Rebirth of a Farming Wife

Chapter 47 - Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Let’s Talk

Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Let’s Talk

Translator: 549690339

It was confirmed that Mrs. Wang was indeed pregnant, and she had woken up with no serious harm. The Wang family had no reason to continue their stay at the Han Family. Although the two families were related by marriage and such a joyous event should have been celebrated together with great happiness, what had transpired today had caused a conflict. It was already not easy for them to speak amicably at this point.

The Wang family members showed some understanding this time, and after learning that Mrs. Wang was fine, they proposed to leave, while also saying many apologetic and conciliatory words. However, their faces still looked worried. The Han family members simply assumed the Wang family was concerned for Mrs. Wang’s well-being, not thinking much of it. Would the Han family actually make things difficult for a pregnant woman, especially since the child in Mrs. Wang’s womb was their Han family’s child?

Only Mrs. Wang herself knew clearly that her parents and elder brother were disappointed and worried because they had not achieved their intended purpose during the disturbance at the Han Family, nor had they managed to gain any benefits from Su Wenyue. Her brother’s gambling debt was still there, and if it wasn’t repaid when the time came, those people would come knocking at their door. She had hoped to extort some money from Su Wenyue, but she had once again underestimated her. Su Wenyue had effortlessly defused her schemes and even caused her so much suffering. If it wasn’t for the child in her stomach, she might have almost been divorced by the Han Family.

What Mrs. Wang failed to understand was why the information she got from her cousin seemed so off. According to her cousin, Su Wenyue was a spoiled young rich lady, naive and easy to deceive, which was why Mrs. Wang had taken her lightly, resulting in repeated failures and almost losing everything. The Su Wenyue she came to know was a completely different person, unlike the one presented by her cousin. Could it be that her cousin deliberately deceived her?

Mrs. Wang dismissed that thought. She knew her cousin all too well and doubted she’d go as far as setting her up. Besides, given her cousin’s nature, she likely envied and resented Su Wenyue, and definitely wouldn’t want to see her prosper, so the information should be reliable. Furthermore, Mrs. Wang didn’t wholly rely on her cousin’s words; she had corroborated some information from other sources, which matched her cousin’s, which is why she chose to believe it.

But indeed, Su Wenyue was different from the one she had come to know from her inquiries. Could a person really change so much in such a short time, or had Su Wenyue been intentionally concealing her true self? That seemed completely unnecessary. Mrs. Wang couldn’t figure it out and decided to let it be for the time being. Regardless, she knew she must never underestimate Su

Wenyue again, and one day she would repay every slight and humiliation Su Wenyue had brought upon her.

Lunchtime had arrived, and seeing her parents and elder brother preparing to leave, Mrs. Wang felt it inappropriate to ask them to stay, which weighed on her. However, before leaving, they had asked to speak privately with Mrs. Wang, which, being a family conversation, the Han family members naturally didn’t obstruct.

With no outsiders present, Mr. and Mrs. Wang Desheng opened up, “My dear daughter, thank heaven you’re carrying your son-in-law’s child, if not, things would have been terrible this time. It’s not that we despise you, but a woman divorced by her husband’s family will hardly find a good place to go.

Fortunately, you truly have heaven’s blessing. You must take extra care now, be respectful to your father-in-law and mother-in-law, and avoid any more troubles.”

“Father, Mother, I understand. Don’t worry. I underestimated Su Wenyue’s tactics this time. You know your daughter well; I won’t make the same mistake again,” Mrs. Wang assured her parents.

Hearing their daughter’s response, Mr. and Mrs. Wang Desheng sighed in their hearts but grew even more worried. Neither of their children was much like them; both were stubborn and strong-willed, and their advice seemed futile.

Mrs. Wang reassured her parents then turned toward her silent elder brother, Wang Chenglin, and said, “Brother, although today’s plan didn’t succeed, don’t worry, I will find another way. There are still a few days before the gambling debt is due, and I will find a way to get the money to you before then. Just stay at home and don’t wander around causing Father and Mother to worry, okay?”

“Sister, now that you’re pregnant, stop worrying about my troubles. I can handle my own issues. Just take care of yourself. Considering what happened today the Han family already has an opinion about you, and if you clash with that Miss Su again, you definitely won’t come out ahead. Just focus on giving birth to my little nephew, securing your position in the Han family is the most important thing, ” Chenglin responded, knowing his sister’s intentions yet feeling worried, though he had no other alternative but to let her be mindful.

“Brother, as if I didn’t know you. Besides our eldest uncle’s family, we don’t have any wealthy relatives. Our eldest aunt is as she is, and Fang Ru has already been kicked out by the Su family; she definitely won’t lend us money. Where else could you possibly come up with a solution? We are siblings, and as your sister, could I just watch you driven into a corner by those people at the Gambling house?” Mrs. Wang insisted.

Overwhelmed with defeat, Wang Chenglin collapsed to the ground, also truly at a loss.

“Don’t worry. The child in my womb is my reliance right now. He is the Han family’s precious eldest grandson. With him, even Su Wenyue must yield to me some respect. Besides, this was all Su Wenyue’s trickery to begin with. She won’t be able to get away so easily. You just go back and wait for my message,” Mrs. Wang reassured firmly.

“Alright then, just be careful yourself, and don’t push too hard. After all, the baby in your stomach is the most important. Even if you do take on that Miss Su, be careful not to harm the child inside you,” said Chenglin, worrying inwardly but devoid of alternatives, he could only advise his sister to measure her actions.

While Mrs. Wang was talking with her mother’s family, Mrs. Yang had already instructed Mrs. Li to slaughter a chicken, which was now being stewed in the kitchen. Regardless of their feelings towards Mrs. Wang, they could not neglect her precious grandson. Regardless of whether Mrs. Wang’s earlier show was genuine or not, the old doctor in the village had said she needed to recuperate and be nourished properly after her exhaustion.

Having confirmed that Mrs. Wang was alright, and considering the Wang family wanted a private word, everyone went about their own business, and Su Wenyue accompanied Han Yu back to their room.

“Husband, what’s wrong, what are you doing?” Su Wenyue exclaimed, caught off guard.

Once back in the room, as Su Wenyue was about to retrieve something from the box, Han Yu suddenly embraced her from behind and placed her on the bed, sitting face-to-face with her.

“Daughter-in-law, it seems we need to have a serious talk,” Han Yu remembered his intention to properly communicate with his wife upon returning, immediately setting about it by seizing the moment to sit and face her, realizing the longer he postponed, the more complicated the issues would become.

“Ah, Husband, what do you want to discuss with me?” Su Wenyue found herself confused by Han Yu’s sudden actions.. Seeing his gaze fixed intently on her as if he wanted to peer into her thoughts made her uncomfortable, and she instinctively fidgeted with the hem of her clothes.

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