Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1606 - Not Only Is Your Skin Itching for a Smack, But Your Mouth Is Also Foul

Chapter 1606: Not Only Is Your Skin Itching for a Smack, But Your Mouth Is Also Foul

The battle between Lanxin Company and T-K Group was going fiercely.

T-K Group was mired deep within Lanxin Company’s trap, completely unable to escape. Even if they no longer wished to fight, they had no choice but to see this battle to the end.

To the media and others in the business world, this battle was full of suspense. No one could be sure who would emerge the eventual victor.

But to Wen Xinya, this battle was a done deal.

Xu Zhenyu piped up. “Girl, I suddenly discovered that all those who went against you ended up in terrible states!”

Xu Zhenyu was looking at Wen Xinya with a rather complicated and obscure expression.

He couldn’t help recalling that bizarre dream. It was just a dream, but everything that happened within just felt so real. At one point, he truly believed that the dream was real.

He had been so anxious the entire day, worried that Ning Shuqian and Xia Ruya would harm Wen Xinya. He desperately wished to grow up and become a powerful protector that could shelter her from all dangers.

But how could that wretched-looking person in his dream be the strong and beautiful Wen Xinya?

It must be just a dream.

You would lose if you took it too seriously.

It was precisely because he took the dream seriously that he ended up being serious about Wen Xinya. And so, he lost.

Wen Xinya gave a slight start as she suddenly looked up at Xu Zhenyu. “Xu-er, do you find me very scary?”

Adept at sly tricks and manipulative methods. Sometimes, she felt she didn’t know herself anymore.

Xu Zhenyu leaned across the table and stared intensely at Wen Xinya’s face.

Feeling self-conscious, Wen Xinya smacked him on the face and asked rudely, “What are you looking at? Have you never seen a pretty girl?”

His peculiar stare disturbed her.

Xu Zhenyu rubbed his cheek. “I have seen my fair share of pretty girls, but it is my first time seeing a pretty girl who is crafty and dangerous at the same time.”

Xu Zhenyu had been paying close attention to T-K Group’s battle with Lanxin Company. Over the past year, he had witnessed the local health supplements brands being acquired one after the other by T-K Group. It frustrated him to see Country Z’s health supplements industry not fighting back.

He was worried that the domestic health supplements industry would collapse and Wen Xinya’s Lanxin Company would end up struggling all alone.

Who knew that his worries were completely unfounded.

He was well aware of how sharp Wen Xinya’s claws were. She was a vengeful girl, and all those who wished to go against her had better keep their eyes wide open. Otherwise, they might end up dead before they knew it.

Wen Xinya gave Xu Zhenyu a kick. “Xu-er, are you feeling itchy? Do you want me to help you scratch your itch?”

She cracked her knuckles as she said this. Her narrowed eyes held a dangerous glint, looking as threatening as Si Yiyan.

Xu Zhenyu scrambled off to a safe distance and grinned. “No need. Keep your scratching for your Ninth Si! I am a lonely, single man and cannot afford a pretty girl’s favors.”

Most people would not be able to withstand Wen Xinya’s wicked methods.

He smirked at the thought that Ninth Si must have had his hands full with this shrew.

But he couldn’t help feeling a sense of melancholy. If Wen Xinya could fall in love with him, he would immediately accept her, whether she was a shrew or not!

Wen Xinya gave a sad smile. “Xu-er, it’s been so long since I last saw you and you have become so cheeky and mouthy. I see that not only is your skin itching for a beating, but your mouth is also foul.”

When garbed in military attire, this guy totally looked the part of a colonel commanding his men.

But the moment he opened his mouth, he immediately betrayed his “idiocy”. One could not help but feel like smacking him.

Xu Zhenyu put on a swaggering and arrogant demeanor. “Don’t you know this is called the way of a soldier? We, soldiers, must know how to drink, eat meat and tell cheeky jokes. Only then can we go onto the battlefield.”

Life in the barracks was dull and the training tough. A bunch of grown men hanging out for days without a single girl in sight. When they got together, it was normal for them to drink and tell bawdy jokes. And Xu Zhenyu had more bawdy jokes than anyone of his own men.

But Wen Xinya didn’t know that.

She just started chortling loudly!

Xu Zhenyu glared at her. “What are you laughing at! You are just an ignorant woman. How could you understand the glory of being a soldier.”

He just sounded so comical when he was in a huff.

“Hahahaha...” Wen Xinya’s belly ached from laughing so hard and gasped between breaths. “Xu Zhenyu, I have not seen you for so long, your idiocy has reached new heights!”

How in the world did he become a colonel?

Thank goodness the army wasn’t under his family’s control. Otherwise, she would have suspected that the Xu family had helped to bribe his way in.

Xu Zhenyu smacked the table and glared at her sternly. “Adjust your attitude and be serious. We are going to begin the discussion on politics now.”

“Shut up...” Wen Xinya tried her best to stifle her laughter as she threw a chicken bone at Xu Zhenyu’s face.

Nevertheless, it must be said that Xu Zhenyu’s table-smacking display was rather intimidating. He had given her a start.

Xu Zhenyu was caught unawares and the bone smacked against his forehead. “Do you know what you just did? You are attacking a soldier. It is an extremely serious offense and you will be condemned for it. A girl from a proper family like you—refusing to learn how to be a demure lady, but instead behaving like a fierce tigress all day—it’s time that Ninth Si take you in hand.”

Without discipline, a woman would be up to no good!

It must be because Ninth Si failed to control her that Wen Xinya possessed such a bad temper.

A mischievous thought popped into his head. Most families had the husband as the head of the family. Perhaps in Ninth Si’s case, the wife was the dominant party!

Wen Xinya laughed till her head hurt. “Haha, stop fooling around!”

This guy looked so dignified when he was being serious.

Xu Zhenyu himself couldn’t hold back his laughter any longer. “Girl, although you are plain-looking, lacking in personality, bad-tempered and crafty, you do possess a nationalistic heart.

“Especially in this battle against T-K Group, you have displayed great patriotism and beaten T-K Group to the ground. It’s truly heartening to watch. So, overall, you are still an okay person. Not that scary...”

Wen Xinya had turned the fearsome and aggressive T-K Group into a tiger without fangs or claws.

Xu Zhenyu had never looked up to anyone in his life.

Except for Wen Xinya!

Wen Xinya couldn’t resist gritting her teeth. “Xu Zhenyu, I will fulfill your death-wish!”

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