A slash that sliced through the fabric of space was unleashed, as Maria activated the third and last Divine Ability within her amazing divine form, the {Abyssal Black Death Void}! It was the strongest magic spell she had, even more potent than All-Consuming Void and her Nether Star Skills combined. That, coupled with her scythe's ability to ignore physical defenses and directly damage a soul helped her slice through Hendrick's very soul!

An immense amount of agony permeated the greedy and vicious vampire's entire soul. His screams of agony reverberated across the entire desert port city. His soul wasn't just split into two, it quickly gained many more cracks, which spread across his soul, and then, as his soul exploded into pieces, this spread across his physical body.


Countless explosions burst out of his own body, flesh, blood, and innards tearing apart and exploding. Hendrick continued screaming, incapable of believing he was being overwhelmed to such an extent!

"Gryyyaaagggh! D-Dammit! I'm going to die! FUCK! AAARRGHH!"

As his flesh exploded into pieces and as he attempted to keep his broke soul together, Maria rushed forwards, her body suddenly surrounded by a dozen Void Stars at once, which she fired consecutively against his body. More and more explosions bombarded over Hendrick.

His giant tendrils grasped into the God Slayer Sword, using its gigantic size to block the magic attacks. His black and white flames unleashed storms with each wave of the sword towards Maria. The ghost woman barely managed to evade them, some hitting her directly and weakening her, only for her Void Mantle to quickly delete them off her body.

"HENDRICK! I am not stopping until you're dead!"

Maria ruthlessly started slashing his body into pieces with her scythe. Tanking all sorts of magic spells Hendrick conjured to defend himself. Her body was so tough she simply bounced off most damage easily! His God Slayer Sword was literally the only thing keeping him from instantly dying.

"No...! This can't be true! I haven't even... They are not even here yet...!" Hendrick thought, gritting his countless jaws. His body had already been reduced to below half of what it was in just a couple of seconds. His regeneration could simply not keep up with Maria's consecutive attacks. "I have to... I have to use that thing! If I can absorb or devour it, I might recover! And it will cause a lot of emotional damage on that bitch!" He thought, thinking himself a genius.



And as if things couldn't get any worse for him, something happened. A gigantic stake made of holy light descended towards the chimeric aberration he had made by fusing all the people he kept prisoner down here. His eyes widened as thousands of chains wrapped around the monstrous being, putting it on a status of stupor and sleep!

And once she decided to come to Goldsand, he knew that he had to do everything he could to

stop her.

However, the news about her defeating two gods never arrived, as there were no actual witnessers other than the gods themselves.

Therefore, although he was prepared, he never thought Maria would have already reached

such a level of strength!

"T-This is my only choice now...!"

Regretfully, what remained of his soul and flesh suddenly touched the sword's blade, letting

the blade itself pierce him completely.


Maria glanced in disbelief at what Hendrick did, before seeing the sword glow with a

malicious black and red aura.

A crimson eye opened on its handle, as it devoured Hendrick's soul fragments and remaining

flesh and blood.

And became something else.


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