"You near the trial's end now, but you must judge one final soul. I shall be very interested indeed to see what fate you choose for this one."

With another snap of her fingers, Hadrene conjures the shade of a pale woman with long hair.

For a moment Adam mistakes the shade for Mute, Hadrene's chosen.

As you examine her more closely, he sees that she only wears the same black vestments.

Her face is different, and she appears to be much older. "This is the last soul you will judge." Hadrene declares. "Her name was Cadora."

"Once, she was my most dedicated acolyte."

"She followed the teachings of my priesthood without question, seeking wisdom and sound judgment in the writings of those who followed me before her."

"She was on a path to become my High Priestess in the shrine of Revinne, one of the oldest places of the worship of the Twelve. Then, she broke her vows. She betrayed me."

The shade seems to shrink back from Hadrene at these words, her head bowed in fear and shame.

Hadrene continues, not even sparing a look for the remorseful soul. "All of my priests and priestesses are sworn to celibacy."

"One cannot achieve objectivity if one allows oneself to love. Yet that is exactly what she did."

"She fell in love with a man, and left my service to bear him children and be his wife."

"After decades spent with her new family, she now petitions to return to my service and spend eternity as one of my Judges."

"Does she deserve such a fate, after breaking her vows? Should she be punished simply for following her heart?"

Hadrene fades away again. "Let the judgment begin."

Cadora looks at him with wide eyes full of fear.

Adam slowly gazes at her and gesture her to move into the slat circle, which he had previously created.

After the shade moved into the circle, she looks more solid, less ethereal than she did before.

"What is the reason you joined the clergy, first?"

"My parents passed when I was very young," Cadora answers, a sad frown upon her lips.

"I was an only child. I had no one left to care for me. I cursed Hadrene for taking them from me."

"I did not expect her clergy to show me any sympathy, but I could not have been more wrong."

Adam spots a brief flicker of a smile as Cadora continues.

"The acolytes told me not to mourn and rage, that my parents were now at peace in the river of souls."

"Since death had taken my parents, the temple of Hadrene took me in. They gave me food, shelter, and education."

"They became my family. They gave me peace, purpose. I took the vows as soon as I was old enough. I felt like one of them already."

Hering her answer, Adam felt that she had a sad childhood because he know the pain of losing his parents at a young age.

"Then, why do you leave the clergy, if you are that dedicated you should have sacrificed your love right?"

A bitter smile forms on the girl's soul.

"To marry my husband," Cadora answers, staring off into the distance.

"Hadrene's acolytes are not permitted to love. We… they… are not permitted to marry."

"They serve as arbiters, as judges. They bring justice to the mortal world, as Hadrene's Judges bring justice here in the afterlife."

"Connections like love and family taint one's objectivity, and one cannot be truly just unless one is objective."

Cadora winces as if what she is about to say is somehow physically painful for her to admit.

"I… I wished to be devoted to Hadrene, but I do not know if I truly believe in that teaching anymore."

"Is being objective the only way to be just? How can one know justice unless one truly lives, truly feels? How can one truly live without knowing love?"

She shakes her head. "In truth, I do not feel as if I had a choice."

"True, I didn't have to marry my husband. But I could not help but love him."

"From the first moment I felt that longing for him in my heart, I could no longer honestly follow the teachings I had vowed to obey."

After a moment, Adam asks her one more question, "Do you regret your decision of breaking the vows, that you made towards Hadrene?"

Cadora is silent for a long moment before she answers.

From the conflicted expression on her face, Adam gets the impression that she isn't trying to resist the compulsion of the salts, but that she is genuinely uncertain of her answer.

"I cannot say," Cadora admits, hanging her head.

"Part of me certainly does. I truly believe in Hadrene's teachings, and I have nothing but gratitude for all that her priests and priestesses did for me."

"Yet I cannot say I regret loving my husband or having my children. They brought such joy and comfort to me."

"How could I possibly choose between love for my family and love for my Goddess? It is an impossible choice."

After hearing her answer, he wasn't able to conclude, Adam has expected only 'Yes' or 'No' from her, but this was rather unexpected.

Adam raises the magical mirror and commands it, "Show me this soul's death."

The mirror displays Cadora as an older woman, lying in bed, wracked with fits of coughing.

Her husband and children are at her side, barely holding back tears, tending to her every need.

A priestess of Hadrene arrives to provide last rites and a final blessing, though she does a poor job of hiding her disdain for the oathbreaker.

As soon as the blessing is complete, Cadora shuts her eyes.

Life leaves her. Her family can hold their grief back no longer, and weep for their loss.

Despite having just witnessed her own death once again, Cadora's shade smiles.

Perhaps it gives her peace to recall that her loved ones were with her in her final moments.

"I will now declare this soul's eternal fate."

Hadrene forms out of thin air and stands opposite to him, that is beside the soul.

"I truly can't perfectly judge your fate."

Surprised by his words, she blinks her eyes.

It's true, Adam felt rather a pity for her than giving her punishment for betraying Hadrene.

Even so, he can't grant her petition of servicing for internal.

"Your fate has been decided, you will be sent to adornick's realm, to be rewarded for your love and devotion towards your husband."

"Very well." Hadrene turns to the former acolyte's shade. "Cadora. You have been judged."

"You will be permitted to enter the Adornick's realm of love and beauty, to spend eternity enjoying peaceful communion with those who put love before all else."

She gasps her breath stunned by his judgment. "Th.. thank you." She stammers. "I did not think I will be able to escape the punishment of betraying Hadrene."

"I am truly grateful for you."

Hadrene sweeps her skeletal hand through the air and a softly glowing blue portal opens up directly beneath the shade.

Adam hears the sounds of merriment through it.. The portal swallows Cadora whole, then shuts a moment later.

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