Rebirth of a Farming Wife

Chapter 42 - Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Seeking Justice

Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Seeking Justice

Translator: 549690339

“Old man, what’s wrong? What did the Village Chief want to talk to you about that’s got you looking so worried?” In the morning, the Village Chief had sent someone to notify each household to send the head of the family to his house for a discussion. Old Man Han had hurried over there, but he came back with a worried look on his face.

“Ah, let’s talk about it inside. Call everyone in. It’s about our whole family’s business, so everyone should listen and think of some solutions. Life is just getting harder and harder.”

Once everyone had gathered in the main house, Old Man Han, seeing that everyone was present, finally spoke about the reason the Village Chief had called them. It turned out that officials had come with a notification that this year’s taxes were going to be increased by twenty percent. Peasant families like theirs already had difficulty farming. The Han Family was somewhat better off since they owned a few acres of land and didn’t have to rent from the landlord, meaning they could avoid paying rent and could lead a better life. But even so, apart from paying taxes, they could only just cover their food needs. Now, with an additional twenty percent tax, there definitely wouldn’t be enough food for all the family members. It was obvious that life would be even harder for them.

“Why? Why the sudden tax increase, when we peasant families who live off the land are already struggling? Are they even leaving us a way to live?” Mrs. Yang asked angrily. In the current state of the world, it was becoming increasingly chaotic; those above didn’t care about the commoners’ lives, bearing down on them without mercy.

“What other reasons could there be? It’s always the same few excuses. This time they say it’s to chase down rebels—they’re preparing for war and need to gather food. In any case, the government is imposing it on us, and we commoners have no choice but to follow along. What else can we do? We can’t just not listen, can we?” Old Man Han sighed as he puffed on his dry cigarette more loudly, as if to vent the frustration in his heart.

After hearing what Old Man Han said, Mrs. Yang didn’t speak further. Government matters were just like this—could they, insignificant commoners, really defy it? They could only hope for a kinder master above who would care a little more for the commoners. If the war really broke out, even harder days would lie ahead.

Hearing the conversation between Old Man Han and Mrs. Yang, the Han family brothers all wore grave expressions, and the daughters-in-law didn’t dare to say much, also worried. Of course, Su Wenyue was an exception. She understood what the future might hold and had started to think about what to do. But with the world beginning to unravel, seeing Han Yu looking so worried, she wondered if it might be time to share some information with him.

“Father and Mother, there’s nothing we can do about the way things are. We can’t refuse to pay the taxes the government is imposing. But it’s certain that we won’t have enough food this year. Later, I’ll go to the county to find some odd jobs. Even earning a little silver could help support the family. Don’t worry too much,” said Han Hu, who, true to being the Han Family’s big brother, was the first to speak up with his thoughts.

“Yes, Father and Mother. The few of us brothers are strong enough to work more and support the family. Don’t worry too much. Life has to go on, and everyone is in the same situation; we’re not the only family that has to pay taxes,” Han Family’s Second Son joined in the conversation. Normally quiet and focused solely on hard work, he was also an optimistic and endurant person.

However, Han Family’s Third Son, Han Lin, already downcast from his wife leaving, now had an even gloomier expression. He stared at the ground without saying a word.

Han Yu didn’t speak in haste. After seeing Han Lin like this, a hint of disdain flashed in his eyes before he said, “Big brother and Second Brother are right to think of the family’s welfare. The more chaotic the world, the more we’ll see thieves and scoundrels arise. Plus, I suspect many others have the same idea as big brother and Second Brother, so finding odd jobs won’t be so easy. And the money from those jobs isn’t much either. I’d be better off going up to the mountain more often to hunt for wild game to sell at restaurants, which would bring some extra income for the family.”

“But going into the mountains is too dangerous. The occasional trip might be fine, but doing it often could be unwise,” Mrs. Yang said, concerned. Even though she knew her son possessed martial arts skills, she still worried about the dangers in the mountains, filled with wild animals. What would they do if they encountered bears or tigers?

“Mother, you don’t know how capable Fourth Younger Brother is. How could someone with his abilities encounter any trouble in the mountains? Besides, the Fourth Daughter-in-law comes from a delicate background and isn’t easy to take care of. Fourth Younger Brother really needs to work hard, ” said Han Lin, finally speaking up. He didn’t see any issue with saying this, without a trace of guilt, despite the fact that his mother often scolded him for being useless, and praised his younger brother for his abilities—he wanted him to show her just how able he was.

As soon as Xiao Xi heard what Han Lin had said, she couldn’t let that go unchallenged, “Don’t talk nonsense. Miss has never been a burden on the family. When have we ever used even a penny from the public funds? Uncle has such great abilities, but the mountains are still dangerous. It wouldn’t hurt to be more careful.

“Xiao Xi, shut up. When is it your turn to speak about family matters? Whether it’s an issue or not, Father-in-law and Mother-in-law will naturally understand. You have no need to add your two cents,” Su Wenyue reprimanded Xiao Xi as soon as she finished speaking.

Su Wenyue had thought about the possibility of the Su Family having work that the Han family brothers could do, but it was complicated with one being her husband’s family and the other her mother’s family. Getting involved could reflect poorly on either side. For the Han Family’s big brother and Second Brother, it might be alright—they didn’t make trouble unnecessarily and were honest, hardworking men. But someone like Han Lin could cause problems if he went to the Su Family, potentially creating issues for her father and elder brother. And if she singled out Han Lin, that would not sit well either, since her mother-in-law, despite often showing displeasure towards Han Lin, still favored him as her own son. After weighing the options, Su Wenyue still hesitated to make the offer.

“Third Child, stop talking nonsense. Fourth Daughter-in-law’s living expenses are the same as everyone else’s in the family—neither more nor less. What are you doing picking on her? Besides, why should Fourth Younger Brother be the one to hunt and support the family? What are you contributing? We are all members of the Han Family; nobody has more responsibility than others. If you can talk so much, better put that energy into working. You’re a grown man, yet you’re still behaving like an idle good-for-nothing, living off others, eating and getting lazy by the day. It’s shameful to say you’re a member of the Han Family,” Han Hu spoke fervently, displaying his sense of responsibility as the eldest brother. Though Han Lin didn’t seem grateful, he didn’t say anything in response. As the saying goes, an elder brother is like a father, and his words carried weight, which Han Lin had to accept.

“Members of the Han Family, come out here! You bullied my Wang Family’s daughter; do you think the Wang Family has no one to stand up for her?

Everyone, come out! Today, I, Wang Chenglin, must seek justice for my sister. If not, this matter won’t rest!”

Wang Chenglin shouted from outside the courtyard, his voice carrying not just to the Han Family sitting inside the house, but also to nearby neighbors and villagers who heard and came out to see what the commotion was all about..

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