Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 8: 20: Marry Me (2)

Book 8: Chapter 20: Marry Me (2)

At the moment Jaws had made his move, Dyon’s battle with Drathal had already erupted. His arrogant claim that all three True Gods couldn’t defeat him even if they came together had thoroughly enraged Drathal.

In Drathal’s opinion, he had already taken a step back. If it was anyone else who wanted to ban his clan members for 30 years, he wouldn’t even speak before allowing his trident to fall from the skies and claim their life. However, Dyon actually treated his niceties with contempt.

In truth, if it was up to Dyon, not only would he sneer at Drathal’s words, but he would piss him off even further by taking out his Aurum Ancestor’s reverse scale. However, Dyon couldn’t go so far. Not because he was scared of Drathal’s retaliation, but rather because Jaws had already used the dragon reverse scale back during his battle in the Valley of Geniuses. So, Dyon had directly given him the scale.

Soon, though, Drathal’s enraged expression turned incomparably grave. The man he thought he could destroy easily wasn’t just fighting him toe to toe, but rather pushing him back with an eerie ease. The most devastating part was that Drathal knew that Dyon was heavily injured!

‘It’s this spear!’ Drathal roared in his mind, completely enraged.

Drathal’s golden trident twirled in his hand, its three sharp blades careening forward. However, Dyon’s deflected it with absolute ease. It wasn’t just the fiery blow back of his black-white spear, but also the Bold Type energy of his Silver Mirror constitution acting in full force. This coupled with the fact that he had entered the first stage of Titan Emperor’s Will and Drathal was at his wit’s end.

This didn’t make sense to Drathal. His trident was exactly like Anak’s glaive. It was a supreme grade treasure he earned during his trials. Yet, it was actually inferior to a self-created weapon Dyon casually took out?!

The depth of Dyon’s weapon’s pagoda was far deeper than even he knew. Everyone knew that only celestials could make full use of transcendent grade weapons, and only dao experts could make full use of supreme grade weapons, yet, it took this long for Dyon to realize that these barriers were only for others and not him!

How silly would it be if a weapon Dyon created himself couldn’t be used to its full extent? Wouldn’t that be incomparably ridiculous?

The issue before was that Dyon hadn’t been using his weapon’s pagoda appropriately. He had even foolishly used its projections alone without giving it a proper vessel. But now, everything had changed!

Before, the weapons he formed could only be said to have the equivalent aura and sharpness of a supreme grade weapon, but now, it also had its abilities!

This particular 2.5 meter long spear spirit Dyon chose had an ability known as [Reverb].

The true weapon will of the spear was something Dyon called [Layering]. With each successive combo of strikes, the power of the attack was layer, growing stronger and fiercer. The second strike would be doubly as powerful, the third strike triply so, and so on.

This ability alone was already heaven defying and showed the true might of true weapon wills. But, [Reverb] took this even a step further! It allowed Dyon to store not only the power of Dyon’s strikes, but a portion of his opponent’s striking power as well! For every strike Drathal threw out in retaliation, Dyon’s supreme grade spear spirit had the ability to covert 10% of it into its own power, as a result, Dyon’s striking power gained a portion of Drathal’s every time their blades crossed. This combined with Dyon’s layering strength and Drathal was already beaten and bloodied.

The worst part for Drathal was that none of this touched the abilities of Dyon’s flames.

Dyon’s white flames had a purifying ability that dissipated the qi Drathal tried to accumulate, cutting his strength by at least 20%. At the same time, Dyon’s black flames were so menacing that every time their weapons collided, it felt as though a nuclear bomb was being set off. It was as though it wanted to destroy everything in its path… yet these two flames were coexisting!

What could Dyon thank for this if not his Eternity’s Balance constitution?

Everything about Dyon’s battle prowess seemed to be coming together to form an undefeatable mountain, a legend that stood about all things and could look down upon even True Gods with disdain!

If just this one weapon spirit’s ability was like this, what else was hidden within Dyon’s weapon’s pagoda? What mountain of treasure was hidden within just waiting for him to discover it?

This was why manifestations were so difficult to comprehend. Dyon might be about 60 years old in the eyes of the universe, but in reality, he had experienced over a hundred years of life, yet it wasn’t until recently that he comprehended this about himself!

On one hand Dyon’s silver mirror constitution which could reflect 50% of Diasho Ken’s strikes, deflected 30% of Drathal’s. Before that even occurred, his white flames cut Drathal’s fighting prowess by 20%. Then Dyon’s weapon’s [Reverb] ability took 10 more percent for itself. And this left only 40% of Drathal’s striking power, all for it to collide with Dyon’s diamond skin!

Dyon didn’t know the extent of the defensive abilities of his diamond skin as he hadn’t tested it to its limits yet. But wasn’t it enough to know that 40% of a True God on Drathal’s level felt like a fly buzzing around him?

Drathal, by now, was burning with rage. But, he had nowhere to put it.

In the end, he became so pissed off that he immediately began shifting to his Dragon form. Since Dyon wanted to use techniques that multiplied his strength, Drathal would show him what a true explosively increase in power was.

But who would have known that Rahl’s beautiful figure would suddenly flash between them, acting so fast that even Dyon couldn’t react?

She stopped both of their strikes with incomparable ease, causing Dyon’s pupils to constrict into pinholes. Was the gap between them and a pseudo-dao expert really so large?

“That’s enough.” She said lightly. “We are indeed in the wrong, we’ll be leaving now. However, 30 years is too long. I’ll let you have your way for half of that. Once your protection over Low Gold City ends, your ban will end.” Without another word, she turned to leave.

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