Book 8: Chapter 157: 112 (2)

‘It’s just like that time all over again… He has no interest in me… He only cares about my talent and what I can do with it for him…’ Lilith silently looked toward Dyon. ‘… But why don’t I feel the same disgust for him I feel toward my father or Sokzac?…’

… Because if it’s him, and him alone… I deserve to be treated this way… I’ve earned his disdain…

These were words that Lilith couldn’t even bear saying those words, even if it was just in her mind. They lay silently, hidden deep within.

“… I’ll accept, but I’d like to hear your conditions first.”

Dyon was a bit surprised Lilith accepted so readily, but seeing the complex light in her dark eyes, he refrained from asking about it. He realized she had her own story, but he felt it odd that he felt such a pull to ask about it. Under normal conditions, Dyon wouldn’t care for Lilith and her feelings even the slightest bit. Considering this, one might wonder why he was accepting these devil path cultivators into his fold at all…

Well, the answer to that lied in his talk with Jasmine, or rather, the lack of a talk. He still didn’t have his answer, could he blame individuals for acting in the fashion they were born?

In truth, Devil Cultivators were born evil. And, considering how little Dyon knew about naturally birthed Evil Cultivators, he didn’t have a solid answer on that front either. But, these particular devil path geniuses were in a bit of a special situation.

Considering Soul Market had been functioning for hundreds of years, Dyon knew that Lilith and her companions weren’t the ones who started it. However, at the same time, Lilith acted to obstruct Dyon, while also doing nothing to end Soul Market.

This placed Dyon in a dilemma. On the one had, Lilith was born into this situation, something he couldn’t blame her for. But, on the other, she didn’t try to change herself.

Dyon needed to understand. He needed to comprehend what it truly meant to be on the side of Balance. Could he blindly follow his grand teacher, old man Abraxus? Or, would he have turn this endlessly roaring war into one that had three sides instead of two?

Lilith, her brothers, and the rest of her companions… They would be his path to answering this question.

“I plan to unite the whole of the Martial Plane.” Dyon said plainly.

Lilith’s eyes widened. ‘What nonsense is he talking about… Is he even aware of what saying such a thing to me means?’

“I know what you’re thinking, but is there a need to try and see so far ahead? Even if we’ll be enemies in the future, grasping hands together now is for the benefit of both sides. I believe even your father would agree, don’t you think?”

“You… You know about my father?”

“I know a lot more than you think I do.”

“Right… You are the celestial deer sect’s successor…”

Dyon smiled, but didn’t say much more. He couldn’t tell Lilith the real reason he now knew these things.

“My conditions are simple. I don’t expect the Devil Cultivators to move on a large scale. In fact, just you few are enough.”

Lilith’s eyes widened. “Just us?”

Dyon nodded. “The value of you all is more than you think. You were all sent here for what reason?”

Lilith suddenly understood. “We were sent here to gain experience and become strong pillars of the devil quadrants in the future…”

“That’s exactly right. If you all grow with me now, I can raise you into excellent pillars. Come the future, when you grasp your positions as the leaders of your Clans and Sects, our alliance will only grow stronger. We’ll sweep through the Mortal Plane together.

“If there comes a day where we must point our swords at each other, so be it. But, I’m sure you and your people won’t care very much for my idealism, right?”

Lilith unconsciously nodded. No one had even formed an Emperor God Clan in a single lifetime, how could anyone unite an entire Plane in a single lifetime. That was ridiculous.

If anything, Dyon being so open and upfront about his goals now would make this alliance happen in a much smoother fashion. Also, this was something Lilith could decide for herself as well. They had all come here to gain experience. She wasn’t supposed to go back home until she could help her father carry his burdens… By the enemies their Clans faced… She’d have to become a Peak Dao Expert at a minimum before she even thought of returning.

“I accept. Me and my companions will become soldiers under your flag and represent the Devil Quadrants in this alliance. What you give us today, we will return in the future.”

“Good.” Dyon nodded. “You, Sokzac, Rolrol, Asyna and Baccar will represent your Nightmare Palace, Fulgur Clan, Eclipse Sect, Mathilde Clan and the Infernal Beasts respectively as Core Disciples of my Soul Rending Peak. The geniuses that followed you will be named as Inner Disciples. You will receive the same treatment as anyone else who has taken this title.

“Once you break into the celestial realm, I will appoint you as a Vice Commander, your company will include those who followed you here.”

After saying these words Dyon’s finger flashed, revealing the third Sovereign Spark he had ever formed.

It was only then that Lilith comprehended something major… Dyon had the Sovereign Flame…

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