Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 7: 351: Governance (2)

Book 7: Chapter 351: Governance (2)

Dyon smiled lightly, knowing that his plans were coming together slowly.

“Then, there’s the matter of calculating merit points. This matter isn’t as invasive as you believe either.

“Those of you from Earth are already aware of how this works. When you sent your youths to campaign, it was the Sapientia that provided a tag in order to calculate points.”

Those from Earth came to realization. Back when Dyon fought in the world tournament, wasn’t he ranked first? How did that happen? Wasn’t it because the Sapientia utilized a merit calculating system much like that one?

The only difference between this and that was that this Soul Tag would follow one for life while the Sapientia Tag only activated during Campaigns.

“This merit calculating system is only a passive observer. If it detects a merit, it will reward points. As for demerits, it has no ability to calculate such a thing. This is because the system can be turned on and off at a person’s leisure. Although I have the ability to have it calculate demerits as well and always be on, I’ve deemed it inappropriate to do so.”

The Clan Leaders nodded in agreement, appreciating Dyon’s point of view.  

“Should you accidentally forgot to turn on your system or are unable to before an act of merit, then you can always provide proof of your feat through a system of Administration to be awarded your points.”

Dyon looked around for a moment before he continued.

“Now, the main purpose of these Soul Tags aside from what’s already been said is their ability to affiliate an individual with a certain Clan.

“Upon birth, a child will be connected to two families. The family of their mother and that of their father. The merit points a child earns can go to either clan depending on their choices. However, it must be noted that should this child have a child of their own in the future, this newborn will only be affiliated with that parent’s paternal clan.

“For example, if a woman of an Elvin Clan marries a man of the Pakal Clan, their child will be affiliated with only the paternal clans of their parents by default. Should they want to acknowledge the maternal clans of their parents instead, they can once more go through a channel of Administration.

“This system is put in place so that individuals cannot become merit mercenaries, selling off their merits to the highest bidder, not because I believe that a father’s clan is more important.”

The Clan Leader’s nodded in acknowledgement. Every Law of Order had its own reasons that they mostly accepted. It was clear a lot of thought went into them.

“While we’re on the topic of such matters, marriage is another matter that is incredibly important. I want to emphasize how important consent of both parties is.”

Patriarch Belmont blushed in slight shame when Dyon’s gaze quickly swept over him. How could he forget how he took it upon him to “test” if Dyon was worthy of Madeleine? Even though he reprimanded Lionel for treating Madeleine as his own, he still had the audacity to do such a thing.

Thinking back, he was quite embarrassed. He was a parent to neither child, yet he stepped in as a third party parent to his son who was clearly a victim of unrequited love, and still had the audaciousness to test Dyon.

Of course, he felt that, back then, reason was on his side. Earth was in danger with enemies from all sides and Lionel and Madeleine were great talents. If Madeleine married Lionel, they’d have two individuals capable of wielding violet flames, which would have been a great boon.

But, seeing what kind of man Dyon became… The sort of person that could kill him without any effort… It was kind of embarrassing to even think about comparing his traitorous son to him.

“I know that this sort of Clan Hierarchy system incentivizes picking and choosing marriage mates and squandering the happiness of your offspring, but I’m telling you now that I won’t tolerate such a thing.

“Marriage will be registered by the Administration. Wherein every case will be analyzed on a point by point basis. No marriage will be accepted if there is any evidence of subterfuge. Of course, if no Clans are involved and they are simply two unaffiliated individuals, the requirements will be much less stringent.”

Dyon didn’t believe he was going too far in this. With how much effort Clans usually put into marriage alliances, going through one more hoop wasn’t too big of a deal.

But, he knew that this policy of his would create the most dissatisfaction. After all, it was a firmly ingrained in the culture of the martial world for the parents to decide the marriage of the child.

Unfortunately for them, Dyon was willing to die on this hill. Even seeing their dissatisfied expressions, he continued unperturbed.

“Up to now, I’ve mentioned this Administration 3 times. This branch of governance will be the first I establish. It will be known as the Mortal Administration and be responsible for rules and regulations. Everything from merit points, to title conferrals and Clan promotions and demotions.

“I’ll be appointing my wife, Clara Sacharro as the Head of this branch. She has full authority to appoint and structure it as she sees fit.

“The next branch of governance I’ll be appointing is the Ruling Branch. This branch will fall under the sole purview of the Sacharro Clan.”

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