.

She wouldn’t show any impression of weakness as she was on the righteous side.

She was pushing him, overwhelmingly, leaving no space to negotiate at all.

Bai Bufan looked bitter in the eyes. His chest was filled with grudge. The other men behind him were all ashamed and angry. They looked at Xuan Bing with anger and fear in the eyes.

They feared for Xuan Bing for a long time. That was unchangeable.

However, she was humiliating the old man. They just couldn’t stop feeling angry about it.

Besides, they were all superior cultivators.

They were a group of capable cultivators!

They always bullied others! They had never been suppressed like this before!

None of them had ever imagined such embarrassment and disgrace!

Some of them even drew out their swords a bit. The clouds were rolling in the sky. The energy of Dao Origin Stage was gathering slowly!

It was intense. A big fight was going to begin.

Xuan Bing looked at them. She looked so indifferent. Then she looked at the sky, where the clouds were gathering. She didn’t want to stop it.

In her eyes, the viciousness was getting heavier and heavier.

As long as any of them moved, she would fight back and massacre all of them.

She was confident that none of them could survive once she attacked.

After that, she would even go to Saint Sunlight Sect to make bigger troubles for them.

She didn’t mind if they made it a huge disturbance!

She wouldn’t mind leading Saint Sunlight Sect to extinction!

The reason why she wanted to do so was that she found this sect was a huge threat to her master.

That was why she intended to lead the men to the extreme situation.

The bigger the disturbance they made, the better excuse she had to strike the Saint Sunlight Sect!

She would kill all the threats to her master. The only thing that mattered in her heart was Ye Xiao’s safety!

“Do not move! All of you!” Bai Bufan turned around and shouted nervously. Suddenly, he spat out a full mouth of blood. – Pah! –

Because of the shame and anger, he was feeling worse and worse.

He stood right in front of Xuan Bing. As the most experienced and powerful man among the nineteen people, he could sense the gathering of Xuan Bing’s energy. She was amassing murderous qi slowly. The astonishing spiritual power which felt deep like the ocean was gathering under Xuan Bing’s feet.

She was ready!


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