Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 429: Rotate! Flower Of Tall Peak!

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As Yaeger's words echoed through the air, the [Flower of Tall Peak] reacted instantaneously. In a burst of radiant white light, it vanished with a soft puff. What remained was a captivating sight—a resplendent white flower blooming before her, but it appeared ethereal, as if it were a mere projection.

The flower boasted an astonishing 108 petals, some of which were adorned with the names of various skills, while others remained blank, holding untapped potential. Without warning, the giant white flower began to spin, gaining momentum with each passing second.

Perplexed gazes filled the battlefield as humans and beasts alike tried to comprehend the purpose behind this enigmatic display. None could fathom why this ethereal flower had manifested or why it spun with such intensity.

The ice lizard and boar, once poised to attack, found themselves hesitating, their wary eyes fixed upon the spinning [Flower of Tall Peak]. Likewise, the remaining Magic Beasts and Omega, now on their feet, felt a surge of unease and heightened vigilance. None dared to approach, for the nature of this rotating white flower remained shrouded in uncertainty.

Could it be a devastating weapon, capable of turning their advance into their own demise? The weight of this question hung heavily in the air, amplifying the tension that permeated the battlefield.

In the midst of this tense standoff, the atmosphere thickened with an air of foreboding. The frustrated cute figure above clenched her fists tightly, her anger surging. She longed to swoop down and give those fools a proper beating. However, she alone knew that the projection before them held no offensive capabilities.

The Magic Beasts, oblivious to this fact, viewed the spinning [Flower of Tall Peak] with trepidation. The mantis, wolf, and scorpion, having been bested by Yaeger earlier, cowered in fear. Likewise, the lizard and boar, witnessing Yaeger's prowess firsthand, exercised caution and refrained from making any reckless moves.

As for Omega, his desire to crawl away in the most inconspicuous manner grew stronger. The once-proud member of the Direct Army and self-proclaimed embodiment of strength abandoned his honor and pride without hesitation. Survival took precedence above all else.

The [Flower of Tall Peak] continued its rapid spin, reaching its apex within a fraction of a second. And then, just as swiftly, it began to wilt. Petals, initially blank, were released one by one, dissipating into shimmering particles of light. But soon, the subsequent petals bore inscriptions, each revealing the name of a powerful skill.

[Shadow Skulk].

[Ancient Celestial Sword Formation].

[Phantom Step].

[Shadow Strike].

Petals, with or without inscriptions, continued to be ejected and dissipated into thin air. These were the skills and special effects that hadn't been chosen.

The [Flower of Tall Peak] possessed a single special effect – the ability to randomly increase the activation rate of a skill or special effect by 5% to 50%. Normally, this special effect held no value for Yaeger, whose luck was so exceptionally high that regular skills and effects activated with a 100% success rate. However, certain unique skills and special effects proved more elusive, such as the rare trigger of [One Hit Kill] from the special effect of [Sword Manipulation], which boasted a mere 1% chance of activation.

Despite the short cooldown of thirty seconds for [Sword Manipulation], Yaeger's luck of 666 wasn't sufficient to trigger it. This illustrated the difficulty in activating these special effects. The true potential of the [Flower of Tall Peak] lay in its capacity to enhance the activation rate of these elusive special effects, albeit with a one-time use limitation. If luck was on her side, this could be the turning point in the battle.

Thus, Yaeger now sought to test her luck and determine just how fortunate she was.

In a climactic moment, the [Flower of Tall Peak] began to spin rapidly, unveiling its exquisite flower core, accompanied by a solitary remaining petal. The entire process unfolded in less than three seconds, yet it seemed to stretch on for what felt like an eternity to onlookers.

"Heh, jackpot," Yaeger exclaimed, her expression brightening as she read the skill's name inscribed on the petal before her. It was a skill she had yet to utilize, but its formidable power was widely acknowledged. It was none other than [God Slayer], an ability derived from the realm of [Advanced Sword Skill].

To clarify, the [Flower of Tall Peak] hadn't directly selected [God Slayer] itself; rather, it had chosen its special effect: [Celestial Carnage Sword Formation], which originally possessed a mere 1% activation rate. In an astounding turn of events, the petal's revelation caused the flower projection to vanish instantly, as if it had never left, only to reappear atop Yaeger's head once more.

Simultaneously, a skill window materialized in front of her, displaying comprehensive information about [God Slayer]. Notably, the activation rate of [Celestial Carnage Sword Formation] had experienced a miraculous surge, skyrocketing from 1% to an impressive 25%.

"I must say, luck is on my side," Yaeger remarked, nodding with satisfaction. The additional 24% activation rate bestowed upon a special effect of such caliber was undeniably remarkable.

"Not bad, one in four." Yaeger remarked, her gaze shifting towards the five Magic Beasts and Omega with a solemn expression and an unwavering stare.

"Now, behold the prowess of my sword skills," Yaeger declared, activating [God Slayer] without hesitation.

The entire expanse of the white dimension trembled abruptly. In an instant, an overwhelmingly terrifying aura surged forth from within Yaeger, permeating the surroundings in all directions. The sheer weight of this oppressive presence caused discomfort and forced everyone present to bow their heads instinctively.

With a resounding clang, [Sunscorch] unsheathed itself automatically, hovering in front of Yaeger. Strangely, its blade remained devoid of any flames.

Yaeger extended her hand and grasped the hilt.

In that very moment, a peculiar transformation overtook [Sunscorch]. The once-dazzling blade underwent a rapid metamorphosis, its hilt turning pitch black in an instant, followed closely by the blade itself.

In an explosive display, an immensely horrifying, oppressive, and commanding surge of sword energy emanated from the newly transformed [Sunscorch], rippling outward like a pulsating wave.

Caught off guard, all those present, humans and beasts alike, found themselves incapable of reacting as the pulsating wave surged through their beings.

With another resounding clang, the sword energy flashed, cleaving through enemies as they were torn asunder, reduced to mere fragments in its wake.

"Ah!" Yunuen and Little Fairy exclaimed simultaneously, their bodies tensing up in response. They breathed a sigh of relief as they realized that they remained unharmed.

Just moments ago, they had witnessed their own bodies being torn apart by the menacing sword energy—an experience that sent shivers down their spines. Thankfully, it was nothing more than an illusion.

Alicia's pupils narrowed, displaying a faint hint of discomfort. Although her condition seemed better compared to Yunuen and Little Fairy, she, too, was affected by the illusory display.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Pixie and the others watched in shock and astonishment as they witnessed the sudden transformation of Princess through the live broadcast.

As the black [Sunscorch] released its terrifying sword energy, Yaeger's jet-black hair swirled around her, while her body emitted a soft, radiant white light. The light swiftly condensed, transforming into divine white robes that draped over her form. She became enveloped in a divine aura.

In that moment, Yaeger's demeanor shifted, making her appear as an indomitable goddess of war descending from the heavens. The scene fell into an eerie silence as everyone's gaze remained fixed upon her. Their hearts trembled with a mixture of awe and fear.

In their minds, a single word echoed: Heaven.

This person—or rather, this god—had come from the heavens above.

As all beings present stood in a daze, their thoughts racing, Yaeger's voice suddenly pierced the silence.

"The blade arrived from the West, as the divine ascends to the heavens."

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