Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 92 - Slained The Urgan

After a few hours of sneaking and travelling the group arrived at the centre of the island.

Urgran's advisors were at his castle in the centre of the island, at the top of the tallest hill.

It is a foreboding structure of dark grey stone, with archers patrolling the walls and swordsmen guarding every gate.

Because if all the 12 went in as a group it will raise suspicion, so Adam told them to divide into 6 groups, 2 people for one group.

His teammate was Velara, the blood blade.

Adma was slightly comfortable with her because she knows how to fight well, and also hasn't raised a question against him, till now.

He turned around and gazed at Velara who was already preparing herself to fight against the castle guards.

"Hey, We are not going to fight," Adam whispered.

"Huh?" Velara was a little perplexed "Then, how are we going to enter the castle."

"Who said that fighting is the only way."

Before she could say anything, Adam gestured her to say silent, "Follow me."

Adam calmly walked towards the guards and Velara closely followed him.

"We both want to join the imperial army."

The guards look them over, then look at each other and shrug. "General Partanis is addressing the recruits in the central courtyard. Better hurry."

"He doesn't respond well to tardiness."

They signal the archers on the wall above, and soon the gate is opened for

Adam and Velara.

After learning the directions from one of the soldiers they make their way to the central courtyard.

A towering man with greying hair and shining plate armour, presumably General Partanis, is running half a dozen recruits through a series of exercises.

He pauses when he sees Adam and Velara his eyes narrowing.

"Another recruit? No. You aren't from Sankos. Well, it not that I mind."

"But, Why the famous pirate queen is here, huh?"

Hearing his words, Adam was taken aback, he glanced at Velara, she just tilts her head innocently.

"Recruits! Seize them!"

Adam tries to shout something about just being to discuss, but the general isn't listening to him.

Nor are the terrified recruits, who are upon both then very quickly. Adam thought of fighting, but the archers already have arrows aimed at bot them.

Adam gestured Velara to quiet down and surrender.

Both of them are escorted to a dark and damp cell in the castle dungeons.

General Partanis orders the guards out of the cell immediately.

"Leave us. I will conduct this interrogation personally."

The general smiles sadistically until the guards are out of earshot. Then his expression softens.

"Alright. Which rebel group are you with? You can tell me. If you're with any of the established collectives, you should know you can trust me."

"I'm the only reason you all haven't been wiped out yet."

Adam only came to test and know his authority within the castles but, unfortunately now, he has no other way but to choose him as a hero.

'He does seem capable, and to have the loyalty of his soldiers.'

'Perhaps if I play to his strengths and empower him to lead them against Urgran, he could help me complete this trial.' 

Adam instructs Velara to tell him everything: their role as the Chosen of the 12, the Trial of Methris, we search for a hero to defeat Urgran.

"You're offering me the power to dethrone Urgran? To seize control of Sankos for myself?"

A grin spreads across Partanis' face. "Yes… yes. Of course, the Twelve would send someone to deliver Sankos to a proper ruler."

"Very well. Lead the way. But be warned: if this is a trap, you will suffer greatly."

Partanis removes you from the cell and leads both of them passed the guards, out of the castle.

After a few minutes, they arrive before the ship.

"This is it?" Partanis shouts upon seeing the landing site. "A single ship? I-"

The general is cut off by the golden light which heralds the arrival of Methris and his armoury.

Partanis stares in awe at the God of Smiths, appearing today in a form carved from jade.

"This is the hero, both have you have chosen?" He stoops to inspect him more closely.

"Interesting. Very well. Choose the artefact you will bestow upon them."

The beach is filled with amazing and powerful items for them to select.

Partanis seems too stunned to offer any input at the moment.

Adam took the cloak dark, foreboding shadows.

In fact, he had already decided to own this robe, when he first Methris showed his armoury.

'I will just give to him for defeating Urgan...after that, I will seize this from this meathead.'

Adam thought as he gave him this robe.

"The wearer of this cloak can become one with the shadows."

Methris explains, "As long as they stay within the darkness, they will be invisible and completely silent to their enemies."

'That some kind of  OP artefact.'

Velara chooses a golden sword.

As she hands over it to the Partanis, he gazes lingers at the sword for a quiet time.

Seeing this, Adam decided to gift her with this sword after the trial.

"There is no finer blade in existence than this one," Methris says with a small note of pride in his voice.

"It can cut through any armour made by mortals, and will never need to be sharpened. Even castle walls could be felled with such a blade."

"Very well." The God of Smiths vanishes along with his other treasures.

Partanis seems to regain a bit of his composure with one of the Twelve no longer in sight.

"You think these two items will give me enough power to slay Urgran?"

The general pretends to be unimpressed even though his eyes were drolling at the sword and robe.

"Hmm. Perhaps so."

The general gathers together the soldiers most loyal to him, assembling them in a barracks just outside the castle gates.

He has nearly a hundred willing to stand against Urgran despite the overwhelming odds against them.

"People of Sankos! Today is the day we end Urgran's tyranny once and for all!"

He holds the golden sword with impossible sharpness aloft and says.

"The Twelve have chosen me to rule, and given me their blessing to rule this land!"

"Today, we lead the charge and carry out their divine will!"

The general's soldiers cheer.

Partanis leads the assault from the front, charging into battle headfirst as he launches a surprise attack on Urgran's fortress.

After staining a few warriors he orders his soldiers to attack while he becomes invisible and kills many more of them without stopping.

After staining most of the guards.

Paris continues the offensive and marches straight for Urgran's throne room, commanding his warriors to follow him.

Hours later, rumours begin flying through the streets.

They say that a terrible battle took place in Urgran's throne room. The Emperor is dead.

General Partanis has decreed himself the new emperor and declared martial law.

Some of Urgran's other generals dispute Partanis' claim to the throne and have begun organizing their own loyal troops against him.

It seems civil war has come to Sankos.

But, it's none of his care.

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