Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 8: 26: Fifth and Sixth Degree of Freedom (2)

Book 8: Chapter 26: Fifth and Sixth Degree of Freedom (2)

[Soul Aid] could be said to be a technique made for Dyon. Its abilities could only be described as Heaven Defying, but without equally as Heaven Defying soul strength, this technique would be useless to practically anyone but Dyon.

The complete [Soul Aid] was broken into 9 layers, the first three layers providing two ‘degrees of freedom’ each. These so-called degrees of freedom were essentially technique points Dyon could use to manipulate his mastered techniques with absolute ease.

The first layer gave Dyon access to [Weaken] and [Strengthen]. They were the simplest and most straight forward. They could amplify the strength of a weaker technique that was no longer useful, or dampen the strength of a technique that was too powerful for its user to use in their current state.

The second layer gave Dyon access to [Slow] and [Accelerate]! [Slow] allowed one to stretch the time needed to cast a technique, thus lessening the burden on the cultivator. In exchange for a slower cast time, one could use techniques far stronger than their current limits allowed. As for [Accelerate], it was the exact opposite. In exchange for a greater burden on the body and meridians, it could greatly lower the cast time of techniques!

Finally, there was the third layer. Even for Dyon, it took almost 6 months within the golden flame mystical world for him to reach this layer. One could imagine how difficult the subsequent layers would be.

This third layer gave Dyon access to [Shrink] and [Grow]!

One might realize by now that every layer provided two degrees of freedom. Of these two degrees of freedom, one would lessen the burden on the cultivator, while the other would drastically increase the burden. Each degree of freedom was essentially a different method of strengthening or weakening a technique!

It would seem that under these conditions, [Grow] would be the strengthener, but this thinking would actually be wrong!

[Grow] allowed a cultivator to drastically increase the area of effect of a technique. Often times, one might have an incredibly powerful attack, but a limited range in which it could be implemented. However, [Grow] fixed this completely by increasing this range!

The armies below could only watch in despair as the weapon’s hell array that already blotted out the skies doubled in size. What once were half a meter-wide arrays, reached a full meter!

“[Grow].” Dyon’s voice was almost akin to a growl, a prowling beast that wouldn’t be satisfied until his opponents were crushed into minced meat.


The arrays increased explosively in size. Just when their rpm slowed under the constant growth, Dyon sneered.

“[Accelerate]. [Accelerate]. [Accelerate].”

The whooshing of the air seemed to drown everything out. Titus looked up and into the skies with a bitter smile. It seemed his scheming really wasn’t worth much at all.


By now, Shere and Sen had already descended in the armies, leaving havoc in their wake. Vicious smiles coated their faces.

On one side, Shere’s beautiful blue flames caused an aching agony in heir opponents even as her claws reaped lives.

On the other, Sen’s rod fell with impunity as though it was heavenly judgement.

All the while, Linlin deflected attacks continuously as Biibi amplified their strengths, silently chanting from her lofty position in the sky while gripping her own supreme grade treasure staff.

“Remember this day well.” Dyon said blandly.

His face didn’t seem to have any strain on it, and why would it? Dyon was forming regular weapon’s hell arrays that were supposed to only be powerful enough to harm saints. With his dao realm soul, would such a thing even put in a dent in his stamina?

“Those that test my bottom line will only have this one outcome.”

In that moment, Shere and Sen retreated. The armies attempted to stop them, but it was all a futile effort.

The treasures Dyon retrieved from the beast tamer second phase castle were far too great. After shifting through them all, he found many useful kernels of gold hidden within many things he thought he’d ignore. One such technique was the one Shere and Sen used just now, [Retreat]. It allowed a beast to teleport to their master’s side instantly as long as they were within 1000 kilometers of each other. Of course, this drained the master’s soul stamina as well. But, did Dyon have to worry about such a thing?

Like this, Judgement Day descended.

Spears… No, fiery golden pillars, thick with a deadly intent descended from the skies, each with a diameter as large as a bucket.

The cacophonic booms of their descent blew away the so-called Hell’s Sand. Even the cries of pain and despair couldn’t burst their way through.

By the time it all ended, the sands below looked like the rock face of a large ant colony, riddled with large, circular holes with unknown depths.

Those who managed to survive crawled upward, trying to escape the quicksand. Though, the three True Gods didn’t seem to be among them, something that didn’t surprise Dyon very much. However…

His eyes looked off into the distance, the black bow in his hand vibrating with excitement.

“Since I said you’d die today, you’ll die.”

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