Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 532: Gradually Changing Heart

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The video of S.K.Y. and Taurus undergoing public torment at the hands of Princess swiftly circulated across game forums and real-life social media, sparking widespread debate.

Amidst the derision they faced, a growing number of players began to fear Black-hearted Princess even more intensely. Provoking her was out of the question; avoidance was key—they must steer clear of her at all costs! She was a veritable demon!

Luckily, the game was divided into separate servers. Without server merges, players from different regions would never encounter her. Players in the Linhnan server had no choice but to accept the harsh reality and pray they never inadvertently offended her. Otherwise, they risked becoming the next subject of global mockery.

At present, S.K.Y. and Taurus served as prime examples. As the internet community reveled, Yaeger and Irene had already embarked on a luxurious Beast Carriage and departed from Jade City.

Within the confines of the carriage.

"Here you go." Yaeger extended the Holy Spirit Shard.

Irene cast a brief glance at the shard and quietly accepted it, thinking to herself, ‘I've become an accomplice now.'

Having observed S.K.Y. and Taurus endure over ten minutes of relentless whipping, descending into a pitiful state, she realized the formidable beauty before her harbored immense danger.

‘Even though I'm unaware of the grudges she bore against them, the extent of her actions was alarming. Moreover, she instructed me to partially heal them only to continue the whipping… It's somewhat terrifying.'

She was certainly familiar with tales about her, yet she had never imagined her cruelty to be this profound. The memory of their horrendous expressions as they pleaded for mercy sent shivers down Irene's spine.

While one side of their flesh was mercilessly torn, the other was magically healed, subjecting them to unending, excruciating pain. The misery was too profound, the horror too palpable!

‘Surely, I won't be subjected to the same treatment, right?'

Contemplating this, Irene involuntarily recoiled in fear. She momentarily forgot that her own strength surpassed Yaeger's.

Fretting over such matters was futile. At least, for the present moment.

"Shall we begin?" Noticing her stillness and fluctuating expressions, Yaeger inquired.

"Yes, let's proceed!" Snapping back to reality, Irene's demeanor shifted subtly as she immediately channeled holy power into the Holy Spirit Shard.

"You seem unwell. Could it be motion sickness?" Yaeger inquired with concern.

"No, truly, I'm alright!" Irene mustered a strained smile as she continued to infuse the shard with holy energy.

"Worried about earlier? Oh, that was merely a prank. Pay it no mind."

Yaeger offered a smile of feigned innocence.


‘As if I'll believe you!' A twitch of Irene's eyelids betrayed her inward scream of disbelief.

Can such ruthless public torture truly be dismissed as merely a prank?

"Had it not been a prank, their necks would've been snapped," Yaeger remarked.

At those words, Irene recoiled even more. Retrospectively, she questioned the wisdom of her alliance with her.

"Rest assured, you're my friend. I would never harm my friends," Yaeger reassured with a serene smile, gently patting her shoulder.

"Really… is that truly so?" Irene inquired, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Absolutely. I cherish my friends deeply," Yaeger affirmed, settling next to her and embracing her shoulder. "Do you not find me gentle?"

Enveloped by the softness and sweet scent of her companion, Irene likened herself to a bee enchanted by the allure of a lush garden. The thought of departure became unthinkable!

Observing her dazed expression, Yaeger's lips curved into a contemplative smirk.

‘Hehe, it seems like having a high Charm stat can be useful sometimes.'

Yaeger deemed Irene a worthy ally, seeing her as a potent source of power and recognizing her formidable strength as the Saintess. Utilizing her charm to secure this alliance held no moral conflict for her.

‘Wait, have I grown too accustomed to this female form? Snap out of it, Yaeger, you are male!'

The realization of her shifting mindset sent a shiver down Yaeger's spine.

‘No, this can't go on. Dispelling [Dream Transformation] is imperative!'

Regrettably, completing Alicia's questline was her sole option, with no alternatives in sight. Moreover, even upon completion, full access to the [Saint Demon Roulette] would still elude her.

It was a known adage that only the cause can undo its effect. Believing she could dispel the transformation without the roulette was sheer folly.

‘Oh, my head hurts.'

Gripped by a headache, Yaeger, without realizing, tightened her hold on Irene, causing the latter to gasp and blush more deeply.

‘Perhaps siding with the villain isn't such a terrible notion after all~'

As Yaeger grappled with her headache and Irene basked in contentment… Meanwhile, in reality, within a grand mansion in Huadu.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Taurus, in a fit of rage, cleared the table of all its tableware with a sweeping gesture, screaming at the top of his lungs.

Eventually regaining his composure after what seemed like an eternity, he stared blankly ahead, his eyes bloodshot, fists clenched tightly. Never in his life had he experienced such profound humiliation. This feeling surpassed even the dread of death!

There had been a time he was whipped by an NPC for breaking Jade City's rules—a humiliating experience, but one he had no power to avoid. After all, he broke the rules.

Yet, the whipping and torture at the hands of Black-hearted Princess were on a completely different level. This was sheer humiliation—public humiliation, no less! Now, players and non-players alike, across the globe, mocked him!

Fury. A towering rage, potent enough to disperse clouds, surged through his heart.

"Black-hearted Princess, I vow to end you!" Venting his frustrations, he punched his sofa and bellowed into the void.

Ring ring! Suddenly, his phone began to ring, its volume escalating with each tone.

With fury boiling inside him, Taurus glowered at the phone resting on the coffee table.

‘Who dares disturb me now? Are they seeking trouble?'

Swiftly, he snatched the phone, gearing up to hurl it to the ground, but paused upon seeing the caller ID: Old man.

The caller was his father. ‘To answer or not?'

Taurus found himself ensnared in a quandary.

Meanwhile, S.K.Y. simmered with equal fury. Every movable object within the room lay shattered.

"Huff… Huff…Huff…I despise you!" S.K.Y., sprawled on his bed, pummeled the mattress, eyes wide open, gazing at the ceiling.

Every fiber of his being seethed with hatred for Black-hearted Princess.

"I'll annihilate you! End you! Destroy you!"

Given the chance, S.K.Y. would have dismembered her and fed her remains to the dogs. Alas, his weakness meant he could only endure public humiliation by Black-hearted Princess, powerless to retaliate.

"Strength, I must have strength!"

Abruptly rising, S.K.Y. clenched his fists, shouting with manic intensity.

Sunlight, sneaking through the curtain gap, bathed him, casting a deep shadow beneath. Abruptly, within that shadow, a pair of blood-red eyes materialized, glaring intensely from behind.

An eerie aura began to permeate the room.

Concurrently, within the [City of Chaos].

"Little Blue, I'm famished. Is there anything to eat?" Vera 17, having just awakened, wandered out in search of sustenance, encountering Little Blue in her quest.

"There was, but I've already eaten it," Little Blue confessed honestly.

Upon hearing this, Vera 17's face contorted as if she had just witnessed an apocalypse.

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