Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 59 - Scared Land (1)

Adam wakes up in his deck, the first few slither of sunlights peeked over the wooden windows and gently tingles his eyes.

He slowly wakes from his slumber and comes out of the deck.

As soon as he came out Adam spots Lana and other few merepeople.

Some were also swimming alongside with the ship.

At distance capitan dura was giving orders to rhe crew and Emily stood at the edge of the boat and enjoyed the scenery.

The ship was slowly moving towards the island which was located few km away from them.

"Why are we stopping in some island? I thought we were supposed to go Atlanta?"

"Yeah, but who knows what tricks he has up his sleeves, so we are going to be on full guard"

"How this anything do with stopping here?"

"There is, When I was young I heard that part merepeople migrated from there to a island in the ocean's God"

"Well they can't be considered truly considered as merepeople because they are descendants of human and mermaids"

"But, they have been protecting a scythe, from a long time,Soul Burner"

"It will kill anyone even if they have any means of rescuret themselves after losing their lives"

"They can't revive if they are killed by this weapon"

"Yea, it all seems so fantastic but, do they really lend their scythe to us"

"Legend has its whenever there is problem in Atlanta there will also be problem at this island"

"Merepeople will solve their problems in

return they will let us lend us soul Burner."

'It seems so unreal, well game developer do thinked very hard, huh.'

There was awkard silence between them.

"Anyway, we have to at least try right?"

Adam smiles and gives a nod in return.

The anchor is dropped far enough away from the shoreline that it's still deep enough for the Epiphany.

One of the two smaller boats is lowered over the side.

Adam, emily, lana, and a couple of crew members get in. Adam row to shore to explore this new world. The boat is brought in next to the rocky treeline.

Adam and his companions have to clamour over the rocks and into the trees to step onto dry land.

The mosquitoes start biting almost immediately.

The crew will likely spend most of their time on the Epiphany, rather than fight through the tangled trees and insects.

At least they won't have to travel far to find food and water to replenish the stores.

"We'll catch and smoke fish, fill our barrels with water, make some repairs to the Epiphany, and try to get some meat while you're gone," Captain Dura says as she watches the crew unload the ship.

"Take care of yourself out there, sweet cheeks."

The half-orc says this last part to lana with a lecherous grin on her face.

Lana, who's used to being the pursuer, trips over her tongue and sputters a weak response.

After walking for some hours the group spots something glowing near the top of a small tree.

When Adam clears the vines and moss, he can recognize that it isn't a tree at all.

Instead, it's a vertical pole about seven feet tall with a magical orb on its end.

The light goes out after he cleared away the moss that had been covering most of it.

When lana places her hand over it, it turns back on again.

"It's light-activated," She says. "Imagine having these all along a street."

"You wouldn't have to hire lamplighters to keep them all running. I wonder if we could take it?"

Emily glares at her, "There will be many wonders here, we can't destroy it take it for ourselves"

"As if,"

Adam sighs at their bickering and continues to walk forward.

They found many other marvels similar to the lamp as travelling continues, both the mermaid kept bickering at each other every now and then.

The night, very one wakes up by Emily's alarm.

Adam and the rest of the members awakes to see a small, brown-furred animal with a long tail going through one of the bags.

It has an almost human-looking face. Its dexterous fingers have figured out the buckle, and it's munching on a piece of dried bread.

Adam waits for it to eat the bread and chase it away but suddenly it turns into bear and starts attacking.

But, it was quickly slain by lana. The journey continues...

In the afternoon, Adam and his companions are riding through a particularly dense section when voice yells from behind.

"Sacred land, drop your weapons!" "Sacred land, drop your weapons!"

Adam couldn't understand it, but Emily quickly translated it for him and rest of them.

"What should we do?" Emily asks concernly.

"Obviously, we should keep weapons, who knows what are they?"l lana replies fiercely.

"No one asked you, will you please stop your mouth from running loose"

"Huh? What do you say? You..."

Adam didn't understand why both of them are fighting, Lana was very worried when he first mentioned about Emily, but it seems their relationship is more complicated.

"Both if you stop? First let's settle the matters on hand?"

"Everyone drop the all the weapons, we don't have other choice"

"Sacred land…drop your weapons…sacred land…" the words continue, but then they grow softer and seem to spread further and further away.

Several minutes pass, and nothing happens. The words eventually fade away into the distance.

But, Adam notices some brightly colored birds watching their every moment.

Adam slowly picks up the abyss angel and continues to walk with his crew.

Lana shouts out as she suddenly shoots upward into the air when a hidden trap goes off under her feet.

Adam casts a fireball and the rope snaps, and lana falls to the ground.

Just as he was about to call Emily, Adam spots an open pit trap nearby.

Judging from the broken camouflage over the hole, he knows that someone has recently fallen into it.

Carefully, Adam and his remaining companions climb down, hoping that he don't find Emily's body impaled upon sharpened spikes.

He see a little fresh blood, but no body.

Emily fell into the pit and had been taken away while he was freeing lana from the other trap.

"Should search for Emily's track?"

"Yes, we don't have any other way, only she can communicate with the people living here."

Lana takes out a bright green gem, after few minutes it tracks the light up when he looks through it Adam recognizes it as the enemies foot print and decides to follow it.

‌The sun sets, forcing Adam and his crew to stop for the night.

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